Florida allows teens to buy an AR 15 , no gun license needed.

Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?
Hell yea!
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

It's a damn shame children have Constitutional rights as well.
You've already made it legal to kill them ... Don't start pretending age matters.

Last edited:
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

Why would you need a license to own a gun, I've had guns for more than 50 years and never had a license to own one. Only commie assed states require than kind of shit. How about we require you to get a license to vote.


To make sure you can safely handle it and to
Make sure you ain’t a danger .

Just like a drivers license .

Driving is not a right, it is a privilege. Says so in your driver's licence booklet. Anything that requires government permission to do, is no longer a right.

American citizens, 18 years of age and older, who have not forfeited their voting rights, have the right to vote. But only once per election. Registration and ID are methods of ensuring that only American citizens, who are legally entitled to vote actually vote, and that they only vote once.
Exactly. Now place yourself in Parkland, you notice this and you inform the principal. He has a sit down chat with the student, they talk about and plan further interventions, they encourage the student to talk about his feeling and then turn him loose with scheduled appointments to talk further.

Days later, bang bang.

Nice story, brau.... This kid had been suspended / expelled. He was known to be disgruntled. He was reported on by his neighbors. The Sheriff and deputies had been called on him over 40 times. The FBI had been called on him.

At some point between sheriff / deputy visit #25 or so and 'bang, bang' the 'intervention' that was needed was him being taken in for evaluation and/or questioning while his place of residence was searched. MORE could have been done. More should have been done. The ball was seriously dropped....

You just described the PROMISE program.
Evidently NOT...he was never taken into custody, never had his place searched, never forcibly given a psych eval, never had his social media researched after someone reported seeing his name on social media threatening violence, etc...

You don’t understand the PROMISE program. I explained it in an earlier post.
That wasn’t the question now was it . The question was “why would you need a license “.

Voting is a right . You still have to register and show ID. Should those be eliminated?
You are a master at confusing the issues.

Let me lay it out for you so you can't continue to deliberately conflate.

A right does not require permission to exercise it. Let's start with that concept.

A license is a grant of permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal.

If you are an adult citizen, you have a right to vote. ONCE. Registration and showing ID is not a license. You are not granted permission. It is simply a procedure to ensure that you only vote once, as a citizen adult, and those who do not have a right to vote do not cancel out and infringe on your right to vote.

Now, go ahead with your next deflection.

It’s a limitations to vote . If I show up wh no license to the polling place and turned away, I’ve been denied my legit vote .

No, you have denied yourself your legal right to vote. But, you need not worry about voting, since your postings make it obvious, that you don't have a clue about why you are voting.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?
Why do we need a license to exercise a constitutional right?

Should we license the press/media?

Press aren’t licensed at all? Ever hear if press passes ? We also have libel laws .

All rights have some limits : regulation.
Then they aren't rights, they are privileges.

Then any weapon falls under the 2nd ? If it’s limitless . You could own military grade machine gun weapons ? Surface to air missle ?
please don't say nuclear bombs

And people can own fully automatic weapons
That wasn’t the question now was it . The question was “why would you need a license “.

Voting is a right . You still have to register and show ID. Should those be eliminated?
You are a master at confusing the issues.

Let me lay it out for you so you can't continue to deliberately conflate.

A right does not require permission to exercise it. Let's start with that concept.

A license is a grant of permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal.

If you are an adult citizen, you have a right to vote. ONCE. Registration and showing ID is not a license. You are not granted permission. It is simply a procedure to ensure that you only vote once, as a citizen adult, and those who do not have a right to vote do not cancel out and infringe on your right to vote.

Now, go ahead with your next deflection.

It’s a limitations to vote . If I show up wh no license to the polling place and turned away, I’ve been denied my legit vote .
you have to prove you are eligible to vote which meas proving you are of legal age and are a citizen that is not a restriction
Exactly. Now place yourself in Parkland, you notice this and you inform the principal. He has a sit down chat with the student, they talk about and plan further interventions, they encourage the student to talk about his feeling and then turn him loose with scheduled appointments to talk further.

