Flashback: George Will Trashed Ronald Reagan in 1979 – Just Like He’s Trashing Trump Today


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I have never liked this guy. He's a caricature of the douche bag establishment Republican

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The article isn't very impressive.

But where does it trash Reagan, aside from a veiled reference to his age, I think?
OP gets on his knees and begs "Trump is just like Ronald Reagan!!! Dont you see it guys??!?!!! DONT YOU!??":crybaby:
I laugh every time a liberal starts crowing about a republican that doesnt like Trump.
All these so called republicans trying so desperately to stop Trump pretty much confirms the need for someone like Trump.
Funny how you tards keep comparing Trump to Reagan as if there is any genuine comparison
I laugh every time a liberal starts crowing about a republican that doesnt like Trump.
All these so called republicans trying so desperately to stop Trump pretty much confirms the need for someone like Trump.

And Circular logic is the best logic because the best logic is Circular logic:2up:
OP gets on his knees and begs "Trump is just like Ronald Reagan!!! Dont you see it guys??!?!!! DONT YOU!??":crybaby:
yeah, but pointing it out is sort of like watching America's got talent and thinking "well at least she tried."
I laugh every time a liberal starts crowing about a republican that doesnt like Trump.
All these so called republicans trying so desperately to stop Trump pretty much confirms the need for someone like Trump.

And Circular logic is the best logic because the best logic is Circular logic:2up:
BriBrat can never go off track with circular logic! It's brilliant.
Trump is not Reagan. He is nothing like the "Gipper"

However, America wants this shyt to STOP. Trumpism is not Trump. Trumpism is THE INDIVIDUAL. His own son call's Trump the "Billionaire Blue-collar" candidate. What you don't understand is Trump is not perfect, he's just not THEM.
I have never liked this guy. He's a caricature of the douche bag establishment douchebag Republican

George is a MSM bootlicker and a Progressive Liberal Socialist (D). A couple weeks ago he was spouting off on the O'Reilly Factor and Bill called him a liar and a hack. He cut Will's segment short. Will never said another word, got up and left. The door hit him in the ass on the way out.
I have never liked this guy. He's a caricature of the douche bag establishment douchebag Republican

George is a MSM bootlicker and a Progressive Liberal Socialist (D). A couple weeks ago he was spouting off on the O'Reilly Factor and Bill called him a liar and a hack. He cut Will's segment short. Will never said another word, got up and left. The door hit him in the ass on the way out.

Typical O'Reilly, he can't hang so he shouts and cuts. Fox News is part of yout [shudder] MSM padnah. Clinton deregulated the FCC, and now 6 major mutlinational corporations control what ~90% of americans see, hear, and read. That's what happens when you turn your democracy over top corporate power and concentrated wealth.
I have never liked this guy. He's a caricature of the douche bag establishment Republican

Trump announced that Obama has been hard on illegal immigrants and he will be more compassionate.

Regardless of George Will that is the moron you are backing. That bill of goods he sold you to get your vote was all bullshit. You've been conned. Wake the fuck up!

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