Florida Wants to Kill Kids

Tell you people that don't *LIVE* here something? You don't like it?

Don't MOVE here.


First of all I live here, so I have a right to weigh in on my opinion of our state's laws (I agree with you on the thoughts of people complaining from elsewhere-just don't move here).

I think a doctor should be able to ask somebody if they own a gun in the household, as long as they have reason to believe there's a gun present, AND the child has access to it.

I think the doctor should be able to bring it up, just like I think you have the right to stop the visit right then and there, and bring your business elsewhere.

With Liberty (2nd Amendment)...Comes responsibility...

It's NONE of anyone's business. Yes, it's that simple.

Just because it's not anyone's business doesn't mean they can't ask if you have the guns.

What if a doctor has reason to believe that the guns are being used by children without adult supervision-does he have the right to inquire then? I know this is rare-but it does exist.

And yes I agree freedom does come with responsibility, I would argue if a doctor has reasons to suspect a child is using a gun in a dangerous way-the doctor has the responsibility to ask about it.

Plus you don't have to answer the question. I can ask you any question I want-you have every right not to answer me. You don't however have the right not to be offended.
First of all I live here, so I have a right to weigh in on my opinion of our state's laws (I agree with you on the thoughts of people complaining from elsewhere-just don't move here).

I think a doctor should be able to ask somebody if they own a gun in the household, as long as they have reason to believe there's a gun present, AND the child has access to it.

I think the doctor should be able to bring it up, just like I think you have the right to stop the visit right then and there, and bring your business elsewhere.

With Liberty (2nd Amendment)...Comes responsibility...

It's NONE of anyone's business. Yes, it's that simple.

Just because it's not anyone's business doesn't mean they can't ask if you have the guns.

What if a doctor has reason to believe that the guns are being used by children without adult supervision-does he have the right to inquire then? I know this is rare-but it does exist.

And yes I agree freedom does come with responsibility, I would argue if a doctor has reasons to suspect a child is using a gun in a dangerous way-the doctor has the responsibility to ask about it.

Plus you don't have to answer the question. I can ask you any question I want-you have every right not to answer me. You don't however have the right not to be offended.

They can ASK all they like. For now? They aren't gonna like the answer they get...

*None of your damned business*...and I wholly support it.

Sounds like two parents who weren't paying very much attention to what their children were doing. Then again, as I mentioned above, I was taught that guns weren't toys from about the age of the shooter. Of course I had parents who were involved in my life and who had a little common sense, and a penchant for discipline when necessary, so I was probably ahead of the game.

Sounds like two parents who weren't paying very much attention to what their children were doing. Then again, as I mentioned above, I was taught that guns weren't toys from about the age of the shooter. Of course I had parents who were involved in my life and who had a little common sense, and a penchant for discipline when necessary, so I was probably ahead of the game.
<==Libs? Pay attention...Responsiblity what a concept.
They can ASK all they like. For now? They aren't gonna like the answer they get...

Well, no, the proposal here is that they can't ask.

Last week, the state legislature approved a bill that would make it legal to impose punishment on doctors who ask about guns kept in the home. [...]

If the law passes, parents could report doctors who inquire about gun ownership to the Florida State Medical Board. The board can then impose disciplinary action, which may go as far as taking away the doctor's license to practice medicine.

How do you go from "Florida may do what it wishes. Doctors have no business asking such questions." to "They can ASK all they like"?

Which one is "true liberty," to use your words: the government regulating what doctors can ask patients or allowing them to ask any question they feel is pertinent (patients aren't required to answer, obviously)?
They can ASK all they like. For now? They aren't gonna like the answer they get...

Well, no, the proposal here is that they can't ask.
NO shit sherlock...
Last week, the state legislature approved a bill that would make it legal to impose punishment on doctors who ask about guns kept in the home. [...]

If the law passes, parents could report doctors who inquire about gun ownership to the Florida State Medical Board. The board can then impose disciplinary action, which may go as far as taking away the doctor's license to practice medicine.

