Fixing Inflation


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
If, G-d willing, we have an election in November and Trump wins, he faces three real crisis: Invasion, WWIII and Inflation.

I think Trump will have to declare a National Emergency to handle all three simultaneously,

Inflation can be handled in two ways: delete government programs and departments and/or release the suppressed US Patents that will lower the cost of energy to pennies and create real sustainable economic growth.

Cutting government programs is 100 years overdue and should be done. It serves a twofold purpose of lowering inflation and increasing freedom

A deflationary depression is not ideal and is the usual way out of inflation. It need not be so
If, G-d willing, we have an election in November and Trump wins, he faces three real crisis: Invasion, WWIII and Inflation.

I think Trump will have to declare a National Emergency to handle all three simultaneously,

Inflation can be handled in two ways: delete government programs and departments and/or release the suppressed US Patents that will lower the cost of energy to pennies and create real sustainable economic growth.

Cutting government programs is 100 years overdue and should be done. It serves a twofold purpose of lowering inflation and increasing freedom

A deflationary depression is not ideal and is the usual way out of inflation. It need not be so
Also stop giving free money to the welfare pukes, like Bill Clinton did. In the Contract with America, by Newt Gingrich, signed by Bill Clinton, after two years, welfare was cut off, and you either went to college, vocational school, or worked, and after two years could go back on to welfare again for two years, if it didnt work. Then along came the brown turd Obammy, who made welfare for lifers, and inflation got way out of control.
Inflation is essentially fixed, unless you seem to think that prices are going to come back down, which they never do after a round of inflation.
Inflation can be handled in two ways: delete government programs and departments and/or release the suppressed US Patents that will lower the cost of energy to pennies and create real sustainable economic growth.

To me this is the really interesting and most far reaching area , and lies at the bottom of WW3 which is being fought now ,though the Sheeple are basically unaware of it or any details .

Namely, the Zero Point Energy Technology which has been available since not long after the end of WW2 .
And is probably the most classified area on the planet along with its linked subject of alien contacts and their technology etc etc .

In the unlikely event of anybody here being interested in this ( who would dare interrupt Trump /Biden garbage ) see Dr Stephen Greer for a primer course .

Of course matters like inflation and stagflation are also key along with the two obvious present conflict areas .And they will shortly all bite big .

But FPE changes everything for our species forever and forces a basic system change which the 1% will presumably resist even to death .
If, G-d willing, we have an election in November and Trump wins, he faces three real crisis: Invasion, WWIII and Inflation.

I think Trump will have to declare a National Emergency to handle all three simultaneously,

Inflation can be handled in two ways: delete government programs and departments and/or release the suppressed US Patents that will lower the cost of energy to pennies and create real sustainable economic growth.

Cutting government programs is 100 years overdue and should be done. It serves a twofold purpose of lowering inflation and increasing freedom

A deflationary depression is not ideal and is the usual way out of inflation. It need not be so
Speaking of God, Maker has a LOT to say about both Inflation & end time wars in BOTH His/our old/new testaments. Invasions are mentioned so often in Holy scriptures as to be as common as sand. That being said, yes I can see a national emergency being declared on pres. Trump's part ESPECIALLY regarding the open borders issue. Inflation has a simple cure & that cure is reducing the size & scope of g'ment to the absolute functional minimum. For me I am hoping/praying that a Trump admin. can be successful in convincing/leaning on congress to 100% defund the Dept. of Education & return non-unionized education to the states where parents once again have a voice regarding their children's quality of education.

Regarding the EPA(slush fund for congress) I see the need for the EPA to also be 100% defunded. States can handle their own land/air quality with a federal "Interstate Waterway Agency" monitoring our interstate river system in an ADVISORY CAPACITY ONLY. Our Coast Guard can carry on monitoring our coastal waters. That's a big YES on the patents!!! Deflation, in the context you are describing would also be my avenue of choice to escape the inflation problem. LEAN g'ment leaves plenty of $$$$$ left for the private sector to stimulate the economy!

I always appreciate your to the point common sense approach to solving societal issues, like just so functional! Take care, till next time CF!
Clean air and water standards should be more heavily enforced. Letting industry run amok would ruin everything.
To me this is the really interesting and most far reaching area , and lies at the bottom of WW3 which is being fought now ,though the Sheeple are basically unaware of it or any details .

Namely, the Zero Point Energy Technology which has been available since not long after the end of WW2 .
And is probably the most classified area on the planet along with its linked subject of alien contacts and their technology etc etc .

In the unlikely event of anybody here being interested in this ( who would dare interrupt Trump /Biden garbage ) see Dr Stephen Greer for a primer course .

Of course matters like inflation and stagflation are also key along with the two obvious present conflict areas .And they will shortly all bite big .

But FPE changes everything for our species forever and forces a basic system change which the 1% will presumably resist even to death .
The ruling class prefers the Bread and Circuses of the UniParty battling itself.

The danger of FPE is that someone not subject to the whims of the Ruling Class could vaporize a city with a thimble full of it
A delationary depression would hurt the lower and middle class. That's what the wealthy would love. They have a disdain for those 2 groups.

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