For Those Of You Who Don't Understand The Purpose Of The People's Convoy

They are idiots. There is no vaccine mandate for US truckers. Anyone who blocks roads & bridges to harm US citizens is a Terrorist who should be arrested, jailed & their vehicle impounded.
Then you agree that BLM and antifa are terrorists?
They are idiots. There is no vaccine mandate for US truckers. Anyone who blocks roads & bridges to harm US citizens is a Terrorist who should be arrested, jailed & their vehicle impounded.
BLM and ANTIFA do the exact same thing.
I wonder if the organizers know anything about the attempt toward the end of this whole thing, to force farmers, employers and truckers to use that vaccine passport system. Even though the science has consistently shown, it does nothing to stop or contain the virus.

What that is really all about, is imposing a social credit system upon the free nations of the west. With the advent of AI and robotics, the global oligarchs have been wanting to tie in all your data with some sort of way to keep you tracked and traced at all times.

At first? After 911, it was proposed that they would do this with the REAL ID act, but there was too much push back.

. . . and this? This happened AFTER the protests ended and mandates came to an end, and there were no passports in Canada. . . things have morphed into a new Orwellian world order. Remember when the protesters had their bank accounts, just shut down for protesting and exercising their right to free speech?


Ontario Government To Roll Out Digital ID Cards Later This Year​

The global oligarchy, can shut down anyone, Canadian Truckers, Russian workers, ANYONE, in an extra legal means. They can crush the small folks under their boots any time they want now. . .

I remember when they tried to set up the REAL ID system after 911, and make it mandatory, the STATES sued the federal government, and the courts agreed, that they didn't have the constitutional power to make it mandatory. . . so that stopped their social credit plans for a short time. . .

. . . and they have backed off, for now, from the Vaccine Passport idea. . . but the time will come soon, when they manufacture Climate lock-downs. . . they are purposely mismanaging resources. We have seen that with hydrocarbons, and if you read a lot, you would know they are doing it with water too.

They will, eventually have a system to track personal carbon allowances, which is, in the end, a way to restrict energy use.



Just learned in the most recent episode of New World Next Week, plans are still in the works. . . The Agenda is still moving forward, despite the outward appearances.

COVID Mission Accomplished as Global Treaty Looms - #NewWorldNextWeek​

Interview 1705 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Corbett • 03/04/2022
"This week on the New World Next Week: fake news stories emerge from Ukraine; British steel shows the way toward absolute zero; and it's COVID Mission Accomplished! as the global pandemic treaty draws near."

Story #1: Seven Fake News Stories Coming Out Of Ukraine

Story #2: Britain’s Steel Industry Hammered by Climate Change Taxes

Story #3: Top Pollster Advises Democrats to Declare Victory Over Covid and Move On

Chris Hedges: Russia Was Baited Into War but That Does Not Absolve Its Criminal Aggression

Russia has every right to feel threatened, betrayed, and angry. But to understand is not to condone. The invasion of Ukraine, under post-Nuremberg laws, is a criminal war of aggression.
by Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges: Russia Was Baited Into War but That Does Not Absolve Its Criminal Aggression

WHO moving foward on GLOBAL vaccine passport program Tech giants and US gov’t co-operate on “SMART Health Cards”, and their use is spreading across the US…& maybe the world.​

WHO making moves on international vaccine 'passport'​

02/24/2022 10:00 AM EST
They did, no if about it. But then scum Dems love thugs.
Actually, it Trump's asslickers who defended pardons handed out to people like Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Bannon & the rest of Gangster Trump's organized crime mafia crew.
Actually, it Trump's asslickers who defended pardons handed out to people like Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Bannon & the rest of Gangster Trump's organized crime mafia crew.
You're an idiot. Not talking about them. Keep opening your shit hole, the comedy is hilarious.
Actually, it Trump's asslickers who defended pardons handed out to people like Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Bannon & the rest of Gangster Trump's organized crime mafia crew.
You sick little man.....I am sure you would pounding your pud with great vigor over the prospect of jailing everyone who disagrees with your view of things...But, most of us just point at you and laugh....
Actually, it Trump's asslickers who defended pardons handed out to people like Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Bannon & the rest of Gangster Trump's organized crime mafia crew.
The big lie (German: große Lüge) is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth, used especially as a propaganda technique.[1][2] The German expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, to describe the use of a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."
You sick little man.....I am sure you would pounding your pud with great vigor over the prospect of jailing everyone who disagrees with your view of things...But, most of us just point at you and laugh....
It's not my "view" that Manafort etc. were convicted criminals except Bannon who was coming up for trial on fraud charges, peckerhead.

Did Trump not pardon them or are you just pissed because I rubbed your nose in it?
They are idiots. There is no vaccine mandate for US truckers. Anyone who blocks roads & bridges to harm US citizens is a Terrorist who should be arrested, jailed & their vehicle impounded.
Do you feel the same way about the BLM rioters who not only blocked traffic, but burned down property and assaulted people? They were significantly worse.
Actually, it Trump's asslickers who defended pardons handed out to people like Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Bannon & the rest of Gangster Trump's organized crime mafia crew.
Just because Trump & his crew prance around in three piece suits doesn't mean they're not a bunch of thugs, dickweed.

It's now the Trump Party Of No Law & Order.
It's not my "view" that Manafort etc. were convicted criminals except Bannon who was coming up for trial on fraud charges, peckerhead.

Did Trump not pardon them or are you just pissed because I rubbed your nose in it?
I’d like to see you try and rub my nose in anything….child…

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