Fisker fires 75% of workforce

Another one of Obama's green energy companies is on the verge of filing BK. Nearly 200 million of the taxpayers money is down the tube.

About 75 percent of the workforce at troubled battery-car start-up Fisker Automotive has been laid off, a move forced by the firm’s increasing weak financial situation and the mounting fears that without new investors or partners Fisker could be forced into bankruptcy, numerous sources have confirmed.

The move comes only days after U.S. employees reported back after a week-long, unpaid furlough, and less than a month after founder and former Chairman Henrik Fisker resigned over “several major disagreements” with members of the small carmaker’s senior management team over its ongoing business strategy.

Despite having raised an estimated $1.2 billion from private investors – and having tapped $193 million before the DoE loan was frozen, Fisker reportedly has just $30 million in available cash at this point. It also is expected to get a settlement of $15 million from its bankrupt battery supplier, the former A123, which was recently sold to a Chinese bidder.
Fisker fires 75% of workforce; bankruptcy next? - Business on

Biden talks about the billions and billions that Fisker would return. What a Bozo

How much did that cost those of us who pay Federal Taxes?

Just a mear 193 million, Willow. You know....chump change to a nation that is flush with cash
No gas car ever broke down, dupe? BTW Fisker is hoping for money from China to get going again. They're not dumbazzes/haters like the GOP who subsidize bloated Big Oil while allowing China and the EU a huge lead in industry of the future.

Tell us again how the Volt costs $278k each to build, morons. Way to let Dr. Sean Rushbeck politicize and demagogue every US plan for jobs and product to compete. They're MT Cars of the Year, shytteheads, but not bought by any dupes. Great job, shytteheads.
No gas car ever broke down, dupe? BTW Fisker is hoping for money from China to get going again. They're not dumbazzes/haters like the GOP who subsidize bloated Big Oil while allowing China and the EU a huge lead in industry of the future.

Tell us again how the Volt costs $278k each to build, morons. Way to let Dr. Sean Rushbeck politicize and demagogue every US plan for jobs and product to compete. They're MT Cars of the Year, shytteheads, but not bought by any dupes. Great job, shytteheads.

I rest my case as for you being a total idiot and not ever letting us down....thank you, Francis.:clap2:
When the government "loaned" Chrysler taxpayer money to help bail them out, they came up with the k Car...which was successful....unlike the 193 million dollar debacle with Fisker, which most of the car was outsourced to Finland.
But, you just keep jumping through Obama's hoops like a good tool.
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Congrats, dupes, you ruined another great project. Kudos, "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME). Dumbazz haters, chumps of the greedy idiot rich...

Why? Wind and solar is going nowhere in a hurry because it doesn't produce.

He didn't make a whole lot of sense with that post did he? but, then again when has he ever?
We sure do hear a lot of the failures with our tax dollars being flooded into the green energy, but there isn't any blooming success stories being told about the green energy jobs we are paying for.

What we spend on Green Energy is a lot less than we spend on fighter planes that we never put in combat zones because they might get shot down...
Congrats, dupes, you ruined another great project. Kudos, "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME). Dumbazz haters, chumps of the greedy idiot rich...

Why? Wind and solar is going nowhere in a hurry because it doesn't produce.

He didn't make a whole lot of sense with that post did he? but, then again when has he ever?

Frankie seems to be speaking in tongues with that "pub, dupe, shytte" jargon. Don't go handling rattlesnakes to get the devil out, Frankie.
We sure do hear a lot of the failures with our tax dollars being flooded into the green energy, but there isn't any blooming success stories being told about the green energy jobs we are paying for.

What we spend on Green Energy is a lot less than we spend on fighter planes that we never put in combat zones because they might get shot down...

Why don't you make a thread on it, huh?

So as long as we make fighter planes, it's okay to lose millions of dollars on Obama's failed green policies? I see....
No gas car ever broke down, dupe? BTW Fisker is hoping for money from China to get going again. They're not dumbazzes/haters like the GOP who subsidize bloated Big Oil while allowing China and the EU a huge lead in industry of the future.

Tell us again how the Volt costs $278k each to build, morons. Way to let Dr. Sean Rushbeck politicize and demagogue every US plan for jobs and product to compete. They're MT Cars of the Year, shytteheads, but not bought by any dupes. Great job, shytteheads.

I rest my case as for you being a total idiot and not ever letting us down....thank you, Francis.:clap2:
When the government "loaned" Chrysler taxpayer money to help bail them out, they came up with the k Car...which was successful....unlike the 193 million dollar debacle with Fisker, which most of the car was outsourced to Finland.
But, you just keep jumping through Obama's hoops like a good tool.


