Florida gun shop owner to make business "muslim free zone."

CAIR supports terrorists...

FBI Reaffirms CAIR s Terrorist Ties RedState

CAIR Listed as a Terrorist Group Alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamic State TheBlaze.com

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and wasposted by the official news agency WAM.

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.

"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
So...we hold all Muslims responsible....can we do that with christians too? Hold them all responsible when one goes off?

Let me know when a Christian shoots any Marines.
CAIR supports terrorists...

FBI Reaffirms CAIR s Terrorist Ties RedState

CAIR Listed as a Terrorist Group Alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamic State TheBlaze.com

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and wasposted by the official news agency WAM.

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.

"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
Then by that "logic" Christians should be banned as well, they do more shooting than either.

When was the last time a Christian shot any Marines or sailors?
CAIR supports terrorists...

FBI Reaffirms CAIR s Terrorist Ties RedState

CAIR Listed as a Terrorist Group Alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamic State TheBlaze.com

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and wasposted by the official news agency WAM.

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.

"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
Then by that "logic" Christians should be banned as well, they do more shooting than either.

When was the last time a Christian shot any Marines or sailors?
We've had a few here and there in San Diego. The interesting thing is....people like you don't go apeshit of the religion of the shooter UNLESS they are Mooooslim.
So, it looks like this brings up another question.....

Will Obama's DOJ openly show their support for an organization that funds terrorism by taking on the case like CAIR requested???
No reason they shouldn't. It's an open and closed civil rights case. Religion discrimination is against the law here, remember?

You don't have a right to buy a gun from someone that has the right to refuse to sell you a gun. Rights are not one-sided.
They don't have the right to refuse, in nearly all cases. They are open to the public and religious discrimination is illegal here. He can no more refuse Muslims than he can Jews or *******...

Sure they have the right to refuse on whatever grounds they want. It is a free country. Your muslim friends are free to go to another gun store.
Have you read the Constitution, moron?
I think that the gun shop owner may soon be out of business. Maybe he should move to Oregon and set up a bakery.....
I was thinking a combination gun shop and BBQ stand... Pork sandwich, anyone???
Smearing pork grease on the guns… but wait!!! That would exclude the jews too…. shit… what was I thinking?
Read up on the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
Ya but read up on the Muganic Rebellion of 1724! Or was is 1642?
Who the fuck cares about 'rebellions' that happened hundreds of years ago? Pretty fucking lame way to make an argument pal.
Only a stupid fucking LIB child would expose their lack of debating skills the way you do.
"But Barry stole a cookie too mommy!"
CAIR supports terrorists...

FBI Reaffirms CAIR s Terrorist Ties RedState

CAIR Listed as a Terrorist Group Alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamic State TheBlaze.com

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and wasposted by the official news agency WAM.

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.

"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
Then by that "logic" Christians should be banned as well, they do more shooting than either.

When was the last time a Christian shot any Marines or sailors?
We've had a few here and there in San Diego. The interesting thing is....people like you don't go apeshit of the religion of the shooter UNLESS they are Mooooslim.
Hey genius.
"We've had a few here and there in San Diego. The interesting thing is....people like you don't go apeshit of the religion of the shooter UNLESS they are Mooooslim". "...you don't go apeshit of the religion......" Sober up asshole. You are making a fool of yourself.
Iverness gun store owner Shop is Muslim-free zone after... www.wftv.com

the muslims are all lathered up over this; well, if their's is a religion of peace why would they care about guns anyhow

they also want the doj to investigate.
ya know really cares about justice in this country
just ask the 21 attacks on military personnel in this country.

CAIR to Seek DOJ Probe of Muslim Free Zone Businesses in Florida New Hampshire Reuters
I'm sure the new Muslim owners, after suing the others out of business, well do a just fine. Close 'em down boys...

His next position asks the questions, Do you want fries with that, sir?
Thank you for exposing just what liberalism believes in.
So, it looks like this brings up another question.....

Will Obama's DOJ openly show their support for an organization that funds terrorism by taking on the case like CAIR requested???
No reason they shouldn't. It's an open and closed civil rights case. Religion discrimination is against the law here, remember?

You don't have a right to buy a gun from someone that has the right to refuse to sell you a gun. Rights are not one-sided.
They don't have the right to refuse, in nearly all cases. They are open to the public and religious discrimination is illegal here. He can no more refuse Muslims than he can Jews or *******...
He can refuse whomever he pleases.
So, it looks like this brings up another question.....

Will Obama's DOJ openly show their support for an organization that funds terrorism by taking on the case like CAIR requested???

Of course they will! They've repeatedly shut down any suits against Muslim front groups. They won't stop now.
So, it looks like this brings up another question.....

Will Obama's DOJ openly show their support for an organization that funds terrorism by taking on the case like CAIR requested???
You got to be kidding.
Another stupid dumbass who should have simply practiced his very defensible discrimination without announcing it.

Will people never learn? :dunno:
Iverness gun store owner Shop is Muslim-free zone after... www.wftv.com

the muslims are all lathered up over this; well, if their's is a religion of peace why would they care about guns anyhow

they also want the doj to investigate.
ya know really cares about justice in this country
just ask the 21 attacks on military personnel in this country.

CAIR to Seek DOJ Probe of Muslim Free Zone Businesses in Florida New Hampshire Reuters
I'm sure the new Muslim owners, after suing the others out of business, well do a just fine. Close 'em down boys...

His next position asks the questions, Do you want fries with that, sir?
Thank you for exposing just what liberalism believes in.
Liberalism is not without rules and laws. Break them and we send you packing. Now you know.

BTW, tolerance stops at intolerance.
So, it looks like this brings up another question.....

Will Obama's DOJ openly show their support for an organization that funds terrorism by taking on the case like CAIR requested???
No reason they shouldn't. It's an open and closed civil rights case. Religion discrimination is against the law here, remember?

You don't have a right to buy a gun from someone that has the right to refuse to sell you a gun. Rights are not one-sided.
They don't have the right to refuse, in nearly all cases. They are open to the public and religious discrimination is illegal here. He can no more refuse Muslims than he can Jews or *******...
He can refuse whomever he pleases.
That is incorrect. Learn the law. That ain't it.

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