How do you go from "Florida may do what it wishes. Doctors have no business asking such questions." to "They can ASK all they like"?
Learn to pay attention...and I said 'They aren't gonna like the answer that they get...'
Which one is "true liberty," to use your words: the government regulating what doctors can ask patients or allowing them to ask any question they feel is pertinent (patients aren't required to answer, obviously)?
First ONE would have to ASK why a doctor needs to KNOW that information...*AGAIN*...None of their fucking business.
Why do the so called Small Government Conservatives need to make a law about this? Doesn't sound very "free market" to me. After all, the "free market" solution in this case is if someone doesn't like their doctor asking them about guns, then don't go to that doctor.
First ONE would have to ASK why a doctor needs to KNOW that information...*AGAIN*...None of their fucking business.

Let me try again. Which one is "true liberty," to use your words: the government regulating what doctors can ask patients or allowing them to ask any question they feel is pertinent (patients aren't required to answer, obviously)?
I think a doctor should be able to ask somebody if they own a gun in the household, as long as they have reason to believe there's a gun present, AND the child has access to it.

It’s illegal to allow minor children access to firearms in Florida, what you’re advocating is doctors becoming agents of the state; it’s no longer a civil issue but a criminal issue. As agents of the state, then, doctors may not investigate crimes without probable cause and suspects are not required to self-incriminate. The legislation therefore ensures civil rights protection. I don’t see the problem.
I think a doctor should be able to ask somebody if they own a gun in the household, as long as they have reason to believe there's a gun present, AND the child has access to it.

It’s illegal to allow minor children access to firearms in Florida, what you’re advocating is doctors becoming agents of the state; it’s no longer a civil issue but a criminal issue. As agents of the state, then, doctors may not investigate crimes without probable cause and suspects are not required to self-incriminate. The legislation therefore ensures civil rights protection. I don’t see the problem.

*Bravo* :clap2:
Perhaps people ought to revisit Columbine HS.

Yes, I know... Michael Moore is a Liberal. But I am sure you Conservatives are intelligent enough to sit through a movie like "Bowling for Columbine" and have the wherewithal to figure out(all on your own, I might add) where you disagree with Moore and where you find common ground.

Just as an aside. I watch Moore's films. I don't always agree with everything he says or does in them. But I refuse to turn a blind eye towards a point of view just because the person talking is a Liberal, or Conservative, or whatever. My ideology may be more liberal than most, but I do listen.

I'll give you an example... I was listening to Rush Limbaugh, ohhh... maybe 10 years ago? He made the comment on helping the National Debt with a National Lottery based upon your SS#. You would have the option of participating or not on your Federal Income Tax Form every year. If you chose to participate, $1/week would be taken out of your check and would go into the pool. One SS# would be drawn/week and that person would be rewarded with $10M... tax free. The rest would go towards the debt.

I really thought that was a brilliant Idea.
I think a doctor should be able to ask somebody if they own a gun in the household, as long as they have reason to believe there's a gun present, AND the child has access to it.

It’s illegal to allow minor children access to firearms in Florida, what you’re advocating is doctors becoming agents of the state; it’s no longer a civil issue but a criminal issue. As agents of the state, then, doctors may not investigate crimes without probable cause and suspects are not required to self-incriminate. The legislation therefore ensures civil rights protection. I don’t see the problem.

CC? I OWE you in the REP department. Brilliant point.
First ONE would have to ASK why a doctor needs to KNOW that information...*AGAIN*...None of their fucking business.

Why do you hate the free market and are trying to use the government to interfere with the visits to my doctor?
Making it illegal for a doctor to ask questions and threatening them with jail is stupid, plain and simple.

Some of these people have no problem with forcing doctors to do certain things when it comes to a woman getting a abortion. And then ironically have a problem with doctors doing their job when it comes to the safety of the child.
No...it accentuates the point that it is NONE OF THEIR business...and WHY would they ask such a thing in the first place?

Use yer brain sport.

In that case, you must have no problem with women getting an abortion. Right? After all, it's none of your business.
Perhaps people ought to revisit Columbine HS.

Yes, maybe we ought to....

.... revisit the issue of parents who have no fucking idea what their kids are doing.

.... revisit the issue of public buildings where we send our children that have nothing even vaguely akin to Security.

.... revisit the issue of who sold the firearms to underage children to begin with (which is why a background check wouldn't have helped and why it will never stop illegal gun sales).

.... revisit why these two kids, who I believe were problems to begin with, were even allowed to be at the school in the first place.

Gee, only one gun-related issue and it's not something that would be fixed with new legislation.

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