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Florida high school students stage second amendment support walkout

so if i steal your car and run people over, it's your fault.

No because guns aren't cars.

And are you saying you're going to steal a car and hurt people? Posts like those are warning flags that a "responsible gun owner" is about to act irresponsibly. In your crazy system of preventing people from getting guns, your post would be used against you when you tried to get one.
My freedom in no way allows people to commit MURDER. In fact my freedom prevents murder from happening where and when I am able to prevent it. I carry in order to promote my own safety and those in my immediate surroundings.
No, you owning a gun doesn't equate to murder. Most of the people I know own guns and it doesn't bother me at all because they are responsible, sane people. I have listened to all the arguments and it has caused me to move from my original position of wanting this country to go "full Australia."
It doesn't interfere with your freedom in any way if AR type weapons and large capacity magazines are banned. There are plenty of other guns to own and use for your purposes.
The gun supporters are correct that we need to figure out why our culture is so violent and what to do about it. It is, absolutely, the PEOPLE using the gun that are the primary problem.
When gun supporters resist getting guns from the hands of people who are exhibiting violent behavior or are mentally unbalanced, it does not help. Neither does resisting better background checks. None of those things take away anyone's freedom except people who clearly should not have a gun in their possession.

Thank you for your kind words and your patience, too.

I try to be patient with ya too, OL, but when it comes to guns, you done jumped on the wackadoodle choo-choo.
so if i steal your car and run people over, it's your fault.

No because guns aren't cars.

And are you saying you're going to steal a car and hurt people? Posts like those are warning flags that a "responsible gun owner" is about to act irresponsibly. In your crazy system of preventing people from getting guns, your post would be used against you when you tried to get one.

Cars kill multiples of more people than guns every year. Ban cars?
Except when government does gun runs. Fast and Furious comes to mind and that is only what we know about.

Nice attempt at deflection, but that program was to figure out how US guns get to Central and South America. And it started with Bush the Dumber.
I said government and said nothing about Obama or Bush. It is not deflection at all. It is fact presented what you do not like. Too bad.

they're using the kids to push their narrative. i call that hiding cause they make no headway on their own so they *use* these kids to keep pushing how they feel about it.

if you're fine with it, great. i'd rather both sides quit being stubborn and find a middle ground. but the calls to ban semi automatic weapons and so forth are far from "common sense" approaches.
How about just banning military-style semiautomatic rifles like the AR? And a whole lot of other policy changes like tightening background checks and investing in research into what is causing such a lot of gun violence and what to do about it.
We gotta slow this train down.
Ban on assault weapons didn’t reduce violence

cause it didn't work last time. why will it now?

we have to look at ourselves and why we find so little value in human life. in germany 80 people went at it with machetes. in london, they kill more people than in new york.

it's not just us. it's an extreme time we live in and extreme measures seldom work as well as calming down to think about how we can cooperate for change.
You can't prove a negative, but as soon as the ban expired, the mass shooting rate and the number killed in mass shootings TRIPLED in the following year. The mass shooting rate had been climbing, which is why the ban was instituted. It didn't bring it down but it held it steady, it looks like. Without it, no one can "prove" what would have happened, but the shooting deaths after it was off certainly seems to be a pretty strong "coincidence," doesn't it?

Spreading continuous bullshit is your new aim?

The AR-15 was NOT an assault weapon and was never banned.

The mass shooting rate has been climbing? Actually I think you will find the opposite is true.
The AR-15 was banned in the assault weapon ban. Look it up; I did.
Mass shootings have been climbing since the ban expired. Whether it has reached the rates in the 90's which precipitated the first ban, I don't know.

No. Parts of the AR-15 were banned. You don't know enough about weapons to understand the difference. A bayonet lug does not an assault weapon make!
Honest debate about what?

About gun ownership. Let's debate its merits. I don't think you can without flaming out.

You are not debating in good faith.

My position is that none of you are responsible enough to own firearms. What is good/bad faith about that? Nothing. You're the ones acting in bad faith because ultimately, your argument will boil down to; "I want a gun just because." You're also the ones acting in bad faith because you refuse to be responsible for the weapons you bring into your home that will inevitably end up stolen. 234,000 of you have your guns stolen every year...only 86% of the time do you report it to the police. So you don't even get an "A" when it comes to being responsible for your guns. So you're the one acting in bad faith here, not me.

