Fly at your own risk.

Well American Airlines said they were going to have a half of new hires DEI quota so right there we have a 50-50 chance of some dumbass flying the airplane. Other airlines have said the same.

Would you want some dumbass low IQ Negro affirmative action pilot flying an airplane your family was on because stupid pathetic White Guilt pukes thought we need to have more Negro pilots?

Forget that shit.

I will trust the training and testing of an airline that loses big money if there is an accident.

Besides, the only low IQ pilot I have ever met was a white guy.
I will trust the training and testing of an airline that loses big money if there is an accident.

Besides, the only low IQ pilot I have ever met was a white guy.

Time and time again we have seen institutions lowering standards to get affirmative action shitheads through the system. Everything from education to the military to private industry. I personally saw it in the aerospace company I worked for.

I would advise you to not bet your life on it.
Time and time again we have seen institutions lowering standards to get affirmative action shitheads through the system. Everything from education to the military to private industry. I personally saw it in the aerospace company I worked for.

I would advise you to not bet your life on it.

Do you expect a report on who is the pilot before you get onboard? Maybe you should just drive rather than spend hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on a ticket.
Do you expect a report on who is the pilot before you get onboard? Maybe you should just drive rather than spend hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on a ticket.

This what affirmative action and stupid DEI policies get you for a University President:

Is Claudine Gay a Plagiarist?

Harvard president Claudine Gay has problems. Touted as the first black woman to run the nation’s most prestigious university, she assumed leadership with high expectations, but her tenure, which began this summer, has been mired in scandal. As dean and then president, Gay has been accused of bullying colleagues, suppressing free speech, overseeing a racist admissions program, and, following the Hamas terror campaign against Israel, failing to stand up to rampant anti-Semitism on campus.

We have obtained exclusive documentation demonstrating that President Gay may face yet another problem: plagiarism of sections of her Ph.D. dissertation, which would violate Harvard’s own stated policies on academic integrity. (We reached out to President Gay for comment, but received no response.)

Gay published her dissertation, “Taking Charge: Black Electoral Success and the Redefinition of American Policies,” in 1997, as part of her doctorate in political science from Harvard. The paper deals with white-black political representation and racial attitudes. As evaluated under the university’s plagiarism policy, the paper contains at least three problematic patterns of usage and citation.

First, Gay lifts an entire paragraph nearly verbatim from Lawrence Bobo and Franklin Gilliam’s paper, “Race, Sociopolitical Participation, and Black Empowerment,” while passing it off as her own paraphrase and language. Here is the original, from Bobo and Gilliam:

Using 1987 national sample survey data . . . the results show that blacks in high-black-empowerment areas—as indicated by control of the mayor’s office—are more active than either blacks living in low-empowerment areas or their white counterparts of comparable socioeconomic status. Furthermore, the results show that empowerment influences black participation by contributing to a more trusting and efficacious orientation to politics and by greatly increasing black attentiveness to political affairs.

And here is the language from Gay’s work:

Using 1987 survey data, Bobo and Gilliam found that African-Americans in “high black-empowerment” areas—as indicated by control of the mayor’s office—are more active than either African-Americans in low empowerment areas or their white counterparts of comparable socioeconomic status. Empowerment, they conclude, influences black participation by contributing to a more trusting and efficacious orientation towards politics and by greatly increasing black attentiveness to political affairs

Follow the link for the rest of the details…
This what affirmative action and stupid DEI policies get you for a University President:

Is Claudine Gay a Plagiarist?

Harvard president Claudine Gay has problems. Touted as the first black woman to run the nation’s most prestigious university, she assumed leadership with high expectations, but her tenure, which began this summer, has been mired in scandal. As dean and then president, Gay has been accused of bullying colleagues, suppressing free speech, overseeing a racist admissions program, and, following the Hamas terror campaign against Israel, failing to stand up to rampant anti-Semitism on campus.

We have obtained exclusive documentation demonstrating that President Gay may face yet another problem: plagiarism of sections of her Ph.D. dissertation, which would violate Harvard’s own stated policies on academic integrity. (We reached out to President Gay for comment, but received no response.)

Gay published her dissertation, “Taking Charge: Black Electoral Success and the Redefinition of American Policies,” in 1997, as part of her doctorate in political science from Harvard. The paper deals with white-black political representation and racial attitudes. As evaluated under the university’s plagiarism policy, the paper contains at least three problematic patterns of usage and citation.

