First they complained about the makeup of the commission.........

Jurors can ask questions in many courts actually. Its just not used regularly
no they can't, that's absurd and I can't believe you actually posted it. No juror in the life of our system has ever asked a witness on the stand a question. EVER. go away brain dead.
Of course they are investigators. They've conducted interviews, reviewed documents, issued subpoenas.
that isn't investigating anything. sorry to break your bubble. The FBI investigates. This is a kangaroo sleep over. They are legislatures, they legislate. You should really learn about the branches of government.
Again, every panel member who was in the Capital that day is a material witness.

As witnesses to the events from the inside of the building, they all were, whereas the two that were rejected were witnesses to the Trump Plot.
If he had won, he wouldn’t be whining so loudly

Instead, he gets to watch REPUBLICANS a testify as to what was said behind closed doors…..a political blunder on his part

Even Trumps favorite daughter is testifying against him
Why are we talking about this when the latest breaking news has Hunter Biden calling "The Big Guy" a Pedophile and Joe's daughter accusing Joe Biden of taking naked showers with her when she was a teenager and running his hands all over her naked teenage daughter?

Do you approve of having a president who's daughter and son accuse him of rape, incest and pedophilia?

Joe's son and Joe's daughter accused Joe of being an Incestuous Pedophile so why don't you believe them?

Why won't you criticize Joe for raping his own children?
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That's the most stupid thing anyone has said on this thread.

Oh, wow!

I did not realize that a Republican president had spoken to a republican Congressman for 10 minutes, something that the congressman has already said happened. I guess that is the real bombshell, huh?

So, Jordan could tell us exactly what Trump was thinking. Maybe even better than mind reader Rachel Maddow.

Your point is idiotic. All of the members of Congress were involved in the January 6th riots. If knowing material facts is a disqualifier, then nobody in congress could be on that committee. But for sure Nancy Pelosi should have to recuse herself from anything to do with it. She was the captain of that ship, and set up the conditions for it to nearly sink.
The jury is the public. They can take what they've learned and make a decision about what they think of it.
well there's none of them asking questions on the panel are they? Why would Jordan be a juror if he's on the panel? come on man, I'm waiting on your answer.
Ayres explained that he arrived in D.C. on Jan. 6 because of Trump’s invitation. “The president, you know, got everybody riled up,” he said. “So we basically just were following what he said. … I was already worked up, and so were most of the people there.” He now realizes the vast conspiracy theory to steal the election would have been impossible and acknowledges that he was immune to contrary logic because of social media.
Van Tatenhove likewise now recognizes members of the Oath Keepers as “straight-up racists” and he refuses to indulge in the Republican National Committee’s lie that the insurrection was “legitimate political discourse.” As he declared on Tuesday, “We need to quit mincing words and just talk about truths, and what it was going to be was an armed revolution.” He described Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes as “always looking for ways to legitimize what he was doing,” not unlike Trump.
Oh, wow!

I did not realize that a Republican president had spoken to a republican Congressman for 10 minutes, something that the congressman has already said happened. I guess that is the real bombshell, huh?

So, Jordan could tell us exactly what Trump was thinking. Maybe even better than mind reader Rachel Maddow.

Your point is idiotic. All of the members of Congress were involved in the January 6th riots. If knowing material facts is a disqualifier, then nobody in congress could be on that committee. But for sure Nancy Pelosi should have to recuse herself from anything to do with it. She was the captain of that ship, and set up the conditions for it to nearly sink.
they all must recuse, they were all victims and as such all potential witnesses. It can't get anymore kangarooing.
As witnesses to the events from the inside of the building, they all were, whereas the two that were rejected were witnesses to the Trump Plot.
Why do you believe these lying fools in a kangaroo court which has no legal authority and you don't believe Joe's daughter who said he repeatedly molested her in the shower when he took naked showers with her, touched her all over when she was a sexually mature teenager, and why don't you believe Hunter Biden when he said his dad was a Pedophile and called him Pedo Peter The Hair Sniffing Child Eater?

Seems to me Joe is a threat to National Security. So why won't you denounce the child raping pedo incestuous senile Joe Biden?
Ayres explained that he arrived in D.C. on Jan. 6 because of Trump’s invitation. “The president, you know, got everybody riled up,” he said. “So we basically just were following what he said. … I was already worked up, and so were most of the people there.” He now realizes the vast conspiracy theory to steal the election would have been impossible and acknowledges that he was immune to contrary logic because of social media.
Van Tatenhove likewise now recognizes members of the Oath Keepers as “straight-up racists” and he refuses to indulge in the Republican National Committee’s lie that the insurrection was “legitimate political discourse.” As he declared on Tuesday, “We need to quit mincing words and just talk about truths, and what it was going to be was an armed revolution.” He described Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes as “always looking for ways to legitimize what he was doing,” not unlike Trump.
dude, I don't care about any of that, answer my question on Jordan. come on, man up dude. got no balls huh?
As witnesses to the events from the inside of the building, they all were, whereas the two that were rejected were witnesses to the Trump Plot.
they are all ineligible if those two are ineligible. it's quite simple. blind, you'll lose this. victim's can't be impartial.
well there's none of them asking questions on the panel are they? Why would Jordan be a juror if he's on the panel? come on man, I'm waiting on your answer.
How is it possible you keep asking these ridiculously inane questions? Jordan was rejected because he has testimony that is pertinent to the investigation. Like telling the committee what he spoke to Trump about on 1/6.
How is it possible you keep asking these ridiculously inane questions? Jordan was rejected because he has knowledge that is pertinent to the investigation. Like telling the committee what he spoke to Trump about on 1/6.
When they denied the Republicans their choice of who sits on the panel, they removed any legitimacy the panel had.

The Dems didn't agree to shit, they dictated their terms.
But the Republicans chose people who wouldn't be Nazi Piglosi lapdogs, so they were nixed.

Yep, ZERO credibility with this Clown Show.
How is it possible you keep asking these ridiculously inane questions? Jordan was rejected because he has testimony that is pertinent to the investigation. Like telling the committee what he spoke to Trump about on 1/6.
how is it different than all the other witnesses on the panel right now? He would be a panelist, not a witness. you're still fked in the hole between your ears. Leviticus said he couldn't be a juror. I'm still waiting @Leviticus how he would be a juror?
If he had won, he wouldn’t be whining so loudly
Do you often complain about winning?
Instead, he gets to watch REPUBLICANS a testify as to what was said behind closed doors…..a political blunder on his part

No. A usurpation of power by the Dims who will eventually rue the day they decided to behave in this sordid fashion. But I wouldn’t imagine they’d call any Democrats who were in the White House at the time because — ya know — it wasn’t a Democrap administration.

No political blunder by McCarthy or by Trump. Just another demonstration by the insatiable power hungry Dims of their disregard for fairness. And again, I will heartily enjoy watching the turning of the tables.
Even Trumps favorite daughter is testifying against him
Wrong. She testified, but that’s not “against” President Trump. Your comment is just more proof that your view is jaundiced and not reliable. Face it. You’re still just hack.
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that isn't investigating anything.
You can't be this stupid. They are investigating the events surrounding 1/6. Wait......maybe you are that stupid and you are doing your best to understand. Is your IQ under 90?

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