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Flying the US Flag Upside Down

I didn't read all the posts here, but I remember from the Navy that flying a flag upside down meant ship in distress. We're supposed to respect the flag, not let it touch the ground, and if it's torn or worn out, to be replaced. If we flew it upside down every time we didn't agree with what's going on in our country, the flag would never be flown upright.

Well......liberals don't believe in America. They don't like this country and never did. They hate capitalism, they hate gun owners, they hate what other people eat, what other people smoke, how other people vote, they just hate this whole concept. That's why they vent their anger using the American flag or the National Anthem.

They want a country with a single ruler; one that only leads to their drumbeat. DumBama campaigned on it: transforming America. And just what does transform mean? It means dramatic change. Why would anybody want dramatic change? Because they don't like anything about what we have now.
As always you read what I clearly say and then apply your own meaning. In no sense is the confederate flag a widely accepted symbol fit to be flown on our public buildings and public spaces.

By who's judgement, the leftists? I guess leftists tell all of us what's acceptable and what is not. A lot of people down south think the confederate flag is an appropriate symbol. Been flying for decades and never bothered anybody until liberals decided on a new target. Same with the statues. When leftists feel it's offensive, then they must come down and to hell with the artwork or history. Forget everybody else's freedom of speech or freedom of expression, it's the commies that have the say-so in this country, isn't that right?

Put that shit all over your truck, house, shirts and tattoo it on your face for all I care but when most either want that shit gone or don't care one way or another it is time to shitcan that confederate bullshit and put something there that more closely matches our values today.

And what about most people that don't want flag burning or upside down flags, does that not match our values today? Tattoo this on your head: YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE! You believe that the only things that must stop are those that offend liberals and nobody else. If something offends people other than liberals, it's freedom of speech like our founders wanted and they are free to exercise that right no matter who it offends; as long as it doesn't offend liberals.

As to the meaning of the American flag, if you people had your way it would end up right beside the swastika and the confederate flag as a symbol of horror and hate. Decent people are not going to let you fascist fuckers drag our country down that road.

Liberals are not decent people, they are commies hiding behind the word Democrat. That's why the US Communist Party endorsed your last three presidential candidates plus Bernie Sanders.
Let me clue you in on something. There are going to be times society collectively does things you don't like. There is no conspiracy, it's just all the people creating rules for what is acceptable in polite society. Humans do this, it's part of our nature, getting personally insulted by broad social trends is stupid. You seem to take a lot of shit that does not directly affect your life personally.
getting personally insulted by broad social trends is stupid.

Right, and by your own words, when leftists get personally insulted by trends, they demand change.

Let me fill you in on something: Democrat politicians are born liars. They tell you that conservatism is out and socialism is in. It's a lie. You only have to look at the trail of elections the past ten years to figure that out. So liberalism is not the trend in this country. You only think it is because your puppet masters told you so. But people are rejecting liberalism. They are rejecting it on television and sports events, they are rejecting it at voting places, they are rejecting it with newspaper purchases. We don't want it. It's not the trend. If anything is the trend today, it's conservatism.
Personally, I'd like maybe for some of them to be tied to a pole while 30 or 50 soldiers filed by first and bitch slapped them hard for insulting the flag, the nation and the service. The worst ones shot dead before a firing squad if need be.

You think a bunch of elderly protesters should be assaulted by dozens of soldiers, or shot dead?

What if the person flying the flag upside-down is a vet, what do you do then? ;)

Hey look, I'm not writing a book on the subject, but the issue isn't age nor is it position, it is a matter of disrespect, however it is done. Disrespect of the flag is at the very least, highly offensive and insensitive to those that cherish it. People DIE, give their life willingly, defending that flag. People's parents, spouses and children die defending that flag's honor. Disrespecting the flag disrespects all of them. Contempt for your country is bad enough but using the flag as your means of contemptfull demonstration is contempt and disrespect for the nation that gives you liberty, and disrespect to all that have served it.

It is one thing to disrespect PEOPLE whom you disagree with, from the President on down to your township Mayor, but your nation is not of any one person but of us all, past, present and future. There may be things in the past or present you strongly disagree with, but it was PEOPLE who did those things, not the flag, not your Nation. Too often, folks confuse and blur the two.

