Florida allows teens to buy an AR 15 , no gun license needed.

The P.R.O.M.I.S.E program employed in Broward County Public Schools is more directly responsible for the 17 deaths than the gun, the NRA, or President Trump.

PROMISE was one of 0bama’s pet projects.

Explain how ? What would’ve been any different without the Program?

Look it up but here’s a synopsis:

Before the PROMISE program, Brevard County Public Schools led the nation in what the left liked to call the high school to jail pipeline. PROMISE was brought in to stop that. Instead of reporting troubled and troubling students to law enforcement, schools were encouraged to use intervention techniques instead. If and when a student was then reported to law enforcement, they were then encouraged to use more interventions and not send these students into the judicial system. In other words, don’t report kids to the police and then if you do, then the police don’t arrest them.

Yeah . For petty MISDEMEANORS , which wouldn’t show on Fed background checks . Plus , he was a minor . Still wouldn’t show up with the Feds.

Florida law doesn’t have a catch for that . Unlike other states .

Blaming obama but not the nra . That’s rich .

I didn’t blame 0bama, I blamed his pet program. And it is more at fault than the NRA or the gun. If you had an ounce of honesty you’d admit that truth.

If u were honest you’d admit fla lax gun laws enabled this to happen.

No, that would be stupid and a lie. Figured you didn’t have the intellectual honesty to admit the truth.
Exactly. Now place yourself in Parkland, you notice this and you inform the principal. He has a sit down chat with the student, they talk about and plan further interventions, they encourage the student to talk about his feeling and then turn him loose with scheduled appointments to talk further.

Days later, bang bang.

Nice story, brau.... This kid had been suspended / expelled. He was known to be disgruntled. He was reported on by his neighbors. The Sheriff and deputies had been called on him over 40 times. The FBI had been called on him.

At some point between sheriff / deputy visit #25 or so and 'bang, bang' the 'intervention' that was needed was him being taken in for evaluation and/or questioning while his place of residence was searched. MORE could have been done. More should have been done. The ball was seriously dropped....
Exactly. Now place yourself in Parkland, you notice this and you inform the principal. He has a sit down chat with the student, they talk about and plan further interventions, they encourage the student to talk about his feeling and then turn him loose with scheduled appointments to talk further.

Days later, bang bang.

Nice story, brau.... This kid had been suspended / expelled. He was known to be disgruntled. He was reported on by his neighbors. The Sheriff and deputies had been called on him over 40 times. The FBI had been called on him.

At some point between sheriff / deputy visit #25 or so and 'bang, bang' the 'intervention' that was needed was him being taken in for evaluation and/or questioning while his place of residence was searched. MORE could have been done. More should have been done. The ball was seriously dropped....

You just described the PROMISE program.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

For right wingers, the NRA and their funders, the gun manufacturers, EVERY teenager should have an AR-15........maybe those weapons help with the acne problems?

Almost every teenager had one in the 70's and no one went around shooting people. Whenever you loons decide to confront the real problem which is moral rot, depravity, broken familes then maybe some of this will stop.

Every teenager in the 70's had an AR-15?
They tried interventions, according to PROMISE guidelines.

While active duty in the military I sat down beside a new young airman just before a meeting, and I noticed how incredibly talented he was at drawing - his art was almost like photographs. I was astonished while watching him draw....then I noticed what he was drawing. I struck up a conversation, complimented his drawing, and then asked him if I could take a look at his work. I thumbed through his pad - all of his art work was incredible - all of his art work was extremely violent, messed up, and depicted graphic violence. I immediately talked to my commander, the JAG, and a few others after the meeting.

Within 2 hours after the meeting he was taken into custody, given a psych eval, his quarters and car were legally searched, and weapons and evidence of his intent to commit violence was found. Within 5 hours he was under custody, on suicide watch, and in a cell.

It does not take 40+ visits, people telling you the guy is a freak capable of / planning violence, or 'interventions' to take action and possibly save lives....IMO / experience.

What law did he break? What "evidence to commit violence" did they find? Since when is "intent" to do anything against the law if you haven't taken any steps in that direction?
No evidence was found because piss-poor police work was done by the Parkland police and NONE was done by the FBI...just saying.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

Florida Mental Health Act - Wikipedia

What do I win for answering your question with a link to a law that has been on the books since 1971? Unless you think that cutting oneself and threatening to be a school shooter is not evidence of mental problems.
Exactly. Now place yourself in Parkland, you notice this and you inform the principal. He has a sit down chat with the student, they talk about and plan further interventions, they encourage the student to talk about his feeling and then turn him loose with scheduled appointments to talk further.

