Florida vying to become 46th state to allow open carry

The reality is, America's a rough violent place. It has been since its creation. Guns are as American as apple pie. America became the most powerful nation on earth through the most ruthless bloody means possible. There's a reason why Great Britain and France are now mere shells of their former selves. They went soft. America's on top because it fully embraces violence.

So a Government that runs around the world constantly bombing & killing, has no right to disarm the Citizens. It's not only incredibly hypocritical, it's unjust as well. It is a Constitutional right. So, arm yourselves and become proficient with your firearms. Anyone wants to fuck with ya, it could be a fatal mistake on their part. Hey, that's their call. Stay safe and God Bless America.
Your inability to deal with reality, meaning Waco (a "church" dealing in illegal arms and killing Federal agents) is noted.

Federal agents are oppressive jackbooted shithead thugs occasionally. We saw that at Ruby Ridge and Waco and we saw that shithead Federal Marshal arrest Kim Davis when he violated her freedom of religion.

Just like you Liberals think that local police are sometime oppressive to Blacks. You get all bent out of shape over that shit, don't you?
Many disagree with particular rights provided to People, but those rights are still repected and upheld. You can look to gay marriage and abortion for just a couple of examples. Many oppose both, but those rights are being respected.
And right now you still have your guns, but not for too much longer.

Again, just opinion. Guns are America. Americans worship violence. How else can you explain their unwavering support for Permamant War? Greed and violence are cornerstones of this Republic. You need stop being so naive and wake up.
Your "opinions" are noted, and rejected as true enough but uninteresting. We were founded for Liberty, not a cage-match.

That's not opinion, that's reality. But i don't need opinion. Arming myself is a right provided to me by our Constitution. So you're just gonna have to deal with it. Or, just relocate to another country of your choosing. America's not for the weak and whiny. It's a tough place. It's not for everyone.
When we repeal said right, and we will eventually, it is you that will be looking for another nation, like Somalia where you can play with your deadly toys.

If you were a real man you could walk around unarmed so you're correct, America is not for pussies, like you.

As i said, America's not a place for the weak and whiny. It never has been. America's on top of the world solely because of guns and violence. Without guns, that couldn't have been achieved.

Guns are America. You're just gonna have to deal with that. Or you simply relocate to another country. It is what it is.
Your inability to deal with reality, meaning Waco (a "church" dealing in illegal arms and killing Federal agents) is noted.

Federal agents are oppressive jackbooted shithead thugs occasionally. We saw that at Ruby Ridge and Waco and we saw that shithead Federal Marshal arrested Kim Davis when his violated her freedom of religion.

Just like you Liberals think that local police are sometime oppressive to Blacks. You get all bent out of shape over that shit, don't you?
1. Broke the law.
2. Broke the law.
3. Broke the law.
4. Yes.
And right now you still have your guns, but not for too much longer.

Again, just opinion. Guns are America. Americans worship violence. How else can you explain their unwavering support for Permamant War? Greed and violence are cornerstones of this Republic. You need stop being so naive and wake up.
Your "opinions" are noted, and rejected as true enough but uninteresting. We were founded for Liberty, not a cage-match.

That's not opinion, that's reality. But i don't need opinion. Arming myself is a right provided to me by our Constitution. So you're just gonna have to deal with it. Or, just relocate to another country of your choosing. America's not for the weak and whiny. It's a tough place. It's not for everyone.
When we repeal said right, and we will eventually, it is you that will be looking for another nation, like Somalia where you can play with your deadly toys.

If you were a real man you could walk around unarmed so you're correct, America is not for pussies, like you.

As i said, America's not a place for the weak and whiny. It never has been. America's on top of the world solely because of guns and violence. Without guns, that couldn't have been achieved.

Guns are America. You're just gonna have to deal with that. Or you simply relocate to another country. It is what it is.
Your childish fears of life here without guns are noted, and rejected of course.
Again, just opinion. Guns are America. Americans worship violence. How else can you explain their unwavering support for Permamant War? Greed and violence are cornerstones of this Republic. You need stop being so naive and wake up.
Your "opinions" are noted, and rejected as true enough but uninteresting. We were founded for Liberty, not a cage-match.

