For those upset with bird deaths from wind turbines

Are you under the impression that the turbines and generators of fossil fuel-fired power plants last forever? That they are technologically any different than those used on wind turbines? Are you under the impression that wind turbines and solar panels cannot be repaired and replaced.
I'm more upset with investing billions of dollars on a power generation method that only produces 25% or less of its rated capacity and has a lifespan of only a few decades or less

It always amazes me how you never seem to include the free fuel into your evaluations. What's the ratio between the cost of coal, natural gas and petroleum to either wind or sunshine (they all have the same value)? Infinity.

So what's the larger output?

25% of "free" or 80 to 90% of something you pay for? And don't forget the grid scale batteries you have to build to make that "free" fuel available when the sun isn't shining or the wind is not blowing or is blowing too fast

And FYI we have enough free fuel to power nuclear reactors for centuries.
at least until we can invent technology.

We've already had a viable prototype molten salt reactor up and running at Oakridge before the morons in congress watched a bad Jane Fonda movie and got scared of nuclear power.
Are you under the impression that the turbines and generators of fossil fuel-fired power plants last forever? That they are technologically any different than those used on wind turbines? Are you under the impression that wind turbines and solar panels cannot be repaired and replaced.

Actually they are quite different

They are larger, they are in enclosed spaces not subjected to weather and temperature changes, they are mounted in a more stable configuration as to minimize vibration and they can be calibrated and adjusted far more easily than can 1000 individual wind mills. It's easier to keep large turbines running longer before overhauls for the reasons stated and the overhauls do not involve servicing 1000 units but rather just one so they are far far less labor intensive

Oh and let's not forget that the turbines at traditional energy plants hum along at about 90% capacity day and night
There's a great deal of new technology that increases the safety of nuclear power systems. And the risks of nuclear power require that all such measures be used. However, the benefits of nuclear power, particularly now when we need to phase out fossil fuel systems as rapidly as possible, cannot be understated.

You missed the starting point: moving away from fossil fuel.
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There's a great deal of new technology that increases the safety of nuclear power systems. And the risks of nuclear power require that all such measures be used. However, the benefits of nuclear power, particularly now when we need to phase out fossil fuel systems as rapidly as possible, cannot be understated.

Nuclear power is the best option for large scale carbon free power production.

But people in this country are too stupid to realize that
I'm more upset with investing billions of dollars on a power generation method that only produces 25% or less of its rated capacity and has a lifespan of only a few decades or less
Go ahead and be upset, dumbass. The people that are doing the economics are going to renewables in a very big way. Fossil fuels for generation is just about dead. Kept alive only by the treasonous fat senile old orange clown and his minions like you.
There's a great deal of new technology that increases the safety of nuclear power systems. And the risks of nuclear power require that all such measures be used. However, the benefits of nuclear power, particularly now when we need to phase out fossil fuel systems as rapidly as possible, cannot be understated.

Nuclear power is the best option for large scale carbon free power production.

But people in this country are too stupid to realize that
Bullshit. Dangerous and far too expensive. Shut them all down.
I'm more upset with investing billions of dollars on a power generation method that only produces 25% or less of its rated capacity and has a lifespan of only a few decades or less

It always amazes me how you never seem to include the free fuel into your evaluations. What's the ratio between the cost of coal, natural gas and petroleum to either wind or sunshine (they all have the same value)? Infinity.

So what's the larger output?

25% of "free" or 80 to 90% of something you pay for? And don't forget the grid scale batteries you have to build to make that "free" fuel available when the sun isn't shining or the wind is not blowing or is blowing too fast

And FYI we have enough free fuel to power nuclear reactors for centuries.
at least until we can invent technology.

We've already had a viable prototype molten salt reactor up and running at Oakridge before the morons in congress watched a bad Jane Fonda movie and got scared of nuclear power.

This is why I think the Left does not really buy into the whole global warming issue.

