florida blocks african studies

Voting against John Lewis Voting Act

I bet he was a boot licker. Any black man that isn't a Republican.

I just did. :fu:

Bullshit, I guess you are going to keep repeating that lie hoping black folks will believe it.

You mean like not renting them apartments in which the Gov't sued him or not wanting black folks counting his money or calling black mothers bitches.

You mean show you a black Democrat that is not a boot licker like a black republican.
I mean show me a black Democrat that's smarter than a black Republican, fucktard. And I know damn good and well you can't, dumbass.
I don't have time to sit here and name ever black democrat in America.
Translation: "I can't, you win."

Btw, it's supposed to be "every" you low IQ Demshill turd. You're not out for the betterment of black people, I know that much.

You see, unlike you, I have black friends I want to have the best they can, bitch.
They're doing alright, but they could be doing better if America was being what it's supposed to and could be.
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Listen shit for brains, any black man that is a Republican today is a Bonafide idiot which makes any black man who isn't smarter than that dumbass.
That post lacks logic. It relies on supposition. What proof do you have that
any black man that is a Republican today is a Bonafide idiot?
Why would they be an idiot? Please feel free to elaborate. (And then I'm gonna kick your ass up, down, and sideways)

I'm gonna punt your bullshit like it's from the 5 yard line to the other 5 yard line. I'm a boot that shit just that hard.

I am gonna kick your bullshit premises silly. Be warned.
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african studies meaning crt

all states should do this. we need to go back to teaching children how to learn not hate each other. reading, writing, math etc...

In our State ... They decided not to teach African Studies ... For starters ... Because our State is not in Africa.
And secondly ... We have a lot of people whose ancestors came from Africa in our State ... Contributed a lot to our State's History ...
And we already teach State History ... :thup:

There is nothing wrong with African American studies. We should be educated on how African Americans have been treated in this country. It gives America a well-deserved black eye. Florida is a hotbed of racism. The new home of the KKK.
Flooding with wealthy Hispanics who need Black cleaning ladies.
Jews are too busy working to make up terms.
Most are. However communism socialism bolshevism CRT are all Jewish creations from academia. So in that respect they were not too busy to create this. It's satanic. There are satanic forces In christian denominations as well. What I say is neither anti Jewish nor anti semitic. Btw there are plenty of Jewish supremacist who believe they are gods chosen people and that they should rule the world. Iirc you are Jewish. I don't dislike a Jew anymore than anyone else. I know and respect many Jews.
Why should “ black history “ be taught?
It shouldn't. The concept is that all blacks at all times were always discriminated against. Irish Catholics were commonly depicted as apes and chimps in major newspapers in the USA. E. European Jews received similar treatment.

In our State ... They decided not to teach African Studies ... For starters ... Because our State is not in Africa.
And secondly ... We have a lot of people whose ancestors came from Africa in our State ... Contributed a lot to our State's History ...
And we already teach State History ... :thup:

it starts with state history , us history. world history and then government. if they are going to teach slavery then teach it right instead of lieing about how it started. it started with africans opeinng thier doors and saleing their people who they captured and inslaved to other countries. most ended in south american and the islands.
That post lacks logic. It relies on supposition. What proof do you have that

Why would they be an idiot? Please feel free to elaborate. (And then I'm gonna kick your ass up, down, and sideways)

I'm gonna punt your bullshit like it's from the 5 yard line to the other 5 yard line. I'm a boot that shit just that hard.

I am gonna kick your bullshit premises silly. Be warned.
Actually all you are going to do is run your mouth, talk loud and not say a damn thing.
Oh, for goodness' sake!

Let them have AP classes in African American studies.

Let them rehash everything about slavery and segregation and Caucasians. And about the glories of ancient African kingdoms.

If it makes them happy and gives them some credit for college, get out of the way and let them enjoy the class.
Freedom of choice for God's sake!

If a student chooses to take the college course for college credit, LET THEM TAKE THE COURSE!

Why to republicans claim they are for free speech blah blah blah, WHILE CENSORING IT?


meanwhile, dictator wannabe DeSantis, little Trump, is a censoring machine and using govt power to do it! SAD you can't see it..... :(

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