First they complained about the makeup of the commission.........

You Trumpleton's should listen to these guys.

Ex-cultists deliver the most effective message for Republicans

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), determined to rescue her party from the MAGA cult, has gone out of her way to offer her fellow Republicans models of exemplary behavior to follow. Her argument: Don’t copy the example of defeated former president Donald Trump. Look instead to Republican officials who stood up to the defeated former president, such as former acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen, Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers or even former vice president Mike Pence.

Two rather sad characters conveyed this “you don’t have to keep following Trump blindly” message at the House Jan. 6 select committee’s hearing on Tuesday. One was former Oath Keepers spokesperson Jason Van Tatenhove; the other was Stephen Ayres, who illegally entered the Capitol on Jan. 6. Both appeared deflated, diminished and embarrassed by their association with insurgents based on the “big lie” of a stolen election.

Stop it already,
cracking up.gif
And then? Pelousy chose to use her heavy handed partisan power to deny the GOP their right to appoint members of their own choosing.
Have you noticed nothing you're saying would have changed the testimony we've heard?
McCarthy forced Pelosi's hand by first rejecting the compromise that was reached on a 9/11 style bipartisan commission, then putting up two Repubs who were material witnesses to what happened on 1/6. He did so intentionally. How many times are you going to deny the facts?
Again, every panel member who was in the Capital that day is a material witness. You "summarily" dismisding facts does not change them into non-facts.
McCarthy Won. Hands down. The illicit fake committee has lived down to its beginnings.
the dude berg thinks the committee folks are jurors. hahahaahahahahahahahahaha and that two mccarthey reps is stacking the panel. hahahahaahahahahah His brain must be mosh.
Have you noticed nothing you're saying would have changed the testimony we've heard?
seriously dude, stop while you can. If that was the case there wouldn't have been a need for this thread. fk dude, go the fk back to your tinker toys already.
Again, every panel member who was in the Capital that day is a material witness. You "summarily" dismisding facts does not change them into non-facts.
EXACTLY, EXACTLY And they don't even know the difference between a cross examiner and a juror. I mean seriously, how can one have a legitimate discussion with these towel heads?
McCarthy proposed members who were potential witnesses and compromised

There were 212 other Republican Congress members available to serve. McCarthy forbid them to serve on the panel.

That's OK, come Jan nazi palousey's chickens will come home to roost.

That's the most stupid thing anyone has said on this thread.

I've explained it in several posts. search my name and read up. everyone was in that building that's on that panel, as such, they are all witnesses.
Have you noticed nothing you're saying would have changed the testimony we've heard?
There was “testimony”??? Maybe that’s a matter of definition.

Have you noticed that the committee hasn’t revealed anything that wasn’t already in the news? Have you noticed that they haven’t actually “investigated” a damn thing?

Didn’t think so.
Because after his first picks were declined, McCarthy used this as an excuse to walk away from the Committee. As usual, Republicans playing political games and fuck the people, the Constitution, and the rule of law.
why were they declined? what would that be about. It's his picks. see again, you lied. don't you don anything else?
McCarthy Won. Hands down. The illicit fake committee has lived down to its beginnings.
If he had won, he wouldn’t be whining so loudly

Instead, he gets to watch REPUBLICANS a testify as to what was said behind closed doors…..a political blunder on his part

Even Trumps favorite daughter is testifying against him
There was “testimony”??? Maybe that’s a matter of definition.

Have you noticed that the committee hasn’t revealed anything that wasn’t already in the news? Have you noticed that they haven’t actually “investigated” a damn thing?

Didn’t think so.
well, they aren't investigators, the FBI is and they have already finished. kangaroo court to grandstand and shame someone. Ain't working.
Marty, his post was absolutely hilarious the reps aren’t jurors. How many jurors you see asking questions of a witness. It’s deflection
Jurors can ask questions in many courts actually. Its just not used regularly

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