Florida Wants to Kill Kids

I think a doctor should be able to ask somebody if they own a gun in the household, as long as they have reason to believe there's a gun present, AND the child has access to it.
It’s illegal to allow minor children access to firearms in Florida, what you’re advocating is doctors becoming agents of the state; it’s no longer a civil issue but a criminal issue. As agents of the state, then, doctors may not investigate crimes without probable cause and suspects are not required to self-incriminate. The legislation therefore ensures civil rights protection. I don’t see the problem.
What you are saying is that anyone that owns guns allows their children free access to them.

That's pretty retarded.
Are you advocating using the power of the state to forbid them from asking a question to which no one is claiming they are entitled an answer?

Hey, aren't you libs the same people who are all for Cops not being allowed to ask criminals questions without a Lawyer present? If so, why the hell should we be allowing a Doctor to ask children (who do not have the ability to understand whether the question is appropriate or not) questions like this without a parent in attendance? YES, I'm equating what these doctors are doing to the police improperly questioning a suspect.

One is protected by the constitution-the other is not. Come on you know better than to ask that silly question.
No...it accentuates the point that it is NONE OF THEIR business...and WHY would they ask such a thing in the first place?

Use yer brain sport.

In that case, you must have no problem with women getting an abortion. Right? After all, it's none of your business.
Unless he lives in Florida. Not only are doctors going to be not allowed to ask about guns, the Republicans will also force women to have an invasive medical procedure if they don't wish to give birth.

Florida is run by big government Republicans. I can only hope that it backfires on them. IMO they are ruining a pretty decent state to cater to rightwingloons.
Yes, maybe we ought to....

.... revisit the issue of parents who have no fucking idea what their kids are doing.

From the article in the OP:

Pediatricians argue it's vital to ask about guns in the home so they can advise parents about risks and make sure the guns are stored properly, all in order to prevent injury and death in children.

"For pediatricians, prevention is the name of the game," St. Petery said.

"We're not out there to rid the state of guns," said St. Petery, who also owns a gun at home and raised three children. "We're out to be sure if parents have guns that they are aware," of how to safely store it, he said. More than one-third of American homes have at least one gun at home, but a 2007 study found 70 percent of guns are not stored safely.
If you want the issue of idiotic parents addressed and you don't want the government involved, what sense does it make to pass legislation preventing a pediatrician from discussing gun safety with a parent (completely free of any government intervention whatsoever)?

And AGAIN...*DUMBFUCK*...what BUSINESS is it of thiers or ANYONE ELSE?
In your mind it is the government's business. Which makes you a big brother wannabe.

What a sorry excuse for a conservative.
FIRST WHY are they ASKING the question?

AGAIN? None of their fucking business...Are you always this dense?

I'm just surprised (well, I suppose I'm really not) at how quickly you've morphed into what you generally call a "Statist," contorting to find a justification for state intervention in the content of a conversation.

First One would have to assume they KNOIW the defininition of 'STATIST'...

Quite apparently? YOU FAIL.
Actually, he does know the definition. You fit it.

I bet you have a picture of Stalin hanging over your bed.
From the article in the OP:

If you want the issue of idiotic parents addressed and you don't want the government involved, what sense does it make to pass legislation preventing a pediatrician from discussing gun safety with a parent (completely free of any government intervention whatsoever)?

And AGAIN...*DUMBFUCK*...what BUSINESS is it of thiers or ANYONE ELSE?
In your mind it is the government's business. Which makes you a big brother wannabe.

What a sorry excuse for a conservative.

And WHOM are YOU to tell me what I think? It isn't the Government's Business...and the FLORIDA GOVERNMENT said so per the directive of the FLORIDA VOTER stupid shit...

You need to get yer HEAD outta the FEDERAL Gubmint's ASS...
One is protected by the constitution-the other is not. Come on you know better than to ask that silly question.

Yes and no. In this country we have a legal maxim that asserts a child is not competent to make legal decisions for themselves or to enter into any written or verbal contract. The police can't question a minor without a parent there (in almost all cases). A minor can't waive their rights, sign a contract, or other things of the like.