You want gun confiscation and eliminating the 2nd Amendment. It is not up for debate. I suspect you are pushing a Globalist agenda.

I suspect you're a Russian troll who is paid to divide Americans. Your profile was created right in the middle of Putin's troll efforts. You write semi-literate broken English on these boards. You don't use proper grammar or spelling, and your rhetoric is just a carbon copy of what Russian bots say on twitter and Facebook.
You want to give us a list of folks who contribute to the NRA?
Why is it any less acceptable for a gun control group to have big $ support when it is perfectly alright with you for the NRA to have it and use it to influence legislation. Well, you're finally going to have a little pushback, is all.

The NRA isn't working to undermine anyone else's rights or take away their property.

Sorry, Pete, but things have gone too far. Gun owners have got to realize that their freedoms are allowing murderous folk to own guns, too. It has to be dealt with; we can't ignore it any longer. The 2nd is not going to go away, but the way I see it, I have rights too, and so do the kids who have to walk to school each morning in certain neighborhoods of Chicago. Why is our safety so completely unimportant?

Why are "murderous" people allowed to walk amongst us? And, my right to keep and bear arms is ALL about safety. That you would leave me powerless when a criminal will just ignore the law is disgusting.
While these anti American jackwads like BODECEA keep lying......

Police legally seizing guns under 'red flag' laws

Washington is one of six states with high risk or red flag laws. But in the wake of the Parkland school shooting, the Brady Campaign says at least 30 states are considering them.

"We don't want to take your guns away......we just don't want you to ever have them in the FIRST PLACE"
Sorry, bud, but taking guns from homicidal maniacs under the watchful eye of a judge with the opportunity to challenge it in court is about as fair a gun safety program that is being proposed out there. That you believe what you said just shows that you don't know what it is about.

Really? That is what the NRA proposed! You didn't know that did you?
Yes, I did. I was speaking to a poster here who opposes it as if it were a threat to his rights.

None of those states have that kind of law in place, do they?

They are acting outside the law.
I'm not sure you and I read the same article.

They are violating the Constitution.
That the Founders of this country set it up so everybody is to be armed to keep the country free

Guns don't make you free. And the government has the power granted to it by the Constitution to squash any attempted insurrection or uprising; a power it's used countless times with ruthless efficiency.

What you're saying with this post is that you support the troops, but you're more than happy to kill a whole bunch of them. Not very American, there. Pretty unpatriotic. Why do you hate the troops?
So even once doesn't count in your books if it's over a year old? Not only are you a liar, you're a pathetic liar..

What you're trying to do is pretend incidents like that one happen with the regularity and consistency it happens with guns, so you can then dismiss any attempts at gun control.

Weak sauce, loser.

You dumb fuck, more people are killed by distracted drivers than drunk drivers. But you said even one incident was too many, now you're trying to walk that back when it's pointed out you own an instrument of death too.

My freedom in no way allows people to commit MURDER. In fact my freedom prevents murder from happening where and when I am able to prevent it. I carry in order to promote my own safety and those in my immediate surroundings.
No, you owning a gun doesn't equate to murder. Most of the people I know own guns and it doesn't bother me at all because they are responsible, sane people. I have listened to all the arguments and it has caused me to move from my original position of wanting this country to go "full Australia."
It doesn't interfere with your freedom in any way if AR type weapons and large capacity magazines are banned. There are plenty of other guns to own and use for your purposes.
The gun supporters are correct that we need to figure out why our culture is so violent and what to do about it. It is, absolutely, the PEOPLE using the gun that are the primary problem.
When gun supporters resist getting guns from the hands of people who are exhibiting violent behavior or are mentally unbalanced, it does not help. Neither does resisting better background checks. None of those things take away anyone's freedom except people who clearly should not have a gun in their possession.

