Flynn definately broke laws

Lock her up, Lock Her up

for what

Lock her up Lock her up:badgrin:
Agreed. Getting the Clintons out of Washington was only the first step in getting rid of corruption, cronyism and crime inside the Beltway. Still a long ways to go. If Flynn is guilty of corruption or criminal activity, he should be out too. Same goes for all regardless of political affiliation.

Amirite, TyroneSlothrop?
Hey Trump Rubes:badgrin:
Not only will Trump's tax breaks not pay for themselves, you'll have to pay for Him to go golfing every weekend....and for his family to go "Globe Trotting"
Only a person with absolutely no memory or economic teaching could ask the question "how does a tax cuts get paid for" Cutting corporate and income taxes brings in more dollars to the treasury via investment and job creation. It's been proven over and over again. We tried high taxes and big spending for the last 8 years and the national debt is 20 trillion. What do we have to do kick you in the head?
Well you could at least try and defend your augment TYRONESLOTHROP. Or maybe you realize you can not.
we are in an era of IQ point owing Trump Rubes..:badgrin:
See you on election day rube....:badgrin:
that is correct Rube sucker:badgrin: ..............that Orange Anus is going to be your Champion LOL
Only a person with absolutely no memory or economic teaching could ask the question "how does a tax cuts get paid for" Cutting corporate and income taxes brings in more dollars to the treasury via investment and job creation. It's been proven over and over again. We tried high taxes and big spending for the last 8 years and the national debt is 20 trillion. What do we have to do kick you in the head?
Well you could at least try and defend your augment TYRONESLOTHROP. Or maybe you realize you can not.
Here you Go SHIT FOR BRAINS your Quote : "It's been proven over and over again. We tried high taxes and big spending for the last 8 years"

Your Method was LAST used by the tiny little Blue line above "Bush "
that is correct Rube sucker:badgrin: ..............that Orange Anus is going to be your Champion LOL
You know what? even if he gets nothing done the next 4 years he has already done what I voted for him to do. Stop Obamaism, stack to court and beat Hillary. Yes he is my champion for that alone. Anything else he gets done is icing on the cake for me.
Only a person with absolutely no memory or economic teaching could ask the question "how does a tax cuts get paid for" Cutting corporate and income taxes brings in more dollars to the treasury via investment and job creation. It's been proven over and over again. We tried high taxes and big spending for the last 8 years and the national debt is 20 trillion. What do we have to do kick you in the head?
that is correct Rube sucker:badgrin: ..............that Orange Anus is going to be your Champion LOL
You know what? even if he gets nothing done the next 4 years he has already done what I voted for him to do. Stop Obamaism, stack to court and beat Hillary. Yes he is my champion for that alone. Anything else he gets done is icing on the cake for me.
That is what makes you a Rube ...
Here you Go SHIT FOR BRAINS your Quote : "It's been proven over and over again. We tried high taxes and big spending for the last 8 years"
No in your own words copy queen. The proof is in the national debt. High taxes stunt growth and investment Rube. So try using your own words to defend your position and stop the juvenile copy and paste nonsense from Fake News sites.
Here you Go SHIT FOR BRAINS your Quote : "It's been proven over and over again. We tried high taxes and big spending for the last 8 years"
No in your own words copy queen. The proof is in the national debt. High taxes stunt growth and investment Rube. So try using your own words to defend your position and stop the juvenile copy and paste nonsense from Fake News sites.
Rube you are strictly Rube
Here you Go SHIT FOR BRAINS your Quote : "It's been proven over and over again. We tried high taxes and big spending for the last 8 years"
No in your own words copy queen. The proof is in the national debt. High taxes stunt growth and investment Rube. So try using your own words to defend your position and stop the juvenile copy and paste nonsense from Fake News sites.
Rube you are strictly Rube
He's gotta be pissed because he proved HIMSELF wrong...

View attachment 123447 you poor little Trump Rube...there there ....big Orange will protect you:ahole-1:

So the bottom line is that you are pissed / triggered because I pointed out that the OP intentionally attempted to deceive people while spreading liberal propaganda.

Got it.

stop it stop it "I am going to pee"...:321:
All talk and no substance. I think you just realized how wrong you have been about taxes all of your pitiful life.
What does the phrase "appears to have broken a law" mean? Is it intended to give angry incoherent lefties something to mull over until they decide to burn cars and smash windows? ? Imagine a grand jury handing down an indictment that alleges the defendant "appears to have broken the law".
One does notice a certain disconnect between the thread title and the content of the OP.
Here you Go SHIT FOR BRAINS your Quote : "It's been proven over and over again. We tried high taxes and big spending for the last 8 years"
No in your own words copy queen. The proof is in the national debt. High taxes stunt growth and investment Rube. So try using your own words to defend your position and stop the juvenile copy and paste nonsense from Fake News sites.
Rube you are strictly Rube
He's gotta be pissed because he proved HIMSELF wrong...

Yeah he is not the brightest flake of snow...
Left wingers whining about someone taking money from a foreign source.... who also voted for Hillary.... are absolutely the biggest hypocrites to ever walk the planet.

hey, nitwit......The IRONY is that Flynn's chanting of Hillary to "lock her up" precious since he is now facing 5 years behind bars, fines and loss of pension....

Of course, Flynn can always "sing" about what Trump knew of his dealing with Putin.


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