Florida Wants to Kill Kids

:lol: My intent was to find out if you were the troll living under that sign along the turnpike.

Your *INTENT* was to BE the TROLL that you ARE.
And your intent is to be a big government shill.

Excellent job!


YOU are an IDIOT...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2pD0B9Rfps"]YouTube - You are an idiot HAHAHAHAHA![/ame]

I LOATHE Government as Our Founders did...Nice try at projection though...
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What qualifies a doctor to give advice about gun safety??

Because some people are so incredibly stupid that they do things like leave a loaded gun laying around their house and then the pediatricians in the ER get to see these kids come in to the ER with half of their heads blown off.

You don't have to go to Medical School to know it's stupid to leave loaded weapons laying about when children are present, but the Pediatricians fill the roll of all aspects of child care, to include educating parents on everything from discipline, to car seats, to weapons.

The point is that someone along the way is telling parents that they shouldn't smack their kids or leave loaded weapons laying around the house.

Health care doesn't begin and end at the clinic door.

This is a stupid law. Barring the first amendment to protect the second amendment? I see this one going over well in a court of law.
If people are too stupid to realize leaving loaded guns lying around can be a hazard for small children then what makes you think they will be smart enough to listen to a doctor?
They wont.
Nor does the doctor typically have any expertise that would qualify him to discuss firearms safety and storage.
Here's a question I'll bet most of you will flub: When should a gun be unloaded? (that doesn't include the trained gun owners out there).
FIRST WHY are they ASKING the question?

AGAIN? None of their fucking business...Are you always this dense?

I'm just surprised (well, I suppose I'm really not) at how quickly you've morphed into what you generally call a "Statist," contorting to find a justification for state intervention in the content of a conversation.
You've missed the point (again). This is to level the playing field. This is protecting the patient in a very unequal encounter. The doctor can theoretically hhave the patient committed to a mental hospital. It is unlikely. BUt it is not an equal power conversation. The state simply reigns in the doctors' power to ask something that is in any case beyond his expertise.
Similarly the state has stepped in to make certain questions in a job interview unlawful.
What qualifies a doctor to give advice about gun safety??

Because some people are so incredibly stupid that they do things like leave a loaded gun laying around their house and then the pediatricians in the ER get to see these kids come in to the ER with half of their heads blown off.

You don't have to go to Medical School to know it's stupid to leave loaded weapons laying about when children are present, but the Pediatricians fill the roll of all aspects of child care, to include educating parents on everything from discipline, to car seats, to weapons.

The point is that someone along the way is telling parents that they shouldn't smack their kids or leave loaded weapons laying around the house.

Health care doesn't begin and end at the clinic door.

This is a stupid law. Barring the first amendment to protect the second amendment? I see this one going over well in a court of law.
If people are too stupid to realize leaving loaded guns lying around can be a hazard for small children then what makes you think they will be smart enough to listen to a doctor?
They wont.
Nor does the doctor typically have any expertise that would qualify him to discuss firearms safety and storage.
Here's a question I'll bet most of you will flub: When should a gun be unloaded? (that doesn't include the trained gun owners out there).

A firearm should ALWAYS be assumed to be LOADED...until checked properly.
Yes, maybe we ought to....

.... revisit the issue of parents who have no fucking idea what their kids are doing.

.... revisit the issue of public buildings where we send our children that have nothing even vaguely akin to Security.

.... revisit the issue of who sold the firearms to underage children to begin with (which is why a background check wouldn't have helped and why it will never stop illegal gun sales).

.... revisit why these two kids, who I believe were problems to begin with, were even allowed to be at the school in the first place.

Gee, only one gun-related issue and it's not something that would be fixed with new legislation.

No one ever said anything about "New" legislation, did they. That was your jump off the deep end. Only one gun related issue? ONE? According to time Magazine... there were 31,224 gun related deaths in the US in 2010.

Personally, I am cool with responsible gun ownership. I'm not cool with 31k+ deaths in our country because people are assholes, irresponsible and/or criminals.

I know... you're probably a pearl clutching, fear ridden person who feels that someone is right around the corner ready to kill you, rape your wife and abduct your kids and you need that weapon.

Me? I'm not. I like to hunt, fish and plink at targets. But fear? No way. I don't even lock my doors when I go to work.

Most of those deaths are criminally related, drug dealers shooting each other. There were more deaths from automobiles than cars. And many of those are the result of irresponsible behavior. Are you OK with that?
Personally I feel that is the trade off we make as a society. We have the freedom to do some things with the knowledge that some people will abuse that or act irresponsibly and death will result. Stamping out the irresponsibility of some will limit the freedom of all.
Because some people are so incredibly stupid that they do things like leave a loaded gun laying around their house and then the pediatricians in the ER get to see these kids come in to the ER with half of their heads blown off.

You don't have to go to Medical School to know it's stupid to leave loaded weapons laying about when children are present, but the Pediatricians fill the roll of all aspects of child care, to include educating parents on everything from discipline, to car seats, to weapons.

The point is that someone along the way is telling parents that they shouldn't smack their kids or leave loaded weapons laying around the house.

Health care doesn't begin and end at the clinic door.

This is a stupid law. Barring the first amendment to protect the second amendment? I see this one going over well in a court of law.
If people are too stupid to realize leaving loaded guns lying around can be a hazard for small children then what makes you think they will be smart enough to listen to a doctor?
They wont.
Nor does the doctor typically have any expertise that would qualify him to discuss firearms safety and storage.
Here's a question I'll bet most of you will flub: When should a gun be unloaded? (that doesn't include the trained gun owners out there).

