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For Middle America NH Republican Debate A Disappointment!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
For mainstream America the New Hampshire Republican Debate was a disappointment, the candidates overall offered little hope for solving America’s problems, much of what was heard was old stale policies America has heard before from Republicans that are not good answers and it doesn’t impress ordinary Americans these general answers to America’s problems specific good answers are what we are looking for! The Republican Party could do the American people a big favor by calling for a prohibition on extending invitations to candidates in future debates that are not viable candidates from a skills and values standpoint, Americans are concerned about the country’s serious problems these non-viable candidates just waste everyone’s time with their stupid responses – at this time I am referring to candidates Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich.

It’s sickening to listen to Ron Paul in a debate and his stupid responses. He wants to do away with the Federal Reserve and put the dollar on the gold standard. Without the Fed interest rates would be higher especially when the economy was hitting rough patches when banks would pull back from lending for fear of recession and then not getting repaid for loans, the country would see runs on banks not having the Fed to open up windows to loan money to banks to keep them highly liquid; putting the dollar on the gold standard would increase the value of the U.S. currency compared to the many other foreign currencies that are not on the gold standard which would make America made products much more expensive for foreign countries killing exports and at the same time killing jobs. Ron doesn’t want the Federal Government to do anything that isn’t specifically authorized in the U.S. constitution; the Founding Fathers never and could never envision how the world has changed the Founding Fathers never envision how much longer Americans would live after their working years have ended and their need for health care which would be so expensive more specifically the Founding Fathers could never envision the need for Social Security and Medicare but a good government and a good citizenry does. Ron lives like there is no al qaeda that wants to bring down western culture and there was no 911 attacks that is the only way to explain his total opposition to predator bombings in Yemen and Pakistan. Ron Paul is mentally out of it he lives in his own world he should not be considered a serious contender for the Republican nomination. Newt Gingrich is likewise not a serious contender, he is a brilliant guy has the qualities of a good professor but not a good president. Newt isn’t grounded, isn’t focused, marches to his own tune, and gives responses too often out of left field. Newt’s response that implied the Homeland Security budget should be cut in half and the money should be spent on border security in the south and that would solve the problem is an example where he is not grounded and not serious. His comments that American intelligence is inept because they don’t know the extent of involvement of al qaeda amongst the anti-gadhafi forces in Libya to put it nicely he just speaks out his mouth there is no good judgment behind his comments. The anti-gadhafi movement is an Arab Spring movement it is a populist movement that wants its human rights and to throw off the yolk of a despot dictator and a police state; it is not a radical islamist movement sure there is to some degree tribal divisions between the anti-gadhafi forces and pro-gadhafi forces and the anti-gadhafi forces have at least seedlings of different militias which raises the great concern that after Gadhafi falls will the Libyan people see all the Libyans behind these different militias pursue their political agendas through the ballot box or force of arms.

What was disappointing from the cadre of candidates at the debate is there failure to offer a good answer to some really pertinent questions. The candidates were asked some really good questions about how to bring back middle class manufacturing jobs to America. The candidates gave the pat Republican answer lower taxes, less regulation, get rid of the expensive health care burden on business of Obama care, facilitate the repatriation of foreign earned money to America, To the American people this is unpersuasive, even assuming they get everything they want it relies on manufacturers whether American or Foreign to just decide to manufacture products in America which isn’t going to happen to a significant degree. Why would manufacturers uproot foreign manufacturing which is infrastructure intensive and would be extremely expensive to do to replant it in America! America has a higher standard of living than many foreign countries which requires paying workers a significantly higher wage so even if Republicans got the government working ideally manufacturers have little incentive to locate manufacturing in America. And the big thing is that the government could lower the capital gains tax to zero and dramatically lower the corporate income tax it is not going to move American executives to move manufacturing back to America, overall American executive character is clear their track record makes it crystal clear they go for the easy profit, lowering taxes alone will result in American executives buying more business, more mergers, bigger pay for American executives, bigger stock dividends – not returning of manufacturing to America and not the rebuilding of America’s middle class and the American dream that would bring!

The cadre of candidates were unimpressive with their opposition to the Dodd-Frank bill, the American people understand this bill had to happen reform of the financial industry had to take place, getting swap contracts on exchanges, stopping banks with depositors money from gambling on Wall Street had to happen, addressing the problem of financial companies like Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and AIG which were/are too big to fail and crippling the whole U.S. economy had to be addressed. Republican candidates can make hay with not a call to repeal Dodd-Frank but fix Dodd-Frank. Specifically, repeal the portion requiring banks and entities that securitize home loans to hold a portion of those loans is a desperately needed law these provisions are going to drive up the cost of home loans for ordinary Americans and it is all unnecessary the problem these provisions are trying to fix is all the poor underwriting that banks and mortgage companies did in extending loans to people that couldn’t afford them prior to 2007. The new consumer agency n the bill is a legitimate creation consumers need to be looked out for, the only problem with these provisions is that it should be a five person board making these decisions, there is too much power being given to one person in the present legislative scheme. The law needs to be changed to stop collateral calls on businesses getting swap contracts solely for hedging persons, for speculators don’t touch the bill, but for these legitimate business needs do away with the collateral calls just mandate the exchanges charge an insurance fee for all swap contracts un through their exchanges and build up an insurance fund that will pay-off if businesses doing hedging default on their swap contract, make it like FDIC insurance.

The media and the people that run that debate are sickening there was such a bias for Mitt Romney, it is so obvious that big business and the wealthy who back Romney who will give America on a silver plate to them once he becomes President wanted it to look like he won the debate! For they positioned Romney right next to Barney Fife, I mean Ron Paul, in the debate almost anyone would look good next to such an extremist. When Romney flubbed the answer talking about pull-out of troops from Afghanistan and he said when the Taliban are ready to take over authority in Afghanistan, the media let him talk endlessly to try to salvage his performance. From a policy standpoint none of the candidates were impressive but from a comparison stand point, Pawlenty, the former Minnesota governor, seemed to be the best candidate, he seemed to be very strong, he seemed to very much identify with ordinary Americans and he seemed to be his own person trying to do what is best for the American people.
Because its the same old shit as usual...I hold out a slim bit of hope that eventually Americans will get tired of the same old politicians and vote for something different!
Not exactly sure what you expected with all of 30 sec's to answer questions that are quite complex.
The questions were quite complex, the answers were simple. Cut taxes for the wealthy and benefits for the middle class and working poor. The GOP mantra.

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