Florida Woman Arrested for Voter Fraud

No. I don’t give a shit really. Clearly there is little difference between the two assholes. So what’s the big deal?
What's the big deal about people using a lie to fool a bunch of gullible jerks, in order to put strategies in place to steal future elections? I think you could figure that out for yourself
What's the big deal about people using a lie to fool a bunch of gullible jerks, in order to put strategies in place to steal future elections? I think you could figure that out for yourself
Our government is a fraud. So it isn’t hard to believe in a fraudulent election.
Really? LOL

you feeling ok
My satirical post wasn’t a response to anyone. Go back and look. Or don’t. I don’t care.

I’m satirizing Trump and his zombie big lie followers. Obviously there’s some double standards here.
My satirical post wasn’t a response to anyone. Go back and look. Or don’t. I don’t care.

I’m satirizing Trump and his zombie big lie followers. Obviously there’s some double standards here.
Of course. Zombies know zombies. LOL
Because you are delusional. And dishonest, as that has less than nothing to do with why you are carrying the water for the big lie.
You have me confused with someone who cares. Joe is no different than Don so it matters not whether there was significant fraud in the election. The country’s fucked anyway thanks in part to dumb partisans like you.
You have me confused with someone who cares. Joe is no different than Don so it matters not whether there was significant fraud in the election. The country’s fucked anyway thanks in part to dumb partisans like you.
Don't like the two party system? Then Dd something besides sit there like a little B and "stand on principle" and whine. Vote for the candidates that want to take dark money out of politics. Vote for the candidates that support publicly funded elections. Then and only then will3rd party candidates be viable.
Don't like the two party system? Then Dd something besides sit there like a little B and "stand on principle" and whine. Vote for the candidates that want to take dark money out of politics. Vote for the candidates that support publicly funded elections. Then and only then will3rd party candidates be viable.
Sure thing. Maybe after I get off the couch.
IMO voter fraud claims by Trump and his side has just ended up increasing voter fraud by themselves. Trumpers are so convinced the Dems are doing it, they have started doing it themselves.
We have a winner.

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