Fisker fires 75% of workforce

Why do you make irrelevant comparisons to defense systems?
Oh yeah, because you're stupid.

Because it points out Right Wing Hypocrisy.

When it comes to government fraud, waste and abuse, no one has the Department of Defense beat.

We currently spend nearly 900 Billion a year to beat up on small third world countries, and we still can't beat them into submission, but we spend all this money on weapon systems that we never use, or can't use because they don't preform as promised or conceptualized.

You'll go on all day about the Obama Phone lady, but not the billions wasted by the Penatgon.

Haven't the Democrats run the DoD for the last 5 years? Why aren't you complaining about their mismaganement? How can it be the GOP's fault when the Dems have been in charge?
Oh yeah, because you're stupid.
Return? Hundreds of thousands of jobs, competitiveness with rest of world. NEVER reported on the Pub Propaganda Machine- or on corporate media, chump of the greedy rich. Now there's a true and relevant insult.

Dems now getting out of the chickenhawk wars and cutting defense spending. More stupid Reaganism.

Volt now selling as hoped, after years of sales being wrecked by stupid Pub propaganda, for dupes only. and of course obstruction of the recovery in general. Pub dupes!!
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Where's our return on investment for providing free cell phones?
Defense is a legitimate function of the national government. Funding experimental energy industries is not.
Why is it you cannot answer a simple question without veering into irrelevance? I know, it's because you suffer from a junior high school education and are not very bright.

Defense is a legitimate function.

But the F-22 contributes NOTHING to defense. The Air Force doesn't feel confident enough about them to deploy them to a war zone.

That's the point. The odd thing is you seem to begrudge a poor person a phone to use for emergency purposes, but man, spending 143 MILLION on planes we don't use in wartime, that's a totally legitimate expense.

Which reminds me of what a Republican said before the Crazy People took over...

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." - Dwight D. Eisenhower.

So you defend the loss of millions in green energy by pointing out a loss in the military?
Sounds to me like the same thing. But at least the military gets it right most of the time.
I rest my case as for you being a total idiot and not ever letting us down....thank you, Francis.:clap2:
When the government "loaned" Chrysler taxpayer money to help bail them out, they came up with the k Car...which was successful....unlike the 193 million dollar debacle with Fisker, which most of the car was outsourced to Finland.
But, you just keep jumping through Obama's hoops like a good tool.


Cost of the Fisker expirament- 193 Million.

Cost of a the F-22 Program- 77 BILLION.

To date, we have not deployed the F-22 Raptor to any combat zone. 2/3rds of the ones in service suffer from severe corrosion.

Two-thirds of F-22 Raptor fleet suffering from corrosion ::

Oh, but it gets better.

More than five years and nearly $80 billion after the world's most expensive fighter jets joined the U.S. military fleet, the high-tech stealth F-22 Raptor has yet to see combat -- despite the U.S. Air Force's involvement in three simultaneous major combat operations.

When the U.S. led an international effort to secure a no-fly zone over Libya last month, the F-22, the jet the Air Force said "cannot be matched," was not involved. The Air Force said the $143 million-a-pop planes simply weren't necessary to take out Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi's air defenses.

Not a single one of the planes -- which cost U.S. government $77.4 billion for a total of 187 planes from Lockheed Martin according to recent report by the Government Accountability Office -- has used what Lockheed Martin's website called a "revolutionary leap in lethality" in defense of U.S. interests. And though Congress cut all funding for new Raptors in 2009, Lockheed Martin is still receiving hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars to make upgrades to existing planes.

$77 Billion Raptor F-22 Fighter Jets That Have Never Gone to War - ABC News

But you go hating on that green energy, bunch of hippies not loving the smog!

The United States deployed stealth fighter jets to South Korea on Sunday as part of ongoing joint military exercises between the two countries, a senior U.S. defense official said.
The F-22 Raptors were sent to the main U.S. Air Force Base in South Korea amid spiking tensions on the Korean peninsula. The U.S. military command in South Korea said they were deployed to support air drills as part of the annual Foal Eagle training exercises, which are carried out in accordance with the armistice that put an end to armed hostilities in 1953.
U.S. deploys stealth fighter jets to South Korea -

Air Force spokesperson Lt. Col. John Dorrian would not confirm the exact location of the F-22s, but told ABC News they had been deployed to a base in Southwest Asia -- a region that includes the UAE. Dorrian also stressed that the F-22s were simply taking part in a scheduled deployment and are "not a threat to Iran."
New US Stealth F-22 Raptor Fighters Now at Iran's Back Door - ABC News

What does military assets have anything to do with the failed investments into green company PRODUCERS. Note that we are investing in PRODUCERS that are producing failed or useless products, not in the development of new ones. I have no problem with government investing in technology but that is NOT what they are doing here. They are investing in companies that cannot float on their own because they are producing an inadequate product. Not only are these companies failing with millions in government funding, they are also failing with tax breaks, subsidies and purchase mandates.

