First they complained about the makeup of the commission.........

Do you often complain about winning?

No. A usurpation of power by the Dims who will eventually rue the day they decided to behave in this sordid fashion. But I wouldn’t imagine they’d call any Democrats who were in the White House at the time because — ya know — it want a Democrap administration.

No political blunder by McCarthy or by Trump. Just another demonstration by the insatiable power hungry Dims of their disregard for fairness. And again, I will heartily enjoy watching the turning of the tables.

Wrong. She testified, but that’s not “against” President Trump. Your comment is just more proof that your view is jaundiced and not reliable. Face it. You’re still just hack.
it's like a defendant going to a court and the judge picks his team for him from the prosecution side. And only the prosecution is allowed to ask witnesses question. See, the stupid that is a demofk in this thread can't figure that out. it's hilarious. I'm enjoying this.

Didn't you listen to your therapists talk about the dangers of projection combined with your habit of blurting? My God man, seek help!

I was unable to hear what the therapist said due to the threat of Rapey Joe potentially attempting to rape me, Hunter or his daughter.

Why won't you believe Hunter and his sister when they said Dear Old Dad was an Incestuous Child Raping Pedophile?

Knowing this, why do you support Pedo Peter The Hair Sniffing Child Eater?
You can't be this stupid. They are investigating the events surrounding 1/6. Wait......maybe you are that stupid and you are doing your best to understand. Is your IQ under 90?
They selectively investigated by manipulating who they called, just as Pelosi manipulated which republicans were to serve on the committee.
Show a little honesty berg
You know that if it was Obama that had done the same that Trump did, and if it was Obama's supporters that attacked the Capitol, all these Trumpbots would be demanding that he hang for it.

Partisan hacks!!!
But Obama did attack America with COVID19 Bioweapons, just like Pedo Joe attacked his teenage daughter in the shower.
As witnesses to the events from the inside of the building, they all were, whereas the two that were rejected were witnesses to the Trump Plot.
so? aren't there witnesses on both sides of an investigation? I didn't know xiden took all demofks brains.

BTW, where's the plot? do you have a plot as evidence?

One more thing, who got to call the witnesses?
How is it possible you keep asking these ridiculously inane questions? Jordan was rejected because he has testimony that is pertinent to the investigation. Like telling the committee what he spoke to Trump about on 1/6.

Jordan was rejected because he has testimony that is pertinent to the investigation.

If he's on the committee, no one can ask him any questions?

Why do you feel that?
You know that if it was Obama that had done the same that Trump did, and if it was Obama's supporters that attacked the Capitol, all these Trumpbots would be demanding that he hang for it.

Partisan hacks!!!
How many children do you think Joe raped, or did the Incestor in Chief just like to keep it in the family?
Only if they had the same ties to the outside forces and groups that were responsible for attacking the Capitol as those two.
what statute is that for a hearing? please I'm interested. why can't peloser be a witness? I want her to testify on why she didn't call the national guard. Why is she off limits? explain, She wasn't part of the plot was she?
I was unable to hear what the therapist said due to the threat of Rapey Joe potentially attempting to rape me, Hunter or his daughter.

Why won't you believe Hunter and his sister when they said Dear Old Dad was an Incestuous Child Raping Pedophile?

Knowing this, why do you support Pedo Peter The Hair Sniffing Child Eater?
It's worse than before then? Remember it was simple pesticide from wal-mart that took care of those pesky and talkative termites you keep getting infested with.
Jordan was rejected because he has testimony that is pertinent to the investigation.

If he's on the committee, no one can ask him any questions?

Why do you feel that?
See, that's the part I don't get, at all. If Jordan was on the panel, the Democrats including Liz McCain could preface every round of questioning by saying "if mr. Jordan would only agree to talk to this panel instead of taking the fifth like a mobster ..."

That they are willing to pass up that opportunity to take a shot at him every 5 minutes shows how afraid they are of what he would say, and more importantly what he would ask their witnesses.
Only if they had the same ties to the outside forces and groups that were responsible for attacking the Capitol as those two.
No one attacked The Capital, but Joe Biden did attack his lovely teenage daughter in the shower night after night.

Rather than deal with these weak and obviously false accusations shouldn't we investigate Hunter and his sister's accusations that Joe Biden is an Incestuous Pedophile Child Raping Bastard?

Maybe The Left is too busy weighing their crack on a scale?
See, that's the part I don't get, at all. If Jordan was on the panel, the Democrats including Liz McCain could preface every round of questioning by saying "if mr. Jordan would only agree to talk to this panel instead of taking the fifth like a mobster ..."

That they are willing to pass up that opportunity to take a shot at him every 5 minutes shows how afraid they are of what he would say, and more importantly what he would ask their witnesses.
what about pelosi? why isn't she testifying? her reps are there.

BTW, seymour, you certainly flopped.
Come on demofkers, you all got nothing in this thread. I've asked and asked and asked and still crickets about why jordan couldn't be on the panel. strange huh?
It's worse than before then? Remember it was simple pesticide from wal-mart that took care of those pesky and talkative termites you keep getting infested with.
So you think Hunter Biden and his sister lied when they cried "Daddy Raped Me"?

They are far more credible witnesses and testimony than anything the turd burgling Jan 6 committee can come up with.
what statute is that for a hearing? please I'm interested. why can't peloser be a witness? I want her to testify on why she didn't call the national guard. Why is she off limits? explain, She wasn't part of the plot was she?

If the Neo-GOP gets control of the House they can try what they want.
If the Neo-GOP gets control of the House they can try what they want.
so there's nothing legal about it. You're right, and if the repubs did that, I'd call them out. That's not my america. funny you don't care about your america.

All the dems had to do was let mccarthey put his reps on the panel. the second that was disallowed, made this a third world dictatorship.
how is it different than all the other witnesses on the panel right now?
Jordan was rejected because he has testimony that is pertinent to the investigation. Like telling the committee what he spoke to Trump about on 1/6.
Jordan was rejected because he has testimony that is pertinent to the investigation. Like telling the committee what he spoke to Trump about on 1/6.
how so? how is it any different than those in the building during the set up? I could ask pelosi as a witness and ask her why she didn't have the national guard there. I could ask if anyone on the panel knew of any infiltrators in the crowd. Dude, you have zip.

Again, everyone of them is a victim and a probable witness. you can't deflect that.

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