Flynn Admitted to Lying Under Oath

Excuse me.

You conveniently fail to mention that the VP has recently said he was not sure Flynn lied to him. Back in January of 2017, he was being told by Seditionists and Coup Plotters like Sally Yates that he might have lied based on the transcript of the Ambassador's phone call...but he had not seen that phone call transcript, nor the FBI Agents first report of what Flynn told them--which was that they didn't think he lied, and their first written report is NOW MISSING.

But, more importantly, you confuse alledged Lies. Even if Flynn lied to the VP, which is not a only got him fired...and had nothing to do with the crime of lying to the FBI, which he was charged with almost a year later---under the Mueller Inquisition of All Republicans.

You have it all jumbled up, and you seem hopelessly confused.

At issue today is that Flynn was effectively tortured into pleading guilty to a crime he likely didn't commit.

Yes, he pled Guilty, but it was to keep his family from going bankrupt and under the threat of the Goons going after his son for some unrelated bullshit having to do with Turkey.

It was psychological, emotional, financial TORTURE---by our own Government...and it is not less effective than physical torture---such as what was done to a Black kid being beaten in a Mississippi jail until HE confessed to a crime he didn't commit back in the 1950's.

Obviously you would have a different opinion of THAT guilty plea, obtained by physical torture, than you do about the kind of torture a 33 year combat general went through. But there is really no difference to a Fair Minded Person, as opposed to a Blind Partisan.

Flynn finally got a lawyer willing to address this the ACLU came along and addressed the injustice going on in Mississippi. It is inconvenient for you to see the injustice to General Flynn in the same light, but it is essentially the same kind of injustice....and it is about to be set right. Deal with it, ye Blind Partisan.

Your Trump Defense Syndrome and hatred of all things Obama is blinding you.

Flynn did not "allegedly" lie. He lied. To the FBI. He said so. Twice. He pled guilty.

He was given every opportunity to tell the truth.

Yet he didn't.

No "alleged" about that. Get a dictionary.

What about the Jury you talked about, Coyote? How much else are you confused about, or ignorant of, on this case? I have time to educate a person willing to learn, but I don't beleive you qualify. One can never convince a Fanatic.

Excuse me.

You conveniently fail to mention that the VP has recently said he was not sure Flynn lied to him. Back in January of 2017, he was being told by Seditionists and Coup Plotters like Sally Yates that he might have lied based on the transcript of the Ambassador's phone call...but he had not seen that phone call transcript, nor the FBI Agents first report of what Flynn told them--which was that they didn't think he lied, and their first written report is NOW MISSING.

The problem with that view is that Mike Pence went on meet the press a few days after talking to General Flynn, and assured the country that according to what Flynn told him, that he did not talk to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions.

The NSA transcript showed that Flynn talked about sanctions, and the president fired Flynn because he lied to Mike Pence, claiming he didn't talk to Kislyiak about sanctions.

No matter if you think the FBI tricked Flynn into lying to them, Mike Pence was still lied to by Flynn.

The crazy thing is it's all well documented...and they still deny it.

Fortunately it is all documented and is slowly being declassified.

The Chickens are coming home to roost.

I don't think you quite comprehend the ownership of all those chickens....

And that needs to be cleaned up. The IG report was revealing of a sloppy agency and an arrogant leadership.

Ah, so that was all "inadvertent" like Chucky Todd's omission with the Barr quote? Did you know Biden was in on the unmasking and leaking of Flynn's name to CNN? that's a felony.
Excuse me.

You conveniently fail to mention that the VP has recently said he was not sure Flynn lied to him. Back in January of 2017, he was being told by Seditionists and Coup Plotters like Sally Yates that he might have lied based on the transcript of the Ambassador's phone call...but he had not seen that phone call transcript, nor the FBI Agents first report of what Flynn told them--which was that they didn't think he lied, and their first written report is NOW MISSING.

But, more importantly, you confuse alledged Lies. Even if Flynn lied to the VP, which is not a only got him fired...and had nothing to do with the crime of lying to the FBI, which he was charged with almost a year later---under the Mueller Inquisition of All Republicans.

