Flynn Admitted to Lying Under Oath

You right wing nimrods, dumb arse mofos..

"Were his lies material, as required by the statute to which he pleaded guilty? Absolutely. For those of us who spent a professional lifetime as prosecutors and in the Justice Department, this is not a close call."
Chew on this you uneducated libtard. Those same idiots got shown to be fools the last time they did this. Since NONE of them have seen the documents released, the6 can STFU. As can you loser. Try again moron.

Read the link. There is a nice little list there of people - including Pence and Trump - who thought what Flynn said was material.
Now, that aside, my precious little Deplorable, either post your evidence or STFU. Yelling at the top of your lungs on a messageboard is not evidence, it's BS.
I’m not yelling Dumbfuck. Again, the released documents are the proof. Try learning how to read you boot licking Obamanzee. A bunch of people who haven’t seen any documents releasing to the case can be dismissed. Since you posted no evidence of your own, just parroted the Compost, your request is laughable. Burden of proof is on you dimbulb.
Not me. I accept that Trump is a monster in business, screws strippers, often exaggerates, is a bully, and has kids I wouldn't hire to mow my lawn. On the other hand, if you're going to deal with dictators and friends who are worse, you need a guy like him in the WH. He loves America which is a helluvalot more than you can say for the Kenyan. I fully intend to vote for him again...he's been an incredible President
I was agreeing up until this point.
along with Reagan, the best in my lifetime.
Reagan was a terrible president, in my opinion.

Not because he beat the shit out of the fucking commies.

He was a filthy spend-thrift and took a several massive, corn-filled SHITS on the 2nd Amendment.

Please never give legal advice to anyone. You’re going to get someone hurt.

I spent part of my misguided youth as a street criminal and learned enough about the law to expose you phonies who've never spent a night in a precinct station getting smacked across the back and head with the Yellow Pages. I'm not going to get anybody hurt but I got a brother in San Quentin....would you like to tell him what you told me? He knows I'd have made a crackerjack attorney if I hadn't chased the wrong woman out west and got in the nightclub business.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.

Flogging a dead horse are ya? He plead guilty to lying to the fbi, even though he didn't. He did it to save his son who the fbi were threatening to go after. Why do you, a supposed deep thinker, approve of such an outrageous abuse of power? You MUST be a obummer whore. Only statist, anti American scumbags, approve of such an abridgment of the rule of law.

They are deliberately ignoring the documented crimes done against General Flynn, because it goes against the leftist narrative. Heck just unmasking him is a FEDERAL crime.

There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.
"General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury..."

Your disqualifying ignorance on the matter is shown by your statement highlighted above.

This post is pure TDS. No facts, just rabid hate driving you to the point of psychopathology.

Get Help.
You're right, he wasn't convicted by a jury - he went ahead and plead guilty. Twice.

Your automated Trump Defense Syndrome is duly noted.
And your complete lack of honesty, integrity, and any sort of actual knowledge of the event being discussed are duly noted. Then again I’ve proven you a lying ignorant bitch multiple times. Now to slap you again. Coerced confessions aren’t valid. You lose. Again.
Coerced confessions aren’t valid. No one coerced Flynn.
Another ignorant lib. They threatened his son. That’s called coercion. Try learning something.
What did they threaten him with?
My God, you truly are this fucking stupid. Mueller and company threatened Flynn’s son with bogus additional charges existing only in Mueller’s dementia. Things he gave IMMUNITY to the Podesta boys for. Your utter idiocy is appalling.
And you think the additional charges are bogus because?
Because it’s been proven time and again. See stupid, YOU claim those charges are legitimate. YOU have to prove it. Your desperation stinks.
Buddy, you invented charges, declared them to be invalid and you want me to disprove your imaginary story?

