First they complained about the makeup of the commission.........

Don't be a troll all your life.

looks like police pulling the fence. there are but one pair of hands from the other side. maybe pick a better picture. still losing.

I also see the people side pulling the infiltrators away from the fence. Then the cops start pulling it. too fking funny. I'd show that one in the hearing and show the infiltrators and cops handy work. hahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaha
In his negotiation with Rep. Katko, Rep. Thompson acquiesced to two of the Repub's big asks. He allowed the Repubs to have an equal number of members and allowed them to have subpoena power separate and equal to the Dem's. It showed good faith on the part of Dems to agree to those terms.
Subsequently, and in direct contradiction to the facts, McCarthy and McConnell characterized the commission as partisan before legislation forming it was even voted on. Completely ignoring that Repubs and Dems would share power on the commission equally. That was the moment it became clear Repubs wanted nothing to do with an impartial investigation in to the events surrounding 1/6. And we certainly know why after learning things like this.........

Trump Sought to Conceal Plans for March to Capitol, Panel Says

WASHINGTON — President Donald J. Trump attempted to make the Jan. 6, 2021, march on the Capitol appear spontaneous even as he and his team intentionally assembled and galvanized a violence-prone mob to disrupt certification of his electoral defeat, the House committee investigating the attack showed on Tuesday.

“POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol,” Kylie Jane Kremer, an organizer of the “Save America” rally on Jan. 6, wrote in a Jan. 4 text shown by the panel on Tuesday as it detailed Mr. Trump’s efforts to gather his backers in Washington for a final, last-ditch effort to overturn his loss. Ms. Kremer added that Mr. Trump was “going to just call for it ‘unexpectedly.’”

Mr. Trump weighed announcing the move, according to documents obtained from the National Archives, which provided the investigators with a draft tweet that said: “I will be making a Big Speech at 10AM on January 6th at the Ellipse (South of the White House). Please arrive early, massive crowds expected. March to the Capitol after. Stop the Steal!!”

I still have no idea what your trying to point to here. come on dude.
Don't be a troll all your life.

Why do you ignore Hunter Biden and his sister's accusations that Joe is a Pedophile and an Incestuous Rapist and promote this Kangaroo trial?

That's the very definition of a troll, trollholio!

His own children, not one, but two of them say Joe is an Incestuous Child Raping Pedo Pervert and you support this man?
You support this Kangaroo Court which is nothing more than an extension of Moscow Mueller's Operation Russian Collusion Cross Fire Hurricane Clown Show?

You don't believe Joe's own kids, but you believe a bunch of Trump Haters when they make up lies about Trump?
nope, never. all you have to do is present one time that happened in a court room. Honestly, I can't believe I'm legitimizing this diversion.

Juries send questions to the judge all of the time during their deliberations. They also ask for transcripts of evidence and testimony.
you havent seen yesterday?
Cipollone corroborated it.

Also, remember that lying under oath is perjury. Youre implying perjury.
Why don't you believe Hunter Biden and his sister when they said Joe is a Pedophile who took naked showers with them and molested their teenage bodies with his bare hands over and over and over again?

But you believe this horse shit which is a hearing with Zero legal Authority and Zero Due Process?

Why do you still support Pedo Peter The Hair Sniffing Child Eater?

Why won't you renounce Joe and defend the victims of Sexual Abuse?
Juries send questions to the judge all of the time during their deliberations. They also ask for transcripts of evidence and testimony.
yep. always. they never ask a witness a direct question. Maybe in canada you violate rights, but not here.
Juries send questions to the judge all of the time during their deliberations. They also ask for transcripts of evidence and testimony.
Only this isn't a court, there is no jury, no judge, and no Due Process.

Joe's son and daughter accusing him of pedophilia and incest has more credibility.

Why do you support Pedo Peter The Hair Sniffing Child Eater?
looks like police pulling the fence. there are but one pair of hands from the other side. maybe pick a better picture. still losing.

I also see the people side pulling the infiltrators away from the fence. Then the cops start pulling it. too fking funny. I'd show that one in the hearing and show the infiltrators and cops handy work. hahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaha

You need glasses. There are at least three that I can see.
Only this isn't a court, there is no jury, no judge, and no Due Process.

Joe's son and daughter accusing him of pedophilia and incest has more credibility.

Why do you support Pedo Peter The Hair Sniffing Child Eater?
Tree, the demofks think the panel are jurors. hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha
Tree, the demofks think the panel are jurors. hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha
Like I said, Hunter Biden and his Sister accusing Joe of raping them in the shower repeatedly as teenagers has far more credibility.

But they will defend Pedo Peter The Hair Sniffing Child Eater until the day they die.
I can’t wait

Speaker Pelosi, Why didn’t you do a better job at stopping Republicans from attacking the Capitol?

Pelosi: I never thought Republicans would sink that low

No, more like why did you ignore warnings and refuse the DCNG that were offered?

You need glasses. There are at least three that I can see.
count the hands, how many on either side are touching that fence? looks like you're blind. Nor do you see anyone with a flag, no trump caps, all black coats, from the infiltrators. here's how it came to me.

dude, you sound small now. no such thing happened, police let them in. come on, man have some fking integrity. brute force. No guns, no rams nothing to break in with. come on. well, there goes that hope for you.
Def. a classic brute force attack by a high organized group of trump supporting right wing militias.
Only this isn't a court, there is no jury, no judge, and no Due Process.

Joe's son and daughter accusing him of pedophilia and incest has more credibility.

Why do you support Pedo Peter The Hair Sniffing Child Eater?

I was answering a question about juries in a trial, nothing to do with the January 6th Committee.

Why do you post lies about President Biden? Thou shalt not bear false witness, Tree. You lie constantly about other people you don't even know. That's the very definition of evil. You should go back to watching porn. That about the level of your morals.
Def. a classic brute force attack by a high organized group of trump supporting right wing militias.
yep so well organized. hahahahaahahahahahahahaha. I guess the military should use them since they were so successfully put together. hahahahahahahahahahaahahhaaha cops let them in. I get it, you want to ignore that fact.
dude, you sound small now. no such thing happened, police let them in. come on, man have some fking integrity. brute force. No guns, no rams nothing to break in with. come on. well, there goes that hope for you.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. More than 140 police officers were treated for their injuries, many of which were severe.

You can't just lie this shit away, like you always try to do, asshole.

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