You have it all jumbled up, and you seem hopelessly confused.

At issue today is that Flynn was effectively tortured into pleading guilty to a crime he likely didn't commit.

Yes, he pled Guilty, but it was to keep his family from going bankrupt and under the threat of the Goons going after his son for some unrelated bullshit having to do with Turkey.

It was psychological, emotional, financial TORTURE---by our own Government...and it is not less effective than physical torture---such as what was done to a Black kid being beaten in a Mississippi jail until HE confessed to a crime he didn't commit back in the 1950's.

Obviously you would have a different opinion of THAT guilty plea, obtained by physical torture, than you do about the kind of torture a 33 year combat general went through. But there is really no difference to a Fair Minded Person, as opposed to a Blind Partisan.

Flynn finally got a lawyer willing to address this the ACLU came along and addressed the injustice going on in Mississippi. It is inconvenient for you to see the injustice to General Flynn in the same light, but it is essentially the same kind of injustice....and it is about to be set right. Deal with it, ye Blind Partisan.

Your Trump Defense Syndrome and hatred of all things Obama is blinding you.

Flynn did not "allegedly" lie. He lied. To the FBI. He said so. Twice. He pled guilty.

He was given every opportunity to tell the truth.

Yet he didn't.

No "alleged" about that. Get a dictionary.

What about the Jury you talked about, Coyote? How much else are you confused about, or ignorant of, on this case? I have time to educate a person willing to learn, but I don't beleive you qualify. One can never convince a Fanatic.


I'm not interested in being educated by a conspiracy-theory driven fanatic. Try it on someone else.
The justice dept said the retired General was intentionally entrapped by slick agents in the FBI under orders by the Obama administration. Didn't agents swear under oath when they obtained the fraudulent FISA warrant? I guess it's a felony to lie to the FBI but it isn't against the law when they lie to us.

You left out that Flynn lied to Vice President Pence, who was questioning Flynn on behalf of President Trump. So in effect, Flynn lied to the president.

Are you O.K. with that?
The original law firm mishandled Flynn's defense.

... By the derelictions of Flynn’s original counsel, who took the case notwithstanding a deep conflict-of-interest, and who appear to have counseled Flynn to plead guilty without ever reviewing rudimentary discovery — we know they never inspected the 302 (which is mind-boggling in a false-statements case); did they ever demand that Mueller’s prosecutors produce the recording of the Flynn–Kislyak “sanctions” conversation that is the heart of the case?

The justice dept said the retired General was intentionally entrapped by slick agents in the FBI under orders by the Obama administration. Didn't agents swear under oath when they obtained the fraudulent FISA warrant? I guess it's a felony to lie to the FBI but it isn't against the law when they lie to us.

They definitely can lie to us

The lying to the FISA court is, or should be, problematic.

And that needs to be cleaned up. The IG report was revealing of a sloppy agency and an arrogant leadership.

Based on your complete lack of knowledge on this subject, I understand that you have no idea that the IG has no power to compel.
His review was your basic Government "make work" exercise.

The chickens are coming home to roost.

And that needs to be cleaned up. The IG report was revealing of a sloppy agency and an arrogant leadership.

Ah, so that was all "inadvertent" like Chucky Todd's omission with the Barr quote? Did you know Biden was in on the unmasking and leaking of Flynn's name to CNN? that's a felony.

Sure. Whatever you say dude. But I'm going to wait for the indictments if you don't mind. :lol:
Then you need to throw out every single guilty plea don't you?
Only for those defendants who want to change their plea, like Flynn.


Ok so they should all be allowed to just change their plea.

After pleading twice.

Or just Flynn?
No, all of them should be able to change their plea before sentencing, and they routinely ARE allow to do so. This is not just about Flynn.

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.

From FARA to Logan. Flynn broke a shitload of laws he admitted to.

Except you can't name any, eh, stooge? Your commissars laugh at what they get away'll buy anything they tell you.
The justice dept said the retired General was intentionally entrapped by slick agents in the FBI under orders by the Obama administration. Didn't agents swear under oath when they obtained the fraudulent FISA warrant? I guess it's a felony to lie to the FBI but it isn't against the law when they lie to us.

