Flat Earthers

Lady Justice

Jul 9, 2018
I keep seeing this term on the interwebs, and don't know if it is a joke or some meme. It seems more than a joke and that there are indeed flat Earthers out there.

There can't possibly be any flat Earthers remaining, right?
I dont think many people really believe it. Its more like a sarcastic stance to make people question what they are being taught.
Low info dimocrats believe everything their party feeds them no matter how absurd, so them buying into the flat earth b.s. is a given and from there global warming is just a short hop.
I keep seeing this term on the interwebs, and don't know if it is a joke or some meme. It seems more than a joke and that there are indeed flat Earthers out there.

There can't possibly be any flat Earthers remaining, right?

Who knows, if they are for real or just for attention, read about a guy building a home made rocket ship and launched himself a thousand or so feet in the air so he could see for himself

I keep seeing this term on the interwebs, and don't know if it is a joke or some meme. It seems more than a joke and that there are indeed flat Earthers out there.

There can't possibly be any flat Earthers remaining, right?

They disguise themselves as Climate Change Deniers
Anyone who thinks the earth is flat is about as intelligent as someone with severe retardation. If the earth was flat the gawd damn moon and other planets would be flat.

and tech. scientifically flat earth spinning just isn't possible in the world of physics and yes we do spin and yes we do have gravity.
I keep seeing this term on the interwebs, and don't know if it is a joke or some meme. It seems more than a joke and that there are indeed flat Earthers out there.

There can't possibly be any flat Earthers remaining, right?

They disguise themselves as Climate Change Deniers
They also believe the earth is 8,000 years old and Jesus had a pet dinosaur.
I keep seeing this term on the interwebs, and don't know if it is a joke or some meme. It seems more than a joke and that there are indeed flat Earthers out there.

There can't possibly be any flat Earthers remaining, right?
Yes there are lots of conservative flat earthers. Along with their religious beliefs and they have centers all around the globe.
I keep seeing this term on the interwebs, and don't know if it is a joke or some meme. It seems more than a joke and that there are indeed flat Earthers out there.

There can't possibly be any flat Earthers remaining, right?

They disguise themselves as Climate Change Deniers
They also believe the earth is 8,000 years old and Jesus had a pet dinosaur.


I still trust the 6,000 year old earth Bible thumpers more then I trust the 120 year plus earth climate change cults propaganda

The hottest day evah!!!!

I keep seeing this term on the interwebs, and don't know if it is a joke or some meme. It seems more than a joke and that there are indeed flat Earthers out there.

There can't possibly be any flat Earthers remaining, right?

They disguise themselves as Climate Change Deniers
They also believe the earth is 8,000 years old and Jesus had a pet dinosaur.


I still trust the 6,000 year old earth Bible thumpers more then I trust the 120 year plus earth climate change cults propaganda

The hottest day evah!!!!

As they say ignorance is bliss, so you must be one happy fool.
If you want to believe in a flat earth it's OK with me. Just don't come running to me for help when you fall off the edge.
I keep seeing this term on the interwebs, and don't know if it is a joke or some meme. It seems more than a joke and that there are indeed flat Earthers out there.

There can't possibly be any flat Earthers remaining, right?
You shouldn’t take things literally
Only arrogant fools think that man can influence the climate on this planet...

This is the beginning and end of climate influence on this planet...
I use the term to refer to those who desperately cling to their beliefs and dogma despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Indeed, most of these people refuse to even consider any opposing views, like a little kid with fingers in his ears, yelling LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!
I keep seeing this term on the interwebs, and don't know if it is a joke or some meme. It seems more than a joke and that there are indeed flat Earthers out there.

There can't possibly be any flat Earthers remaining, right?

Argument for the sake--or as some would never admit, the sah-kay--of argument.

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