Flynn definately broke laws

I've never argued that he shouldn't only that he does not have to by law.

I thought the argument was that it wouldn't reveal any useful information. Your point about Flynns taxes give the best argument for Trump to release his taxes That it would answer the question of whether Trump received money from the Russians.
Unsurprising you blame "the military" for political actions since it's common for the far Left to hate the military, spit on them and blame them for all the problems in the world. They've been doing this for almost 60 years now, so why would they change?

Moron....learn how to comprehend what you can read (maybe)......I am NOT blaming the military and I well know that they don;take kindly to an idiot like Flynn smearing their reputation.
I thought the argument was that it wouldn't reveal any useful information. Your point about Flynns taxes give the best argument for Trump to release his taxes That it would answer the question of whether Trump received money from the Russians
To the contrary the left would use any and every sentence and line of his return and turn it negative. I don't think the people are stupid however and we would see it for what it is slanderous nonsense. But I can see why the Trump team wouldn't take that chance. We are in a new era where the media has openly taken sides. All rules and decorum regarding openness from the past are done until that somehow changes.
Unsurprising you blame "the military" for political actions since it's common for the far Left to hate the military, spit on them and blame them for all the problems in the world. They've been doing this for almost 60 years now, so why would they change?

Moron....learn how to comprehend what you can read (maybe)......I am NOT blaming the military and I well know that they don;take kindly to an idiot like Flynn smearing their reputation.
Gnat calling someone a moron...that's rich. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
To the contrary the left would use any and every sentence and line of his return and turn it negative. I don't think the people are stupid however and we would see it for what it is slanderous nonsense. But I can see why the Trump team wouldn't take that chance. We are in a new era where the media has openly taken sides. All rules and decorum regarding openness from the past are done until that somehow changes.

Only the lines that contradict what Trump claimed. Such as his giving $2 million to charities, or his income from foreign sources.
Only the lines that contradict what Trump claimed. Such as his giving $2 million to charities, or his income from foreign sources
There is nothing illegal about either. I sure hope you are not banking on this. Talk about chasing a mechanical bunny.
I just can't imagine anybody making a big deal out of $33,000 - except the IRS.
Rulez is Rulez.

What's odd (and hypocritical) about this is that the LWLs don't give a shit about Hillary's transgressions, but seek to make a literal federal case over Flynn. IMHO, all should pay for their transgressions regardless of party affiliation.

Time to stomp out Washingtonian corruption, cronyism and crime.

Clintons transgressions were proven to amount to nothing except RW hate for the woman .. time to see where the RW KGB path leads.

See how the far left will never admit the wrong doings of their own religious leader?

This is why the far left is more dangerous than ISIS!
To the contrary the left would use any and every sentence and line of his return and turn it negative. I don't think the people are stupid however and we would see it for what it is slanderous nonsense. But I can see why the Trump team wouldn't take that chance. We are in a new era where the media has openly taken sides. All rules and decorum regarding openness from the past are done until that somehow changes.

Only the lines that contradict what Trump claimed. Such as his giving $2 million to charities, or his income from foreign sources.

Like the Clintons taking money from governments that suppress women and then claim to be for women's rights?
You will note, my fellow posters how right wing morons have tried to derail the thread from the soon to be "singing", "I hate Clinton and I hate Obama and I love anything that's orange"..........LOL
At least we know what Hillary did and with transparency. So far Trump still hiding his tax returns probably more crooked than Hillary.
Disagreed. There's a lot that Hillary still has hidden, such as all the content of those 30K+ emails. Sure, the FBI recovered a few, but what is still missing?

Also, what really was going on with the Clinton slush fund?
Disagreed. There's a lot that Hillary still has hidden, such as all the content of those 30K+ emails. Sure, the FBI recovered a few, but what is still missing?

Also, what really was going on with the Clinton slush fund?

....and Obama's birth certificate??? LOL
Disagreed. There's a lot that Hillary still has hidden, such as all the content of those 30K+ emails. Sure, the FBI recovered a few, but what is still missing?

Also, what really was going on with the Clinton slush fund?

....and Obama's birth certificate??? LOL
Legitimate. I have faith the NSC checked him out. Why do you want to derail away from Hillary's corrupt legacy?
Left wingers whining about someone taking money from a foreign source.... who also voted for Hillary.... are absolutely the biggest hypocrites to ever walk the planet.
Left wingers whining about someone taking money from a foreign source.... who also voted for Hillary.... are absolutely the biggest hypocrites to ever walk the planet.

You are free to point to specific improprieties by the Clintons. Just be sure to include the results of any inquiries or investigations where pertinent.
Legitimate. I have faith the NSC checked him out. Why do you want to derail away from Hillary's corrupt legacy?

Well, FoulWind.....why don't YOU start a thread on Hillary...and have some grown up read to you what the title of THIS thread means???....LOL
Say OP, don't be a snowflake. When your source of information reads "appears", don't mislead the audience with a thread title that reads "definitely".......It's dishonest, like the left.
Just be sure to include the results of any inquiries or investigations where pertinent.

For Castle Grande, Hillary "lost" her subpoenaed billing records, which turned up in the WH residence, showing Hillary did bill for Castle Grande. Facing years in prison, Hillary brought Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell to court, Hubbell said he did the work Hillary billed for (billing fraud) and did two years while Hillary got off without even a disbarment hearing.

"You got nothing on me" - Hillary and Al Capone
Just be sure to include the results of any inquiries or investigations where pertinent.

For Castle Grande, Hillary "lost" her subpoenaed billing records, which turned up in the WH residence, showing Hillary did bill for Castle Grande. Facing years in prison, Hillary brought Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell to court, Hubbell said he did the work Hillary billed for (billing fraud) and did two years while Hillary got off without even a disbarment hearing.

"You got nothing on me" - Hillary and Al Capone

So, nothing then?

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