Days later, bang bang.

Nice story, brau.... This kid had been suspended / expelled. He was known to be disgruntled. He was reported on by his neighbors. The Sheriff and deputies had been called on him over 40 times. The FBI had been called on him.

At some point between sheriff / deputy visit #25 or so and 'bang, bang' the 'intervention' that was needed was him being taken in for evaluation and/or questioning while his place of residence was searched. MORE could have been done. More should have been done. The ball was seriously dropped....

You just described the PROMISE program.
Evidently NOT...he was never taken into custody, never had his place searched, never forcibly given a psych eval, never had his social media researched after someone reported seeing his name on social media threatening violence, etc...
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?
You can get a bank loan on an overpriced stick house in 15 seconds if you can see over the counter. No down payment.
You can also join the commie/socialist military meatheads and go bomb civilians at 17 and 3/4. If you say no ? They'll stick you in a cage.OH. May g0d continue to bless The Great Satan (Inc--LLC).OTOH when I was stationed in Korea nobody had ammo. Including the artillery faggots on the DMZ. The "evil ones" on the other side were loaded for bear. Great weed tho.
Exactly. Now place yourself in Parkland, you notice this and you inform the principal. He has a sit down chat with the student, they talk about and plan further interventions, they encourage the student to talk about his feeling and then turn him loose with scheduled appointments to talk further.

Days later, bang bang.

Nice story, brau.... This kid had been suspended / expelled. He was known to be disgruntled. He was reported on by his neighbors. The Sheriff and deputies had been called on him over 40 times. The FBI had been called on him.

At some point between sheriff / deputy visit #25 or so and 'bang, bang' the 'intervention' that was needed was him being taken in for evaluation and/or questioning while his place of residence was searched. MORE could have been done. More should have been done. The ball was seriously dropped....

Do what ? What’s a vauge online threat going to result in ? Florida has no license requirement .

Massachusetts does . It’s done by the local PD . Who would’ve known he was trouble and denied him a license to buy a firearm .
They tried interventions, according to PROMISE guidelines.

While active duty in the military I sat down beside a new young airman just before a meeting, and I noticed how incredibly talented he was at drawing - his art was almost like photographs. I was astonished while watching him draw....then I noticed what he was drawing. I struck up a conversation, complimented his drawing, and then asked him if I could take a look at his work. I thumbed through his pad - all of his art work was incredible - all of his art work was extremely violent, messed up, and depicted graphic violence. I immediately talked to my commander, the JAG, and a few others after the meeting.

Within 2 hours after the meeting he was taken into custody, given a psych eval, his quarters and car were legally searched, and weapons and evidence of his intent to commit violence was found. Within 5 hours he was under custody, on suicide watch, and in a cell.

It does not take 40+ visits, people telling you the guy is a freak capable of / planning violence, or 'interventions' to take action and possibly save lives....IMO / experience.

What law did he break? What "evidence to commit violence" did they find? Since when is "intent" to do anything against the law if you haven't taken any steps in that direction?
No evidence was found because piss-poor police work was done by the Parkland police and NONE was done by the FBI...just saying.
I'm talking about the kid you met when you were in the military.
Do what ? What’s a vauge online threat going to result in ? Florida has no license requirement .
An on-line threat to shoot up a school and Florida's lack of a requirement to have a license are 2 separate issues. The threat reported to the police by someone using the same name as the shooter was not 'vague', but good false attempt to claim so in an attempt to try to make your point.

As I pointed out, a grandmother found a journal in which her grandson wrote he was planning to shoot up a school - the kid was picked up by the police.
Do what ? What’s a vauge online threat going to result in ? Florida has no license requirement .
An on-line threat to shoot up a school and Florida's lack of a requirement to have a license are 2 separate issues. The threat reported to the police by someone using the same name as the shooter was not 'vague', but good false attempt to claim so in an attempt to try to make your point.

As I pointed out, a grandmother found a journal in which her grandson wrote he was planning to shoot up a school - the kid was picked up by the police.

ANd what happened to that kid ? That kid turns 18 , what would stop him from getting a gun in Florida .
They tried interventions, according to PROMISE guidelines.