Cost of the Fisker expirament- 193 Million.

Cost of a the F-22 Program- 77 BILLION.

To date, we have not deployed the F-22 Raptor to any combat zone. 2/3rds of the ones in service suffer from severe corrosion.

Now, a decade later, about two-thirds of the military's fleet of Raptors are suffering from corrosion, prompting the Air Force to speed up the timeline for bringing the aircraft through Hill Air Force Base for depot-level maintenance.

It's unclear how much the corrosion issue will cost the Air Force to fix. Brig. Gen. C.D. Moore, who is leading production and sustainment efforts for the F-22 at Ohio's Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, said the "cleanup and mitigation" of already-identified corrosion problems could cost nearly a half-million dollars in labor costs alone. Corrosively resistant replacement panels - which won't be ready to install for another six months - will cost millions more to produce and the jets will have to be brought back to Hill or another maintenance center for installation - at a cost of millions more.

Two-thirds of F-22 Raptor fleet suffering from corrosion ::

Oh, but it gets better.

More than five years and nearly $80 billion after the world's most expensive fighter jets joined the U.S. military fleet, the high-tech stealth F-22 Raptor has yet to see combat -- despite the U.S. Air Force's involvement in three simultaneous major combat operations.

When the U.S. led an international effort to secure a no-fly zone over Libya last month, the F-22, the jet the Air Force said "cannot be matched," was not involved. The Air Force said the $143 million-a-pop planes simply weren't necessary to take out Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi's air defenses.

Not a single one of the planes -- which cost U.S. government $77.4 billion for a total of 187 planes from Lockheed Martin according to recent report by the Government Accountability Office -- has used what Lockheed Martin's website called a "revolutionary leap in lethality" in defense of U.S. interests. And though Congress cut all funding for new Raptors in 2009, Lockheed Martin is still receiving hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars to make upgrades to existing planes.

$77 Billion Raptor F-22 Fighter Jets That Have Never Gone to War - ABC News

But you go hating on that green energy, bunch of hippies not loving the smog!
We sure do hear a lot of the failures with our tax dollars being flooded into the green energy, but there isn't any blooming success stories being told about the green energy jobs we are paying for.

What we spend on Green Energy is a lot less than we spend on fighter planes that we never put in combat zones because they might get shot down...

Why don't you make a thread on it, huh?

So as long as we make fighter planes, it's okay to lose millions of dollars on Obama's failed green policies? I see....

No, I think the question is, do we invest in possible alternative energy, knowing some will fail, some will produce the next big thing.

The internet started out as a whacky idea to make it easier for military facilities to communicate with each other.

Today we use it for porn and cat videos.... er wait. No seriously, it has changed our society, for better and worse.

Fisker might have produced the electric battery that rendered oil obsolete. But we wouldn't know until we tried.
No gas car ever broke down, dupe? BTW Fisker is hoping for money from China to get going again. They're not dumbazzes/haters like the GOP who subsidize bloated Big Oil while allowing China and the EU a huge lead in industry of the future.

Tell us again how the Volt costs $278k each to build, morons. Way to let Dr. Sean Rushbeck politicize and demagogue every US plan for jobs and product to compete. They're MT Cars of the Year, shytteheads, but not bought by any dupes. Great job, shytteheads.

I rest my case as for you being a total idiot and not ever letting us down....thank you, Francis.:clap2:
When the government "loaned" Chrysler taxpayer money to help bail them out, they came up with the k Car...which was successful....unlike the 193 million dollar debacle with Fisker, which most of the car was outsourced to Finland.
But, you just keep jumping through Obama's hoops like a good tool.


Cost of the Fisker expirament- 193 Million.

Cost of a the F-22 Program- 77 BILLION.

To date, we have not deployed the F-22 Raptor to any combat zone. 2/3rds of the ones in service suffer from severe corrosion.

Now, a decade later, about two-thirds of the military's fleet of Raptors are suffering from corrosion, prompting the Air Force to speed up the timeline for bringing the aircraft through Hill Air Force Base for depot-level maintenance.

It's unclear how much the corrosion issue will cost the Air Force to fix. Brig. Gen. C.D. Moore, who is leading production and sustainment efforts for the F-22 at Ohio's Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, said the "cleanup and mitigation" of already-identified corrosion problems could cost nearly a half-million dollars in labor costs alone. Corrosively resistant replacement panels - which won't be ready to install for another six months - will cost millions more to produce and the jets will have to be brought back to Hill or another maintenance center for installation - at a cost of millions more.

