Flynn is in trouble again

Mueller will spend million$ of taxpayer dollars to indict General Flynn and Trump will pardon him....what a useless snipe hunt this has been.
Mueller will spend million$ of taxpayer dollars to indict General Flynn and Trump will pardon him....what a useless snipe hunt this has been.

The more people the Comrade pardons, the more everyone will see he is just the head of a big crime syndicate. Plus, Mueller is carefully crafting some state charges that will stifle the big orange clown.
Michael Flynn 'promoted US-Russian nuclear project from White House'

US congressional investigators are examining whether Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, secretly promoted a plan by private business interests to build US-Russian nuclear power plants in the Middle East while he was serving in the White House.
How the Clintons Sold Out U.S. National Interests to the Putin Regime

But Hillary is NOT the one being investigated for Obstruction of Justice.
Hillary, Hillary, Hillary
Deflect, Deflect, Deflect
Mueller will spend million$ of taxpayer dollars to indict General Flynn and Trump will pardon him....what a useless snipe hunt this has been.

The more people the Comrade pardons, the more everyone will see he is just the head of a big crime syndicate. Plus, Mueller is carefully crafting some state charges that will stifle the big orange clown.
Trump pardons a good sheriff and maybe a great general and he's the leader of a crime ring. Obama pardons Muslim terrorists and drug dealers but that doesn't mean anything.
Mueller will spend million$ of taxpayer dollars to indict General Flynn and Trump will pardon him....what a useless snipe hunt this has been.

The more people the Comrade pardons, the more everyone will see he is just the head of a big crime syndicate. Plus, Mueller is carefully crafting some state charges that will stifle the big orange clown.

I'll translate...OMG I can't believe Trump won AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :blowup:
The more people the Comrade pardons, the more everyone will see he is just the head of a big crime syndicate. Plus, Mueller is carefully crafting some state charges that will stifle the big orange clown.

We took a vote and convicted you of being a moron:
Michael Flynn 'promoted US-Russian nuclear project from White House'

US congressional investigators are examining whether Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, secretly promoted a plan by private business interests to build US-Russian nuclear power plants in the Middle East while he was serving in the White House.
How the Clintons Sold Out U.S. National Interests to the Putin Regime

But Hillary is NOT the one being investigated for Obstruction of Justice.
We shall see.
Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses, contractors say
Yet Hillary did nothing wrong.

Mens rea,

"The standard common law test of criminal liability is expressed in the Latin phrase actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, i.e. "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty".

HRC testified before a hostile crowd for hours, the witch hunt run by Rep. Issa.

California's Darrell Issa loses power along with House oversight committee post

Grow up gipper and smell the coffee, the Republican's in the H. of Rep. are the most dishonest and anti American elected officials since the House of Anti-American Activities Committee. Sessions' is the worst head of the FBI since J. Edgar Hoover and Trump the most incompetent and unfit person to ever occupy the Oval Office.

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