Flashback: Twitter Had Zero Problems When Pelosi Said ‘Our Election Was Hijacked’

Pelosi didn't give a speech at the Capital then have DemoKKKrats attack the Capital and try to kill the Vice President.

Trump did...that is why he got banned. Inciting violence and insurrection.
Nerither did trump.

He gave no such speech liar
It would be easier to have a conversation if Democrats could grasp the idea of different opinions, but they can't. Every disagreement is considered a lie by Democrats. If I say I think lower taxes can stimulate the economy, the Democrat won't say I don't think so. He'll say that's a lie. And then the conversation ends.

It would be easier if you were to not demand that we all agree 100% with your views. Oh, I agree, lowering taxes can stimulate the economy. But lowering taxes on those that have already had their taxes lowered to near zero that find every loophole to NOT pay any taxes

I suggest we look hard at the Corporations for tax cuts and increases. And we need to take a good hard look at ALL forms of taxes. Many taxes, the lower incomes carry the brunt. Things like taxes on fuels. Meanwhile, the rich get to use the roads that are paid for primarily by the lower incomes.

I am not an economist so I don't have good of a handle on this. But so far, the taxation has been controlled by the Corporations so it's no surprise that it's lopsided. I don't really know the fix but I do see the results.

Then there is the court system. I retired from the US Military. In the US Military, ALL people got the same competent treatment and representation. The Military didn't have the equiv of Public Defenders. JAG represented both sides and spent as much time and money on both sides. But in the civilian world, the Rich get Super Lawyers and the poor normally get inexperienced lawyers from the Public Defenders office with zero funds for defense. The Rich either go free or cut lucrative deals while the poor get long jail sentences. Got any ideas how to deal with that?

Those two things would be a start in discussion. But beware, I won't necessarily agree or disagree with you on them.
There are millions of tweets claiming that Trump stole the 2016 election.


However.....every single tweet claiming the 2020 election was stolen FROM Trump is censored.

Its not like its 50/50....its 0/100. Its not even fucking close.
Yes, but no one ever expected them to be. Twatter and Fakebook are nothing but left-wing echo chambers-the last thing they care about is the truth. All the more reason to abandon them for Gab, Parler and Mewe. Those sites don't appear to censor those that have differing opinions.
There are millions of tweets claiming that Trump stole the 2016 election.


However.....every single tweet claiming the 2020 election was stolen FROM Trump is censored.

Its not like its 50/50....its 0/100. Its not even fucking close.
Yes, but no one ever expected them to be. Twatter and Fakebook are nothing but left-wing echo chambers-the last thing they care about is the truth. All the more reason to abandon them for Gab, Parler and Mewe. Those sites don't appear to censor those that have differing opinions.

The Internet is not into Politics. If you don't like one site, find one you do like. If it doesn't exist, create it and if enough people agree with your views then they will....."Build it and they will come".

And stop your F***ing whining.
...You turds did repeat that OVER 10,000 times. day for 4 years moron. Gee dipshit, YOUR side encouraged BLM and Pantifa riots that killed a lot more people, caused millions in damages, and ruined hundreds of businesses. With full encouragement of Dems. You disingenuous fucktard.
Ahhhhhhh, yes... the "well the OTHER guy did it TOO defense"... most folks stop using that one by 3rd or 4th grade... dullard...

A great many Dems and Independents... yours truly included... were disgusted by the Dem leadership kowtowing to BLM and Antifa et all...

Hell, for all I care, son, you could have volley-fired into those crowds in Portland, and I would have shaken my head and said "They deserved it."...

That's got nothing whatsoever to do with Rump inciting Insurrection at the Capitol on January 6 2021 nor does it excuse his minions...

Two wrongs don't make a right... or did your Mommy forget to teach you that one before you graduated Kindergarten?
It would be easier to have a conversation if Democrats could grasp the idea of different opinions, but they can't. Every disagreement is considered a lie by Democrats. If I say I think lower taxes can stimulate the economy, the Democrat won't say I don't think so. He'll say that's a lie. And then the conversation ends.

It would be easier if you were to not demand that we all agree 100% with your views. Oh, I agree, lowering taxes can stimulate the economy. But lowering taxes on those that have already had their taxes lowered to near zero that find every loophole to NOT pay any taxes

I suggest we look hard at the Corporations for tax cuts and increases. And we need to take a good hard look at ALL forms of taxes. Many taxes, the lower incomes carry the brunt. Things like taxes on fuels. Meanwhile, the rich get to use the roads that are paid for primarily by the lower incomes.

