Flynn Was NOT Fired

It's the NY Times. They are behind a paywall. You'll have your link when other orgs pick it up.
The truth of the Trump administration will always be worse than we feared.
Basked on false, unsubstantiated claims by Trump-hating idiots who have no evidence to support their opposed to Barry's Constitution violating, most criminal, terrorist supporting administration in US history.
Keep it up and you're gonna have another one of your panic attacks, Twinkle Toes.

Bad, bad, bad Democrats...bad, bad...

So what was going on here?

Why would Trump NOT fire a guy who he was told was compromised by Russia...but instead fire the person who told him that??
Cmon Trumpers.

You're all over the board.

Why would Trump NOT fire Flynn knowing he was compromised by Russia?
Trumpers simply do not CARE if Trump is compromised by Russia
Whatever. If the Russians can help prevent Warren, Sanders, Harris, or Beto from winning a Presidential election, I'll gladly buy those bastards a beer, shake their hands, and thank each and every one of them personally.

See the Give-A-Fuck-O-Meter above.

No, I don't give a fuck if foreign state actors are waging a disinformation campaign against Warren, Harris, Sanders, & Beto.

How is it "fiction" that foreign state actors are denigrating leftist political candidates, and that I have no problem with it?

That helps to understand it
People at Flynn's level "resign", unless they're complete scumbags like McCabe.

Hey dumfuk...this was Mickie Dees corporate bullshit.

Flynn was COMPROMISED by Russia and Trump didn't CARE

And neither do you
According to NY Times reporting...Flynn resigned of his own free will. He was not fired. He was not asked to resign.

He wan't "fired for lying to Pence"

That was all lies

The question HAD been.."Why did Trump wait 18 days to fire Flynn after he has been informed that Flynn was compromised by the Russians"

It is now. "Why did Trump not CARE that Flynn was compromised by the Russians"?

I'll take 'Because Trump Loves Russians' for $1,000 Alex
I understand quite well dumfuk. He wasn't ASKED to resign. He wasn't fired/ Trump DID NOT CARE

Neither you nor Trump CARE that people in Trump's Administration are compromised by Russia.

Flynn was National Security Advisor. He had "the crown jewels"

TRUMP may be as well (considering his NON action here)

But that bothers Trump minions not at all
Understand. Flynn was NOT asked to resign. He just RESIGNED.

Trump didn't know he had resigned until AFTER THE FACT

He response was "Oh Shit" followed by a shitload of lying
According to NY Times reporting...Flynn resigned of his own free will. He was not fired. He was not asked to resign.

He wan't "fired for lying to Pence"

That was all lies

The question HAD been.."Why did Trump wait 18 days to fire Flynn after he has been informed that Flynn was compromised by the Russians"

It is now. "Why did Trump not CARE that Flynn was compromised by the Russians"?

I have a link, do you?

On Monday, President Trump fired his national security advisor, Michael Flynn. On Wednesday, he said Flynn had been "treated very, very unfairly by the media." Here are some questions and answers about why Flynn was dismissed and why the issue continues to dog Trump:

What you need to know about the firing of Michael Flynn and why it matters for Trump


National Security Adviser

Michael Flynn set another record for shortest tenure as national security adviser, a position established in 1953 amid the Cold War.

Flynn was on the job for 24 days before he resigned (Feb. 13)

How Trump White House turnover compares with Bush, Obama
According to NY Times reporting...Flynn resigned of his own free will. He was not fired. He was not asked to resign.

He wan't "fired for lying to Pence"

That was all lies

The question HAD been.."Why did Trump wait 18 days to fire Flynn after he has been informed that Flynn was compromised by the Russians"

It is now. "Why did Trump not CARE that Flynn was compromised by the Russians"?

I have a link, do you?

On Monday, President Trump fired his national security advisor, Michael Flynn. On Wednesday, he said Flynn had been "treated very, very unfairly by the media." Here are some questions and answers about why Flynn was dismissed and why the issue continues to dog Trump:

What you need to know about the firing of Michael Flynn and why it matters for Trump


National Security Adviser

Michael Flynn set another record for shortest tenure as national security adviser, a position established in 1953 amid the Cold War.

Flynn was on the job for 24 days before he resigned (Feb. 13)

How Trump White House turnover compares with Bush, Obama

Oh I get it, your trying to play a semantics game, you're trying to say a forced resignation, isn't the same as being fired.

You are aware that semantics are the last bastion of a fucking loser, RIGHT? LMFAO

Oh I get it, your trying to play a semantics game, you're trying to say a forced resignation, isn't the same as being fired.

Not even close. Flynn was not "forced to resign" at least not by anyone in the Trump Admin.

His resignation came as a complete surprise to Trump.

Trump had no intention of doing anything about Flynn (his NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR) being compromised by the Russians
Oh I get it, your trying to play a semantics game, you're trying to say a forced resignation, isn't the same as being fired.

Not even close. Flynn was not "forced to resign" at least not by anyone in the Trump Admin.

His resignation came as a complete surprise to Trump.

Trump had no intention of doing anything about Flynn (his NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR) being compromised by the Russians

The link provided didn't indicate that. Do you have a different link or are you just being your lush self and pulling shit out of your ass?

From the NY Times

AFter the Trump team was told that Flynn had resigned

As the group in the Oval Office talked, one of Mr. Trump’s advisers mentioned in passing what Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, then the speaker of the House, had told reporters — that Mr. Trump had asked Mr. Flynn to resign.

It was unclear where Mr. Ryan had gotten that information, but Mr. Trump seized on Mr. Ryan’s words. “That sounds better,” the president said, according to people with knowledge of the discussions. Mr. Trump turned to the White House press secretary at the time, Sean Spicer, who was preparing to brief the news media.

“Say that,” Mr. Trump ordered.

But was that true? Mr. Spicer pressed.

“Say that I asked for his resignation,” Mr. Trump repeated.

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