Flynn Admitted to Lying Under Oath

Bears Repeating -

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.

The racist judge made it clear he was going to sentence Flynn to FIVE YEARS....not in some country club....Leavenworth. The piece of shit can't let go of it...wants amicas briefs from Flynn haters to drain the last penny for his legal defense. Barr will intercede any day now and remove him from the case same as he did the corrupt prosecutor.

Racist? WTF does race have to do with this?
Then you need to throw out every single guilty plea don't you?
Only for those defendants who want to change their plea, like Flynn.


Ok so they should all be allowed to just change their plea.

After pleading twice.

Or just Flynn?
No, all of them should be able to change their plea before sentencing, and they routinely ARE allow to do so. This is not just about Flynn.

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.


No. They are not routinely allowed to do so.

Judges allow defendants to withdraw guilty pleas only in limited situations.

Pre-Sentence Withdrawal
A defendant can typically withdraw a guilty plea that a judge hasn’t yet accepted. Also, defendants who have pleaded but not yet been sentenced can sometimes get out of their deals, particularly when the judge rejects the negotiated agreement pursuant to which the defendant pleaded. (The prosecution can sometimes back out of a deal, too.)

For example, if Clay pleads guilty to bribery in exchange for the prosecution’s agreement to a three-years-or-less sentence, but the judge indicates an intention to sentence him to five years, he can probably withdraw the plea.


You are better than this. Quit letting your Trump hatred blind you.

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The justice dept said the retired General was intentionally entrapped by slick agents in the FBI under orders by the Obama administration. Didn't agents swear under oath when they obtained the fraudulent FISA warrant? I guess it's a felony to lie to the FBI but it isn't against the law when they lie to us.

You left out that Flynn lied to Vice President Pence, who was questioning Flynn on behalf of President Trump. So in effect, Flynn lied to the president.

Are you O.K. with that?
No, actually Pence was told he lied by no Yates and Brennan, I believe it was, and now there are questions as to whether he actually did lie...
From FARA to Logan. Flynn broke a shitload of laws he admitted to.

Except you can't name any, eh, stooge? Your commissars laugh at what they get away'll buy anything they tell you.

I don't have to name them. Michael Flynn named them in his plea deal. Pull up a copy of it, and look under the attachments to the statement of offense.

Flynn had to repeat them to the judge in open court.
Then you need to throw out every single guilty plea don't you?
Only for those defendants who want to change their plea, like Flynn.


Ok so they should all be allowed to just change their plea.

After pleading twice.

Or just Flynn?
No, all of them should be able to change their plea before sentencing, and they routinely ARE allow to do so. This is not just about Flynn.

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.


No. They are not routinely allowed to do so.

Judges allow defendants to withdraw guilty pleas only in limited situations.

When the prosecution agrees it is under federal law perfunctory.
There were no crimes done against vainglorious and deceitful General Flynn. He was convicted by a jury, his attempts to have it reversed thrown out. The judge has seen all the documentation. Like all of Trumps criminal crony's - he will remain a free man regardless of what the judge (and jury) determines because he has the right connections: Trump and Russia.

Oh? Did the democrap judge see the exculpatory evidence that's coming out? Did the judge understand Flynn did nothing wrong speaking with the Russian and did he understand the FBI had no basis in law to "interview" him, told he didn't need a lawyer, or warn him not to lie or he'd face prosecution? So what "treason" did this 3-star 33 year Veteran commit? C'mon Coyote.....tell us all about it.

waited until 33 million americans are unemployed and over a million infected to come up with that bullshit didnt you -

Then you need to throw out every single guilty plea don't you?
Only for those defendants who want to change their plea, like Flynn.


Ok so they should all be allowed to just change their plea.

After pleading twice.

Or just Flynn?
No, all of them should be able to change their plea before sentencing, and they routinely ARE allow to do so. This is not just about Flynn.

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.


No. They are not routinely allowed to do so.

Judges allow defendants to withdraw guilty pleas only in limited situations.
Honey, look at this case of malfeasance where a party plead guilty where exculpatory evidence was also withheld
Guilt is not determined by popular opinion or messageboards. If there is enough evidence to merit charges that are prosecutable, then it will go forward. Otherwise you are just blowing hot air.

A highly respected US Attorney looked into the case and recommended the guilty plea be withdrawn, and the charges dropped. The Attorney General accepted that and dismissed the case. You lose.
Guilt is not determined by popular opinion or messageboards. If there is enough evidence to merit charges that are prosecutable, then it will go forward. Otherwise you are just blowing hot air.

A highly respected US Attorney looked into the case and recommended the guilty plea be withdrawn, and the charges dropped. The Attorney General accepted that and dismissed the case. You lose.

trump lackeys ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Then you need to throw out every single guilty plea don't you?
Only for those defendants who want to change their plea, like Flynn.


Ok so they should all be allowed to just change their plea.

After pleading twice.

Or just Flynn?
No, all of them should be able to change their plea before sentencing, and they routinely ARE allow to do so. This is not just about Flynn.

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.


No. They are not routinely allowed to do so.

Judges allow defendants to withdraw guilty pleas only in limited situations.

