Florida one of 10 states to file lawsuite against 'Obamacare'


Gone and forgotten
Nov 27, 2008
And so it begins...

Florida says several states to file healthcare lawsuit | Reuters
eh... they tried to sue to stop social security, too...

and it's ok... you can stop calling it obamacare. it passed. the propaganda backfired.
eh... they tried to sue to stop social security, too...

and it's ok... you can stop calling it obamacare. it passed. the propaganda backfired.
Not propaganda, its teh name for it.

And it doesn't go into effect for years to come, but the taxes start right away.

BTW, they said prohibition would never end either, and that was a constitutional amendment.
We need to return to the 9th and 10th Amendments and when that is done, the rest of the Constitution.

Virginia's new Republican governor, Bob McDonnell has announced that he will support our homophobic AG Cuccinelli in suing the Federal Government. We have a $2 BILLION shortfall in our budget this year, so I am not sure where the funds will come from, but spending money Virginia does not have to fight against Healthcare for low to middle class folks should play well for Republicans in November....:eusa_whistle:
Hmmm........President Obama succeeded in doing Health Care. Also in cutting the banks out of the student loan business, and making it cheaper for the government, and more money at a lower rate for the students.

So the Dems can campaign this year that they were successful in their primary objectives. And if the economy continues to recover, they may be able to keep the seats they currently have in both the Senate and the Congress. If the economy does better than just a slow recovery, the Dems might even remind the voters that the Repubs never passed a single program that was self paying, as is the Health Care Reform.

Might even be possible that the Repubs would lose more seats. Especially now the the Tea Baggers have shown their true and ugly colors.
Hmmm........President Obama succeeded in doing Health Care. Also in cutting the banks out of the student loan business, and making it cheaper for the government, and more money at a lower rate for the students.

So the Dems can campaign this year that they were successful in their primary objectives. And if the economy continues to recover, they may be able to keep the seats they currently have in both the Senate and the Congress. If the economy does better than just a slow recovery, the Dems might even remind the voters that the Repubs never passed a single program that was self paying, as is the Health Care Reform.

Might even be possible that the Repubs would lose more seats. Especially now the the Tea Baggers have shown their true and ugly colors.
The only 'tea baggers' are people like you, the massive cocksuckers who love big government.

As for the political situation, the Dems set themselves up for a massive fall this fall, it will be fun watching big government stooges like you try to lick Barry's nuts in the hopes a little of his jizz will help you, but of course it won't, as the last three elections showed.
eh... they tried to sue to stop social security, too...

and it's ok... you can stop calling it obamacare. it passed. the propaganda backfired.

We settled the pecking order between the Federal Government and State Government 150 years ago. The States have lost EVERY challenge since that time. This is just sour grapes grandstanding and they will quickly fade away

How did the States do in overturning Roe vs Wade?
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eh... they tried to sue to stop social security, too...

and it's ok... you can stop calling it obamacare. it passed. the propaganda backfired.

We settled the pecking order between the Federal Government and State Government 150 years ago. The States have lost EVERY challenge since that time. This is just sour grapes grandstanding and they will quickly fade away

How did the States do in overturning Roe vs Wade?
The feds never tried to mandate that people have to buy something from a third party.

Going to keep trying that red herring of 'its settled' forever?

Let's explain it to you again:

Your RIGHTS have been violated in this bill, it REQUIRES you to buy something or be fined by the federal government.

Its astounding how many of you are ok with this.
eh... they tried to sue to stop social security, too...

and it's ok... you can stop calling it obamacare. it passed. the propaganda backfired.

We settled the pecking order between the Federal Government and State Government 150 years ago. The States have lost EVERY challenge since that time. This is just sour grapes grandstanding and they will quickly fade away

How did the States do in overturning Roe vs Wade?
The feds never tried to mandate that people have to buy something from a third party.

Going to keep trying that red herring of 'its settled' forever?