You can complain about the F-22 program but that is a separate complaint and another thread altogether.
Congrats, dupes, you ruined another great project. Kudos, "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME). Dumbazz haters, chumps of the greedy idiot rich...

Your a fucking idiot.

How much more of our hardearned tax dollars do you want to see wasted on Barrys green energy bullshit??

The man is an idiot. Just like you. He thinks nothing of wasting someone elses hardearned money on his vision. A vision that is failing big time.

Again. Your a fucking idiot.
Why do you make irrelevant comparisons to defense systems?
Oh yeah, because you're stupid.

Because it points out Right Wing Hypocrisy.

When it comes to government fraud, waste and abuse, no one has the Department of Defense beat.

We currently spend nearly 900 Billion a year to beat up on small third world countries, and we still can't beat them into submission, but we spend all this money on weapon systems that we never use, or can't use because they don't preform as promised or conceptualized.

You'll go on all day about the Obama Phone lady, but not the billions wasted by the Penatgon.

Haven't the Democrats run the DoD for the last 5 years? Why aren't you complaining about their mismaganement? How can it be the GOP's fault when the Dems have been in charge?
Oh yeah, because you're stupid.

So what have the Democrats done in the last 5 years to reform the DoD? Still waiting.
Congrats, dupes, you ruined another great project. Kudos, "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME). Dumbazz haters, chumps of the greedy idiot rich...

Your a fucking idiot.

How much more of our hardearned tax dollars do you want to see wasted on Barrys green energy bullshit??

The man is an idiot. Just like you. He thinks nothing of wasting someone elses hardearned money on his vision. A vision that is failing big time.

Again. Your a fucking idiot.

I know I know...All Of Them!
Because it points out Right Wing Hypocrisy.

When it comes to government fraud, waste and abuse, no one has the Department of Defense beat.

We currently spend nearly 900 Billion a year to beat up on small third world countries, and we still can't beat them into submission, but we spend all this money on weapon systems that we never use, or can't use because they don't preform as promised or conceptualized.

You'll go on all day about the Obama Phone lady, but not the billions wasted by the Penatgon.

Haven't the Democrats run the DoD for the last 5 years? Why aren't you complaining about their mismaganement? How can it be the GOP's fault when the Dems have been in charge?
Oh yeah, because you're stupid.

So what have the Democrats done in the last 5 years to reform the DoD? Still waiting.

Hey, give them credit for heading the U.S. towards the All Drone Army & Domestic Surveillance State!
If you want to talk about military and green projects, lets not forget about:
Navy Forced To Buy Biofuels From Obama-Connected Firm At Outrageous Prices
T.J. Glauthier, a member of Obama’s transition team, is a strategic advisor to the company selling the biofuels to the Navy at $16.00 a gallon
Now we find the Navy partnering with the Agriculture Department to purchase hundreds of thousands of gallons of alternative biofuel in place of standard JP-5 fuel for Navy aircraft – the biggest federal purchase of biofuel ever. It’s part of the White House’s “we can’t wait for Congress” strategy as the 2012 election year looms. But JP-5 typically costs less than $4 a gallon. If a family on a budget started filling up with $16-a-gallon gas, it might want to adopt the motto, “we can’t wait to go broke.”

We as a country are better off when the government stays out of "green" projects... No bias here just going by their past performance.
Navy Forced To Buy Biofuels From Obama-Connected Firm At Outrageous Prices | AZPUNDIT
You don't think that Barry gives a shit what things cost do you??

I mean really. Anything to get his green bullshit up and running. I'm sure he could care less how much bio-fuel costs. We taxpayers are footing the bills and Lord knows we have oodles of money.

Mans an idiot.
This is what happens when we allow faculty lounge theoreticians who have never produced one damn thing tinker with a multi-trillion $ economy.

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