Germany did terrible things during WWII, but it wasn't the NATION that did those things, not their flag--- it was Hitler and other PEOPLE.

I can only offer suggestions based on hypothetical situations, partly for emotional effect for how some would feel, but ultimately it is up to the law to decide, but I feel that at some level, you just cannot let this stuff go eternally unchecked. Me, I can't say how I'd feel or what I'd do or how I'd react to overt, flagrant disrespect to one's country or flag, specifically to insult, offend and provoke others, usually others that the offender does not even know! But I suggest a person would be wise not to do it in front of me, especially alone in a dark alley, unless they just like to live dangerously. ;)
-----biig surprise -----I AGREE------I have seen upside down flags too and am HORRIFIED------who DA FLUCK---do those idiots
think they are-----reminds me of the 60s-----bunch of jerks running around displaying their vacuity and inflated egos
I honestly don't remember it happening in the sixties but I'm sure it probably did. I just missed it. But I know some guys who served in Hue in the sixties who raised it.
I was at Hue during the Tet Offensive (1968) - you damn right we flew it upside down!!!
What makes our flag so great is that it represents a country where you are allowed to protest against the flag

That is what freedom is all about

It's not just a flag. That flag represents the people of the United States. That flag represents a free country. That flag represents our military and strength.

If you really want to protest the US and all that we stand for, the best way to do that is move to another country.
Well, now, I disagree with that logic, Ray. You make America worse off when you banish people do to peaceful protests. Even these protests that I find to be beyond the pale of acceptable behavior, at least militarily. If you follow your logic to its end, then the Native Americans would be justified in asking us to leave. In your case, perhaps it would be the Hurons... Go Tribe!

Well if people have the right to express their anger using our flag, then certainly I have the right to believe they are anti-American in doing so.

There are all kinds of ways to protest. You can protest here on USMB, you can protest by writing an opinion piece to your newspaper, you can protest on Facebook, you can protest on the sidewalks of our cities, there are all kinds of ways to protest. So why do liberals choose the type of protest to offend the most American people? Because they are nothing but troublemakers.

If I want to protest Target stores, I don't shop at Target stores. If I want to protest the NFL, I don't watch the NFL. If somebody wants to protest the United States, then move out of the United States. Put your money where your mouth is I always say.

That's fair. I just don't think this particular form of protest is limited to liberals. I've seen it on both sides recently and it makes me sick no matter who is doing it.

No, it's just not libs I saw the right during Obama years doing the same. Hell, it could be just about anyone who is unhappy that day of the week.
Sad to see, but y'know, if we'd all just get the fuck over ourselves and start talking and listening to each other, we could solve a lot of problems pretty quickly.

Then this wouldn't be an issue.

It's not an issue with me I'm just here for the entertainment and to piss people off.
What about if the flag is flown sideways. Or cut up and worn as clothing. Or used as advertising for a president's day sale.

What about if the flag is flown sideways? Congratulations, so long as the union is to the upper left, you are fine.

Or cut up and worn as clothing? Congratulations, you are a 1960's hippie-patriot. Hold your tokes. Peace on.

Or used as advertising for a president's day sale? Congratulations, you are one of a million commercial merchants trying to make a buck.

What about these redneck girls wearing the flag as daisy duke shorts and the old fat redneck men wearing their flag shirts ever which way they see fit?
What about if the flag is flown sideways. Or cut up and worn as clothing. Or used as advertising for a president's day sale.

What about if the flag is flown sideways? Congratulations, so long as the union is to the upper left, you are fine.

Or cut up and worn as clothing? Congratulations, you are a 1960's hippie-patriot. Hold your tokes. Peace on.

Or used as advertising for a president's day sale? Congratulations, you are one of a million commercial merchants trying to make a buck.

What about these redneck girls wearing the flag as daisy duke shorts and the old fat redneck men wearing their flag shirts ever which way they see fit?

I dunno. I give up. What should we do?
Personally, I'd like maybe for some of them to be tied to a pole while 30 or 50 soldiers filed by first and bitch slapped them hard for insulting the flag, the nation and the service. The worst ones shot dead before a firing squad if need be.

You think a bunch of elderly protesters should be assaulted by dozens of soldiers, or shot dead?

