First they came for the billionaires...

Communist Lizzy Cheekbones is coming after US wealth, starting with the billionaires on the theory that it will only take a few billionaires to fund both her $52 Trillion Mediscam for All and $90 Trillion Green New Deal.

She, being a complete fucking psychopath and fraud, has no respect for the notion of Private Property.

Can't wait to toss the Stalinist democrats on the ash heap of current events

Your masters are pleased with your obedience.

Good boy.

What Masters you fucking retard?

The ones that have convinced you to use your free time to post on an internet message board about how billionaires are so unfairly targeted.

You're the perfect minion. Be proud.

I worked for a real estate developer who became a billionaire, those were the best years of my working life. You have no idea how business works, just a Marxist guide to Capitalism. You're missing out on so much
The problem I see with this whole thread, is not a question of "taxation," but more, a question of how we assign value to currency, and it's relationship to government.

Will we allow quasi-private entities, colluding with pols. that have machinations, to inflate the currency, thus devaluing it and robbing the populace of their purchasing power?

Of course, for the central government, this works well, it makes it easier for them to get out of debt, makes collecting larger amounts of taxes easier, it does all sorts of things that benefit ruling elites and the powerful, but most of all, it creates class warfare, distracting folks from what is really going on.

Rulers at that point, are not the ones responsible for economic trends, and the masses of course will cry for economic justice, but as long as the central bank destroys the value for the means of exchange? Forget about it. There will be no true prosperity, no real economic justice, and the solution is NOT to destroy the free market, nor is it to surrender to the predations of the robber barons that control all three branches of the central government, the lobby groups, the intelligence agencies, AND the press.

They don't care about this argument, either side, they really don't. Either way, they will STILL be in charge. Leave "corporatism" alone? They will just get more rich while the workers labor away and never get ahead, while losing retirement and life expectancy. Give them socialism? They will be the masters and everyone will just get more poor. . . :FIREdevil: As long as there is a CENTRAL BANK, controlling the value of the currency and making it more debt based upon debt based, creating more inflation upon more inflation? They will always get more rich while the poor lose their land, their living standards, the health and life style.

I simple DO NOT understand how a political forum has so lost it's way, and forgot the warning of our founding fathers, nor why we revolted from the mother nation in the first place. IT WAS FOR THIS VERY REASON!!!


". . . Nixon’s promise that “your dollar will be worth just as much tomorrow as it is today” has, of course, been completely falsified. The 2014 dollar is worth only 15 cents in 1971 terms, buying 85% less than it did in 1971. Some bugaboo. All of Nixon's other rationalizations for going off gold also have been falsified.

The closing of the gold window turned out to be the slamming of the golden door to social mobility and equitable prosperity. In the wake of the closing of the gold window median family income stagnated, never again experiencing secular recovery. Meanwhile the income of the wealthy has continued to grow apace. This has produced the very income inequality so loudly denounced by progressives who, ironically, are the last defenders of the very policy which is the probable cause of our inequitable prosperity. . . . "
Pat Buchanan Ignores The Underlying Reason Richard Nixon Was Forced To Resign


Milton Friedman advised Nixon on that too :(
Communist Lizzy Cheekbones is coming after US wealth, starting with the billionaires on the theory that it will only take a few billionaires to fund both her $52 Trillion Mediscam for All and $90 Trillion Green New Deal.

She, being a complete fucking psychopath and fraud, has no respect for the notion of Private Property.

Can't wait to toss the Stalinist democrats on the ash heap of current events

Your masters are pleased with your obedience.

Good boy.

What Masters you fucking retard?

The ones that have convinced you to use your free time to post on an internet message board about how billionaires are so unfairly targeted.

You're the perfect minion. Be proud.

I worked for a real estate developer who became a billionaire, those were the best years of my working life. You have no idea how business works, just a Marxist guide to Capitalism. You're missing out on so much
You this is how to get rich. Buy something, throw the people out, make luxury apartments for the other shits. Disgusting.
Communist Lizzy Cheekbones is coming after US wealth, starting with the billionaires on the theory that it will only take a few billionaires to fund both her $52 Trillion Mediscam for All and $90 Trillion Green New Deal.

She, being a complete fucking psychopath and fraud, has no respect for the notion of Private Property.

Can't wait to toss the Stalinist democrats on the ash heap of current events
Nobody's coming for the billionaires and stop sucking rich ass
Communist Lizzy Cheekbones is coming after US wealth, starting with the billionaires on the theory that it will only take a few billionaires to fund both her $52 Trillion Mediscam for All and $90 Trillion Green New Deal.

She, being a complete fucking psychopath and fraud, has no respect for the notion of Private Property.

