First they complained about the makeup of the commission.........

McCarthy played his hand
He played wrong

He thought he could deligitimize the commission if he refused to let Republicans participate

Instead he gave Democrats free reign to control the testimony and the testimony has been damning for Trump

Not damning.

And pretty much ignored by the larger part of the country not suffering TDS.
Marty, his post was absolutely hilarious the reps aren’t jurors. How many jurors you see asking questions of a witness. It’s deflection
McCarthy feared what the committee would find. So he had to come up with a way to discredit it. That's why he withdrew the names of Repubs Pelosi agreed to. She only objected to the two who had made prior statements to the effect their intent was to sabotage the committee's investigation. She was right to do what she did.
McCarthy feared what the committee would find. So he had to come up with a way to discredit it. That's why he withdrew the names of Repubs Pelosi agreed to. She only objected to the two who had made prior statements to the effect their intent was to sabotage the committee's investigation. She was right to do what she did.
fk, look old berg with another deflection. Who are the jurors jack? come on son, no more deflections, answer the question.

And, the reps are reps, the investigators are FBI. And they're done and said there was nothing there.
Not damning.

And pretty much ignored by the larger part of the country not suffering TDS.

You obviously haven’t been watching

What we learned

Trump knew he lost the election
Trump used every trick to overturn the results…legal and illegal
Trump personally pressured electors and the Vice President
In spite of being told Congress could not stop the vote and Pence could not overturn the states……He called his mob to DC
Trump was informed the mob was armed but sent them to the Capitol anyway……”They are no threat to me”
Your attempt to derail the thread with bullshit, unproven accusations is summarily rejected.
so you think all demofk committee can be impartial? you still haven't answered that one either. You're only good at throwing feces.
You obviously haven’t been watching

What we learned

Trump knew he lost the election
Trump used every trick to overturn the results…legal and illegal
Trump personally pressured electors and the Vice President
In spite of being told Congress could not stop the vote and Pence could not overturn the states……He called his mob to DC
Trump was informed the mob was armed but sent them to the Capitol anyway……”They are no threat to me”

All hearsay and suppositions.
McCarthy played his hand
He played wrong

He thought he could deligitimize the commission if he refused to let Republicans participate

Instead he gave Democrats free reign to control the testimony and the testimony has been damning for Trump

Trump is fuming
McCarthy was correct. The sham committee has exposed itself for what it is and that’s largely because McCarthy made the smart call.

The committee is delegitimized by its own aberrant behavior.

And the “testimony” hasn’t shown diddly dog. Bombshell after bombshell breathlessly advertised in advance; and each and every one an absolute dud.

I’m pretty sure Trump is fuming. But at the dishonesty of the DNC and the sham committee and the dutiful handmaiden coverage provided (as always) by the liberal “news” media. But, that’s ok. He’s dealt with all of those cast of characters before. He’s used to them.
Wrong. He chose not to give any air of legitimacy to the show trial style Democrap hackery. I believe we both know that, instead.
Yet he told Rep. Katko to negotiate the terms of how the investigation would be conducted.

The proposal negotiated by Katko gave the GOP much of what it wanted out of the deal. It includes two key elements the GOP wanted: an even number of members from both sides and veto power over subpoenas. In many ways it emulates the 9/11 Commission, which has become something of a standard for looking into issues of national security. It also mirrors a bill 30 House Republicans endorsed when the Capitol riot was more raw and there was more impetus for action on the GOP side.
McCarthy was correct. The sham committee has exposed itself for what it is and that’s largely because McCarthy made the smart call.
McCarthy made the cowardly call because he didn't want the truth to be revealed as it has.

The proposal negotiated by Katko gave the GOP much of what it wanted out of the deal. It includes two key elements the GOP wanted: an even number of members from both sides and veto power over subpoenas. In many ways it emulates the 9/11 Commission, which has become something of a standard for looking into issues of national security. It also mirrors a bill 30 House Republicans endorsed when the Capitol riot was more raw and there was more impetus for action on the GOP side.
then why did he not get his choice of questioner? So you think those two were his choice? you must stick needles in your eyes.

Because after his first picks were declined, McCarthy used this as an excuse to walk away from the Committee. As usual, Republicans playing political games and fuck the people, the Constitution, and the rule of law.
That is a demonstrable lie. McCarthy assigned Rep. John Katko to negotiate terms with the Dems. After an agreement was reached Kevin sabotaged the compromise. His plan all along was to create the conditions by which he could claim the committee wasn't fair.

The thing is if you look at the way the committee has conducted itself there is no legitimate claim of a lack of fairness. Their work has been exemplary.

No leftist has answered this question yet and we all know why.
Maybe you can:

If the committee wants to get to the truth, why did they edit out “peacefully protest” from the Trump video?
Because after his first picks were declined, McCarthy used this as an excuse to walk away from the Committee. As usual, Republicans playing political games and fuck the people, the Constitution, and the rule of law.

Pelosi outplayed McCarthy on this one
He thought he could block the commission, Nancy outplayed him at every step and Republicans ended up outside looking in
No leftist has answered this question yet and we all know why.
Maybe you can:

If the committee wants to get to the truth, why did they edit out “peacefully protest” from the Trump video?

I have watched the testimony
Trump’s peaceful protest has been discussed along with those who made him put it in the speech
Yet he told Rep. Katko to negotiate the terms of how the investigation would be conducted.

The proposal negotiated by Katko gave the GOP much of what it wanted out of the deal. It includes two key elements the GOP wanted: an even number of members from both sides and veto power over subpoenas. In many ways it emulates the 9/11 Commission, which has become something of a standard for looking into issues of national security. It also mirrors a bill 30 House Republicans endorsed when the Capitol riot was more raw and there was more impetus for action on the GOP side.
And then? Pelousy chose to use her heavy handed partisan power to deny the GOP their right to appoint members of their own choosing.

McCarthy was smart to call bullshit on the make believe committee. It stands fully exposed now as ultra partisan and illegitimate. It’s own behavior ahas confirmed as much.
You Trumpleton's should listen to these guys.

Ex-cultists deliver the most effective message for Republicans

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), determined to rescue her party from the MAGA cult, has gone out of her way to offer her fellow Republicans models of exemplary behavior to follow. Her argument: Don’t copy the example of defeated former president Donald Trump. Look instead to Republican officials who stood up to the defeated former president, such as former acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen, Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers or even former vice president Mike Pence.

Two rather sad characters conveyed this “you don’t have to keep following Trump blindly” message at the House Jan. 6 select committee’s hearing on Tuesday. One was former Oath Keepers spokesperson Jason Van Tatenhove; the other was Stephen Ayres, who illegally entered the Capitol on Jan. 6. Both appeared deflated, diminished and embarrassed by their association with insurgents based on the “big lie” of a stolen election.

Direct testimony from those who were there is not hearsay

You must be watching Sean Hannity

Hearsay was part of it, as is trying to make discussions seem like conspiracy.

He thought he was cheated out of the election, a thought many of us still have to varying degrees.
All you're doing now is recycling debunked arguments. You haven't proven anything you've said. Read this.......

why aren't mccarthey's two on the committee? tell me again. I need another laugh.

would they be jurors? or investigators? or what exactly? And how many reps was mccarthy trying to put on the committee? He wasn't taking all the spots right? so how would he be able to stack anything with his reps? You sure have a liquid brain. You must slosh when you walk. That must be horrible.

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