Days later, bang bang.

Nice story, brau.... This kid had been suspended / expelled. He was known to be disgruntled. He was reported on by his neighbors. The Sheriff and deputies had been called on him over 40 times. The FBI had been called on him.

At some point between sheriff / deputy visit #25 or so and 'bang, bang' the 'intervention' that was needed was him being taken in for evaluation and/or questioning while his place of residence was searched. MORE could have been done. More should have been done. The ball was seriously dropped....

Do what ? What’s a vauge online threat going to result in ? Florida has no license requirement .

Massachusetts does . It’s done by the local PD . Who would’ve known he was trouble and denied him a license to buy a firearm .

I doubt that according to Mass. Law, the police could have taken his gun due to a vague online threat.

The kid in Parkland was a known troubled kid. Not just a one time vague threat. But nothing was done because the school and the police didn’t want to do anything. They went with the PROMISE guidelines.
The P.R.O.M.I.S.E program employed in Broward County Public Schools is more directly responsible for the 17 deaths than the gun, the NRA, or President Trump.

PROMISE was one of 0bama’s pet projects.

Explain how ? What would’ve been any different without the Program?

Look it up but here’s a synopsis:

Before the PROMISE program, Brevard County Public Schools led the nation in what the left liked to call the high school to jail pipeline. PROMISE was brought in to stop that. Instead of reporting troubled and troubling students to law enforcement, schools were encouraged to use intervention techniques instead. If and when a student was then reported to law enforcement, they were then encouraged to use more interventions and not send these students into the judicial system. In other words, don’t report kids to the police and then if you do, then the police don’t arrest them.

Yeah . For petty MISDEMEANORS , which wouldn’t show on Fed background checks . Plus , he was a minor . Still wouldn’t show up with the Feds.

Florida law doesn’t have a catch for that . Unlike other states .

Blaming obama but not the nra . That’s rich .

I didn’t blame 0bama, I blamed his pet program. And it is more at fault than the NRA or the gun. If you had an ounce of honesty you’d admit that truth.

If u were honest you’d admit fla lax gun laws enabled this to happen.
No the lax security at the school allowed a person who had absolutely no business in the school to just walk in and start shooting
The P.R.O.M.I.S.E program employed in Broward County Public Schools is more directly responsible for the 17 deaths than the gun, the NRA, or President Trump.

PROMISE was one of 0bama’s pet projects.

Explain how ? What would’ve been any different without the Program?

Look it up but here’s a synopsis:

Before the PROMISE program, Brevard County Public Schools led the nation in what the left liked to call the high school to jail pipeline. PROMISE was brought in to stop that. Instead of reporting troubled and troubling students to law enforcement, schools were encouraged to use intervention techniques instead. If and when a student was then reported to law enforcement, they were then encouraged to use more interventions and not send these students into the judicial system. In other words, don’t report kids to the police and then if you do, then the police don’t arrest them.

Yeah . For petty MISDEMEANORS , which wouldn’t show on Fed background checks . Plus , he was a minor . Still wouldn’t show up with the Feds.

Florida law doesn’t have a catch for that . Unlike other states .

Blaming obama but not the nra . That’s rich .

Cruz was 19, he was not a minor. The school knew he was dangerous, the sheriff's department knew he was dangerous, and the FBI knew he was dangerous. If they couldn't arrest him, they should have had him under constant surveillance, just like any other suspected terrorist.

However, I believe that with all the threats that he had made, they could have taken him before a judge and had him placed on a mental hold. In addition, with all the domestic disturbance calls that the sheriff's office answered, they could have removed his guns under domestic violence statutes. However, they did nothing and innocent children died and were wounded.
Cruz was 19, he was not a minor. The school knew he was dangerous, the sheriff's department knew he was dangerous, and the FBI knew he was dangerous. If they couldn't arrest him, they should have had him under constant surveillance, just like any other suspected terrorist.

