Florida Gov. DeSantis Has Just Signed A Bill Into Law That Would Allow Everyday Floridians To Sue Big Tech Platforms For Monetary Damages

I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

The big tech companies are not basecd in Florida. They cannot enforce it across state lines. It is meaningless.

Another conservative who's a constitutional illiterate.

Another fascist Democrat who ignores the Constitution until it serves you.

I actually agree that the Constitutionality of the law is dubious. But wow, your hypocrisy compared to the left silencing free speech just REEKS

All Constitutional rights have limits Everyone should know that. But conservatives seem to have this opinion that they can say anything they want, anytime they want, and anywhere they want. They're wrong.

Now when it comes to platforms like Facebook, the rules are clearly stated, and to join, a person has to agree to the terms and conditions. Most people don't have a problem coloring within the lines. But just like on this forum, conservatives like to needlessly hurl rhetorical bombs, and make ad hominem insults, and levy personal attacks based on race or gender or some other perceived status of a poster.

Then they get booted and then they start complaining that they've been discriminated against and that their freedom of speech has somehow been unduly infringed upon.

The next thing you know, conservatives want to pass laws that violate the very constitution which they claim to revere.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat!

"All rights have limits . . . if they belong to conservatives. It's outrageous that they think they're allowed the same freedoms we are!"

"Facebook is being completely fair and impartial and moral!! I KNOW they are, because they're doing what I want, and they TOLD me they were!! How dare you contradict my beloved masters!!"\

"You deserve to be silenced, because you refuse to follow orders and think what we're told to!!"

Just curious: Was it the lobotomy or the castration that made you such a puling little lackey?

Why is it that you guys always sound like people immersed in self-pity and victimhood with a persecution complex on top of it all? It's weird because it's just so damn common place among conservatives.

Why is it you guys always sound like a bunch of hypocrites? Tell me about "self-pity" and "victimhood" when your side stops trying to pretend it's still fighting the Civil War.
I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

The big tech companies are not basecd in Florida. They cannot enforce it across state lines. It is meaningless.

Another conservative who's a constitutional illiterate.

Another fascist Democrat who ignores the Constitution until it serves you.

I actually agree that the Constitutionality of the law is dubious. But wow, your hypocrisy compared to the left silencing free speech just REEKS

All Constitutional rights have limits Everyone should know that. But conservatives seem to have this opinion that they can say anything they want, anytime they want, and anywhere they want. They're wrong.

Now when it comes to platforms like Facebook, the rules are clearly stated, and to join, a person has to agree to the terms and conditions. Most people don't have a problem coloring within the lines. But just like on this forum, conservatives like to needlessly hurl rhetorical bombs, and make ad hominem insults, and levy personal attacks based on race or gender or some other perceived status of a poster.

Then they get booted and then they start complaining that they've been discriminated against and that their freedom of speech has somehow been unduly infringed upon.

The next thing you know, conservatives want to pass laws that violate the very constitution which they claim to revere.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat!

"All rights have limits . . . if they belong to conservatives. It's outrageous that they think they're allowed the same freedoms we are!"

"Facebook is being completely fair and impartial and moral!! I KNOW they are, because they're doing what I want, and they TOLD me they were!! How dare you contradict my beloved masters!!"\

"You deserve to be silenced, because you refuse to follow orders and think what we're told to!!"

Just curious: Was it the lobotomy or the castration that made you such a puling little lackey?

Why is it that you guys always sound like people immersed in self-pity and victimhood with a persecution complex on top of it all? It's weird because it's just so damn common place among conservatives.

Why is it you guys always sound like a bunch of hypocrites? Tell me about "self-pity" and "victimhood" when your side stops trying to pretend it's still fighting the Civil War.

They sound like hypocrites because they are hypocrites. There is no issue they aren't hypocritical about.
I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

JUST IN - Florida Gov. DeSantis has just signed a bill into law that would allow everyday Floridians to sue Big Tech Platforms for monetary damages.
He is the greatest governor in history. I hope they all sue for 200 billion. Fauci says cuomo is the greatest governor because he killed so many elderly. I cant agree.
I wonder if any of those lawsuits will be filed before the Babbitt lawsuit. We're still waiting for that one.
We are? They already filed a $10 million lawsuit.
Unfortunately these Big Tech companies have got so big and become an everyday part of American life that they have to be held accountable for being shitheads.

Get Congress to update the laws.

Good luck.

We can do it here in Florida by ourselves, thank you very much.

These filthy ass companies can be Nazis elsewhere.
Exactly. We the people receive the information and decide what we believe or don’t, accept or dismiss. It’s illegal for Big Brother tech to vacate our right and do that “for” us especially when their actions are entirely political affiliation oriented.

Even newspapers don't have to publish your letters to the editor if they are lies , slanders and threats or just stupid.. You have some very strange ideas. You know Facebook also has freedom of speech.
They can also be sued, dumbass. Part of the reason WAPO got sued by Nick Sandman is that they published only letters and editorials attacking Sandman.
Unfortunately these Big Tech companies have got so big and become an everyday part of American life that they have to be held accountable for being shitheads.

Get Congress to update the laws.

Good luck.

We can do it here in Florida by ourselves, thank you very much.

These filthy ass companies can be Nazis elsewhere.

Update the laws? You mean change the Constitution for Trump trash?Well, that's Florida for you.
How does that change the Constitution, trash?
I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

If I was big tech I would stop doing business in an unfriendly business state.
Unfortunately these Big Tech companies have got so big and become an everyday part of American life that they have to be held accountable for being shitheads.

