Florida vying to become 46th state to allow open carry

NRA/GOPbots. Absolute idiocy.

The NRA is a grassroot organization of six million members created to protect a major Constitutional right and is the biggest firearm safety organization in the world.

Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats would find a problem with that.
Some of us have a serious problem with the 2nd Amendment, which needs to be repealed by the 28th.

And right now the NRA is standing in the way of gun safety, blocking smart guns.
Take your so called "serious problem" and move to Europe, and live happily ever after...

Smart guns are dumb guns, they don't work...
God bless Florida for having really good concealed weapon laws.

I have written my State Representative and my Senator advocating my support for open carry.

There is a good chance the law will pass if the despicable tourist lobby doesn't hand out too much money to the politicians to buy their vote.
The tourist lobby brings million into your state. The gun lobby brings death.

I see where your priorities lay.

Actually, as more Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate has gone down..not up....so you are completely wrong....
NRA/GOPbots. Absolute idiocy.

The NRA is a grassroot organization of six million members created to protect a major Constitutional right and is the biggest firearm safety organization in the world.

Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats would find a problem with that.
Some of us have a serious problem with the 2nd Amendment, which needs to be repealed by the 28th.

And right now the NRA is standing in the way of gun safety, blocking smart guns.
Take your so called "serious problem" and move to Europe, and live happily ever after...

Smart guns are dumb guns, they don't work...
They work fine, but you will never approve.
More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

you know the fact....that 13 million Americans now carry guns for self defense...and our gun murder rate, and our gun accident rate are both going down...not up...that is the truth, those are the facts and that is the reality......and all states now allow some kind of carry and the gun murder rate and accident rate are going down,..

There's no valid reason why a law abiding Citizen shouldn't be allowed to be armed. For those who don't like that, they can always relocate to France or Great Britain with all the other Nanny State pussies. America never was a place for pussies. It's a tough place. You can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
The list of things we don't allow law abiding citizens to possess is too long to list. Guns need to be added to that as almost no citizen needs one.
Alcohol needs to be banned, look what it makes people do...
More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

you know the fact....that 13 million Americans now carry guns for self defense...and our gun murder rate, and our gun accident rate are both going down...not up...that is the truth, those are the facts and that is the reality......and all states now allow some kind of carry and the gun murder rate and accident rate are going down,..

There's no valid reason why a law abiding Citizen shouldn't be allowed to be armed. For those who don't like that, they can always relocate to France or Great Britain with all the other Nanny State pussies. America never was a place for pussies. It's a tough place. You can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
The list of things we don't allow law abiding citizens to possess is too long to list. Guns need to be added to that as almost no citizen needs one.
Alcohol needs to be banned, look what it makes people do...
Yes, it's a problem but just one of many.

The list of things we don't allow law abiding citizens to possess is too long to list. Guns need to be added to that as almost no citizen needs one.

The Second Amendment is not needs based just like you don't have to prove a need before you have freedom of speech.

The "need" is expressed quite well with the phrase in the Bill of Rights "being necessary to the security of a free State".

If you are a pussy that is afraid of firearms then don't buy one. Nobody is stopping you. However, you are being a real despicable asshole when you advocate using the force of government to "infringe" the right to keep and bear arms. What the hell is the matter with you? Did your father not show you enough affection or something?

By the way, my "needs" for firearms are the following:

1. Recreational purposes

2. Self defense

3. Hunting

4. Maintain the strength of the citizenry to hold the government accountable for oppression.

Of all of those needs it is number four that the Founding Fathers of this country felt was the most important and it is just as valid today as it was over 200 years ago. Maybe even more so.
I own guns, and your fetish for them doesn't mean we can't repeal the 2nd Amendment, which we will eventually or whatever new nations are founded here will drop. There is no need to most people to own firearms.
The country will split up before the 2nd is repealed...
NRA/GOPbots. Absolute idiocy.

The NRA is a grassroot organization of six million members created to protect a major Constitutional right and is the biggest firearm safety organization in the world.

Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats would find a problem with that.
Some of us have a serious problem with the 2nd Amendment, which needs to be repealed by the 28th.

And right now the NRA is standing in the way of gun safety, blocking smart guns.
Take your so called "serious problem" and move to Europe, and live happily ever after...

Smart guns are dumb guns, they don't work...
They work fine, but you will never approve.
My iPad is supposed to work with just my finger print guess what, most times it does not...
NRA/GOPbots. Absolute idiocy.

The NRA is a grassroot organization of six million members created to protect a major Constitutional right and is the biggest firearm safety organization in the world.

Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats would find a problem with that.
Some of us have a serious problem with the 2nd Amendment, which needs to be repealed by the 28th.

And right now the NRA is standing in the way of gun safety, blocking smart guns.
Take your so called "serious problem" and move to Europe, and live happily ever after...