What if the person flying the flag upside-down is a vet, what do you do then? ;)

Hey look, I'm not writing a book on the subject, but the issue isn't age nor is it position, it is a matter of disrespect, however it is done. Disrespect of the flag is at the very least, highly offensive and insensitive to those that cherish it. People DIE, give their life willingly, defending that flag. People's parents, spouses and children die defending that flag's honor. Disrespecting the flag disrespects all of them. Contempt for your country is bad enough but using the flag as your means of contemptfull demonstration is contempt and disrespect for the nation that gives you liberty, and disrespect to all that have served it.

It is one thing to disrespect PEOPLE whom you disagree with, from the President on down to your township Mayor, but your nation is not of any one person but of us all, past, present and future. There may be things in the past or present you strongly disagree with, but it was PEOPLE who did those things, not the flag, not your Nation. Too often, folks confuse and blur the two.

Germany did terrible things during WWII, but it wasn't the NATION that did those things, not their flag--- it was Hitler and other PEOPLE.

I can only offer suggestions based on hypothetical situations, partly for emotional effect for how some would feel, but ultimately it is up to the law to decide, but I feel that at some level, you just cannot let this stuff go eternally unchecked. Me, I can't say how I'd feel or what I'd do or how I'd react to overt, flagrant disrespect to one's country or flag, specifically to insult, offend and provoke others, usually others that the offender does not even know! But I suggest a person would be wise not to do it in front of me, especially alone in a dark alley, unless they just like to live dangerously. ;)

None of which actually clarifies your statement about tying people to a pole while dozens of soldiers hit them, or killing by firing squad. Do you think disrespecting the flag is a crime deserving of capital punishment, or was that the ridiculous exaggeration it looked like?

Oh, and what do you think makes a nation, if not its people?
getting personally insulted by broad social trends is stupid.

Right, and by your own words, when leftists get personally insulted by trends, they demand change.

Let me fill you in on something: Democrat politicians are born liars. They tell you that conservatism is out and socialism is in. It's a lie. You only have to look at the trail of elections the past ten years to figure that out. So liberalism is not the trend in this country. You only think it is because your puppet masters told you so. But people are rejecting liberalism. They are rejecting it on television and sports events, they are rejecting it at voting places, they are rejecting it with newspaper purchases. We don't want it. It's not the trend. If anything is the trend today, it's conservatism.
American conservatism has dig it's grave by electing a total psycho like Trump, you just do not yet realize that. Republicans have all three branches and what are they doing? Trying to fuck millions out of their insurance and starting another useless war. Idiocracy is here, and it's you people.
getting personally insulted by broad social trends is stupid.

Right, and by your own words, when leftists get personally insulted by trends, they demand change.

Let me fill you in on something: Democrat politicians are born liars. They tell you that conservatism is out and socialism is in. It's a lie. You only have to look at the trail of elections the past ten years to figure that out. So liberalism is not the trend in this country. You only think it is because your puppet masters told you so. But people are rejecting liberalism. They are rejecting it on television and sports events, they are rejecting it at voting places, they are rejecting it with newspaper purchases. We don't want it. It's not the trend. If anything is the trend today, it's conservatism.
American conservatism has dig it's grave by electing a total psycho like Trump, you just do not yet realize that. Republicans have all three branches and what are they doing? Trying to fuck millions out of their insurance and starting another useless war. Idiocracy is here, and it's you people.

So how is it their insurance when somebody else is paying for it? Explain that one to me. When the Democrats fucked us out of our insurance, nobody on the left protested that.

Trump is doing a fine job--especially considering he's never held a government position before. And what useless war do you speak of here?
Flying the flag upside down is a mild form of protest

Conservatives did it for years when the Great Obama was president

getting personally insulted by broad social trends is stupid.

Right, and by your own words, when leftists get personally insulted by trends, they demand change.

Let me fill you in on something: Democrat politicians are born liars. They tell you that conservatism is out and socialism is in. It's a lie. You only have to look at the trail of elections the past ten years to figure that out. So liberalism is not the trend in this country. You only think it is because your puppet masters told you so. But people are rejecting liberalism. They are rejecting it on television and sports events, they are rejecting it at voting places, they are rejecting it with newspaper purchases. We don't want it. It's not the trend. If anything is the trend today, it's conservatism.
American conservatism has dig it's grave by electing a total psycho like Trump, you just do not yet realize that. Republicans have all three branches and what are they doing? Trying to fuck millions out of their insurance and starting another useless war. Idiocracy is here, and it's you people.

