Flash's Plan for Economic Prosperity

They truly believe that money is infinite. It can be given out to everyone and we can all drive BMW’s and Mercedes. They have zero understanding of economics and how the real world works. The Democratic elitists love their constituency’s ignorance and brainwashing as it will ultimately lead to all the power being held by them while the rest of us are surfs.
The idiots also believe that it is their entitlement in life to have somebody else pay their bills.

It is that mentality that resulted in this country being over $30 trillion in debt and almost 40% of the GDP going to the combined (Fed, State and Local) cost of government and every goddamn Illegal in the Western Hemisphere is flooding across the border to get on welfare.
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Because dumbass, taxing people more and their restricting their ability to be productive will not lead to prosperity.
I have been working since 1981...Republicans allow business to beak every rule in the employee handbook.
Why do you cite those LEGITIMATE government workers sanctioned by the Constitution.

Why do you intentionally ignore Biden's 87,000 armed tax collectors
Where are Teachers, Firemen or Police sanctioned in the Constitution?

Why do you hate America?
Why do you cite those LEGITIMATE government workers sanctioned by the Constitution.

Why do you intentionally ignore Biden's 87,000 armed tax collectors
Tax enforcement agents have always been armed, fool. Think they only have to deal with corporate big shots?
I have been working since 1981...Republicans allow business to beak every rule in the employee handbook.
I have been working since the 1960s and my money is taken from me by the filthy ass government to pay other people's bills and that is one of the resaon this country is in tremendous debt and has dismal economic growth compared to what it could have.
The poor should be taxed and as they work more (contribute to society) their taxes should decrease
The cost of defense and other absolutely necessary government functions like police and courts should be taxed equally for everybody.

Roads, an user fee like we are doing now with the fuel tax.

A progressive tax rate is nothing more than thievery.
Where are Teachers, Firemen or Police sanctioned in the Constitution?

Why do you hate America?
Teachers, Firefighters, and/or Police are not paid for, nor should they be paid through federal taxation. That amount in the Federal budget can be eliminated.
I have been working since the 1960s and my money is taken from me by the filthy ass government to pay other people's bills and that is one of the resaon this country is in tremendous debt and has dismal economic growth compared to what it could have.
If companies can fire anyone at the drop of a dime to hire someone for 25 cents less an hour and we have no unemployment benefits or social security, you will wind up with Democrats winning lots races.
Teachers, Firefighters, and/or Police are not paid for, nor should they be paid through federal taxation. That amount in the Federal budget can be eliminated.

The issue is TAXATION
Which occurs at Local, County, State and Federal

They are still Government workers
Because dumbass, taxing people more and their restricting their ability to be productive will not lead to prosperity.
Taxing the ultra wealthy heavily is needed. I know you’ve bought the lie that taxation is theft. It’s the way of the feeble minded conservative.

You fail to understand the ultra wealthy run the country BECAUSE OF THEIR WEALTH. It is much better to tax the shit out of them so they can’t buy government.

Or if we would just prevent them from using their wealth to buy government, we’d be far ahead.

Of course these are things entirely alien to you.

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