I am not an economist so I don't have good of a handle on this. But so far, the taxation has been controlled by the Corporations so it's no surprise that it's lopsided. I don't really know the fix but I do see the results.

Then there is the court system. I retired from the US Military. In the US Military, ALL people got the same competent treatment and representation. The Military didn't have the equiv of Public Defenders. JAG represented both sides and spent as much time and money on both sides. But in the civilian world, the Rich get Super Lawyers and the poor normally get inexperienced lawyers from the Public Defenders office with zero funds for defense. The Rich either go free or cut lucrative deals while the poor get long jail sentences. Got any ideas how to deal with that?

Those two things would be a start in discussion. But beware, I won't necessarily agree or disagree with you on them.
I think that most problems are complex and there are generally more than one way to solve most of them. But I'm a bit of an idealist, mostly utilitarian and a big believer in personal responsibility. And I'm definitely open to good ideas or suggestions. That's the frame of mind I make my opinions within. Your statement that I expect others to accept my beliefs 100% is false. I have no idea where you got that. What I basically said in my original post was that there is a big difference between opinions and lies and that many liberals call conservative opinions, lies. That's counterproductive.
Pelosi didn't give a speech at the Capital then have DemoKKKrats attack the Capital and try to kill the Vice President.

Trump did...that is why he got banned. Inciting violence and insurrection.

And a new Attorney General will be in town soon, with a newly staffed DOJ, and then Trump, and anyone remotely complicit, that includes Republicans in Congress, are about to get some fun times.
It's bizarre to hear about your buffoonish President's AG choice and his assignment to investigate-prosecute political adversaries. It was bad enough that all Biden and his congress were able to do is attack Trump and Republicans. Now you're saying that the TDS is spreading to the DOJ? Do you think the Ds will ever get around to actually doing their job?
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Twitter, the NY TIMES, Wash Post and every major newspaper in the US & around the world; every network newscast - with the exception of Fox - is fake. Imagine how the hundreds of thousands of journalists are able to conspire to express the same lies for decades.

Limbaugh is the evil genius, and made millions fucking over democracy in America and having three failed marriages as well as a number of bedding under age girls in foreign nations.
How did limbaugh fuck over democracy in your world?

Post some evidence of your accusation he had sex with under age girls.

" Sadly, the Dominican Republic has been a destination country for sex tourism. This is a matter of record. We know of at least one trip to the DR taken by Limbaugh wherein he packed Viagra, a drug used to make a man's otherwise flaccid penis hard in order to have sex. That trip occurred in June 2006, about a year and a half after Limbaugh's third divorce (note that attorneys had that court file Sealed. Why was that, Rush?). About 7 1/2 years ago a Harvard University report cited a study in which the DR as one of the Latin American/Caribbean nations where children were sexually exploited in and by the sex tourism trade:"

Above Link: Limbaugh defends a pedophile. Reminds us of his own proclivities.

A simple inference.
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Twitter, the NY TIMES, Wash Post and every major newspaper in the US & around the world; every network newscast - with the exception of Fox - is fake. Imagine how the hundreds of thousands of journalists are able to conspire to express the same lies for decades.

Limbaugh is the evil genius, and made millions fucking over democracy in America and having three failed marriages as well as a number of bedding under age girls in foreign nations.
How did limbaugh fuck over democracy in your world?

Post some evidence of your accusation he had sex with under age girls.

" Sadly, the Dominican Republic has been a destination country for sex tourism. This is a matter of record. We know of at least one trip to the DR taken by Limbaugh wherein he packed Viagra, a drug used to make a man's otherwise flaccid penis hard in order to have sex. That trip occurred in June 2006, about a year and a half after Limbaugh's third divorce (note that attorneys had that court file Sealed. Why was that, Rush?). About 7 1/2 years ago a Harvard University report cited a study in which the DR as one of the Latin American/Caribbean nations where children were sexually exploited in and by the sex tourism trade:"

Above Link: Limbaugh defends a pedophile. Reminds us of his own proclivities.

A simple inference.
I was well aware of that incident where he was caught with viagra on his way to DR. I had a feeling you would bring that up.

The DR is known for other things beyond underage sex trafficking. AN inferrence is not evidence which means your allegation is a smear and a lie.

Of course you have no defense for the statement that he " fucked over democracy ".
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Pelosi's comments had the added benefit of being truthful. As was born out in the Mueller and Senate reports.
She was not truthful which is not to say trump was either. They both lied.

The mueller and senate reportts proved the collusion story was false

False. The Russians interfered in our election... both reports confirm that as well as repeated meetings between the blob's campaign and Russian intel.
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Pelosi's comments had the added benefit of being truthful. As was born out in the Mueller and Senate reports.
She was not truthful which is not to say trump was either. They both lied.

