Flynn A Distraction From Democrats Hiring 3 Muslim Brotherhood-Connected IT Staffers?

Fox and friend's the other day didn't want to cover this story so they had a live performance of "Glory of love" lmao.

Then they had a story about some blogger who didn't like Melania and was over heard by other people.

When will they start running Pandas in the snow footage?
I'm trying to track down a reputable source for the story
There's your problem - what liberals call 'reputable sources' have all been proven to be 'All-In' 'Fake News' Democratic Party / Snowflake Propaganda-Pushing arms of the DNC.
This is why The Muslim Brotherhood needs classified as a Terrorist Organization.

It's bad enough Obama & Clinton contracted with them and Al Queda to overthrow the Egyptian and Libyan Governments.....
I'm trying to track down a reputable source for the story
There's your problem - what liberals call 'reputable sources' have all been proven to be 'All-In' 'Fake News' Democratic Party / Snowflake Propaganda-Pushing arms of the DNC.

Politico is considered reputable, in fact - at one point they were accused of having a Republican tilt so you guys should like it. There is nothing in the article stating they were spies, that they belonged to the MB.That seems to be made up.
This is why The Muslim Brotherhood needs classified as a Terrorist Organization.

It's bad enough Obama & Clinton contracted with them and Al Queda to overthrow the Egyptian and Libyan Governments.....

There was no contracting with them. MB came into power via a free and fair election. After years of political suppression by an authoritarian government there were no other parties well organized enough to defeat them.
Could 'Flynn' PARTLY be a distraction to keep focus away from the fact that Democrats hired 3 Muslim Brotherhood 'Spies'?

House Conservatives Want To Know How Rogue IT Staffers Got Away

"House conservatives want to investigate three IT employees, all brothers, suspected of compromising the networks of Democrats on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Abid, Imran and Jamal Awan, are under a U.S. Capitol Police criminal investigation for their use of congressional IT systems and alleged theft and over-billing of computer equipment."

After being caught illegally accessing SECRET US servers / information 'the Awan brothers were abruptly relieved of their duties as shared IT workers among Democratic House offices and barred from House networks earlier this month'.

Notice how it said the 3 were FIRED and barred from House Networks after they were caught breaking the law - and almost obvious 'Espionage' - but not detained, arrested, etc...

“I’m surprised that the media hasn’t made a bigger deal about this,” said Idaho Republican Rep. Raul Labrador."
- I'm not and no one else should be either. After it was exposed that the Russians supposedly hacked the Democrats piss-poor security processes / procedures / defenses to steal and release their 'dirty laundry', reporting that not only has the Democrats' systems / servers / information been hacked again but that this time the HIRED the 3 spies who did it would be even worse process for the Pathetic Democratic party that has failed to protect our National Security and who desperately needs to - as this latest security failure shows - get their shit together! NO WAY THE 'ALL-IN' LIBERAL MEDIA MAKES THIS A BIG STORY!

Labrador Went On To Add:
"“This is pretty outrageous. These are people who had direct connections and access to the House, to intelligence information, and the media has said very little about it. I know there have been a couple of reports, but they’re spending all this time talking about all these other issues. This is actually something that could directly affect the national security of the United States, and I have seen very little reporting, and apparently, the Democrats are not that interested.”

OF COURSE NOT - like with all their failures and scandals, they just want this to go away!
Why do you care who they hired?
Why do you care who they hired?
I care when Democrats, who have demonstrated they are the worst at protecting classified information / our National Security, hires Pakistani spies - 1 who had a criminal record and never should have been hired to begin with, giving them access and opportunity to hack classified files / records...potentially putting that information in the hands of al Qaeda, resulting in a potentially Blown SpecOps mission and 1 dead Navy Seal.

The fact that YOU and Liberals don't see this as a problem also worries me.
This is why The Muslim Brotherhood needs classified as a Terrorist Organization.

It's bad enough Obama & Clinton contracted with them and Al Queda to overthrow the Egyptian and Libyan Governments.....

There was no contracting with them. MB came into power via a free and fair election. After years of political suppression by an authoritarian government there were no other parties well organized enough to defeat them.