They definitely can lie to us

The lying to the FISA court is, or should be, problematic.

And that needs to be cleaned up. The IG report was revealing of a sloppy agency and an arrogant leadership.

Based on your complete lack of knowledge on this subject, I understand that you have no idea that the IG has no power to compel.
His review was your basic Government "make work" exercise.

The chickens are coming home to roost.

You are confusing a belief in conspiracy theories with knowledge.

Any day now...I've heard that before.
Excuse me.

You conveniently fail to mention that the VP has recently said he was not sure Flynn lied to him. Back in January of 2017, he was being told by Seditionists and Coup Plotters like Sally Yates that he might have lied based on the transcript of the Ambassador's phone call...but he had not seen that phone call transcript, nor the FBI Agents first report of what Flynn told them--which was that they didn't think he lied, and their first written report is NOW MISSING.

The problem with that view is that Mike Pence went on meet the press a few days after talking to General Flynn, and assured the country that according to what Flynn told him, that he did not talk to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions.

The NSA transcript showed that Flynn talked about sanctions, and the president fired Flynn because he lied to Mike Pence, claiming he didn't talk to Kislyiak about sanctions.

No matter if you think the FBI tricked Flynn into lying to them, Mike Pence was still lied to by Flynn.

The crazy thing is it's all well documented...and they still deny it.

Fortunately it is all documented and is slowly being declassified.

The Chickens are coming home to roost.

I don't think you quite comprehend the ownership of all those chickens....

I'm not the one who has demonstrated complete and provable ignorance of the situation, in this thread.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.
We should go back to the days before Brown v. Mississippi, right?

Beat those black dudes into pleading guilty, then point to their guilty plea as evidence of their guilt?

Sound good to you?

Emmett Till was GUILTY. He confessed.
Then you need to throw out every single guilty plea don't you?
Only for those defendants who want to change their plea, like Flynn.


Ok so they should all be allowed to just change their plea.

After pleading twice.

Or just Flynn?
No, all of them should be able to change their plea before sentencing, and they routinely ARE allow to do so. This is not just about Flynn.

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.


Bears Repeating -

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.
We should go back to the days before Brown v. Mississippi, right?

Beat those black dudes into pleading guilty, then point to their guilty plea as evidence of their guilt?

Sound good to you?

Emmett Till was GUILTY. He confessed.
Anyone who pled guilty, and was subsequently exonerated with DNA evidence can FUCK OFF!!! They pled guilty. It's over!!!
Then you need to throw out every single guilty plea don't you?
Only for those defendants who want to change their plea, like Flynn.


Ok so they should all be allowed to just change their plea.

After pleading twice.

Or just Flynn?
No, all of them should be able to change their plea before sentencing, and they routinely ARE allow to do so. This is not just about Flynn.

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.


No. They are not routinely allowed to do so.

Judges allow defendants to withdraw guilty pleas only in limited situations.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.
We should go back to the days before Brown v. Mississippi, right?

Beat those black dudes into pleading guilty, then point to their guilty plea as evidence of their guilt?

Sound good to you?

Emmett Till was GUILTY. He confessed.
Anyone who pled guilty, and was subsequently exonerated with DNA evidence can FUCK OFF!!! They pled guilty. It's over!!!

One simply just can not take a lot of these posters seriously.
They have no ability to see past -Trump Bad.
Bears Repeating -

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.

The racist judge made it clear he was going to sentence Flynn to FIVE YEARS....not in some country club....Leavenworth. The piece of shit can't let go of it...wants amicas briefs from Flynn haters to drain the last penny for his legal defense. Barr will intercede any day now and remove him from the case same as he did the corrupt prosecutor.
Sure. Whatever you say dude. But I'm going to wait the indictments if you don't mind. :lol:

So as long as they get away with it, no problemo.....duly noted.

Guilt is not determined by popular opinion or messageboards. If there is enough evidence to merit charges that are prosecutable, then it will go forward. Otherwise you are just blowing hot air.

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