Flags Fly Half Staff For Cop Murdered by Trump Insurgents and Supporters

and the blacks praise/protest for the cop who shot the protester!!!!! NOW they are ok with the cops shooting someone
....remember ALL those RIOTS by BLM AGAINST the police??
--this is MORE proof they make no sense

The only time Democrats support cops is when they feel they can use them to oppress us.
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....

Well let’s look at the cause of the two riots

The first was caused by overzealous police who would not let up on a suspect who could not breathe.

The second was caused by a President who could not admit defeat and created a myth that he had won and the election was stolen from him. His myth caused an angry mob to attack the Congress

What happened at the Capitol wasn't a riot....
Sure it was. It was a violent insurrection attempting to stop Congress from officially naming our newly elected President using a riot as a tactic and means.
and the blacks praise/protest for the cop who shot the protester!!!!! NOW they are ok with the cops shooting someone
....remember ALL those RIOTS by BLM AGAINST the police??
--this is MORE proof they make no sense

The only time Democrats support cops is when they feel they can use them to oppress us.
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....

Well let’s look at the cause of the two riots

The first was caused by overzealous police who would not let up on a suspect who could not breathe.

The second was caused by a President who could not admit defeat and created a myth that he had won and the election was stolen from him. His myth caused an angry mob to attack the Congress

What happened at the Capitol wasn't a riot....
Sure it was. It was a violent insurrection attempting to stop Congress from officially naming our newly elected President using a riot as a tactic and means.
That makes zero sense.
It was the last opportunity to do something about that stolen election......and as soon as Congress got back to work they tabled their objections and rubber-stamped the election.
The fact is....you people have been repeating the lie that there was no evidence of fraud.....so the only opportunity to present that evidence to the entire nation of that fraud was ended as soon as it began.
Who do you think planned that attack?
Who benefited the most?
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....

Well let’s look at the cause of the two riots

The first was caused by overzealous police who would not let up on a suspect who could not breathe.

The second was caused by a President who could not admit defeat and created a myth that he had won and the election was stolen from him. His myth caused an angry mob to attack the Congress

What happened at the Capitol wasn't a riot....
Sure it was. It was a violent insurrection attempting to stop Congress from officially naming our newly elected President using a riot as a tactic and means.

No, it wasn't....It was a grouping of overzealous, nuts, who committed a criminal act...As usual you and other liberals are using the most inflamatory terms to sensationalize the situation that took place, while totally ignoring what America has watched from your own ranks all summer....
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....

Well let’s look at the cause of the two riots

The first was caused by overzealous police who would not let up on a suspect who could not breathe.

The second was caused by a President who could not admit defeat and created a myth that he had won and the election was stolen from him. His myth caused an angry mob to attack the Congress

What happened at the Capitol wasn't a riot....
Sure it was. It was a violent insurrection attempting to stop Congress from officially naming our newly elected President using a riot as a tactic and means.
That makes zero sense.
It was the last opportunity to do something about that stolen election......and as soon as Congress got back to work they tabled their objections and rubber-stamped the election.
The fact is....you people have been repeating the lie that there was no evidence of fraud.....so the only opportunity to present that evidence to the entire nation of that fraud was ended as soon as it began.
Who do you think planned that attack?
Who benefited the most?
You people? Do you mean Trump-appointed judges, his own Department of Justice, and Republican election officials?
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....

Well let’s look at the cause of the two riots

The first was caused by overzealous police who would not let up on a suspect who could not breathe.

The second was caused by a President who could not admit defeat and created a myth that he had won and the election was stolen from him. His myth caused an angry mob to attack the Congress

What happened at the Capitol wasn't a riot....
Sure it was. It was a violent insurrection attempting to stop Congress from officially naming our newly elected President using a riot as a tactic and means.
That makes zero sense.
It was the last opportunity to do something about that stolen election......and as soon as Congress got back to work they tabled their objections and rubber-stamped the election.
The fact is....you people have been repeating the lie that there was no evidence of fraud.....so the only opportunity to present that evidence to the entire nation of that fraud was ended as soon as it began.
Who do you think planned that attack?
Who benefited the most?
You people? Do you mean Trump-appointed judges, his own Department of Justice, and Republican election officials?

