For political news who do you think is more honest and reliable?

Which network do you trust the most?

  • CNN

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • CBS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ABC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NBC

    Votes: 1 7.1%

    Votes: 1 7.1%

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • PBS

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
The press did fail miserably in its Constitutional mandate with regard to the illegal invasion of Iraq, it shares equal blame with GWB and Congress.

Fox is the least reliable of those noted in the poll, needless to say; its identifying Mark Foley and Mark Sanford as democrats, for example, was infamous and reprehensible.

and I bet you DIDN"T think MSNBC portraying the guy as white racist with a gun at the obama rally,, was really a black man with a gun didya??? see what I mean about stupid?

And, this about the only thing you have. It isn't even quite accurate. When MSNBC makes a mistake..they admit it. When their pundits go over the line, they get punished.

Nothing like that happens, for the most part, at FOX.
I would have chosen PBS in the past but them and NPR now have a very blatant Left/Democrat bias. I'll have to go with Fox News although i don't watch much News anymore. It has been proven Fox News has more balance than the big Networks,CNN,and MSNBC. They have far more Liberal on-air personalities than CNN & MSNBC have Conservative on-air personalities. So their 'Fair & Balanced' slogan is accurate. I know all the usual suspects hate to hear that but it is fact.

Please. Nothing of that sort has been proven.
The reality is it's best to watch all of them. Different perspectives produce a clearer overall picture.
I would have chosen PBS in the past but them and NPR now have a very blatant Left/Democrat bias. I'll have to go with Fox News although i don't watch much News anymore. It has been proven Fox News has more balance than the big Networks,CNN,and MSNBC. They have far more Liberal on-air personalities than CNN & MSNBC have Conservative on-air personalities. So their 'Fair & Balanced' slogan is accurate. I know all the usual suspects hate to hear that but it is fact.

Please. Nothing of that sort has been proven.

Fox News has a long list of Liberal on-air commentators. They allow Liberals to appear far more often than CNN and MSNBC allow Conservatives to appear. This has been proven. They are more 'Fair & Balanced' than the big Networks,CNN,and MSNBC. Maybe someone can post the list of Liberal commentators who appear on Fox News regularly. I don't feel like it right now. Got some Football to watch. See Ya!
I would have chosen PBS in the past but them and NPR now have a very blatant Left/Democrat bias. I'll have to go with Fox News although i don't watch much News anymore. It has been proven Fox News has more balance than the big Networks,CNN,and MSNBC. They have far more Liberal on-air personalities than CNN & MSNBC have Conservative on-air personalities. So their 'Fair & Balanced' slogan is accurate. I know all the usual suspects hate to hear that but it is fact.

You saw a study where Fox was more balanced? Was a unicorn the lead researcher? Link?
I saw a poll the other day that put MSNBC in last place with 3% Made me curious about you guys

This is an interesting phenomenon, and I'm not trying to pick a fight here, but an objective analysis reveals the following.

Fox ID's themselves as the most trusted news source due to a study that found just that some time ago. They're not wrong. But it's certainly not because they're "Fair" and certainly not because they're "Balanced."

Turns out that conservatives 'trust' Fox, but needless to say do not 'trust' the others. Lefties on the other hand, do not trust Fox obviously, but also do not trust the others.I forget where I read that (years ago) but it does make perfect sense.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I remember during shock and awe Chris Matthews exclaimed "We're ALL Neo Cons now!" I was like WTF?

I dont whole hartedly trust any of them. I watch all of them and PBS CSPAN seems to be the most fair. I dont know most lefties watch a variety of news sources where the right insulates themselves to mostly only Fox.
How could CBS even be on the list when it was only a few years ago that the network authorized the use of forged documents to try to influence a presidential election?

They were never proven to be fake.

Dan Rather is right
Dan Rather is right | Media Matters for America

Media Matters? You're seriously offering Media Matters as an unbiased source?


Credibility fail.

Media Matters is a George Soros/Hillary Clinton scam. Whatever they say,i make it a point to go with the opposite view. If they say something's true,i just assume it's a lie. They clearly have an agenda. They lost all credibility a long time ago.
How could CBS even be on the list when it was only a few years ago that the network authorized the use of forged documents to try to influence a presidential election?

They were never proven to be fake.

Dan Rather is right
Dan Rather is right | Media Matters for America

Media Matters? You're seriously offering Media Matters as an unbiased source?


Credibility fail.

Bias doesnt mean false.
I would have chosen PBS in the past but them and NPR now have a very blatant Left/Democrat bias. I'll have to go with Fox News although i don't watch much News anymore. It has been proven Fox News has more balance than the big Networks,CNN,and MSNBC. They have far more Liberal on-air personalities than CNN & MSNBC have Conservative on-air personalities. So their 'Fair & Balanced' slogan is accurate. I know all the usual suspects hate to hear that but it is fact.

"It has been proven Fox News has more balance than the big Networks,CNN,and MSNBC."

Got a link?

I have a link that puts Fox News in 4th, behind PBS, NBC, and CNN.
Public Policy Polling: Our Second Annual TV News Trust Poll

For political news who do you think is more honest and reliable?[/

I think it comes down to a person's interpretation is of "honest" and "reliable".
Most people with strong political interests subscribe to an ideology. Most people who subscribe to an ideology prefer news that fits their ideology. To an ideologue, what is "honest" and "reliable" to them, is the polar opposite of an opposing ideologue.

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