With that in mind why are we allowing a doctor to question these children without a parent present? Especially when we're talking about something which the doctor has no need to know about.

Then again, if I were a parent (which I am not) and a doctor asked me to leave the room during my child's examination I'd laugh in his face.
And AGAIN...*DUMBFUCK*...what BUSINESS is it of thiers or ANYONE ELSE?
In your mind it is the government's business. Which makes you a big brother wannabe.

What a sorry excuse for a conservative.

And WHOM are YOU to tell me what I think? It isn't the Government's Business...and the FLORIDA GOVERNMENT said so per the directive of the FLORIDA VOTER stupid shit...

You need to get yer HEAD outta the FEDERAL Gubmint's ASS...
Right...because you don't care which government body practices statism, as long as it is practiced.

But it's cool to find out that you support everything Obama does because he was elected.


You are an asshole, no lie.
Won't the market regulate this? If people don't like doctors asking this question, won't they leave their doctors? Isn't this the government intruding into a private transaction?

Seriously. I'm not being facetious.
One is protected by the constitution-the other is not. Come on you know better than to ask that silly question.

Yes and no. In this country we have a legal maxim that asserts a child is not competent to make legal decisions for themselves or to enter into any written or verbal contract. The police can't question a minor without a parent there (in almost all cases). A minor can't waive their rights, sign a contract, or other things of the like.

With that in mind why are we allowing a doctor to question these children without a parent present? Especially when we're talking about something which the doctor has no need to know about.

Then again, if I were a parent (which I am not) and a doctor asked me to leave the room during my child's examination I'd laugh in his face.

On this I agree with you 110%.

I don't think the doctor should EVER be allowed to question a child without a parent present. There should be an age where that cuts off (as I don't think this should apply to a 17 year old).

But I guess where I draw the line is this: the doctor doesn't work for the government. The police do. Therefore I don't think it's totally accurate to compare your doctor asking you a question, and the police asking you a question.
My doctor asked me if I get a lot of speeding tickets. I told him I don't. (I'm too clever.)

Maybe we should make a law against that too!
No offense to you , but you haven't lived unless you've been handed a medical history questionnaire from your DENTIST that asks if you've ever had an abortion.
My doctor asked me if I get a lot of speeding tickets. I told him I don't. (I'm too clever.)

Maybe we should make a law against that too!
No offense to you , but you haven't lived unless you've been handed a medical history questionnaire from your DENTIST that asks if you've ever had an abortion.

Some dumbass doctor asked my wife if she had accepted Jesus in her life, then gave her a 10 minute lecture on becoming born again. She never went back. That's how it's supposed to work, right?
Hey, Mr. (T)oad...I didn't know you lived in Florida. Are you that troll that lives along the turnpike under the sign that says, "Jesus Hates Fags, Repent and vote for Mark Foley?"
Hey, Mr. (T)oad...I didn't know you lived in Florida. Are you that troll that lives along the turnpike under the sign that says, "Jesus Hates Fags, Repent and vote for Mark Foley?"

What a *BITCH* you are...and stupid...If I lived under the turnpike you ASSWIPE...I wouldn't be here now would I? And I live NOWHWERE near the TURNPIKE shithead. YOU assume much as any typical Statist shithead.

You may go FUCK yourself at your earliest oppritunity.
Hey, Mr. (T)oad...I didn't know you lived in Florida. Are you that troll that lives along the turnpike under the sign that says, "Jesus Hates Fags, Repent and vote for Mark Foley?"

What a *BITCH* you are...and stupid...If I lived under the turnpike you ASSWIPE...I wouldn't be here now would I? And I live NOWHWERE near the TURNPIKE shithead. YOU assume much as any typical Statist shithead.

You may go FUCK yourself at your earliest oppritunity.
I didn't say under, I said along.

Way to avoid the question.

Hey, and quit frothing or drinking too much, whatever is leading you to lisp while posting.

Yes, maybe we ought to....

.... revisit the issue of parents who have no fucking idea what their kids are doing.

.... revisit the issue of public buildings where we send our children that have nothing even vaguely akin to Security.

.... revisit the issue of who sold the firearms to underage children to begin with (which is why a background check wouldn't have helped and why it will never stop illegal gun sales).