A firearm should ALWAYS be assumed to be LOADED...until checked properly.

That wasn't the question.
When should a gun be unloaded?
If people are too stupid to realize leaving loaded guns lying around can be a hazard for small children then what makes you think they will be smart enough to listen to a doctor?
They wont.
Nor does the doctor typically have any expertise that would qualify him to discuss firearms safety and storage.
Here's a question I'll bet most of you will flub: When should a gun be unloaded? (that doesn't include the trained gun owners out there).

A firearm should ALWAYS be assumed to be LOADED...until checked properly.

That wasn't the question.
When should a gun be unloaded?
There is no such thing as an Unloaded gun...
God damn! You guys are completely around the bend. Yes, a gun in a home with small children is a definate danger to those children. There are enough adults hurt and killed every year from mishandling guns, and the number of children hurt by guns that they should never have had access to is appalling.

I am a gun owner and have been since I was 12 years old. I was taught, and have taught my children, that a gun is the most dangerous tool you will own. You are responsible for your use of it, you are responsible for keeping out of the hands of children and anybody else that should not have access to it.

The report of a child hurt or killed by a gun left where the child has easy access is an all too common news item. For you fruitloops I propose an additional law. Any parent that is careless enough with the storing of a weopon that a child gets that gun and kills or injures another child or himself, it is an automatic death penalty for that parent.

HOW ever did our forbearer's survive?

GOD yer stupid Rocks.

T, perhaps I am confused by your expression of anger. Are you saying guns are not a danger to children if improperly stored like Rocks said?

Or are you mad he is a gun owner since twelve? Your anger just does not make sense to me.

I inherited one and just like the tools in my garage consider it dangerous for my son to be around. Do you disagree?

A gun is not dangerous. It is up to you to see that your child is not either. All my life, living in my parents' house, there was a loaded rifle and/or shotgun next to the back door. I would no more use it against a person than I would a hammer or ax.
Your *INTENT* was to BE the TROLL that you ARE.
And your intent is to be a big government shill.

Excellent job!


YOU are an IDIOT...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2pD0B9Rfps"]YouTube - You are an idiot HAHAHAHAHA![/ame]

I LOATHE Government as Our Founders did...Nice try at projection though...
No you don't. You don't loathe the government when it comes to gays, women's rights, or a doctor's freedom of speech.

You are aptly named (T)oad.
God damn! You guys are completely around the bend. Yes, a gun in a home with small children is a definate danger to those children. There are enough adults hurt and killed every year from mishandling guns, and the number of children hurt by guns that they should never have had access to is appalling.

I am a gun owner and have been since I was 12 years old. I was taught, and have taught my children, that a gun is the most dangerous tool you will own. You are responsible for your use of it, you are responsible for keeping out of the hands of children and anybody else that should not have access to it.

The report of a child hurt or killed by a gun left where the child has easy access is an all too common news item. For you fruitloops I propose an additional law. Any parent that is careless enough with the storing of a weopon that a child gets that gun and kills or injures another child or himself, it is an automatic death penalty for that parent.

HOW ever did our forbearer's survive?

GOD yer stupid Rocks.

T, perhaps I am confused by your expression of anger. Are you saying guns are not a danger to children if improperly stored like Rocks said?

Or are you mad he is a gun owner since twelve? Your anger just does not make sense to me.

I inherited one and just like the tools in my garage consider it dangerous for my son to be around. Do you disagree?
Don't trust your son? Sounds like your problem, not mine.
7 times more likely than what?
No one in my family has been injured or killed by a gun since the Civil War.

I love how the left warps statistics. In accidental firearm deaths in children, they include kids up to the age of 25, and consider homicide "accidental"
If you illegally own a gun, I'd bet, you or a member of your family is 100 times more likely to die of a gun death.

The only warping is being done by you.

If you own a gun, you or a member of your family is seven times more likely to die of a gun death.

* A study claiming "guns are three times more likely to kill you than help you" is a total fraud. Even using the low figures from the Clinton Justice Department, firearms are used almost 50 times more often to save life than to take life.15 More importantly, however, the figure claiming one is three times more likely to be killed by one’s own gun is a total lie:

* Researcher Don Kates reveals that all available data now indicates that the "home gun homicide victims [in the flawed study] were killed using guns not kept in the victim's home."16

* In other words, the victims were NOT murdered with their own guns! They were killed "by intruders who brought their own guns to the victim's household."17

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And in the truly truly clueless and frankly pathetic department:

Re: New reputation!
Quote: Originally Posted by The Rabbi
Yopu honestly think I give a shit about rep points? You are a sad sad person.
Quote: Originally Posted by Gunny
Quote: Originally Posted by The Rabbi
Hi, you have received -62 reputation points from The Rabbi.
Reputation was given for this post.

You seem to be the fuckwit here.

The Rabbi

Note: This is an automated message.
You're really this dumb, huh? Mr -62 points. Oh ouch. I've been slapped on the hair by a fucking moron. Guess it would work for you if had any, huh?
Really Mr Death From I wish I Could? All you do is pick on girls and you're an antisemitic piece of trash.

You want to dance with me, bitch? Step up or shut the fuck up.
Yup. Thousands of innocent children will be slaughtered if this legislation.

What qualifies a doctor to give advice about gun safety??

Critics: New Gun Law Will Kill Kids - Yahoo! News

Did you spend a lot of time being this dumb, you fuckwit?

You appear to be the fuckwit here, asshole. Try reading a post or two. Might need someone to explain it all to you.
Geezus, and you run this place?

Oh. So you mean I'm not a racist, antisemitic SOB like you?

God will forgive me.

How about you, hater?

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