Smart guns are dumb guns, they don't work...
They work fine, but you will never approve.
My iPad is supposed to work with just my finger print guess what, most times it does not...
These aren't made in China, by slaves.
Many disagree with particular rights provided to People, but those rights are still repected and upheld. You can look to gay marriage and abortion for just a couple of examples. Many oppose both, but those rights are being respected.
And right now you still have your guns, but not for too much longer.

Again, just opinion. Guns are America. Americans worship violence. How else can you explain their unwavering support for Permamant War? Greed and violence are cornerstones of this Republic. You need stop being so naive and wake up.
Your "opinions" are noted, and rejected as true enough but uninteresting. We were founded for Liberty, not a cage-match.

That's not opinion, that's reality. But i don't need opinion. Arming myself is a right provided to me by our Constitution. So you're just gonna have to deal with it. Or, just relocate to another country of your choosing. America's not for the weak and whiny. It's a tough place. It's not for everyone.
When we repeal said right, and we will eventually, it is you that will be looking for another nation, like Somalia where you can play with your deadly toys.

If you were a real man you could walk around unarmed so you're correct, America is not for pussies, like you.
It's no ones business who "carrys" open or not...
The NRA is a grassroot organization of six million members created to protect a major Constitutional right and is the biggest firearm safety organization in the world.

Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats would find a problem with that.
Some of us have a serious problem with the 2nd Amendment, which needs to be repealed by the 28th.

And right now the NRA is standing in the way of gun safety, blocking smart guns.
Take your so called "serious problem" and move to Europe, and live happily ever after...

Smart guns are dumb guns, they don't work...
They work fine, but you will never approve.
My iPad is supposed to work with just my finger print guess what, most times it does not...
These aren't made in China, by slaves.
Same technology, it sucks...
Again, just opinion. Guns are America. Americans worship violence. How else can you explain their unwavering support for Permamant War? Greed and violence are cornerstones of this Republic. You need stop being so naive and wake up.
Your "opinions" are noted, and rejected as true enough but uninteresting. We were founded for Liberty, not a cage-match.

That's not opinion, that's reality. But i don't need opinion. Arming myself is a right provided to me by our Constitution. So you're just gonna have to deal with it. Or, just relocate to another country of your choosing. America's not for the weak and whiny. It's a tough place. It's not for everyone.
When we repeal said right, and we will eventually, it is you that will be looking for another nation, like Somalia where you can play with your deadly toys.

If you were a real man you could walk around unarmed so you're correct, America is not for pussies, like you.

As i said, America's not a place for the weak and whiny. It never has been. America's on top of the world solely because of guns and violence. Without guns, that couldn't have been achieved.

Guns are America. You're just gonna have to deal with that. Or you simply relocate to another country. It is what it is.
Your childish fears of life here without guns are noted, and rejected of course.
Why worry who is carrying or not??
More & more Americans are deciding to arm themselves. And that's a very wise move. We are moving closer & closer to Third World chaos.

Endless War, Open Borders, a rapidly expanding Police State? Arming yourself to protect you and your loved ones, is the logical common sense move.
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

you know the fact....that 13 million Americans now carry guns for self defense...and our gun murder rate, and our gun accident rate are both going down...not up...that is the truth, those are the facts and that is the reality......and all states now allow some kind of carry and the gun murder rate and accident rate are going down,..

There's no valid reason why a law abiding Citizen shouldn't be allowed to be armed. For those who don't like that, they can always relocate to France or Great Britain with all the other Nanny State pussies. America never was a place for pussies. It's a tough place. You can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
The list of things we don't allow law abiding citizens to possess is too long to list. Guns need to be added to that as almost no citizen needs one.
Alcohol needs to be banned, look what it makes people do...
1920 is on the phone. They want the hip flask back.

Because people who own guns tend to shoot other people.

No they don't just like people that own cars don't tend to kill other people in drunk driving accidents.

You are obviously confused about it.
Every shooting victim is shot wounded or killed by someone who owns a gun. Stop it. Enough is enough.

Shoot paper. Shoot delicious animals. Shoot clay pigeons.
For those activities require shot guns, small caliber hand guns and rifles. YOU DO NOT NEED WEAPONS MORE POWERFUL THAN THOSE.

Weapons designed to wreck havoc do not belong on the streets. They belong in the hands of a "well regulated militia". Our constitution is not a suicide pact and our legislative process has been held hostage by an intractable gun lobby too long now. It's high time the Rambo wannabes get their common sense on and quit fantasizing about being vigilantes bent on meeting out their perverted vision of Justice.

I think you watch way too much television.

The list of things we don't allow law abiding citizens to possess is too long to list. Guns need to be added to that as almost no citizen needs one.

The Second Amendment is not needs based just like you don't have to prove a need before you have freedom of speech.

The "need" is expressed quite well with the phrase in the Bill of Rights "being necessary to the security of a free State".

If you are a pussy that is afraid of firearms then don't buy one. Nobody is stopping you. However, you are being a real despicable asshole when you advocate using the force of government to "infringe" the right to keep and bear arms. What the hell is the matter with you? Did your father not show you enough affection or something?