How funny .. You don't hold Trump accountable for lies, slander, threats, negligence. Why not? You don't have to put up with that crap.
If you want to sue him, go right ahead. Meanwhile, conservatives will be suing Facebook, Twitter and youTube.
Unfortunately these Big Tech companies have got so big and become an everyday part of American life that they have to be held accountable for being shitheads.

Get Congress to update the laws.

Good luck.
We don't need to. After every red state makes it legal to sue Big Tech for their bias, they will change their ways or go under.
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Nazi liberals are going to hate this

This is a joke.. DeSantis is playing for a headline.
Nope. He just stuck a dagger into the belly of the big tech monster.

You ready to sue US Message Board if they kick you off?
Facebook is not US Message Board.

Same rules.. This board is privately owned just like facebook. DeSantis is too stupid for words.
Facebook claims we aren't allowed to sue it because it's a "platform" protected from lawsuits under rule 230. It also claims it's allowed to control it's content any way it wants to.

Both claims can't both be true.

You are too stupid for words. The all-out assault on Facebook, youTube and twitter is about to begin.

I'm not sure you understand the lawsuit stuff. They can't be sued for CONTENT - you can sue if you get banned, but good luck.

If they can't be sued then...why are they getting sued, and have been for some time?
They claim reg 230 doesn't allow them to be sued. That's theory is about to be tested in court.
Unfortunately these Big Tech companies have got so big and become an everyday part of American life that they have to be held accountable for being shitheads.

Get Congress to update the laws.

Good luck.

We can do it here in Florida by ourselves, thank you very much.

These filthy ass companies can be Nazis elsewhere.

Good luck.

Wouldn't it be funny if they just quit doing business in Florida?

I was thinking the same thing. Why bother with Trump and Florida at all.

Maybe because almost 22 million people live there? There are a lot of businesses there that advertise on Facebook or use it to do business in other ways?

It's like you can't grasp any concept that isn't, "My political views make me good, and other views mean you're bad!" Grow up.

Well, then these businesses need to deal with Trump and Desantis because I'd just as soon Facebook quit Florida.

Well, I'm sure everyone will jump to take into account your personal pique that anyone should DARE to disagree with you. Any minute now, it's sure to matter to someone.

Maybe you should give Mr. Zuckerberg a call and let him know he has your permission.

Desantis is planning to hurt all those Florida business that use Facebook so let them deal with Desantis and Trump.
You're assuming Facebook will pull out of Florida. Somehow I doubt it.
A State cannot cancel or “nullify” an existing federal law, even by passing one that purports to.

Perhaps not, but a state CAN force the courts to examine the issue.
Conservatives are always talking about the Constitution. Perhaps they should spend more time reading it than talking about it.

Here is part of Article VI

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Leftists are always trying to talk about the Constitution, and always end up sounding like a not-too-bright 10-year-old with ADD.
They sound like Stalinists, if you ask me.
A State cannot cancel or “nullify” an existing federal law, even by passing one that purports to.

Perhaps not, but a state CAN force the courts to examine the issue.
Conservatives are always talking about the Constitution. Perhaps they should spend more time reading it than talking about it.

Here is part of Article VI

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
We'll see how the courts rule on it.
I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

I don't even care if it bankrupts one (which it won't even put a dent in them), what I care about is a very big politician stood up to big tech companies and showed citizens and other politicians you can fight the people and orginzations that are trying to control everyone.

Just the effort of someone like him pushing back let's others know they can also. If he influences one other politician then a domino effect starts and next thing you know people won't be afraid to say no to big tech control, media censorship, BLM agendas, and governmental attempt at controlling us all.

Every bit helps.

Texas is next, especially if someone sues Facebook and wins.
Unfortunately these Big Tech companies have got so big and become an everyday part of American life that they have to be held accountable for being shitheads.

Get Congress to update the laws.

Good luck.

We can do it here in Florida by ourselves, thank you very much.

These filthy ass companies can be Nazis elsewhere.
Exactly. We the people receive the information and decide what we believe or don’t, accept or dismiss. It’s illegal for Big Brother tech to vacate our right and do that “for” us especially when their actions are entirely political affiliation oriented.

Even newspapers don't have to publish your letters to the editor if they are lies , slanders and threats or just stupid.. You have some very strange ideas. You know Facebook also has freedom of speech.
You got the cart before the horse. Your assessment if Trumps statements as deliberately fact based false is incorrect. He is sharing his beliefs opinions and experiences, none of that is either implicitly false nor fact but Facebook does not want that information to become available to the public for the public to decide so they censor it

What has he told the truth about in the past five years.. or 40 years? You are an adult man.. Why do you put up with his crap?
Far more than Biden, Piglosi or any other Dim.
Nazi liberals are going to hate this

This is a joke.. DeSantis is playing for a headline.
Nope. He just stuck a dagger into the belly of the big tech monster.

You ready to sue US Message Board if they kick you off?
Facebook is not US Message Board.

They are the same type of entity. US Message Board can ban a user or take down a post that violates the terms of the agreement. Facebook can do the same thing.
And U.S message board can be sued.
Nazi liberals are going to hate this

This is a joke.. DeSantis is playing for a headline.
Nope. He just stuck a dagger into the belly of the big tech monster.

You ready to sue US Message Board if they kick you off?
Facebook is not US Message Board.

Same rules.. This board is privately owned just like facebook. DeSantis is too stupid for words.

Son you aren't in his league, he is beating Progs like a drum.
How is passing unconstitutional laws beating anyone?
When did the SC rule on it?

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