So how is it their insurance when somebody else is paying for it? Explain that one to me. When the Democrats fucked us out of our insurance, nobody on the left protested that.

Trump is doing a fine job--especially considering he's never held a government position before. And what useless war do you speak of here?
Your messiah is failing at his job, you only have him to blame and it's only going to get worse. While you can still somehow fool yourself into thinking Trump is awesome the rest of us are wondering just how many people are going to die because of his incompetence.
getting personally insulted by broad social trends is stupid.

Right, and by your own words, when leftists get personally insulted by trends, they demand change.

Let me fill you in on something: Democrat politicians are born liars. They tell you that conservatism is out and socialism is in. It's a lie. You only have to look at the trail of elections the past ten years to figure that out. So liberalism is not the trend in this country. You only think it is because your puppet masters told you so. But people are rejecting liberalism. They are rejecting it on television and sports events, they are rejecting it at voting places, they are rejecting it with newspaper purchases. We don't want it. It's not the trend. If anything is the trend today, it's conservatism.
American conservatism has dig it's grave by electing a total psycho like Trump, you just do not yet realize that. Republicans have all three branches and what are they doing? Trying to fuck millions out of their insurance and starting another useless war. Idiocracy is here, and it's you people.

So how is it their insurance when somebody else is paying for it? Explain that one to me. When the Democrats fucked us out of our insurance, nobody on the left protested that.

Trump is doing a fine job--especially considering he's never held a government position before. And what useless war do you speak of here?
Your messiah is failing at his job, you only have him to blame and it's only going to get worse. While you can still somehow fool yourself into thinking Trump is awesome the rest of us are wondering just how many people are going to die because of his incompetence.

Oh, millions I'm sure.

getting personally insulted by broad social trends is stupid.

Right, and by your own words, when leftists get personally insulted by trends, they demand change.

Let me fill you in on something: Democrat politicians are born liars. They tell you that conservatism is out and socialism is in. It's a lie. You only have to look at the trail of elections the past ten years to figure that out. So liberalism is not the trend in this country. You only think it is because your puppet masters told you so. But people are rejecting liberalism. They are rejecting it on television and sports events, they are rejecting it at voting places, they are rejecting it with newspaper purchases. We don't want it. It's not the trend. If anything is the trend today, it's conservatism.
American conservatism has dig it's grave by electing a total psycho like Trump, you just do not yet realize that. Republicans have all three branches and what are they doing? Trying to fuck millions out of their insurance and starting another useless war. Idiocracy is here, and it's you people.

So how is it their insurance when somebody else is paying for it? Explain that one to me. When the Democrats fucked us out of our insurance, nobody on the left protested that.

Trump is doing a fine job--especially considering he's never held a government position before. And what useless war do you speak of here?
Your messiah is failing at his job, you only have him to blame and it's only going to get worse. While you can still somehow fool yourself into thinking Trump is awesome the rest of us are wondering just how many people are going to die because of his incompetence.

Oh, millions I'm sure.

View attachment 151054
I'm sure you are as big a fool as your messiah.
I didn't read all the posts here, but I remember from the Navy that flying a flag upside down meant ship in distress. We're supposed to respect the flag, not let it touch the ground, and if it's torn or worn out, to be replaced. If we flew it upside down every time we didn't agree with what's going on in our country, the flag would never be flown upright.

Well......liberals don't believe in America. They don't like this country and never did. They hate capitalism, they hate gun owners, they hate what other people eat, what other people smoke, how other people vote, they just hate this whole concept. That's why they vent their anger using the American flag or the National Anthem.

They want a country with a single ruler; one that only leads to their drumbeat. DumBama campaigned on it: transforming America. And just what does transform mean? It means dramatic change. Why would anybody want dramatic change? Because they don't like anything about what we have now.
I don't agree that liberals hate America. I have neighbors and I have fellow church goers that are liberals and they love America. This kind of rhetoric is easily revealed to be opinion, not fact.
-----biig surprise -----I AGREE------I have seen upside down flags too and am HORRIFIED------who DA FLUCK---do those idiots
think they are-----reminds me of the 60s-----bunch of jerks running around displaying their vacuity and inflated egos
I honestly don't remember it happening in the sixties but I'm sure it probably did. I just missed it. But I know some guys who served in Hue in the sixties who raised it.
I was at Hue during the Tet Offensive (1968) - you damn right we flew it upside down!!!
Thank you for your service. From what I've heard and read you were in the shit something fierce. Glad you made it. You know what I'm saying about e flag.
getting personally insulted by broad social trends is stupid.