That's not opinion, that's reality. But i don't need opinion. Arming myself is a right provided to me by our Constitution. So you're just gonna have to deal with it. Or, just relocate to another country of your choosing. America's not for the weak and whiny. It's a tough place. It's not for everyone.
When we repeal said right, and we will eventually, it is you that will be looking for another nation, like Somalia where you can play with your deadly toys.

If you were a real man you could walk around unarmed so you're correct, America is not for pussies, like you.

As i said, America's not a place for the weak and whiny. It never has been. America's on top of the world solely because of guns and violence. Without guns, that couldn't have been achieved.

Guns are America. You're just gonna have to deal with that. Or you simply relocate to another country. It is what it is.
Your childish fears of life here without guns are noted, and rejected of course.

How do you think America became the most powerful nation on earth? Answer is, it had more guns and bombs than the rest. And it wasn't afraid to use em.

We're a nation of guns and violence. That's how the nation was set up. It's a Consitutional right to have a firearm. It's America. If you can't deal with that, you should simply leave the country. Problem solved.

The list of things we don't allow law abiding citizens to possess is too long to list. Guns need to be added to that as almost no citizen needs one.

The Second Amendment is not needs based just like you don't have to prove a need before you have freedom of speech.

The "need" is expressed quite well with the phrase in the Bill of Rights "being necessary to the security of a free State".

If you are a pussy that is afraid of firearms then don't buy one. Nobody is stopping you. However, you are being a real despicable asshole when you advocate using the force of government to "infringe" the right to keep and bear arms. What the hell is the matter with you? Did your father not show you enough affection or something?

By the way, my "needs" for firearms are the following:

1. Recreational purposes

2. Self defense

3. Hunting

4. Maintain the strength of the citizenry to hold the government accountable for oppression.

Of all of those needs it is number four that the Founding Fathers of this country felt was the most important and it is just as valid today as it was over 200 years ago. Maybe even more so.
I own guns, and your fetish for them doesn't mean we can't repeal the 2nd Amendment, which we will eventually or whatever new nations are founded here will drop. There is no need to most people to own firearms.

Again, your opinion. Citizens have the right to be armed. Period, end of story.
But armed with military designed weapons? Where's your RPG launcher? Have you got an aircraft carrier moored someplace? Is there an ICBM in your back yard?

So why do citizens need to be armed with assault weapons? Hunting?

Some of us have a serious problem with the 2nd Amendment, which needs to be repealed by the 28th.

And right now the NRA is standing in the way of gun safety, blocking smart guns.

I understand that some Liberals have a problem with the Bill of Rights. It is not only the right to keep and bear arms that you don't like but also freedom of speech and freedom of religion so forgive me if I think that is despicable.

I am a NRA Certified Firearms Instructor and Range Safety Officer. Almost everything I do is firearm safety.

If you join the NRA and follow their guidelines for safe firearms handling then you will have no problems and you won't need a stupid ineffective "smart" gun. However, if you want one then go buy one.
Congrats, corporate Pub dupe. We need guns everywhere and easily bought like we need cancer.

But armed with military designed weapons? Where's your RPG launcher? Have you got an aircraft carrier moored someplace? Is there an ICBM in your back yard?

So why do citizens need to be armed with assault weapons? Hunting?

I like my AR-15s, AR-10s, AKs, FALs, M1As, M-1 Garands and M-1 Carbines because they are fun to shoot.

What is to you what firearms I own? Mind you own business. How come you Libtards always want to tell other people what to do?
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Congrats, corporate Pub dupe. We need guns everywhere and easily bought like we need cancer.

The Bill of Rights establishes the "need", moron. Go read it.

I need more guns because all I have are about 50.