There was nothing free or fair about that election. We financed a coup to place a Terrorist Organization in charge of Egypt who promptly started executing Coptic Christians, but The Egyptian people rose up and threw the Jihadis out, and elected an Anti-Jihadists to restore security and a Secular Government to Egypt.

Incidentally, Obama Bin Lying also has given money and weapons to Al Nusra, Hamas, Al Queda affiliates in Libya, The PLO, and of course, the biggest Terrorist Nation on Earth, Iran.
Why do you care who they hired?
I care when Democrats, who have demonstrated they are the worst at protecting classified information / our National Security, hires Pakistani spies - 1 who had a criminal record and never should have been hired to begin with, giving them access and opportunity to hack classified files / records...potentially putting that information in the hands of al Qaeda, resulting in a potentially Blown SpecOps mission and 1 dead Navy Seal.

The fact that YOU and Liberals don't see this as a problem also worries me.

1. What evidence do you have that they only worked for Dems?
2. What evidence do you have that they are "Pakistani spies"?
3. What evidence do you have that they have any association with al Qaeda?
4. What evidence do you have that they hacked anything?

It's described as a procurement scam, and it's been under investigation since 2016.

Now, I think there is a valid point in that if they had access to the IT network, why was one hired with a criminal record? But it isn't even clear that they could access material.
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I can think of a few Billion Bits of Proof how Obama committed Treason, broke the law by circumventing it, and financed terrorism.
How long will Lefty keep lying for Obama Bin Lying?

Well, early results are in, and it says, all the way until judgment day.

Obama’s Cash-for-Jihad Program

VIDEO: ISIS Terrorist Admits! "We are being funded by..." - The Political Insider

"The Obama administration funding ISIS should not surprise us. Lets not forget that the Obama administration has refused to back Egypt in its destruction of ISIS, and is working with Turkey which [is] one of the main backers of ISIS. Let us also not forget that the USA supports the FSA and is working to continue to fund and train jihadists in Syria to overthrow the Assad regimen, an action that will only allow the Islamists, and ultimately Turkey, to dominate the Middle East."
Hey Coyote, try reading some of the links, read the information / facts, then do some of your own research. ...that's a good little snowflake...

Bottom line for now: 3 Pakistani Brothers - 1 with a criminal record - was hired by DEMOCRATS, were caught SPYING, and Democrats allowed them to walk with them being FIRED...for SPYING...being their only punishment.

Democrats should never, with their record, be entrusted with Classified, with who has access to classified, or with our national Security ever again.
This is why The Muslim Brotherhood needs classified as a Terrorist Organization.

It's bad enough Obama & Clinton contracted with them and Al Queda to overthrow the Egyptian and Libyan Governments.....

There was no contracting with them. MB came into power via a free and fair election. After years of political suppression by an authoritarian government there were no other parties well organized enough to defeat them.

There was nothing free or fair about that election. We financed a coup to place a Terrorist Organization in charge of Egypt who promptly started executing Coptic Christians, but The Egyptian people rose up and threw the Jihadis out, and elected an Anti-Jihadists to restore security and a Secular Government to Egypt.

Incidentally, Obama Bin Lying also has given money and weapons to Al Nusra, Hamas, Al Queda affiliates in Libya, The PLO, and of course, the biggest Terrorist Nation on Earth, Iran.

No, we supported an election, that the Egyptian people fought for - and that means we have to accept the results of that election. Observers considered the 2011 election to be "largely free and fair" (as much as anything can be in that part of the world).

As polls close, Egypt closes in on democracy
Are Egypt's elections free and fair?

What became evident after the election, was another matter.
This is why The Muslim Brotherhood needs classified as a Terrorist Organization.

It's bad enough Obama & Clinton contracted with them and Al Queda to overthrow the Egyptian and Libyan Governments.....

There was no contracting with them. MB came into power via a free and fair election. After years of political suppression by an authoritarian government there were no other parties well organized enough to defeat them.

There was nothing free or fair about that election. We financed a coup to place a Terrorist Organization in charge of Egypt who promptly started executing Coptic Christians, but The Egyptian people rose up and threw the Jihadis out, and elected an Anti-Jihadists to restore security and a Secular Government to Egypt.