That’s idiotic. I don’t share you hallucinations. If you want to make a claim, it’s up to you to substantiate it. You can’t.
Sorry asshole. YOU claim the charges are legitimate, YOU have to prove it. You can’t. Since you’re a proven liar that’s not surprising. I don’t have to prove anything. Your deflections and ranting and melting down are noted.
You right wing nimrods, dumb arse mofos..

"Were his lies material, as required by the statute to which he pleaded guilty? Absolutely. For those of us who spent a professional lifetime as prosecutors and in the Justice Department, this is not a close call."
Chew on this you uneducated libtard. Those same idiots got shown to be fools the last time they did this. Since NONE of them have seen the documents released, the6 can STFU. As can you loser. Try again moron.

Read the link. There is a nice little list there of people - including Pence and Trump - who thought what Flynn said was material.
Now, that aside, my precious little Deplorable, either post your evidence or STFU. Yelling at the top of your lungs on a messageboard is not evidence, it's BS.
I’m not yelling Dumbfuck. Again, the released documents are the proof. Try learning how to read you boot licking Obamanzee. A bunch of people who haven’t seen any documents releasing to the case can be dismissed. Since you posted no evidence of your own, just parroted the Compost, your request is laughable. Burden of proof is on you dimbulb.

Er, no I posted a link which showed the people that think Flynn is guilty. Including Pence and Trump.

Er, I'm not the one espousing the innocence of a convicted man. The burden of proof is on you. And if you have the released documents, or links to them, please post. It might turn out you are right. My mind isn't closed to that idea. But to come on here with half-arsed conspiracy theory shit doesn't wash. And that is not just relating to your posts, but all the other Deplorable ones, too.
Please never give legal advice to anyone. You’re going to get someone hurt.

I spent part of my misguided youth as a street criminal and learned enough about the law to expose you phonies who've never spent a night in a precinct station getting smacked across the back and head with the Yellow Pages. I'm not going to get anybody hurt but I got a brother in San Quentin....would you like to tell him what you told me? He knows I'd have made a crackerjack attorney if I hadn't chased the wrong woman out west and got in the nightclub business.

Stay away from the keyboard, Warrior. You're scaring people...:smoke:
Sorry asshole. Everything I stated is true. Of course that requires the ability to read and not just parrot Dim talking points and so that leaves you out.

No it's not. You are full of shit. Unless you are the FBI agent who supposedly threatened Flynn you haven't got a fucking clue. Hey Nimrod - some right-wing Deplorable Loon writing on some partisan hackery blog or 'news' outlet isn't a fact. Please link to verifiable evidence of what you are saying or STFU.
No, YOU are full of shit, as the released documents prove. Also widely reported at the time. Again, learn to read illiterate one. Hey asshole, posting a Compost OPINiON piece is NOT evidence. Now you can STFU.
No, YOU are full of shit, as the released documents prove. Also widely reported at the time. Again, learn to read illiterate one. Hey asshole, posting a Compost OPINiON piece is NOT evidence. Now you can STFU.

So you don't have a link. Why didn't you just say so.
Yeah, an opinion piece from Chuck Rosenberg is a former U.S. attorney, senior FBI official and acting head of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

I thought you said you weren't yelling, my Little Wind Up Toy..
You right wing nimrods, dumb arse mofos..

"Were his lies material, as required by the statute to which he pleaded guilty? Absolutely. For those of us who spent a professional lifetime as prosecutors and in the Justice Department, this is not a close call."
Chew on this you uneducated libtard. Those same idiots got shown to be fools the last time they did this. Since NONE of them have seen the documents released, the6 can STFU. As can you loser. Try again moron.

Read the link. There is a nice little list there of people - including Pence and Trump - who thought what Flynn said was material.
Now, that aside, my precious little Deplorable, either post your evidence or STFU. Yelling at the top of your lungs on a messageboard is not evidence, it's BS.
I’m not yelling Dumbfuck. Again, the released documents are the proof. Try learning how to read you boot licking Obamanzee. A bunch of people who haven’t seen any documents releasing to the case can be dismissed. Since you posted no evidence of your own, just parroted the Compost, your request is laughable. Burden of proof is on you dimbulb.