By the way, my "needs" for firearms are the following:

1. Recreational purposes

2. Self defense

3. Hunting

4. Maintain the strength of the citizenry to hold the government accountable for oppression.

Of all of those needs it is number four that the Founding Fathers of this country felt was the most important and it is just as valid today as it was over 200 years ago. Maybe even more so.
I own guns, and your fetish for them doesn't mean we can't repeal the 2nd Amendment, which we will eventually or whatever new nations are founded here will drop. There is no need to most people to own firearms.

Again, your opinion. Citizens have the right to be armed. Period, end of story.
But armed with military designed weapons? Where's your RPG launcher? Have you got an aircraft carrier moored someplace? Is there an ICBM in your back yard?

So why do citizens need to be armed with assault weapons? Hunting?
You don't know the difference between a military grade weapon and a sporting weapon... You can't just look at a picture and determine such things. Dumba$$
The Legislature is making great strides on this Bill.
Much better than the Great Betrayal that happened last week over putting the burden of proof (where it belongs) on the prosecutor in SYG cases.
Campus Carry is moving along, as well
A civilian arms race? What happens when all these armed people bump into one another? Will there be fewer assaults, but more shootings? Will there be fewer road rage situations solved by using automobiles and more solved by the exchange of gun fire? Will emergency rooms be treating fewer black eyes and broken bones and more gun shot victims?

Ah! Guns! Is there nothing you cannot do?

you know the fact....that 13 million Americans now carry guns for self defense...and our gun murder rate, and our gun accident rate are both going down...not up...that is the truth, those are the facts and that is the reality......and all states now allow some kind of carry and the gun murder rate and accident rate are going down,..

There's no valid reason why a law abiding Citizen shouldn't be allowed to be armed. For those who don't like that, they can always relocate to France or Great Britain with all the other Nanny State pussies. America never was a place for pussies. It's a tough place. You can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
The list of things we don't allow law abiding citizens to possess is too long to list. Guns need to be added to that as almost no citizen needs one.
Alcohol needs to be banned, look what it makes people do...
1920 is on the phone. They want the hip flask back.
I know, it makes as much sense as gun control.

The list of things we don't allow law abiding citizens to possess is too long to list. Guns need to be added to that as almost no citizen needs one.

The Second Amendment is not needs based just like you don't have to prove a need before you have freedom of speech.

The "need" is expressed quite well with the phrase in the Bill of Rights "being necessary to the security of a free State".

If you are a pussy that is afraid of firearms then don't buy one. Nobody is stopping you. However, you are being a real despicable asshole when you advocate using the force of government to "infringe" the right to keep and bear arms. What the hell is the matter with you? Did your father not show you enough affection or something?

By the way, my "needs" for firearms are the following:

1. Recreational purposes

2. Self defense

3. Hunting

4. Maintain the strength of the citizenry to hold the government accountable for oppression.

Of all of those needs it is number four that the Founding Fathers of this country felt was the most important and it is just as valid today as it was over 200 years ago. Maybe even more so.
I own guns, and your fetish for them doesn't mean we can't repeal the 2nd Amendment, which we will eventually or whatever new nations are founded here will drop. There is no need to most people to own firearms.

Again, your opinion. Citizens have the right to be armed. Period, end of story.
But armed with military designed weapons? Where's your RPG launcher? Have you got an aircraft carrier moored someplace? Is there an ICBM in your back yard?

So why do citizens need to be armed with assault weapons? Hunting?
You don't know the difference between a military grade weapon and a sporting weapon... You can't just look at a picture and determine such things. Dumba$$
The weapon in question is likely not banned. It depends on its model and auto versus semi.

But armed with military designed weapons? Where's your RPG launcher? Have you got an aircraft carrier moored someplace? Is there an ICBM in your back yard?

So why do citizens need to be armed with assault weapons? Hunting?

I like my AR-15s, AR-10s, AKs, FALs, M1As, M-1 Garands and M-1 Carbines because they are fun to shoot.

What is to you what firearms I own? Mind you own business. How come you Libtards always want to tell other people what to do?
Because people who own guns tend to shoot other people.

Obviously you don't know anybody that owns a gun. All of my friends have guns and half of my family as well. None of us have ever shot anybody.
you know the fact....that 13 million Americans now carry guns for self defense...and our gun murder rate, and our gun accident rate are both going down...not up...that is the truth, those are the facts and that is the reality......and all states now allow some kind of carry and the gun murder rate and accident rate are going down,..

There's no valid reason why a law abiding Citizen shouldn't be allowed to be armed. For those who don't like that, they can always relocate to France or Great Britain with all the other Nanny State pussies. America never was a place for pussies. It's a tough place. You can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
The list of things we don't allow law abiding citizens to possess is too long to list. Guns need to be added to that as almost no citizen needs one.
Alcohol needs to be banned, look what it makes people do...
1920 is on the phone. They want the hip flask back.
I know, it makes as much sense as gun control.
No, it makes far more sense since most need a drink and few need a gun.

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