While active duty in the military I sat down beside a new young airman just before a meeting, and I noticed how incredibly talented he was at drawing - his art was almost like photographs. I was astonished while watching him draw....then I noticed what he was drawing. I struck up a conversation, complimented his drawing, and then asked him if I could take a look at his work. I thumbed through his pad - all of his art work was incredible - all of his art work was extremely violent, messed up, and depicted graphic violence. I immediately talked to my commander, the JAG, and a few others after the meeting.

Within 2 hours after the meeting he was taken into custody, given a psych eval, his quarters and car were legally searched, and weapons and evidence of his intent to commit violence was found. Within 5 hours he was under custody, on suicide watch, and in a cell.

It does not take 40+ visits, people telling you the guy is a freak capable of / planning violence, or 'interventions' to take action and possibly save lives....IMO / experience.

What law did he break? What "evidence to commit violence" did they find? Since when is "intent" to do anything against the law if you haven't taken any steps in that direction?
No evidence was found because piss-poor police work was done by the Parkland police and NONE was done by the FBI...just saying.
I'm talking about the kid you met when you were in the military.

The nature of his drawings, which were very specific and detailed, were enough to warrant his being picked up, questioned, and given a psych eval....which led to his quarters being searched...which led to weapons and intent being found...which led to live most probably being saved.

You can be picked up and questioned by the police. They can not hold you indefinitely. You can request a lawyer, etc....but in cases like with this kid, the warning signs were there - as in Fl - precautions were taken - NOT like in Fl, and possible lives were saved - NOT like in Fl.
Do what ? What’s a vauge online threat going to result in ? Florida has no license requirement .
An on-line threat to shoot up a school and Florida's lack of a requirement to have a license are 2 separate issues. The threat reported to the police by someone using the same name as the shooter was not 'vague', but good false attempt to claim so in an attempt to try to make your point.

As I pointed out, a grandmother found a journal in which her grandson wrote he was planning to shoot up a school - the kid was picked up by the police.

ANd what happened to that kid ? That kid turns 18 , what would stop him from getting a gun in Florida .
Hopefully Fl being smart enough to potentially change laws, hopefully a background check that will reveal a history of mental illness / intent to use weapons to commit violence, which hopefully would result in him not getting another weapon.
They tried interventions, according to PROMISE guidelines.

While active duty in the military I sat down beside a new young airman just before a meeting, and I noticed how incredibly talented he was at drawing - his art was almost like photographs. I was astonished while watching him draw....then I noticed what he was drawing. I struck up a conversation, complimented his drawing, and then asked him if I could take a look at his work. I thumbed through his pad - all of his art work was incredible - all of his art work was extremely violent, messed up, and depicted graphic violence. I immediately talked to my commander, the JAG, and a few others after the meeting.

Within 2 hours after the meeting he was taken into custody, given a psych eval, his quarters and car were legally searched, and weapons and evidence of his intent to commit violence was found. Within 5 hours he was under custody, on suicide watch, and in a cell.

It does not take 40+ visits, people telling you the guy is a freak capable of / planning violence, or 'interventions' to take action and possibly save lives....IMO / experience.

What law did he break? What "evidence to commit violence" did they find? Since when is "intent" to do anything against the law if you haven't taken any steps in that direction?
No evidence was found because piss-poor police work was done by the Parkland police and NONE was done by the FBI...just saying.
I'm talking about the kid you met when you were in the military.

The nature of his drawings, which were very specific and detailed, were enough to warrant his being picked up, questioned, and given a psych eval....which led to his quarters being searched...which led to weapons and intent being found...which led to live most probably being saved.

You can be picked up and questioned by the police. They can not hold you indefinitely. You can request a lawyer, etc....but in cases like with this kid, the warning signs were there - as in Fl - precautions were taken - NOT like in Fl, and possible lives were saved - NOT like in Fl.

No you can’t . You need probable cause of a crime .

You act as if posting “I want to be a pro school shooter” online = you are thrown in a looney bin forever .
So an art teacher, let's say, would not only have to learn the different styles of art--Expressionist, Baroque, Surrealist, Renaissance, Modern, etc., but also how to shoot a machine-gun. OK. Should he also have to wear a bullet-proof vest and body armor?
Any teacher who is a pussy and would prefer to be a meat target shouldn't be forced to carry. But, those who DO want to carry should be allowed.
Someone will always slip through the cracks. The REAL solution to mass shootings is to shoot back.

Let not ONE of these shootings go by without a return of fire. THAT is the real solution.

The would-be mass shooter must fear failure. Right now? All they fear is running out of bullets.

Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?
This is a week old hoax dummy...

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