Flynn definately broke laws

Legitimate. I have faith the NSC checked him out. Why do you want to derail away from Hillary's corrupt legacy?

Well, FoulWind.....why don't YOU start a thread on Hillary...and have some grown up read to you what the title of THIS thread means???....LOL
Translation: You are correct, DW. I was trying to derail away from Hillary's corruption. Now can we please, please, please get back to Trump campaign corruption? Please???

Well, if you insist, little buddy.
So, nothing then?

Al Capone murdered dozens, broke every law at the time, and finally got busted for income tax evasion.

Hillary is really no different, and the tactic with Webb Hubbell and others "taking the fall" is right out of Capone's playbook.
Legitimate. I have faith the NSC checked him out. Why do you want to derail away from Hillary's corrupt legacy?

Well, FoulWind.....why don't YOU start a thread on Hillary...and have some grown up read to you what the title of THIS thread means???....LOL
Translation: You are correct, DW. I was trying to derail away from Hillary's corruption. Now can we please, please, please get back to Trump campaign corruption? Please???

Well, if you insist, little buddy.

That is the thread.

Flynn broke the law by not disclosing foreign payments. That's not in question at all. The real question is, how was the Trump team not able to know this and how were they able to get Flynn a clearance without lying?
There is nothing false at all about my post.

You just hate the accuracy of the Clinton-Capone comparison.

The only question is WHO MURDERED MORE....
That is the thread.

Flynn broke the law by not disclosing foreign payments. That's not in question at all. The real question is, how was the Trump team not able to know this and how were they able to get Flynn a clearance without lying?
Correct. Are you saying you always have and always will stay 100% on topic and never use other examples for context? If I can prove you've been off-topic, will you admit to being a hypocrite?

Flynn may have broken the law. He hasn't been convicted of anything yet. Yes, it looks bad for him, but is the Left Wing so far gone they no longer believe in innocent until proven guilty?
If I can prove you've been off-topic, will you admit to being a hypocrite?

Flynn may have broken the law. He hasn't been convicted of anything yet.
Hillary Clinton is not convicted or even indicted or even sued for anything but yet and still watch:
who is leading the "Lock Her Up"...:badgrin:


Michael Flynn leads "Lock her up" chant while under investigation for ties to Russia.
The OP discredits himself and proves his entire thread is snowflake FAKE NEWS and political propaganda in the body of his own post:

His Title Declares 'Flynn definately broke laws'; however, In his own post he then admits the TRUTH: "...appears to have broken the law..."

It APPEARS the OP is DEFINITELY a Fake News snowflake who has no credibility....

Next thread... :p
The OP discredits himself and proves his entire thread is snowflake FAKE NEWS and political propaganda in the body of his own post:

His Title Declares 'Flynn definately broke laws'; however, In his own post he then admits the TRUTH: "...appears to have broken the law..."

It APPEARS the OP is DEFINITELY a Fake News snowflake who has no credibility....

Next thread... :p
Lock her up, Lock Her up

for what

Lock her up Lock her up:badgrin:
I thought the argument was that it wouldn't reveal any useful information. Your point about Flynns taxes give the best argument for Trump to release his taxes That it would answer the question of whether Trump received money from the Russians
To the contrary the left would use any and every sentence and line of his return and turn it negative. I don't think the people are stupid however and we would see it for what it is slanderous nonsense. But I can see why the Trump team wouldn't take that chance. We are in a new era where the media has openly taken sides. All rules and decorum regarding openness from the past are done until that somehow changes.
After the crap that people like you put out concerning President Obama, what else do you expect.

One sure wonders what is in those tax return statements that has the clown so scared of them.
After the crap that people like you put out concerning President Obama, what else do you expect.

One sure wonders what is in those tax return statements that has the clown so scared of them
What crap did I put out old balls?
The OP discredits himself and proves his entire thread is snowflake FAKE NEWS and political propaganda in the body of his own post:

His Title Declares 'Flynn definately broke laws'; however, In his own post he then admits the TRUTH: "...appears to have broken the law..."

It APPEARS the OP is DEFINITELY a Fake News snowflake who has no credibility....

Next thread... :p
Lock her up, Lock Her up

for what

Lock her up Lock her up:badgrin:
Lock who up, snowflake? I just pointed out that the OP intentionally attempted to deceive people while spreading liberal propaganda and contradicted / exposed him/herself in her own post. Didn't mean to 'trigger' you!
Hey Trump Rubes:badgrin:
Not only will Trump's tax breaks not pay for themselves, you'll have to pay for Him to go golfing every weekend....and for his family to go "Globe Trotting"
We are in a new era where the media has openly taken sides. All rules and decorum regarding openness from the past are done until that somehow changes.

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