Florida Woman Arrested for Voter Fraud

Wow. I guess you really are that dumb that you would ask that question!

Why does Apple need "proprietary software" to take photos and make phone calls?

Sketchy as fuck...hmmm?
You were obviously home-schooled out of the back of your uncle's dildo shop. That kind of ignorance is shameful in this day and age.

I literally envy people who have never met you.
I didn't read every post in this thread.
But it has been entertaining in those I did read.

I would though, suggest that folks here open the link and read the story (which really ain't that much of a story --- tho I'm surprised it was reported the Villages own paper).

Anyway, get through the story itself and then read the following reader's comments.
Those are fun.
It sounds like the Red Wall of Bluehair-istan is cracking a bit. A lot of Villages residents seem to be applauding this arrest.....and expressing a tad of skepticism towards Republicans. That surprises me. And probably everyone else too.

PS..... if you don't know much about The Villages, well, google can give you a briefing. But from my personal perspective: I know a half-dozen or more couples who live there. They like it. A lot. And the times my bride and I have visited up there we've thoroughly enjoyed our visits.
But, The Villages is a punchline for the rest of Florida. They are the endless butt of jokes for folks on the outside.
And some of it is not undeserved.
Still, in my view, they are ridiculed a bit unfairly. After all, the people who live there really like it there. So there is that.
Crazy right wingers claim it was widespread. In fact, there was very little evidence of fraud, but it was all by trump supporters.
It happens every election with poorer areas easier to cheat in. Even if you disagree there is a good percentage of voters who believe cheating occurs at levels to affect elections.
colfax_m believes there was and that Biden won Florida? Which is it?
Are you truly dense or are you being intentionally obtuse? It is republican logic that there was mass voter fraud and Donald Trump really won. That IS the prevailing republican belief by a large majority. Applying that logic, Biden won Florida and Texas because Trump supporters committed fraud.
Well guess what happened to the 72 year old woman that lives in the Villages senior housing complex?
She was arrested for voter fraud.

She is a registered Republican and Trump supporter.

Looks like most of not all of the voter fraud actually documented...has been Republicans
Are you truly dense or are you being intentionally obtuse? It is republican logic that there was mass voter fraud and Donald Trump really won. That IS the prevailing republican belief by a large majority. Applying that logic, Biden won Florida and Texas because Trump supporters committed fraud.
You seem upset?

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