Er, no I posted a link which showed the people that think Flynn is guilty. Including Pence and Trump.

Er, I'm not the one espousing the innocence of a convicted man. The burden of proof is on you. And if you have the released documents, or links to them, please post. It might turn out you are right. My mind isn't closed to that idea. But to come on here with half-arsed conspiracy theory shit doesn't wash. And that is not just relating to your posts, but all the other Deplorable ones, too.
Sorry asswipe, Flynn isn’t convicted. No pardon needed. The case is thrown out due to illegal actions by the FBI. As documented, yet of course you don’t want to see them. Your lack of knowledge of the subject is glaring.
No, YOU are full of shit, as the released documents prove. Also widely reported at the time. Again, learn to read illiterate one. Hey asshole, posting a Compost OPINiON piece is NOT evidence. Now you can STFU.

So you don't have a link. Why didn't you just say so.

I thought you said you weren't yelling, my Little Wind Up Toy..
Your google broken asshole? Emphasis is not yelling idiot. Now fuck off u til you learn something Obamanzee. And keep your gay fantasies to yourself.
1) But it wasn't.
2) And if it had gone to trial you have no idea of what the outcome would have been.

Of course it wasn't because Flynn's lawyers never asked anybody if they'd referred to their notes before being called to testify. If one of them had said yes, his lawyer could have demanded their entire case be put on the defense desk, called for an adjournment, and discovered everything they had. I got out of a lot of trouble one time because my lawyer did that....the cops were so pissed they stomped out of the courtroom.
Sorry asswipe, Flynn isn’t convicted. No pardon needed. The case is thrown out due to illegal actions by the FBI. As documented, yet of course you don’t want to see them. Your lack of knowledge of the subject is glaring.

On the contrary, I do want to see them. So post them.
The case was thrown out because Barr is a partisan hack. End of story.
I think Barr should be praying for a Trump win in November. Because if he doesn't, I think Barr is going to be in a lot of trouble.
1) But it wasn't.
2) And if it had gone to trial you have no idea of what the outcome would have been.

Of course it wasn't because Flynn's lawyers never asked anybody if they'd referred to their notes before being called to testify. If one of them had said yes, his lawyer could have demanded their entire case be put on the defense desk, called for an adjournment, and discovered everything they had. I got out of a lot of trouble one time because my lawyer did that....the cops were so pissed they stomped out of the courtroom.

have your read the whole charge sheet? Unless you and I have read it, we are both going on what is in the public domain.
Sorry asswipe, Flynn isn’t convicted. No pardon needed. The case is thrown out due to illegal actions by the FBI. As documented, yet of course you don’t want to see them. Your lack of knowledge of the subject is glaring.

On the contrary, I do want to see them. So post them.
The case was thrown out because Barr is a partisan hack. End of story.
I think Barr should be praying for a Trump win in November. Because if he doesn't, I think Barr is going to be in a lot of trouble.
Post things that are easily accessible to anybody with a brain? The case was thrown out after Jensen (the attorney from St. Louis) investigated and uncovered the withheld evidence. Barr dismissed the charges on Jensen’s recommendation. End of story. Oops. I just destroyed your fantasy again. Not sorry.
have your read the whole charge sheet? Unless you and I have read it, we are both going on what is in the public domain.

I've listened to his new attorney Sidney Powell (female) several times on talk shows....she's furious about how his lawyers sold him out and is supposedly working pro bono....and she WON.
have your read the whole charge sheet? Unless you and I have read it, we are both going on what is in the public domain.

I've listened to his new attorney Sidney Powell (female) several times on talk shows....she's furious about how his lawyers sold him out and is supposedly working pro bono....and she WON.

hhhmm...She won. I thought Barr won...

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