The mueller and senate reportts proved the collusion story was false

False. The Russians interfered in our election... both reports confirm that as well as repeated meetings between the blob's campaign and Russian intel.
No they did not. Tbhe reports confirmed no such thing.

At best the russian interference amounted to a few likes and up votes on videos which were unflattering to hillary and of courdse the hacking incident where they got legit emails she did not want known.

They massively failed to prove or show collusion or interference and that is a fact you are lying about
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Twitter, the NY TIMES, Wash Post and every major newspaper in the US & around the world; every network newscast - with the exception of Fox - is fake. Imagine how the hundreds of thousands of journalists are able to conspire to express the same lies for decades.

Limbaugh is the evil genius, and made millions fucking over democracy in America and having three failed marriages as well as a number of bedding under age girls in foreign nations.
How did limbaugh fuck over democracy in your world?

Post some evidence of your accusation he had sex with under age girls.

" Sadly, the Dominican Republic has been a destination country for sex tourism. This is a matter of record. We know of at least one trip to the DR taken by Limbaugh wherein he packed Viagra, a drug used to make a man's otherwise flaccid penis hard in order to have sex. That trip occurred in June 2006, about a year and a half after Limbaugh's third divorce (note that attorneys had that court file Sealed. Why was that, Rush?). About 7 1/2 years ago a Harvard University report cited a study in which the DR as one of the Latin American/Caribbean nations where children were sexually exploited in and by the sex tourism trade:"

Above Link: Limbaugh defends a pedophile. Reminds us of his own proclivities.

A simple inference.
I was well aware of that incident where he was caught with viagra on his way to DR. I had a feeling you would bring that up.

The DR is known for other things beyond underage sex trafficking. AN inferrence is not evidence which means your allegation is a smear and a lie.

Of course you have no defense for the statement that he " fucked over democracy ".

Maybe you are a ditto head, and supported his daily hate and fear rhetoric. In that I don't give a shit, and my inference is based on putting together the simple facts of Viagra and a vacation to an island known for sex tourism. These alone allow for an inference, not an indictment; yet when an old, fat, balding millionaire who could vacation anywhere on our planet choses to vacation there seems to make that inference credible.

Calling my comments a smear or a lie is your chose too, but his radio show was a smear of the Democratic Party, the Free Press and (if you are old enough to have listened to him) he called Chelsea Clinton ugly, when she was c. 8 years old; That is karma, and adds to the other circumstantial evidence noted above.
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It would be easier to have a conversation if Democrats could grasp the idea of different opinions, but they can't. Every disagreement is considered a lie by Democrats. If I say I think lower taxes can stimulate the economy, the Democrat won't say I don't think so. He'll say that's a lie. And then the conversation ends.

I strongly disagree with your post. Republicans don't talk about the issues. Republicans trash and smear the opposition. The Republican Party doesn't even have a platform to run on. All they had were lies about Democrats. They didn't run on their record, their achievements or their plans for the future.
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Pelosi called out Congress for not protecting the sanctity of the nation's election from attack by the Russians. The fact this idiot you linked to thinks that this is anything close to equivalent to what Trump said or did, shows you utterly ignorant you both are.

No politician, in the history of the Republic, has sent a mob to attack the government leaders in Congress. Nothing anyone in the history of the nation, no speech, so sedition, and no behaviour can even come close to the betrayal of the nation by Donald Trump.

That was after Trump's Riot. In response to the cowardly impeachment verdict by Mitch McConnell and the Republicans, Constitutional Republicans will continue to look elsewhere for someone to vote for. McConnell's pathetic attempt to suck and blow at the same time - acquit Trump on a technicality he made up, but then call on Democrats to prosecute him because McConnell doesn't have the balls to do it.
It would be easier to have a conversation if Democrats could grasp the idea of different opinions, but they can't. Every disagreement is considered a lie by Democrats. If I say I think lower taxes can stimulate the economy, the Democrat won't say I don't think so. He'll say that's a lie. And then the conversation ends.

I strongly disagree with your post. Republicans don't talk about the issues. Republicans trash and smear the opposition. The Republican Party doesn't even have a platform to run on. All they had were lies about Democrats. They didn't run on their record, their achievements or their plans for the future.
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Pelosi called out Congress for not protecting the sanctity of the nation's election from attack by the Russians. The fact this idiot you linked to thinks that this is anything close to equivalent to what Trump said or did, shows you utterly ignorant you both are.

