For the first time I think Trump might actually be in trouble.

Should Trump be concerned about th he Flynn testimony?

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18 USC 953 MIGHT apply:

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Yes, this is what I think is at issue.
Having said that if this is the route the prosecution is going I think it sets a TERRIBLE precident for future transition teams.
I don't think it would be a "terrible precident for future transition teams". It would simply reinforce the fact that we have only ONE president at a time. I think that would be a good thing.

Impeachment hurts this country. And nothing even suggests Trump is a "traitor". Didn't we see enough idiotic hyperbole about Clinton? Censure yes, impeach, NO.

President-Elect is an official role.

Under the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 (P.L. 88-277),[6] amended by the Presidential Transitions Effectiveness Act of 1998 (P.L. 100-398),[7] the Presidential Transition Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-293),[8][9] and the Pre-Election Presidential Transition Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-283),[10] the President-Elect is entitled to request and receive certain privileges from the General Services Administration as he prepares to assume office.

President-elect of the United States - Wikipedia

You and many other Trumpettes are missing the point. The charge he pled guilty to is just something to hold him on. There are many, many other charges that are much more serious. The only reason that Mueller hit him with the lesser charge is that he has provided some valuable information that can take down higher ups. Unless he comes completely clean in the coming months, he will be hit with more charges, Mueller knows a lot more about this case than even the Comrade's lawyers know.

I expect the Comrade had his aides go and order him a large quantity of sleeping pills. He is going to need them!

I've know I've heard this before...


All presidents get rolling on their foreign and domestic policies after they are elected. The Dumb Left Wingers are going knutts over nothing.
BTW no Collusion. Bwahahahhahahaaaaa
You mean last 8 years

Ahh, no, 8 months.
The stock market’s been going up for over 8 years now.

Guess we can see who's invested and who ain't.

Ok dumbshits, take a math class. When Obama came into office the Dow was about 8000, when he left it was around 20,600. That averages about 130 points/month. When Trump came into office the Dow was around 20,600, and it's now around 24,200, that averages about 375/per month. Last time I checked 375 is greater than 130. Yea, we can see who's invested and who ain't.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.

Yea, your intelligence is showing, and it doesn't look promising.
Ahh, no, 8 months.
The stock market’s been going up for over 8 years now.

Guess we can see who's invested and who ain't.

Ok dumbshits, take a math class. When Obama came into office the Dow was about 8000, when he left it was around 20,600. That averages about 130 points/month. When Trump came into office the Dow was around 20,600, and it's now around 24,200, that averages about 375/per month. Last time I checked 375 is greater than 130. Yea, we can see who's invested and who ain't.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.

Yea, your intelligence is showing, and it doesn't look promising.

I remember Billyboy Clinton taking credit for the stock market going up and then the Tech Stock bubble burst and then he was no where to be found. BTW Clinton handed Bush a recession.
The stock market’s been going up for over 8 years now.

Guess we can see who's invested and who ain't.

Ok dumbshits, take a math class. When Obama came into office the Dow was about 8000, when he left it was around 20,600. That averages about 130 points/month. When Trump came into office the Dow was around 20,600, and it's now around 24,200, that averages about 375/per month. Last time I checked 375 is greater than 130. Yea, we can see who's invested and who ain't.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.

Yea, your intelligence is showing, and it doesn't look promising.

I remember Billyboy Clinton taking credit for the stock market going up and then the Tech Stock bubble burst and then he was no where to be found. BTW Clinton handed Bush a recession.

I remember Liberals typically asking for hand-outs.
The stock market’s been going up for over 8 years now.

Guess we can see who's invested and who ain't.

Ok dumbshits, take a math class. When Obama came into office the Dow was about 8000, when he left it was around 20,600. That averages about 130 points/month. When Trump came into office the Dow was around 20,600, and it's now around 24,200, that averages about 375/per month. Last time I checked 375 is greater than 130. Yea, we can see who's invested and who ain't.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.

Yea, your intelligence is showing, and it doesn't look promising.

I remember Billyboy Clinton taking credit for the stock market going up and then the Tech Stock bubble burst and then he was no where to be found. BTW Clinton handed Bush a recession.
He handed him a surplus, a booming economy, and no ground wars. Then Dubya torpedoed the nation.
Guess we can see who's invested and who ain't.

Ok dumbshits, take a math class. When Obama came into office the Dow was about 8000, when he left it was around 20,600. That averages about 130 points/month. When Trump came into office the Dow was around 20,600, and it's now around 24,200, that averages about 375/per month. Last time I checked 375 is greater than 130. Yea, we can see who's invested and who ain't.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.

Yea, your intelligence is showing, and it doesn't look promising.

I remember Billyboy Clinton taking credit for the stock market going up and then the Tech Stock bubble burst and then he was no where to be found. BTW Clinton handed Bush a recession.
He handed him a surplus, a booming economy, and no ground wars. Then Dubya torpedoed the nation.
Two Huge Flaws in the Legend of the Clinton Economy
It's not a crime. If Obama issued the sanctions then Obama was president. At the time Trump was a mere citizen.

Stop watching ABC news and get the truth for once.