Two-thirds of F-22 Raptor fleet suffering from corrosion ::

Oh, but it gets better.

More than five years and nearly $80 billion after the world's most expensive fighter jets joined the U.S. military fleet, the high-tech stealth F-22 Raptor has yet to see combat -- despite the U.S. Air Force's involvement in three simultaneous major combat operations.

When the U.S. led an international effort to secure a no-fly zone over Libya last month, the F-22, the jet the Air Force said "cannot be matched," was not involved. The Air Force said the $143 million-a-pop planes simply weren't necessary to take out Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi's air defenses.

Not a single one of the planes -- which cost U.S. government $77.4 billion for a total of 187 planes from Lockheed Martin according to recent report by the Government Accountability Office -- has used what Lockheed Martin's website called a "revolutionary leap in lethality" in defense of U.S. interests. And though Congress cut all funding for new Raptors in 2009, Lockheed Martin is still receiving hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars to make upgrades to existing planes.

$77 Billion Raptor F-22 Fighter Jets That Have Never Gone to War - ABC News

But you go hating on that green energy, bunch of hippies not loving the smog!

The United States deployed stealth fighter jets to South Korea on Sunday as part of ongoing joint military exercises between the two countries, a senior U.S. defense official said.
The F-22 Raptors were sent to the main U.S. Air Force Base in South Korea amid spiking tensions on the Korean peninsula. The U.S. military command in South Korea said they were deployed to support air drills as part of the annual Foal Eagle training exercises, which are carried out in accordance with the armistice that put an end to armed hostilities in 1953.
U.S. deploys stealth fighter jets to South Korea -

Air Force spokesperson Lt. Col. John Dorrian would not confirm the exact location of the F-22s, but told ABC News they had been deployed to a base in Southwest Asia -- a region that includes the UAE. Dorrian also stressed that the F-22s were simply taking part in a scheduled deployment and are "not a threat to Iran."
What we spend on Green Energy is a lot less than we spend on fighter planes that we never put in combat zones because they might get shot down...

Why don't you make a thread on it, huh?

So as long as we make fighter planes, it's okay to lose millions of dollars on Obama's failed green policies? I see....

No, I think the question is, do we invest in possible alternative energy, knowing some will fail, some will produce the next big thing.

The internet started out as a whacky idea to make it easier for military facilities to communicate with each other.

Today we use it for porn and cat videos.... er wait. No seriously, it has changed our society, for better and worse.

Fisker might have produced the electric battery that rendered oil obsolete. But we wouldn't know until we tried.

Now that you mentioned it, why don't you get a list of all the successes that Obama has had with the Stimulus money regarding the green energy?
Just another in a long line of Maobama "success" stories. What the hell, it's not like we have to borrow money to give to these failing companies, right? OH WAIT, we do don't we?
Now that you mentioned it, why don't you get a list of all the successes that Obama has had with the Stimulus money regarding the green energy?

Since the stimulus wasn't about "Green Energy" (most of those programs had been approved under Bush, including Fisker and Solaryndra) that would be a pointless excercise, wouldn't it?

Incidently, the first patent for an "automobile" was issued in the 18th century, but they didn't start commercially producing cars until the 1910's.
Obama wants to pick winners and losers in industry. The problem is he always picks the losers.

And he preys upon the winners.

He intends to hammer the oil and gas industries with over $40 billion in taxes.
Some reward for success, huh?

:If it moves, tax it. If it still moves, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it."
Reagan had it all figured out.
If it is supposed to move, put some WD-40 on it! If it's supposed to stay still, put some duct tape on it.

Duct tape and WD-40...that's all you need to keep things doin' what they oughtta do!
Why don't you make a thread on it, huh?

So as long as we make fighter planes, it's okay to lose millions of dollars on Obama's failed green policies? I see....

No, I think the question is, do we invest in possible alternative energy, knowing some will fail, some will produce the next big thing.

The internet started out as a whacky idea to make it easier for military facilities to communicate with each other.

Today we use it for porn and cat videos.... er wait. No seriously, it has changed our society, for better and worse.

Fisker might have produced the electric battery that rendered oil obsolete. But we wouldn't know until we tried.

Now that you mentioned it, why don't you get a list of all the successes that Obama has had with the Stimulus money regarding the green energy?
I've got that list right here::oops:

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