Thank you for your kind words and your patience, too.
one issue to consider is that even if we make AR15s only hold 10 rounds, matching or equaling many sporting rifles, they have speed loaders. they're plastic pieces that hold 10 rounds and are designed to put into the gun and simply "push" - and the gun is reloaded.

better background checks - 100% with you on that one. this has proven time and again to be a point of failure in our current system.
AR type weapons is pretty broad and vague and again, not even the most popular gun used in these but it's a target because of how it looks, not how it functions.

and most responsible gun owners would work with you to target the insane people that abuse guns and make their own enjoyment of valid use of these guns impossible.
Cars kill multiples of more people than guns every year. Ban cars?

Actually, no they don't.

In fact, in 2015, more people died from guns than from cars.

Since 1980, the number of people killed by cars has been cut in half; that's thanks entirely to government action.
I said government and said nothing about Obama or Bush

You said "fast and furious" which you trolls associate with Obama. But it doesn't matter anyway because F&F was about figuring out how US guns get outside the country, to places like El Salvador, Mexico, and Nicaragua. So it was an attempted deflection, one that you know very little about and were whatabouting in order to derail the conversation away from the hideous position you find yourself justifying.
Now you want victims fined or jailed.

If you're a gun owner, you're not a victim. You're a perpetrator because you made the choice to buy something that criminals search for when they break into a home; your guns are the ones that criminals get. Then you made the choice to either have your weapon stolen, lose it, or sell it to a shady character because you need the money. Your lack of responsibility is why criminals steal your guns and use them. Your laziness and callousness is also why when your gun is stolen, you fail to report it to the police 14% of the time. Who does that? Who doesn't tell police that their legally bought gun was stolen? "Responsible gun owners", that's who.

You realize you just double down on your incredibly stupid notion right? Here, let me point it out to you cuz, you're kind of dense.

"You're a perpetrator because you made the choice to buy something that criminals search for when they break into a home"

You're a perpetrator because you made a choice to show off what rapist search for when looking for a victim.......

You do indeed support jailing or fining victims.

Let me break it down for you, comrade:

All guns that end up in the hands of criminals were once guns that were in the hands of "responsible gun owners". When you buy a gun, you are making the choice to have your gun stolen in a break-in and then used by a criminal in another crime. The criminal only gets the stolen gun because you bought it and put it in your home and/or car. The irony is that you are buying a gun to protect you from a home break-in by a criminal who got a gun from a home break-in. So all you do when you buy a gun is perpetuate that cycle. So it is a choice and one that I hold you responsible for.

No "illegal gun" fell off a truck...all "illegal guns" were once guns owned by "responsible gun owners" who made the choice to have that gun stolen.

So if your gun is stolen or lost, you're not a victim. You're the reason why it was stolen or lost because you made the choice to have it stolen or lost when you brought it into your home.

This is what I mean by you never wanting to be accountable or responsible for yourself. To you, it's someone else's problem that your gun was stolen from you.

I guess the same applies with you and your money. It's your fault that criminal killed you for having money. GFY

You dumb fuck, more people are killed by distracted drivers than drunk drivers.

Yet both of those combined are still less than the number of people killed by guns. In fact, as recently as 2015 more people were killed by guns than by cars.

But you said even one incident was too many, now you're trying to walk that back when it's pointed out you own an instrument of death too..

Cars serve a purpose; transportation. That is their function. The only function a gun has is to maim and kill. Also, if you want to equate guns with cars, then perhaps we need to regulate guns like we regulate cars. But you oppose that, so your position is just to maintain the status quo because you're too intellectually deficient to come up with a solution or compromise...and it's that exact reason why I no longer support gun control and now support exclusively a ban on gun ownership.
On Friday (March 30), a large group of students from Rockledge High School in Brevard County, Florida, staged a walkout to show their support of the second amendment and the right to bear arms, WFTV.com and Fox News reported.

Florida high school students stage second amendment support walkout

Do they know what the right to bear arms means?

Probably not. Most people on this forum don't understand it, and it's not even about understanding, when faced with undeniable evidence, they'll ignore the evidence....

But hey, they can protest if they want.
so if i steal your car and run people over, it's your fault.

No because guns aren't cars.

And are you saying you're going to steal a car and hurt people? Posts like those are warning flags that a "responsible gun owner" is about to act irresponsibly. In your crazy system of preventing people from getting guns, your post would be used against you when you tried to get one.

Cars kill multiples of more people than guns every year. Ban cars?
They certainly are registered and controlled, tho.

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