Food, fat and fate

Maple syrup and butter covered grits.....mmmmmm

Damn those Canadians for inventing maple syrup.


There are only two acceptable ways to eat grits:
With redeye gravy
With butter, cheese and bacon.

Anything else is as un-American as ketchup on a hot dog......... :evil:

Caribbean brown sugar cane works if you don't like Canadian trees.

I had some Caribbean brown sugar once. Damn was she hot!!!!!
Sorry, but no. I don't care for bottom feeders of any species.

Chicken fried steak;

Let's face it: fried food tastes damn good. :tongue:

It makes sense that, if you live where it's easier to buy a fried meal, you're going to eat that way more often.

I concur, it does taste better.

There's no reason to avoid eating it if you also are active in exercise.

There's one very good reason to avoid fried foods: Peripheral Artery Disease


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The southern diet is a carry over from the 1800s and early 1900s when most worked hard from before sunup to late afternoon. They needed the extra fat to take them through the day.
The primary diet consisted of the "three Ms", meat, meal and molasses.
Sorry, but no. I don't care for bottom feeders of any species.


No catfish? No lobster? No oysters?

I weep for you.

There are plenty of other tasty treats on this beautiful planet. I do make an exception for oysters. They are farmed these days. And yes, catfish are farmed; but having observed the operations of such a farm operated by a friend of my dad, no thank you.

Lobster - ick. Never liked it.
I will never forget when I was served green beans cooked in bacon fat in Alabama.

Let's take something good for you and make it bad for you!

That's the South.
Anything else is as un-American as ketchup on a hot dog......... :evil:


[ame=]Whatcha talkin bout Willis - YouTube[/ame]

Lots of people put ketchup on hot dogs.


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