They fight nuclear power, which is the only viable mass energy source needed to be carbon free.
I'm more upset with investing billions of dollars on a power generation method that only produces 25% or less of its rated capacity and has a lifespan of only a few decades or less
Go ahead and be upset, dumbass. The people that are doing the economics are going to renewables in a very big way. Fossil fuels for generation is just about dead. Kept alive only by the treasonous fat senile old orange clown and his minions like you.

And it is going to be a black hole just like it was in the UK and Germany

And the single best alternative for large scale production of baseline power 24/7/365 in nuclear power.
There's a great deal of new technology that increases the safety of nuclear power systems. And the risks of nuclear power require that all such measures be used. However, the benefits of nuclear power, particularly now when we need to phase out fossil fuel systems as rapidly as possible, cannot be understated.

Nuclear power is the best option for large scale carbon free power production.

But people in this country are too stupid to realize that
Bullshit. Dangerous and far too expensive. Shut them all down.

And investing billions in a power source that only produces 25% or less of its rated capacity is stupid
I'm more upset with investing billions of dollars on a power generation method that only produces 25% or less of its rated capacity and has a lifespan of only a few decades or less
And never ever reach break-even on the "carbon footprint" that is caused by manufacturing, transporting, erecting, and maintaining them.
There's a great deal of new technology that increases the safety of nuclear power systems. And the risks of nuclear power require that all such measures be used. However, the benefits of nuclear power, particularly now when we need to phase out fossil fuel systems as rapidly as possible, cannot be understated.

Nuclear power is the best option for large scale carbon free power production.

But people in this country are too stupid to realize that
Bullshit. Dangerous and far too expensive. Shut them all down.

And investing billions in a power source that only produces 25% or less of its rated capacity is stupid

The idea behind governments fighting global warming is to increase taxes to come up with a slush fund to find a fabulous new energy source........other than nuclear power, that is.

You know, a slush fund like Social Security.

Won't you give?
There's a great deal of new technology that increases the safety of nuclear power systems. And the risks of nuclear power require that all such measures be used. However, the benefits of nuclear power, particularly now when we need to phase out fossil fuel systems as rapidly as possible, cannot be understated.

Nuclear power is the best option for large scale carbon free power production.

But people in this country are too stupid to realize that
Bullshit. Dangerous and far too expensive. Shut them all down.

And investing billions in a power source that only produces 25% or less of its rated capacity is stupid

The idea behind governments fighting global warming is to increase taxes to come up with a slush fund to find a fabulous new energy source........other than nuclear power, that is.

You know, a slush fund like Social Security.

Won't you give?

Wind power has been a failure in the UK and Germany but people here still think it's the way to go
The article at the link explains it quite clearly. Its probably less than two pages. You could have read it several hundred times by now. But you haven't. You want to play little games. Well... fuck off.
The article at the link explains it quite clearly. Its probably less than two pages. You could have read it several hundred times by now. But you haven't. You want to play little games. Well... fuck off.

I read that misleading article, here is the very first paragraph showing how silly it is:

"BILLINGS, Mont. — The Trump administration moved forward Thursday with plans to ease restrictions on oil and natural gas drilling, mining and other activities that were put in place to protect an imperiled bird species across millions of acres in the American West."

bolding mire

Your article was incomplete and misleading since some of the states the Grouse lives in, not impacted by the possible decision early next year. Did you bother to read the REQUIRED Environmental Impact Statements?
You repeatedly asked me who the regulatory change would affect the grouse. I told you to read the article. You seem to have gotten no further than the first paragraph. Is reading that much of a strain on you? Keep trying. It will get easier with practice.

The key word is ease restrictions...windmills are spreading better than 70% of the raptors and bats in any area they are installed...wholesale slaughter is about as analogous to easing restrictions as your air bottles are to the atmosphere...

The hypocrisy literally drips from your link...all tears and lamentation over the grouse but not a word about the wholesale killing of raptors, migratory birds and bats...

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