.... revisit why these two kids, who I believe were problems to begin with, were even allowed to be at the school in the first place.

Gee, only one gun-related issue and it's not something that would be fixed with new legislation.

No one ever said anything about "New" legislation, did they. That was your jump off the deep end. Only one gun related issue? ONE? According to time Magazine... there were 31,224 gun related deaths in the US in 2010.

Personally, I am cool with responsible gun ownership. I'm not cool with 31k+ deaths in our country because people are assholes, irresponsible and/or criminals.

I know... you're probably a pearl clutching, fear ridden person who feels that someone is right around the corner ready to kill you, rape your wife and abduct your kids and you need that weapon.

Me? I'm not. I like to hunt, fish and plink at targets. But fear? No way. I don't even lock my doors when I go to work.
Hey, Mr. (T)oad...I didn't know you lived in Florida. Are you that troll that lives along the turnpike under the sign that says, "Jesus Hates Fags, Repent and vote for Mark Foley?"

What a *BITCH* you are...and stupid...If I lived under the turnpike you ASSWIPE...I wouldn't be here now would I? And I live NOWHWERE near the TURNPIKE shithead. YOU assume much as any typical Statist shithead.

You may go FUCK yourself at your earliest oppritunity.
I didn't say under, I said along.

Way to avoid the question.

Hey, and quit frothing or drinking too much, whatever is leading you to lisp while posting.


Doesn't matter...your INTENT spoke for itself Ravioli.
What a *BITCH* you are...and stupid...If I lived under the turnpike you ASSWIPE...I wouldn't be here now would I? And I live NOWHWERE near the TURNPIKE shithead. YOU assume much as any typical Statist shithead.

You may go FUCK yourself at your earliest oppritunity.
I didn't say under, I said along.

Way to avoid the question.

Hey, and quit frothing or drinking too much, whatever is leading you to lisp while posting.


Doesn't matter...your INTENT spoke for itself Ravioli.
:lol: My intent was to find out if you were the troll living under that sign along the turnpike.
I didn't say under, I said along.

Way to avoid the question.

Hey, and quit frothing or drinking too much, whatever is leading you to lisp while posting.


Doesn't matter...your INTENT spoke for itself Ravioli.
:lol: My intent was to find out if you were the troll living under that sign along the turnpike.

Your *INTENT* was to BE the TROLL that you ARE.
No one ever said anything about "New" legislation, did they. That was your jump off the deep end. Only one gun related issue? ONE? According to time Magazine... there were 31,224 gun related deaths in the US in 2010.

Only one gun related issue in terms of the Columbine High School incident. I would be willing to bet that probably more than two-thirds of those gun related deaths were also crime related deaths. The cure for that is simple.... Executing or properly, permanently imprisoning those who can't live within the boundaries of proper society.

Personally, I am cool with responsible gun ownership. I'm not cool with 31k+ deaths in our country because people are assholes, irresponsible and/or criminals.

As I commented above, most of them are criminally related, and the fix for that has little to do with firearms and much more to do with PUNISHING people who can't toe the line of society.

I know... you're probably a pearl clutching, fear ridden person who feels that someone is right around the corner ready to kill you, rape your wife and abduct your kids and you need that weapon.

I learned at a very young age that the only person looking out for MY best interests is ME. Everyone else out there is suspect until they've proven themselves otherwise. Yep, even Suzie Sweetheart on her pink bike and Gramma Burt sitting up on the porch. The best way to ensure you never need to defend yourself is to be ready to do so at any instant. That's called common sense; or as one organization puts it.... "Be Prepared."

Me? I'm not. I like to hunt, fish and plink at targets. But fear? No way. I don't even lock my doors when I go to work.

Then you're a fool, an idiot, and I truly hope that you get robbed blind. We'd all be much better off if Stupidity like yours were much more painful much more often. You're the type of moron who continues to elect the gun-grabbers to state legislatures and Congress because "They're not after my deer rifle/plinking gun/hunting shotgun." BULLSHIT. Once they've got my handguns, my home defense shotgun, and my AR, they're coming for your stuff too.

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