Incidentally, Obama Bin Lying also has given money and weapons to Al Nusra, Hamas, Al Queda affiliates in Libya, The PLO, and of course, the biggest Terrorist Nation on Earth, Iran.

No, we supported an election, that the Egyptian people fought for - and that means we have to accept the results of that election. Observers considered the 2011 election to be "largely free and fair" (as much as anything can be in that part of the world).

As polls close, Egypt closes in on democracy
Are Egypt's elections free and fair?

What became evident after the election, was another matter.


Lefty Jihadists say, "Not until they are in power and every American Flag is laid upon a bonfire!"
Hey Coyote, try reading some of the links, read the information / facts, then do some of your own research. ...that's a good little snowflake...

Bottom line for now: 3 Pakistani Brothers - 1 with a criminal record - was hired by DEMOCRATS, were caught SPYING, and Democrats allowed them to walk with them being FIRED...for SPYING...being their only punishment.

Democrats should never, with their record, be entrusted with Classified, with who has access to classified, or with our national Security ever again.

Where does it actually say they were fired for "spying"?
How do you know that is their ONLY punishment considering that the investigation has yet to be concluded?
How do you know they only worked for or were hired by Democrats?

A lot of assumptions on your part...Mr. Snowflake.
This is why The Muslim Brotherhood needs classified as a Terrorist Organization.

It's bad enough Obama & Clinton contracted with them and Al Queda to overthrow the Egyptian and Libyan Governments.....

There was no contracting with them. MB came into power via a free and fair election. After years of political suppression by an authoritarian government there were no other parties well organized enough to defeat them.

There was nothing free or fair about that election. We financed a coup to place a Terrorist Organization in charge of Egypt who promptly started executing Coptic Christians, but The Egyptian people rose up and threw the Jihadis out, and elected an Anti-Jihadists to restore security and a Secular Government to Egypt.

Incidentally, Obama Bin Lying also has given money and weapons to Al Nusra, Hamas, Al Queda affiliates in Libya, The PLO, and of course, the biggest Terrorist Nation on Earth, Iran.

No, we supported an election, that the Egyptian people fought for - and that means we have to accept the results of that election. Observers considered the 2011 election to be "largely free and fair" (as much as anything can be in that part of the world).

As polls close, Egypt closes in on democracy
Are Egypt's elections free and fair?

What became evident after the election, was another matter.


Lefty Jihadists say, "Not until they are in power and every American Flag is laid upon a bonfire!"

What a bunch of sillyness.

I accepted the results in November. I also accept facts.
No, we supported an election, that the Egyptian people fought for - and that means we have to accept the results of that election.
Thank you for demonstrating you don't know what the hell you are talking about!

After Obama helped oust Mubarak - the dictator the US put into power, our ally at the time - the Egyptians announced they would hold elections as already scheduled for the end of that year. Obama stepped in and pressured / demanded the election be moved up instead.

After the immediate ousting of Mubarak, the ONLY group big / established / prepared enough to be ready for a campaign / election was the TERRORIST Muslim Brotherhood. Obama was damn-well advised of that and pressured the elections to be moved up anyway.

Sure enough, the terrorists Obama had just 'done a solid' won the election.

These people were terrorists, and Obama had just placed them in charge of the government of our nation that was our ally. Obama then later criticized the Egyptian military for ousting the TERRORIST REGIME Obama had helped put into power.

Obama criticized Russia for trying to affect the outcome of another nation's elections ' governance; yet, Obama did 4 times what he accused Russia of doing once:
- Egypt - done
- Libya - done
- Israel - tried and failed
- Syria - still trying
[QUOTE="Coyote, post: 16582423, member: 19170
Where does it actually say they were fired for "spying"?[/QUOTE]





No. They were not. Even the articles don't don't go that far:

Three brothers who managed office information technology for members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and other lawmakers were abruptly relieved of their duties on suspicion that they accessed congressional computers without permission.

Read more: EXCLUSIVE: House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised By Rogue IT Staff
They were also under investigation for procurement fraud.

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