florida blocks african studies

Did they ever teach you about capitalization, punctuation and grammar?

By the way, I understand that many African nations have a compulsory “Florida Studies” course. Is that true?
No one cares about capitalizing "africans". In fact, we should ban ALL third world people from using a capital letter until they get their shit together.
So in other words they taught the feel good history and hid the real history.
The problem with teaching the "real history" that you want taught is this. The person teaching it will invariably inject his or her own bias into the teachings which greatly influences the young students to the same bias. That real history is readily available for anyone to research on their own. That is the best way to learn history, reading it from different sources and then drawing your own analysis and conclusions.
The problem with teaching the "real history" that you want taught is this. The person teaching it will invariably inject his or her own bias into the teachings which greatly influences the young students to the same bias. That real history is readily available for anyone to research on their own. That is the best way to learn history, reading it from different sources and then drawing your own analysis and conclusions.
Isn't that what has been done in America since the country was founded. How has history been taught all these damn years, are you saying that the person teaching it hasn't been putting their own bias to it. If that is the case then why have a history class at all, hell let folks learn it all on their own.
Isn't that what has been done in America since the country was founded. How has history been taught all these damn years, are you saying that the person teaching it hasn't been putting their own bias to it. If that is the case then why have a history class at all, hell let folks learn it all on their own.
That's a fair point. I'd be fine with history being dropped altogether from public schools and add another math or science or writing class in it's place. And I appreciate that you are having a discussion with me, that rarely happens on this site.
We should not only tell the entire thruth . We should explain why systematic white supremacy left this stinking pile of unresolved shit for us to deal with.
Then we're also going to explain how slavery in Africa preceded slavery in America by four THOUSAND years.
Self awareness isn’t your strong suit I see.

Like white folks deliberately eliminating black history from schools maybe? :uhoh3:
Fucking GET OUT OF HERE with your racist bullshit.

There is no black history, asshole. There is no white history. There's only HISTORY.

Get your divisive racist ass out to the shed. Right now, fucktard.

african studies meaning crt

all states should do this. we need to go back to teaching children how to learn not hate each other. reading, writing, math etc...
Hate comes naturally to a human you don't have to teach that.

african studies meaning crt

all states should do this. we need to go back to teaching children how to learn not hate each other. reading, writing, math etc...
What am I missing here; did anyone read the article??

"saying it violates state law and is historically inaccurate"

GThe latter in particular is a good reason to can it quite frankly.

DeSantis believes that ignorance is bliss.
"saying it violates state law and is historically inaccurate"

You read the Curriculum?? Tell me the ACCURATE bits. Is "Democrats have always been the Party of racism with the possible exception of the Kennedy era...........and look what happened to them!!!" in it???

"saying it violates state law and is historically inaccurate"

You read the Curriculum?? Tell me the ACCURATE bits. Is "Democrats have always been the Party of racism with the possible exception of the Kennedy era...........and look what happened to them!!!" in it???

Yes the D's were the party of racist and now it is the Republicans, congrats, both parties suck equally now.
Its ok to teach Jim Crow and slavery if you have a balanced view that stresses the many positives.

President de Santis recognises this need and is fighting to ensure that the darkies dont get their heads filled with communism.

Its the way forward to a happier nation.
Jim Crow laws were an end around on Federal law, just like CRT-based "black studies" are an end-around on State school policy.

Both perpetrated by Democrats.

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