Party affiliation means increasingly less and less as we have seen for the past 4 years, with a large contingent of "anti Trumpers" within...Then you also have those who are just plain cowards that caved to threats of violence from the radical left....
American flags are being flown half staff in honor of a Capitol Policeman murdered by Trump terrorists and supporters dispatched by President Donald Trump crying, whining and lying about his lost election being srolen

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

I tried to tell you people that normalizing political violence was not a good thing, but you didn't listen.

Anyway, weren't those protests mostly peaceful?

Enjoy the world you made. You do know that this is just the beginning, right?
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....

Well let’s look at the cause of the two riots

The first was caused by overzealous police who would not let up on a suspect who could not breathe.

The second was caused by a President who could not admit defeat and created a myth that he had won and the election was stolen from him. His myth caused an angry mob to attack the Congress

What happened at the Capitol wasn't a riot....
Sure it was. It was a violent insurrection attempting to stop Congress from officially naming our newly elected President using a riot as a tactic and means.
I though you said riots were a good thing?
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....

Well let’s look at the cause of the two riots

The first was caused by overzealous police who would not let up on a suspect who could not breathe.

The second was caused by a President who could not admit defeat and created a myth that he had won and the election was stolen from him. His myth caused an angry mob to attack the Congress

What happened at the Capitol wasn't a riot....
Sure it was. It was a violent insurrection attempting to stop Congress from officially naming our newly elected President using a riot as a tactic and means.
Just the other day at a Home Depot, i was wearing my Make America Great Again hat when a 71 year old woman approached me asking what i thought about the event that happened in DC. I asked her how she felt about how the country has been taken over by the Socialists. She replied that she was scared to death. I then quoted her what Thomas Jefferson said, also finishing with "Stand Firm" and "Stay United". The sleeping giant has been provoked long enough. it starts to rise up and show its wrath. Japan and Germany found out the hard way, so shall the Socialist who are trying to Rule America...
American flags are being flown half staff in honor of a Capitol Policeman murdered by Trump terrorists and supporters dispatched by President Donald Trump crying, whining and lying about his lost election being srolen
That's good news.

These Jihadis must be exposed and stopped.
American flags are being flown half staff in honor of a Capitol Policeman murdered by Trump terrorists and supporters dispatched by President Donald Trump crying, whining and lying about his lost election being srolen
That's good news.

These Jihadis must be exposed and stopped.

When the right does it, is is "Jihad", when the left does it, it is "racial justice".

Yep. Keep rubbing salt into already bleeding wounds.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.
American flags are being flown half staff in honor of a Capitol Policeman murdered by Trump terrorists and supporters dispatched by President Donald Trump crying, whining and lying about his lost election being srolen
That's good news.

These Jihadis must be exposed and stopped.

When the right does it, is is "Jihad", when the left does it, it is "racial justice".

Yep. Keep rubbing salt into already bleeding wounds.

YOu want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.
Please don't kill people.

Your holy war is wrong.

I'd say the same to ISIS.
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....
FU asshole. You can't make a blanket statement about how people feel about cops being killed and be taken seriously. You ain't a mindreader, your just an asshole unable to articulate your feelings because of your lack of education. Go back under your rock.

Oh, must have hit a nerve....lol...Look, the truth is that when you people were burning down cities across the nation, screaming things like "Defund the police", throwing water bottles filled with cement at them, and attacking fellow American's at will, you didn't give a shit that police officers died in that mess...Now, you do. So, maybe you can explain why that is with all your education and all....lol
It's almost as funny as nba players now standing behind democracy
American flags are being flown half staff in honor of a Capitol Policeman murdered by Trump terrorists and supporters dispatched by President Donald Trump crying, whining and lying about his lost election being srolen
Just think not one flag was lowered for the 9 officers killed in the democrat riots over the summer. Your the worst of hypocrites.
American flags are being flown half staff in honor of a Capitol Policeman murdered by Trump terrorists and supporters dispatched by President Donald Trump crying, whining and lying about his lost election being srolen
I think I'll have another beer.
Now the trumpoholics are justifying murdering a cop for their cause.
Funny how y'all didn't give two shits when cops were injured, or killed during the summer of love riots, but now y'all love you some police....
FU asshole. You can't make a blanket statement about how people feel about cops being killed and be taken seriously. You ain't a mindreader, your just an asshole unable to articulate your feelings because of your lack of education. Go back under your rock.
Show me a post of you condemning it, or shut the hell up.

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