No politician, in the history of the Republic, has sent a mob to attack the government leaders in Congress. Nothing anyone in the history of the nation, no speech, so sedition, and no behaviour can even come close to the betrayal of the nation by Donald Trump.

That was after Trump's Riot. In response to the cowardly impeachment verdict by Mitch McConnell and the Republicans, Constitutional Republicans will continue to look elsewhere for someone to vote for. McConnell's pathetic attempt to suck and blow at the same time - acquit Trump on a technicality he made up, but then call on Democrats to prosecute him because McConnell doesn't have the balls to do it.
I agree that McConnell has no balls.
It would be easier to have a conversation if Democrats could grasp the idea of different opinions, but they can't. Every disagreement is considered a lie by Democrats. If I say I think lower taxes can stimulate the economy, the Democrat won't say I don't think so. He'll say that's a lie. And then the conversation ends.

It would be easier if you were to not demand that we all agree 100% with your views. Oh, I agree, lowering taxes can stimulate the economy. But lowering taxes on those that have already had their taxes lowered to near zero that find every loophole to NOT pay any taxes

I suggest we look hard at the Corporations for tax cuts and increases. And we need to take a good hard look at ALL forms of taxes. Many taxes, the lower incomes carry the brunt. Things like taxes on fuels. Meanwhile, the rich get to use the roads that are paid for primarily by the lower incomes.

I am not an economist so I don't have good of a handle on this. But so far, the taxation has been controlled by the Corporations so it's no surprise that it's lopsided. I don't really know the fix but I do see the results.

Then there is the court system. I retired from the US Military. In the US Military, ALL people got the same competent treatment and representation. The Military didn't have the equiv of Public Defenders. JAG represented both sides and spent as much time and money on both sides. But in the civilian world, the Rich get Super Lawyers and the poor normally get inexperienced lawyers from the Public Defenders office with zero funds for defense. The Rich either go free or cut lucrative deals while the poor get long jail sentences. Got any ideas how to deal with that?

Those two things would be a start in discussion. But beware, I won't necessarily agree or disagree with you on them.

Liberals and conservatives have entirely different views of taxation. Liberals view taxes as your share of the costs of living in a first world nation. Like condo fees. Conservatives have been trained by the right wing billionaire media, to view taxation as "theft of your hard earned money", because the billionaire corporate owners want lower tax rates for themselves.

It's no accident that the MSM is almost all publically owned and has to answer to its shareholders for its policies, and the right wing media is all privately, billionaire owned. If the MSM lied like FOX News does, there would be howling from the shareholders about lying to the audience. For FOX, Sinclair Media, and Breitbart, the lies ARE the point of owing a media outlet.

Donald Trump's policies made the Murdochs, the Sinclairs, and the Mercers much, much richer. Their readers/viewers/listeners, not so much.

Notice that for all of his ranting, raving, and hyperbole about the necessity to stop the flood of illegal immigrants coming across the border, Donald Trump did not once try to reform immigration. He just used the current system to abuse non-white refugees and while rewarding all of the "for profit" prison companies who donated so generous to in "inauguration fund".
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Twitter, the NY TIMES, Wash Post and every major newspaper in the US & around the world; every network newscast - with the exception of Fox - is fake. Imagine how the hundreds of thousands of journalists are able to conspire to express the same lies for decades.

Limbaugh is the evil genius, and made millions fucking over democracy in America and having three failed marriages as well as a number of bedding under age girls in foreign nations.
How did limbaugh fuck over democracy in your world?

Post some evidence of your accusation he had sex with under age girls.

" Sadly, the Dominican Republic has been a destination country for sex tourism. This is a matter of record. We know of at least one trip to the DR taken by Limbaugh wherein he packed Viagra, a drug used to make a man's otherwise flaccid penis hard in order to have sex. That trip occurred in June 2006, about a year and a half after Limbaugh's third divorce (note that attorneys had that court file Sealed. Why was that, Rush?). About 7 1/2 years ago a Harvard University report cited a study in which the DR as one of the Latin American/Caribbean nations where children were sexually exploited in and by the sex tourism trade:"

Above Link: Limbaugh defends a pedophile. Reminds us of his own proclivities.

A simple inference.
I was well aware of that incident where he was caught with viagra on his way to DR. I had a feeling you would bring that up.

The DR is known for other things beyond underage sex trafficking. AN inferrence is not evidence which means your allegation is a smear and a lie.

Of course you have no defense for the statement that he " fucked over democracy ".