Can't wait to toss the Stalinist democrats on the ash heap of current events

Your masters are pleased with your obedience.

Good boy.
So why would billionaires support the democrat party knowing they support the lose of all their wealth?
Communist Lizzy Cheekbones is coming after US wealth, starting with the billionaires on the theory that it will only take a few billionaires to fund both her $52 Trillion Mediscam for All and $90 Trillion Green New Deal.

She, being a complete fucking psychopath and fraud, has no respect for the notion of Private Property.

Can't wait to toss the Stalinist democrats on the ash heap of current events
Nobody's coming for the billionaires and stop sucking rich ass
Lizzy Cheekbones said she was.

Also i worked for a billionaire and it was fun. Unlike you and Stalin - no sucking
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It is a good thing to take their money. Otherwise those nice green bills only rot as each fat shot wants to be the fattest shot on the deathbed. They are the true parasites that avoided any public service during their entire lives.
Whether the back-taken money is invested good or not, is another issue.

No it's not ok for the state to confiscate private property. People like you aren't real bright.
Communist Lizzy Cheekbones is coming after US wealth, starting with the billionaires on the theory that it will only take a few billionaires to fund both her $52 Trillion Mediscam for All and $90 Trillion Green New Deal.

She, being a complete fucking psychopath and fraud, has no respect for the notion of Private Property.

Can't wait to toss the Stalinist democrats on the ash heap of current events

Your masters are pleased with your obedience.

Good boy.

What Masters you fucking retard?

The ones that have convinced you to use your free time to post on an internet message board about how billionaires are so unfairly targeted.

You're the perfect minion. Be proud.

I worked for a real estate developer who became a billionaire, those were the best years of my working life. You have no idea how business works, just a Marxist guide to Capitalism. You're missing out on so much
You this is how to get rich. Buy something, throw the people out, make luxury apartments for the other shits. Disgusting.
Riiiiight. The guy I worked for now owns 60,000 affordable apartment units
Communist Lizzy Cheekbones is coming after US wealth, starting with the billionaires on the theory that it will only take a few billionaires to fund both her $52 Trillion Mediscam for All and $90 Trillion Green New Deal.

She, being a complete fucking psychopath and fraud, has no respect for the notion of Private Property.

Can't wait to toss the Stalinist democrats on the ash heap of current events

Your masters are pleased with your obedience.

Good boy.
So why would billionaires support the democrat party knowing they support the lose of all their wealth?

Well for starters because no one is proposing the loss of all their wealth. But of course that's what your owners told you to say.
Communist Lizzy Cheekbones is coming after US wealth, starting with the billionaires on the theory that it will only take a few billionaires to fund both her $52 Trillion Mediscam for All and $90 Trillion Green New Deal.

She, being a complete fucking psychopath and fraud, has no respect for the notion of Private Property.

Can't wait to toss the Stalinist democrats on the ash heap of current events

Your masters are pleased with your obedience.

Good boy.
So why would billionaires support the democrat party knowing they support the lose of all their wealth?

Well for starters because no one is proposing the loss of all their wealth. But of course that's what your owners told you to say.
Sure they aren't just like they weren't proposing to confiscate guns until some loudmouths drunk on popularity openned up the plan.
When a leftist say were don't want to do that all I hear and see is we don't want to do it but we are going to do it.
Your denial is proof you are a liar or just delusional.
Communist Lizzy Cheekbones is coming after US wealth, starting with the billionaires on the theory that it will only take a few billionaires to fund both her $52 Trillion Mediscam for All and $90 Trillion Green New Deal.

She, being a complete fucking psychopath and fraud, has no respect for the notion of Private Property.

Can't wait to toss the Stalinist democrats on the ash heap of current events

Your masters are pleased with your obedience.

Good boy.
So why would billionaires support the democrat party knowing they support the lose of all their wealth?

Well for starters because no one is proposing the loss of all their wealth. But of course that's what your owners told you to say.
Nobody is giving Lizzy a free helicopter ride either
It is a good thing to take their money. Otherwise those nice green bills only rot as each fat shot wants to be the fattest shot on the deathbed. They are the true parasites that avoided any public service during their entire lives.
Whether the back-taken money is invested good or not, is another issue.

No it's not ok for the state to confiscate private property. People like you aren't real bright.
Unless it´s the poor peoples´ money, right? As I said before, you are billionaire socialists, slavery and feudalism is the result of your system. The rich guys are richer when the average guys have more money, that is what they never get and if you let them loose, hell breaks out.
It is a good thing to take their money. Otherwise those nice green bills only rot as each fat shot wants to be the fattest shot on the deathbed. They are the true parasites that avoided any public service during their entire lives.
Whether the back-taken money is invested good or not, is another issue.