First, Gay lifts an entire paragraph nearly verbatim from Lawrence Bobo and Franklin Gilliam’s paper, “Race, Sociopolitical Participation, and Black Empowerment,” while passing it off as her own paraphrase and language. Here is the original, from Bobo and Gilliam:

Using 1987 national sample survey data . . . the results show that blacks in high-black-empowerment areas—as indicated by control of the mayor’s office—are more active than either blacks living in low-empowerment areas or their white counterparts of comparable socioeconomic status. Furthermore, the results show that empowerment influences black participation by contributing to a more trusting and efficacious orientation to politics and by greatly increasing black attentiveness to political affairs.

And here is the language from Gay’s work:

Using 1987 survey data, Bobo and Gilliam found that African-Americans in “high black-empowerment” areas—as indicated by control of the mayor’s office—are more active than either African-Americans in low empowerment areas or their white counterparts of comparable socioeconomic status. Empowerment, they conclude, influences black participation by contributing to a more trusting and efficacious orientation towards politics and by greatly increasing black attentiveness to political affairs

Follow the link for the rest of the details…

Yeah, not sure what that has to do with flying a commercial airline, but ok.
Seems ATC is stretched to the breaking point. Perhaps this is their way of getting rid of the industry.
Toss in pilot shortage and its just a matter of time til disaster.

Except all pilots and co-pilots must pass a pretty strenuous testing to make sure they know what they are doing. And then the pilots must fly as co-pilot for a set number of hours. So they are, at least, competent.
Except all pilots and co-pilots must pass a pretty strenuous testing to make sure they know what they are doing. And then the pilots must fly as co-pilot for a set number of hours. So they are, at least, competent.
OK. That's great. But this thread is about DEI in the hiring of ATCs, not pilots
OK. That's great. But this thread is about DEI in the hiring of ATCs, not pilots

That is fine.

I was responding to a moronic comment. Take it up with the one who said "I would never fly on an airplane with a dumbass Negro as a pilot that was hired to meet some racial quota".
Make Greyhound great again. Too many of the great unwashed tooling about on jets today.

I've been saying this for awhile now. All of these cheap fares have turned some airlines into flying Greyhound buses. That's why I normally fly Delta. They have better service than the rest of the American airliners, in my opinion, and their ticket prices are a bit higher. Keeps the trash off the plane.
Hey, let's show how to deflect from the thread topic in order to parade our racism, sexism, and homophobia.
So you good for a person to be hired just because they are a certain color or if they are gay or not? I'm not, it's none of your ism's. Just common sense.
I've been saying this for awhile now. All of these cheap fares have turned some airlines into flying Greyhound buses. That's why I normally fly Delta. They have better service than the rest of the American airliners, in my opinion, and their ticket prices are a bit higher. Keeps the trash off the plane.

We fly Delta if at all possible. My worst was one called People's Express. I could fly round trip from Newark to Norfolk for $35 (around 1982). You paid when you were seated on the plane.
I've been saying this for awhile now. All of these cheap fares have turned some airlines into flying Greyhound buses. That's why I normally fly Delta. They have better service than the rest of the American airliners, in my opinion, and their ticket prices are a bit higher. Keeps the trash off the plane.
Odd you mention Delta, when I would go out of state on extradition the state used Delta business class. I always had the row to myself, along with the convict. ;)
That's good to know about Delta, I will remember this when booking flights. By all means, avoid American Airlines, that is a low budget carrier that might be okay if your flight is not delayed or canceled, but if that happens, you will see firsthand how low budget and incompetent AA really is.
Except all pilots and co-pilots must pass a pretty strenuous testing to make sure they know what they are doing. And then the pilots must fly as co-pilot for a set number of hours. So they are, at least, competent.

And how many will get pushed through to uphold diversity rules?

Do you really think just because there is a standard or a rule that it doesn't get bent or broken for the sake of trying to appeal to social justice equity diversity nonsense?

If they say they will hire more blacks to be pilots then that means they are going to have to lower standards. Anyone who is a pilot and will be a good one will already have been a pilot which means all those new blacks should already have been flying, that means they will be hiring ones previously that couldn't cut it.

If everyone said "we only hire those that are the best and the best fit. We want smart, intelligent, experienced, and ambitious employees " then this wouldn't even be an issue because everyone has to get by on their own merit.

Soon as you start hiring based on sexuality, gender, skin color then you're setting yourself up for failure because you aren't getting the most qualified people.

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