Let's explain it to you again:

Your RIGHTS have been violated in this bill, it REQUIRES you to buy something or be fined by the federal government.

Its astounding how many of you are ok with this.

Good luck with your lawsuit. But you will fail
We settled the pecking order between the Federal Government and State Government 150 years ago. The States have lost EVERY challenge since that time. This is just sour grapes grandstanding and they will quickly fade away

How did the States do in overturning Roe vs Wade?
The feds never tried to mandate that people have to buy something from a third party.

Going to keep trying that red herring of 'its settled' forever?

Let's explain it to you again:

Your RIGHTS have been violated in this bill, it REQUIRES you to buy something or be fined by the federal government.

Its astounding how many of you are ok with this.

Good luck with your lawsuit. But you will fail
Its not my lawsuite.

And it doesn't really matter, as soon as Barry is gone (2012) and the Dem majorites (this year) Barrycare goes bye-bye.
The feds never tried to mandate that people have to buy something from a third party.

Going to keep trying that red herring of 'its settled' forever?

Let's explain it to you again:

Your RIGHTS have been violated in this bill, it REQUIRES you to buy something or be fined by the federal government.

Its astounding how many of you are ok with this.

Good luck with your lawsuit. But you will fail
Its not my lawsuite.

And it doesn't really matter, as soon as Barry is gone (2012) and the Dem majorites (this year) Barrycare goes bye-bye.

Lawsuite? Majorites?
ESL candidate, perhaps?
eh... they tried to sue to stop social security, too...

and it's ok... you can stop calling it obamacare. it passed. the propaganda backfired.
Not propaganda, its teh name for it.

And it doesn't go into effect for years to come, but the taxes start right away.

BTW, they said prohibition would never end either, and that was a constitutional amendment.

yesm I heard a gentlemen caller on c-span tell us that the wonderful "donut" hole they spewed so glowingly about won't be helping any seniors until the year 2016.. whoooooopdeeeeeeeeeeeeeed00000000000. six years from now,, count em,, six years... grand theft.. pure and simple.
The feds never tried to mandate that people have to buy something from a third party.

Going to keep trying that red herring of 'its settled' forever?

Let's explain it to you again:

Your RIGHTS have been violated in this bill, it REQUIRES you to buy something or be fined by the federal government.

Its astounding how many of you are ok with this.

Good luck with your lawsuit. But you will fail
Its not my lawsuite.

And it doesn't really matter, as soon as Barry is gone (2012) and the Dem majorites (this year) Barrycare goes bye-bye.

Good luck with that delusion too

And which stiff are you going to run in 2012?

Virginia's new Republican governor, Bob McDonnell has announced that he will support our homophobic AG Cuccinelli in suing the Federal Government. We have a $2 BILLION shortfall in our budget this year, so I am not sure where the funds will come from, but spending money Virginia does not have to fight against Healthcare for low to middle class folks should play well for Republicans in November....:eusa_whistle:

Since having no money seems to be an issue for you, explain how a bankrupt nation pays for Obamacare. And don't give me that tired old class envy "soak the rich" shit... there aren't enough rich. And since your so worried about healthcare.. how does 1/2 TRILLION in Medicare cuts = better healthcare?
Well... in a genaration our grandkids will be cursing us for being so fucking stupid as to have continually pushed the "something for nothing" envelope.

And I don't blame them.
eh... they tried to sue to stop social security, too...

and it's ok... you can stop calling it obamacare. it passed. the propaganda backfired.
Not propaganda, its teh name for it.

And it doesn't go into effect for years to come, but the taxes start right away.

BTW, they said prohibition would never end either, and that was a constitutional amendment.

Personally... I think we need an amendment that guarantees criminal prosecution for any politician or set of politicians who assist in passing any legislation or law that is not within the specific powers listed in the constitution

Maybe THEN you will stop seeing politicians pushing forward the amount of bullshit legislation that we see now

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