? for the pro birthers

Let me say this...white men go on and on about being a minority soon but outlaw abortions to the brown and blacks...maybe it is just me but aren't you hastening what you fear?

Not really. The USA has one of the highest rates of infant and maternal death in the “civilized” world. Especially for minorities. :)
Let me say this...white men go on and on about being a minority soon but outlaw abortions to the brown and blacks...maybe it is just me but aren't you hastening what you fear?

Not really. The USA has one of the highest rates of infant and maternal death in the “civilized” world. Especially for minorities. :)
Pretty much BECAUSE OF minorities and drug abuse
so abortion is banned...what are you going to do with all the angry adults that were not wanted, abused and neglected due to the force birth?

You will never get an answer. I have asked this question many times recently, with regard to infants as well, and I have never gotten a single coherent answer.

The forced-birthers are completely clueless. None of them can plan their way out of a paper bag, anyway. And many of them want to limit or prevent access to birth-control technology, so I guess that they want more unplanned pregnancies and abortions. Maybe the only answer is to drop off the unwanted at the statehouse.
You will never get an answer. I have asked this question many times recently, with regard to infants as well, and I have never gotten a single coherent answer..

I gave a direct answer in Post #11.

As someone who was born with medical issues that would likely lead any Democrat mother o abort me in this day and age, I find most of the reasonings (rape/incest aside) for women terminating a pregnancy to be repugnant. I wonder if we’ve already aborted the child who would have grown up to cure Cancer or develop truly sustainable energy
Either keep your pants up, use birth control, take the morning after pill or keep the child. Don’t wait weeks or months to make that decision.
Either keep your pants up, use birth control, take the morning after pill or keep the child. Don’t wait weeks or months to make that decision.

None of this provides an answer to my question. Where does the child go, if a woman is forced into birth by the anti-choice kooks when she has already said she did not want it?

Why do the the same kooks do all that they can to make sure that women and girls do not receive practical information about birth control, and eliminate access to it? Common decency requires that people not be kept ignorant about these things. Common decency also requires that child marriage be outlawed and that the pedos who groom teenage girls for early sex and "marriage" be pursued and prosecuted. Louisiana just rejected a law that would set the minimum age for marriage at 18 and, as I recall, prohibit marriages between people more than four years apart. Dumb and disgusting.

Keep your pants on and break up a marriage??? I saw one woman interviewed about having an abortion because she and her husband decided that they could not afford more than the three they already had as they had been out of work for months and had to beg for gas money already.

BTW: Birth control does fail in some cases, and a person does not immediately know that she is pregnant, sometimes for weeks.

The forced-birthers need to get their plans together. If they insist on forcing their opinions on everyone, they are the ones who must take up the responsibility and pay for it all. A bit of compensation to the woman also is in order for pain and suffering, lost wages, job loses, etc.
None of this provides an answer to my question. Where does the child go, if a woman is forced into birth by the anti-choice kooks when she has already said she did not want it?

Why do the the same kooks do all that they can to make sure that women and girls do not receive practical information about birth control, and eliminate access to it? Common decency requires that people not be kept ignorant about these things. Common decency also requires that child marriage be outlawed and that the pedos who groom teenage girls for early sex and "marriage" be pursued and prosecuted. Louisiana just rejected a law that would set the minimum age for marriage at 18 and, as I recall, prohibit marriages between people more than four years apart. Dumb and disgusting.

Keep your pants on and break up a marriage??? I saw one woman interviewed about having an abortion because she and her husband decided that they could not afford more than the three they already had as they had been out of work for months and had to beg for gas money already.

BTW: Birth control does fail in some cases, and a person does not immediately know that she is pregnant, sometimes for weeks.

The forced-birthers need to get their plans together. If they insist on forcing their opinions on everyone, they are the ones who must take up the responsibility and pay for it all. A bit of compensation to the woman also is in order for pain and suffering, lost wages, job loses, etc.

1. Preferably the child is never created in the first place through proper management of the sexual act or birth control. Alternatively there are plenty of adoption agencies out there and an influx of children might actually get the Government to straighten that system out.

2. Birth control is a great step but not a magic bullet. Only abstinence is 10% effective. The child bride ussye is a separate one in my mind.

3. Yes, keep your pants on. In fact my wife and I practiced thst very technique several months ago to ensure that she would not potentially be in the last trimester of a pregnancy when we go on our Caribbean cruise next month.

4. Yes it does fail. That’s why abstinence is the only truly useful option.

5. The responsibilities for a child fall squarely on the shoulders of the people who created that life. I’ve said for years that in a proper system children/parenthood are best deterrent to casual sex that I have ever found.

A woman’s purpose in life is maintaining her Husband’s home and bearing him children if he wants them. She should never be compensated for loss of her ability to ignore those duties and join the workforce.
Total bullshit. Don't you dare tell someone what their purpose in life is. Who in the hell do you think you are? Just because you have a penis???? Why do you think that you have a right to dictate what other heterosexual women and men do? Go ask your right-wing friends why they purposely try to deny heterosexuals of their choices in how to manage their births.

How many men do you know, married and unmarried, who will forego sex when they do not wish to become parents for whatever reason? Go take a poll among men. Abstinence unless they want to be a father? I think that you would be laughed off of any military base operated by the U.S. military, for starters.

Oh, we, the virgin men of America, commit ourselves to fatherhood to bring into the world babies that we commit ourselves to raise until adulthood, standing tall in our masculinity shoulder to shoulder with the lady mothers of our children. yeah. right. When is this going to happen?

Oh, I'm sure that trump came home from work everyday to kiss his first wife and take care of his first born. Uh, huh. I wonder how many baths he ever gave to his babies, and how many times he changed their diapers.
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Total bullshit. Don't you dare tell someone what their purpose in life is. Who in the hell do you think you are? Just because you have a penis???? Why do you think that you have a right to dictate what other heterosexual women and men do? Go ask your right-wing friends why they purposely try to deny heterosexuals of their choices in how to manage their births.

How many men do you know, married and unmarried, who will forego sex when they do not wish to become parents for whatever reason? Go take a poll among men. Abstinence unless they want to be a father? I think that you would be laughed off of any military base operated by the U.S. military, for starters.

Oh, we, the virgin men of America, commit ourselves to fatherhood to bring into the world babies that we commit ourselves to raise until adulthood, standing tall in our masculinity shoulder to shoulder with the lady mothers of our children. yeah. right. When is this going to happen?

Oh, I'm sure that trump came home from work everyday to kiss his first wife and take care of his first born. Uh, huh. I wonder how many baths he ever gave to his babies, and how many times he changed their diapers.

1. I’m not telling anyone what their place in life is. The Divine Power thst crested the Universe and tells me what a Man’s place in the world is does the same for women. Whether we like it or not.

2. Actually far more than you would expect. It’s still a small group compared to the prevalence of man-sluts out there these days who can’t keep their pants on, but there are more than you might think.

3. It happened for thousands of years among the majority of couples until you women decided that Feminism was more interesting than femininity and decided that equality and interchangeability were the same thing.

4. Bath and diaper duty belong to the... well, you know the rest already. It’s in you DNA.

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