Maybe you are a ditto head, and supported his daily hate and fear rhetoric. In that I don't give a shit, and my inference is based on putting together the simple facts of Viagra and a vacation to an island known for sex tourism. These alone allow for an inference, not an indictment; yet when an old, fat, balding millionaire who could vacation anywhere on our planet choses to vacation there seems to make that inference credible.

Calling my comments a smear or a lie is your chose too, but his radio show was a smear of the Democratic Party, the Free Press and (if you are old enough to have listened to him) he called Chelsea Clinton ugly, when she was c. 8 years old; That is karma, and adds to the other circumstantial evidence noted above.
I havent listened to the guy since he was on TV way back in the early nineties before clinton was elected. The inference is weak and a smear. Saying he fucked over democracy is ludicrously stupid even if one disagrees with bhis views.
...You turds did repeat that OVER 10,000 times. day for 4 years moron. Gee dipshit, YOUR side encouraged BLM and Pantifa riots that killed a lot more people, caused millions in damages, and ruined hundreds of businesses. With full encouragement of Dems. You disingenuous fucktard.
Ahhhhhhh, yes... the "well the OTHER guy did it TOO defense"... most folks stop using that one by 3rd or 4th grade... dullard...

A great many Dems and Independents... yours truly included... were disgusted by the Dem leadership kowtowing to BLM and Antifa et all...

Hell, for all I care, son, you could have volley-fired into those crowds in Portland, and I would have shaken my head and said "They deserved it."...

That's got nothing whatsoever to do with Rump inciting Insurrection at the Capitol on January 6 2021 nor does it excuse his minions...

Two wrongs don't make a right... or did your Mommy forget to teach you that one before you graduated Kindergarten?
Hey fuckwad, you don’t get to cry about Trump when YOU have done worse for 4 years. See, it’s YOU assholes who cried “Trump made us do it”. The ultimate blaming of the other guy for your actions. Don’t you ever mention my mother you uneducated walking turd. Or you best have your affairs in order.....
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Twitter, the NY TIMES, Wash Post and every major newspaper in the US & around the world; every network newscast - with the exception of Fox - is fake. Imagine how the hundreds of thousands of journalists are able to conspire to express the same lies for decades.

Limbaugh is the evil genius, and made millions fucking over democracy in America and having three failed marriages as well as a number of bedding under age girls in foreign nations.
How did limbaugh fuck over democracy in your world?

Post some evidence of your accusation he had sex with under age girls.

" Sadly, the Dominican Republic has been a destination country for sex tourism. This is a matter of record. We know of at least one trip to the DR taken by Limbaugh wherein he packed Viagra, a drug used to make a man's otherwise flaccid penis hard in order to have sex. That trip occurred in June 2006, about a year and a half after Limbaugh's third divorce (note that attorneys had that court file Sealed. Why was that, Rush?). About 7 1/2 years ago a Harvard University report cited a study in which the DR as one of the Latin American/Caribbean nations where children were sexually exploited in and by the sex tourism trade:"

Above Link: Limbaugh defends a pedophile. Reminds us of his own proclivities.

A simple inference.
I was well aware of that incident where he was caught with viagra on his way to DR. I had a feeling you would bring that up.

The DR is known for other things beyond underage sex trafficking. AN inferrence is not evidence which means your allegation is a smear and a lie.

Of course you have no defense for the statement that he " fucked over democracy ".

Maybe you are a ditto head, and supported his daily hate and fear rhetoric. In that I don't give a shit, and my inference is based on putting together the simple facts of Viagra and a vacation to an island known for sex tourism. These alone allow for an inference, not an indictment; yet when an old, fat, balding millionaire who could vacation anywhere on our planet choses to vacation there seems to make that inference credible.

Calling my comments a smear or a lie is your chose too, but his radio show was a smear of the Democratic Party, the Free Press and (if you are old enough to have listened to him) he called Chelsea Clinton ugly, when she was c. 8 years old; That is karma, and adds to the other circumstantial evidence noted above.
I havent listened to the guy since he was on TV way back in the early nineties before clinton was elected. The inference is weak and a smear. Saying he fucked over democracy is ludicrously stupid even if one disagrees with bhis views.

Rush Limbaugh invented many of the lies that the Republican party used to discredit the left. That includes falsely labelling the left as Communist, atheists, baby killers, Femi-Nazis. Limbaugh really really pandered to the racism of the Republican party, labelling black victims as thugs. Vilifying kids like Trayvon Martin.

Limbaugh promoted all of the racist lies. He used the rural/urban divide as a wedge issue. And of course he promoted the lie that the MSM is so biased as to be untrustworthy.

Yes Rush Limbaugh fucked over democracy and the American working voter endlessly.

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