Right, and by your own words, when leftists get personally insulted by trends, they demand change.

Let me fill you in on something: Democrat politicians are born liars. They tell you that conservatism is out and socialism is in. It's a lie. You only have to look at the trail of elections the past ten years to figure that out. So liberalism is not the trend in this country. You only think it is because your puppet masters told you so. But people are rejecting liberalism. They are rejecting it on television and sports events, they are rejecting it at voting places, they are rejecting it with newspaper purchases. We don't want it. It's not the trend. If anything is the trend today, it's conservatism.
American conservatism has dig it's grave by electing a total psycho like Trump, you just do not yet realize that. Republicans have all three branches and what are they doing? Trying to fuck millions out of their insurance and starting another useless war. Idiocracy is here, and it's you people.

So how is it their insurance when somebody else is paying for it? Explain that one to me. When the Democrats fucked us out of our insurance, nobody on the left protested that.

Trump is doing a fine job--especially considering he's never held a government position before. And what useless war do you speak of here?
Your messiah is failing at his job, you only have him to blame and it's only going to get worse. While you can still somehow fool yourself into thinking Trump is awesome the rest of us are wondering just how many people are going to die because of his incompetence.

Oh, millions I'm sure.

View attachment 151054
Just like millions of NFL players are protesting. It's like ten guys. Why not just ignore them and move on? Could it be that the President doesn't really want the protests to stop? That he knows his tweets will cause more protests and ratchet up his base? If he really wanted the protests to fade away then he'd ignore them, just as you suggest we should ignore the very few flag protesters. Ignore them and they fade away. I just was so pissed yesterday about these protests in light of guys like the poster who fought in Hue and had a freaking good reason to use the flag signal.
Right, and by your own words, when leftists get personally insulted by trends, they demand change.

Let me fill you in on something: Democrat politicians are born liars. They tell you that conservatism is out and socialism is in. It's a lie. You only have to look at the trail of elections the past ten years to figure that out. So liberalism is not the trend in this country. You only think it is because your puppet masters told you so. But people are rejecting liberalism. They are rejecting it on television and sports events, they are rejecting it at voting places, they are rejecting it with newspaper purchases. We don't want it. It's not the trend. If anything is the trend today, it's conservatism.
American conservatism has dig it's grave by electing a total psycho like Trump, you just do not yet realize that. Republicans have all three branches and what are they doing? Trying to fuck millions out of their insurance and starting another useless war. Idiocracy is here, and it's you people.

So how is it their insurance when somebody else is paying for it? Explain that one to me. When the Democrats fucked us out of our insurance, nobody on the left protested that.

Trump is doing a fine job--especially considering he's never held a government position before. And what useless war do you speak of here?
Your messiah is failing at his job, you only have him to blame and it's only going to get worse. While you can still somehow fool yourself into thinking Trump is awesome the rest of us are wondering just how many people are going to die because of his incompetence.

Oh, millions I'm sure.

View attachment 151054
Just like millions of NFL players are protesting. It's like ten guys. Why not just ignore them and move on? Could it be that the President doesn't really want the protests to stop? That he knows his tweets will cause more protests and ratchet up his base? If he really wanted the protests to fade away then he'd ignore them, just as you suggest we should ignore the very few flag protesters. Ignore them and they fade away. I just was so pissed yesterday about these protests in light of guys like the poster who fought in Hue and had a freaking good reason to use the flag signal.

Sorry, but I don't just ignore anti-Americans. They shouldn't be in this country in the first place. If you're not happy here with our police--move TF out of this country. You can't have a civil society with no law and order. There are tens of millions of people around the world that would be glad to take their place and respect our authority instead of making millions of dollars and disrespecting it.

As I said earlier, you want to ignore things like this, then tell the left and ANTIFA to ignore statues and confederate flags. They are bothering nobody.

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