If you don't have a need for one or don't want one then don't buy one. It is that simple. In the meantime mind your own business and stop being an asshole and advocating less Liberty in the US. It ain't cool.
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80% plus want background checks. This present insanity will end with even more gun violence. People and guns everywhere won't end well. Carry on, nutjob.
80% plus want background checks. This present insanity will end with even more gun violence. People and guns everywhere won't end well. Carry on, nutjob.

Fuck background checks.

They do nothing to stop the illegal use of firearms or any violence. All those stupid laws do is give the fucking oppressive government the right to deny a citizen his or her Constitutional rights.

The next thing you Libtards will want to do is require government permission for free speech and freedom of religion.

It is a feel good worthless government operation that will never keep a criminal from getting a firearm. All it does is make it more difficult for a law abiding citizen to get a firearm and it gives the government a veto over a Constitutional right, which is despicable.
80% plus want background checks. This present insanity will end with even more gun violence. People and guns everywhere won't end well. Carry on, nutjob.

Fuck background checks.

They do nothing to stop the illegal use of firearms or any violence. All those stupid laws do is give the fucking oppressive government the right to deny a citizen his or her Constitutional rights.

The next thing you Libtards will want to do is require government permission for free speech and freedom of religion.

It is a feel good worthless government operation that will never keep a criminal from getting a firearm. All it does is make it more difficult for a law abiding citizen to get a firearm and it gives the government a veto over a Constitutional right, which is despicable.
Sure, brainwashed functional moron nutjob gun nut.
How come Liberals are always assholes?
Because we hate stupid people, including those in love with their deadly toys.

Again, all opinion. That's all it is. Just because you don't agree with a particular right, doesn't mean you have the right to take that right away.

Like i said, there are many Nanny State pussy countries for you to relocate to. This is a tough place. People have guns. You may wanna leave. Just a suggestion anyway.
Liberals giveth, liberals taketh away.

Many disagree with particular rights provided to People, but those rights are still repected and upheld. You can look to gay marriage and abortion for just a couple of examples. Many oppose both, but those rights are being respected.
And right now you still have your guns, but not for too much longer.

Really? Who do you suppose is going to take it away?

If you're going to come for my gun, you better bring yours.
Because we hate stupid people, including those in love with their deadly toys.

Again, all opinion. That's all it is. Just because you don't agree with a particular right, doesn't mean you have the right to take that right away.

Like i said, there are many Nanny State pussy countries for you to relocate to. This is a tough place. People have guns. You may wanna leave. Just a suggestion anyway.
Liberals giveth, liberals taketh away.

Many disagree with particular rights provided to People, but those rights are still repected and upheld. You can look to gay marriage and abortion for just a couple of examples. Many oppose both, but those rights are being respected.
And right now you still have your guns, but not for too much longer.

Really? Who do you suppose is going to take it away?

If you're going to come for my gun, you better bring yours.
See: Waco, fire...
"Fuck background checks". Lol! Why don't we just have guns in vending machines!
Again, your opinion. Citizens have the right to be armed. Period, end of story.
For now...

Tell us, if no normal citizen has a gun, are you not man enough to walk around unarmed?

It's not the "normal" citizen anybody is worried about, it's the criminal element who will always have access to guns no matter what laws are passed.
So, that would be a no. Got it.

No, you don't get it, neither do your ilk. No unarmed person is a match against a deadly weapon. I know you think you're all bad and everything, but trust me, I've had extensive training in self-defense. When you are held at bay by somebody with a firearm, all you can do is pray.

As the head of the NRA once said, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, and much like illegal narcotics, the bad guys will always have guns.

But armed with military designed weapons? Where's your RPG launcher? Have you got an aircraft carrier moored someplace? Is there an ICBM in your back yard?

So why do citizens need to be armed with assault weapons? Hunting?

I like my AR-15s, AR-10s, AKs, FALs, M1As, M-1 Garands and M-1 Carbines because they are fun to shoot.

What is to you what firearms I own? Mind you own business. How come you Libtards always want to tell other people what to do?
Because people who own guns tend to shoot other people.

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