Pre-Sentence Withdrawal
A defendant can typically withdraw a guilty plea that a judge hasn’t yet accepted. Also, defendants who have pleaded but not yet been sentenced can sometimes get out of their deals, particularly when the judge rejects the negotiated agreement pursuant to which the defendant pleaded. (The prosecution can sometimes back out of a deal, too.)

For example, if Clay pleads guilty to bribery in exchange for the prosecution’s agreement to a three-years-or-less sentence, but the judge indicates an intention to sentence him to five years, he can probably withdraw the plea.


You are better than this. Quit letting your Trump hatred blind you.


Your FUCKING STATEMENT - that I was replying to.

"and they routinely ARE allow to do so."
Excuse me.

You conveniently fail to mention that the VP has recently said he was not sure Flynn lied to him. Back in January of 2017, he was being told by Seditionists and Coup Plotters like Sally Yates that he might have lied based on the transcript of the Ambassador's phone call...but he had not seen that phone call transcript, nor the FBI Agents first report of what Flynn told them--which was that they didn't think he lied, and their first written report is NOW MISSING.

The problem with that view is that Mike Pence went on meet the press a few days after talking to General Flynn, and assured the country that according to what Flynn told him, that he did not talk to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions.

The NSA transcript showed that Flynn talked about sanctions, and the president fired Flynn because he lied to Mike Pence, claiming he didn't talk to Kislyiak about sanctions.

No matter if you think the FBI tricked Flynn into lying to them, Mike Pence was still lied to by Flynn.

The crazy thing is it's all well documented...and they still deny it.
President Trump said that he canned Flynn for the lies he told.

Even the VP corroborated that story and said that Flynn lied.

These are all documented things, stemming from an under oath admission.

So were all these people lying THEN or are they lying now? Can't be both.
Give it up.:rolleyes:
You guys are beneath the lowest scum I've ever known.
BTW, young Barry, gay and editor of the Harvard Law Review, should have known Flynn didn't plead guilty to "perjury". He also said "nobody can find precedent for this" forgetting his own AG Holder aka "wingman" dismissed a case against a General officer that Barry was quite fond of. Hard to believe that fool ever tricked enough flat-liners into putting him in the Oval Office (twice). However, there are people being mentioned in the ongoing Durham probe that know all about Barry's little secrets and don't believe for a second they won't turn on him in a heartbeat to save their own sorry asses.
Then you need to throw out every single guilty plea don't you?
Only for those defendants who want to change their plea, like Flynn.


Ok so they should all be allowed to just change their plea.

After pleading twice.

Or just Flynn?
No, all of them should be able to change their plea before sentencing, and they routinely ARE allow to do so. This is not just about Flynn.

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.


No. They are not routinely allowed to do so.

Judges allow defendants to withdraw guilty pleas only in limited situations.

Pre-Sentence Withdrawal
A defendant can typically withdraw a guilty plea that a judge hasn’t yet accepted. Also, defendants who have pleaded but not yet been sentenced can sometimes get out of their deals, particularly when the judge rejects the negotiated agreement pursuant to which the defendant pleaded. (The prosecution can sometimes back out of a deal, too.)

For example, if Clay pleads guilty to bribery in exchange for the prosecution’s agreement to a three-years-or-less sentence, but the judge indicates an intention to sentence him to five years, he can probably withdraw the plea.


You are better than this. Quit letting your Trump hatred blind you.


Oh. And let's actually look at what you quoted (but maybe didn't actually read?) and put it in terms of Flynn's case (tone down your automatic Trump Defense System please).

First: Did the Judge accept Flynn's guilty plea?

Second: did you take note of certain terms - "sometimes" and "when the judge rejects the negotiated agreement pursuant to which the defendant pleaded"
Then you need to throw out every single guilty plea don't you?
Only for those defendants who want to change their plea, like Flynn.


Ok so they should all be allowed to just change their plea.

After pleading twice.

Or just Flynn?
No, all of them should be able to change their plea before sentencing, and they routinely ARE allow to do so. This is not just about Flynn.

Government cannot abuse citizens and coerce them into guilty pleas, then point to the plea as evidence of guilt. That is completely asinine.


No. They are not routinely allowed to do so.

Judges allow defendants to withdraw guilty pleas only in limited situations.

Pre-Sentence Withdrawal
A defendant can typically withdraw a guilty plea that a judge hasn’t yet accepted. Also, defendants who have pleaded but not yet been sentenced can sometimes get out of their deals, particularly when the judge rejects the negotiated agreement pursuant to which the defendant pleaded. (The prosecution can sometimes back out of a deal, too.)

For example, if Clay pleads guilty to bribery in exchange for the prosecution’s agreement to a three-years-or-less sentence, but the judge indicates an intention to sentence him to five years, he can probably withdraw the plea.


You are better than this. Quit letting your Trump hatred blind you.


Oh. And let's actually look at what you quoted (but maybe didn't actually read?) and put it in terms of Flynn's case (tone down your automatic Trump Defense System please).

First: Did the Judge accept Flynn's guilty plea?

Second: did you take note of certain terms - "sometimes" and "when the judge rejects the negotiated agreement pursuant to which the defendant pleaded"
And you ignore a case I presented to you...

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