No it's not ok for the state to confiscate private property. People like you aren't real bright.
Unless it´s the poor peoples´ money, right? As I said before, you are billionaire socialists, slavery and feudalism is the result of your system. The rich guys are richer when the average guys have more money, that is what they never get and if you let them loose, hell breaks out.
Rich people don't hold onto their money unless they can't make more
When the rich invest the economy grows causing poor people to be able to have a job. You take the riches money poor people don't get to work. It's a fact of life.

“An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects”

― Martin Luther
Your masters are pleased with your obedience.

Good boy.

What Masters you fucking retard?

The ones that have convinced you to use your free time to post on an internet message board about how billionaires are so unfairly targeted.

You're the perfect minion. Be proud.

I worked for a real estate developer who became a billionaire, those were the best years of my working life. You have no idea how business works, just a Marxist guide to Capitalism. You're missing out on so much
You this is how to get rich. Buy something, throw the people out, make luxury apartments for the other shits. Disgusting.
Riiiiight. The guy I worked for now owns 60,000 affordable apartment units
Yeah, sure, Samaritans everywhere.

"We started our endeavor with the development of affordable luxury apartments in two incredible residential communities at the highly coveted and exclusive Jumeirah Village Circle in Dubai."
It is a good thing to take their money. Otherwise those nice green bills only rot as each fat shot wants to be the fattest shot on the deathbed. They are the true parasites that avoided any public service during their entire lives.
Whether the back-taken money is invested good or not, is another issue.
/——/ We should take all your money and personal possessions and give it away to illegals who have less than you do. Just to be fair of course. Libs are all about fairness.
What Masters you fucking retard?

The ones that have convinced you to use your free time to post on an internet message board about how billionaires are so unfairly targeted.

You're the perfect minion. Be proud.

I worked for a real estate developer who became a billionaire, those were the best years of my working life. You have no idea how business works, just a Marxist guide to Capitalism. You're missing out on so much
You this is how to get rich. Buy something, throw the people out, make luxury apartments for the other shits. Disgusting.
Riiiiight. The guy I worked for now owns 60,000 affordable apartment units
Yeah, sure, Samaritans everywhere.

"We started our endeavor with the development of affordable luxury apartments in two incredible residential communities at the highly coveted and exclusive Jumeirah Village Circle in Dubai."
and one of the warlords will come and take it all away.
It is a good thing to take their money. Otherwise those nice green bills only rot as each fat shot wants to be the fattest shot on the deathbed. They are the true parasites that avoided any public service during their entire lives.
Whether the back-taken money is invested good or not, is another issue.

No it's not ok for the state to confiscate private property. People like you aren't real bright.
Unless it´s the poor peoples´ money, right? As I said before, you are billionaire socialists, slavery and feudalism is the result of your system. The rich guys are richer when the average guys have more money, that is what they never get and if you let them loose, hell breaks out.
Rich people don't hold onto their money unless they can't make more
When the rich invest the economy grows causing poor people to be able to have a job. You take the riches money poor people don't get to work. It's a fact of life.
That´s just big shot propaganda. They are keeping the money, even go to the food bank. You can see their luxury cars at the discounters. Of course, there are also normal guys but I guess the majority has lost touch with the ground, they consider themselves gods among men. In reality, they are totally incapable and if they had to survive on the labor market, that´s it. Merely useless creatures that do not even have fun. They just want more money that they then also won´t spend but bunker as if they could take it to the afterlife.
It is a good thing to take their money. Otherwise those nice green bills only rot as each fat shot wants to be the fattest shot on the deathbed. They are the true parasites that avoided any public service during their entire lives.
Whether the back-taken money is invested good or not, is another issue.
/——/ We should take all your money and personal possessions and give it away to illegals who have less than you do. Just to be fair of course. Libs are all about fairness.
No, that is not appropriate. Take the money from the rich, instead, it doesn´t hurt them or limit them in any way.
The ones that have convinced you to use your free time to post on an internet message board about how billionaires are so unfairly targeted.

You're the perfect minion. Be proud.

I worked for a real estate developer who became a billionaire, those were the best years of my working life. You have no idea how business works, just a Marxist guide to Capitalism. You're missing out on so much
You this is how to get rich. Buy something, throw the people out, make luxury apartments for the other shits. Disgusting.
Riiiiight. The guy I worked for now owns 60,000 affordable apartment units
Yeah, sure, Samaritans everywhere.

"We started our endeavor with the development of affordable luxury apartments in two incredible residential communities at the highly coveted and exclusive Jumeirah Village Circle in Dubai."
and one of the warlords will come and take it all away.
Big shot eats big shot (unless there are some more poor to squeeze).

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