However, I believe that with all the threats that he had made, they could have taken him before a judge and had him placed on a mental hold. In addition, with all the domestic disturbance calls that the sheriff's office answered, they could have removed his guns under domestic violence statutes. However, they did nothing and innocent children died and were wounded.
Incredibly convenient, right?
No the lax security at the school allowed a person who had absolutely no business in the school to just walk in and start shooting
That's what I don't understand. How does a dude smuggle a rifle into a school? Down his pants?

I am not convinced he acted alone.

I heard somewhere that he banged on a door and some kid just let him in.

This is why all doors need to be locked and need to be secured so only a teacher can open them.

If this idiot had only one way to get in that was monitored and secured the whole thing could have been avoided.

Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

For right wingers, the NRA and their funders, the gun manufacturers, EVERY teenager should have an AR-15........maybe those weapons help with the acne problems?

Actually time was when every teenager DID have an AR-15 or SOMETHING. They knew guns, they were familiar with guns, guns were nothing new, strange, guns were just around like toasters and TVs, and kids didn't go out running out to school with them to shoot other people. That didn't start until the Left invented the idea that guns were an ugly, dirty word in every form and tried to force children to live in an artificial bubble.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

DUFUS, since when do you need a license from the government in order to practice a god-given constitutional right? Do I need a license to talk? Maybe you think we need a license (permission) from government to go to church? You only need a license to carry the gun on you CONCEALED. Why would you need a CCW for something like a rifle THAT YOU CANNOT CONCEAL?

Honestly, you are the POSTER CHILD for STUPIDITY, FAILURE OF THE PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM, WHY OUR COUNTRY IS FAILING and that sometimes it is better to just lobotomize portions of our society as not worth the trouble to try to educate.
Exactly. Now place yourself in Parkland, you notice this and you inform the principal. He has a sit down chat with the student, they talk about and plan further interventions, they encourage the student to talk about his feeling and then turn him loose with scheduled appointments to talk further.

Days later, bang bang.

Nice story, brau.... This kid had been suspended / expelled. He was known to be disgruntled. He was reported on by his neighbors. The Sheriff and deputies had been called on him over 40 times. The FBI had been called on him.

At some point between sheriff / deputy visit #25 or so and 'bang, bang' the 'intervention' that was needed was him being taken in for evaluation and/or questioning while his place of residence was searched. MORE could have been done. More should have been done. The ball was seriously dropped....

Do what ? What’s a vauge online threat going to result in ? Florida has no license requirement .

Massachusetts does . It’s done by the local PD . Who would’ve known he was trouble and denied him a license to buy a firearm .

I doubt that according to Mass. Law, the police could have taken his gun due to a vague online threat.

The kid in Parkland was a known troubled kid. Not just a one time vague threat. But nothing was done because the school and the police didn’t want to do anything. They went with the PROMISE guidelines.

Under mass law he doesn't get that far . He would be denied a license , which is needed to buy a weapon .
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

Dude, Wikipedia? No wonder you're so damned dumb.

Try a REAL information site.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

As you can see, Florida actually has quite a few "gun laws". I believe what YOU were getting at is that Florida doesn't have a lot of gun RESTRICTIONS, in your extremely-humble opinion.

And let me just direct your attention to 790.25 Lawful ownership, possession, and use of firearms and other weapons.

(b) The protections of this section do not apply to the following:
1. A person who has been adjudged mentally incompetent, who is addicted to the use of narcotics or any similar drug, or who is a habitual or chronic alcoholic, or a person using weapons or firearms in violation of ss. 790.07-790.115, 790.145-790.19, 790.22-790.24;

So you are bloody damned RIGHT we blame the sheriff and the FBI for failing, since if they had done their jobs properly with ALL the many red flags thrown up about this little psycho, he'd have never gotten a gun. Do NOT tell me it the laxness of Florida's laws that let him get it; it was the laxness of law enforcement in upholding those laws.

Do I even need to bother saying, "Piss off, asskitten"?

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