Clinton surplus? Funny the national debt went up every year of Clintons presidency.

Please disclose, in full detail, how much was the surplus, what year or years it occurred and how it came about.

This should be fun.
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The stock market’s been going up for over 8 years now.

Guess we can see who's invested and who ain't.

Ok dumbshits, take a math class. When Obama came into office the Dow was about 8000, when he left it was around 20,600. That averages about 130 points/month. When Trump came into office the Dow was around 20,600, and it's now around 24,200, that averages about 375/per month. Last time I checked 375 is greater than 130. Yea, we can see who's invested and who ain't.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.

Yea, your intelligence is showing, and it doesn't look promising.

I remember Billyboy Clinton taking credit for the stock market going up and then the Tech Stock bubble burst and then he was no where to be found. BTW Clinton handed Bush a recession.

And Bush handed Obama and even bigger recession

And Obama handed Trump a stable, growing, low-unemployment economy
Guess we can see who's invested and who ain't.

Ok dumbshits, take a math class. When Obama came into office the Dow was about 8000, when he left it was around 20,600. That averages about 130 points/month. When Trump came into office the Dow was around 20,600, and it's now around 24,200, that averages about 375/per month. Last time I checked 375 is greater than 130. Yea, we can see who's invested and who ain't.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.

Yea, your intelligence is showing, and it doesn't look promising.

I remember Billyboy Clinton taking credit for the stock market going up and then the Tech Stock bubble burst and then he was no where to be found. BTW Clinton handed Bush a recession.

And Bush handed Obama and even bigger recession

And Obama handed Trump a stable, growing, low-unemployment economy

Seriously, was that part of the conversation.
Guess we can see who's invested and who ain't.

Ok dumbshits, take a math class. When Obama came into office the Dow was about 8000, when he left it was around 20,600. That averages about 130 points/month. When Trump came into office the Dow was around 20,600, and it's now around 24,200, that averages about 375/per month. Last time I checked 375 is greater than 130. Yea, we can see who's invested and who ain't.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.

Yea, your intelligence is showing, and it doesn't look promising.

I remember Billyboy Clinton taking credit for the stock market going up and then the Tech Stock bubble burst and then he was no where to be found. BTW Clinton handed Bush a recession.
He handed him a surplus, a booming economy, and no ground wars. Then Dubya torpedoed the nation.
Most Left Wingers are disconnected from reality.
1) The Stock Market crashed in March before the Nov election by the time Bush was sworn in the economy had tanked.
2) Billyboy Clinton refused to sign the GOP balanced budget bill, so he gets ZERO credit
3) Billyboy Clinton bombed 9 different countries while he was president
Ok dumbshits, take a math class. When Obama came into office the Dow was about 8000, when he left it was around 20,600. That averages about 130 points/month. When Trump came into office the Dow was around 20,600, and it's now around 24,200, that averages about 375/per month. Last time I checked 375 is greater than 130. Yea, we can see who's invested and who ain't.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.

Yea, your intelligence is showing, and it doesn't look promising.

I remember Billyboy Clinton taking credit for the stock market going up and then the Tech Stock bubble burst and then he was no where to be found. BTW Clinton handed Bush a recession.

And Bush handed Obama and even bigger recession

And Obama handed Trump a stable, growing, low-unemployment economy

Seriously, was that part of the conversation.

Actually not, and I just jumped in because it seemed to be the current topic. When I was on earlier the topic was Flynn, which is what the thread is supposed to be about.
Guess we can see who's invested and who ain't.

Ok dumbshits, take a math class. When Obama came into office the Dow was about 8000, when he left it was around 20,600. That averages about 130 points/month. When Trump came into office the Dow was around 20,600, and it's now around 24,200, that averages about 375/per month. Last time I checked 375 is greater than 130. Yea, we can see who's invested and who ain't.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.

Yea, your intelligence is showing, and it doesn't look promising.

I remember Billyboy Clinton taking credit for the stock market going up and then the Tech Stock bubble burst and then he was no where to be found. BTW Clinton handed Bush a recession.

And Bush handed Obama and even bigger recession

And Obama handed Trump a stable, growing, low-unemployment economy

Yea I remember that. The Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

He was "in trouble" the second he won the election. The only question was how violently the ruling elite would get to try and remove him.
I've know I've heard this before...

So, according to your Trumptard logic, the fact that we've been proven to be absolutely right with our predictions every time proves we're wrong.

Yep, you're a Trumptard. All Trump voters are profoundly stupid and treasonous people who worship failure and corruption. If they weren't, they wouldn't be Trumptards.

And no, we liberals don't ever get tired of being proven right every single time. We only get tired of stupid people not listening to us.
If after 6 months of investigation, the best Mueller could get out of Flynn is making a “false statement” about meeting the Russian ambassador,....I don't think Trump has anything to be worried about.

"Brilliant"......The above, and some tea and biscuits will have Trump sleeping like a baby tonight.

Flynn LIED to the FBI FOUR times.....that is a sentence of 20 years......His son is facing the same.......and ALL you "conclude" is that..."there's nothing wrong with meetings with the Russian ambassador"????...............LOL
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


Agreed, the media wants to go crazy over what every incoming admin does

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