For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history

That is the point.
When you "flatten the curve", essentially you conserve easy hosts, which prevents it from ever ending.
If we had helped use up the easy hosts the first month, it would have quickly died out and been over with.

There are always 2 main strategies for any epidemic.
If it is very deadly, then you do full quarantine, masks, social distancing, end travel, etc. And it quickly ends.
If it is not very deadly, then you want to use variolation to accelerate the spread, and use up all the easy hosts. And it quickly ends.

What you do not want to do is mix and match, with masks to "flatten the curve", but not a full quarantine.
That just makes it last forever, killing the maximum number of people over time.
Variants are a product of giving the epidemic too much time.
If you are not doing full quarantine, then do NOT flatten the curve.
You accelerate those
Herd immunity would have saved or prevented over half a million deaths,
Fauci estimated 2.4 million deaths based on the false assumption of a 2% death rate on 270 million people needing to become immune.
He was wrong because that death rate was based on the average of very elderly dying, and the fact the asymptomatic were not being counted as infected.
Those under 40 have 400 times less change of dying then those over 70, so you divid Fauci's 2.4 millon by 400, and you only get 6,000 deaths.
That would have ended it last March,
You simply do not know the science.
Herd imunity is what ends all epidemics, and none have killed anywhere near what we have already killed.
The high death rate is entirely from deliberately preventing herd immunity instead, and making the epidemic last longer.
Herd immunity is accelerated by the vaccine. A safe vaccine. A vaccine that has been worked on for 3 decades. A vaccine technology developed that can shorten the time to develop vaccines for new viruses that are identified.
You use some facts then you start bullshitting.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest mRNA vaccines have caused any deaths.

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Herd immunity would have saved or prevented over half a million deaths,
Fauci estimated 2.4 million deaths based on the false assumption of a 2% death rate on 270 million people needing to become immune.
He was wrong because that death rate was based on the average of very elderly dying, and the fact the asymptomatic were not being counted as infected.
Those under 40 have 400 times less change of dying then those over 70, so you divid Fauci's 2.4 millon by 400, and you only get 6,000 deaths.
That would have ended it last March,
You simply do not know the science.
Herd imunity is what ends all epidemics, and none have killed anywhere near what we have already killed.
The high death rate is entirely from deliberately preventing herd immunity instead, and making the epidemic last longer.
Had it not been incorrectly determined, and set in steel much longer than evidence supported, that all people were having the same immune reaction regardless of comorbitities, less people would have died.

I question the national data sharing between health care agencies and hospitals. Who (likely too numerous to list) dropped the ball getting the data out to the public? The national media is my first thought, no help there with sticking to Fauci’s script without much investigative reporting. Several others: Fauci, Psaki, and other governmental spokespeople too lazy to search for the data.

This reminds me of when a major communication problem (lack of) was exposed publicly years ago between FBI and CIA. What a lack of leadership that revealed, and similar in this case.

The main reason people go to a doctor is to get individualized care. Anyone following the “one size fits all” BS for this coronavirus (particularly with the vaxed more likely than unvaxed to contract Delta variant) must be under the false impression that our fine government is always honest and only promotes factual evidence based on statistical analyses. I wish that were the case, yet likely has never been the case.

The good news! The US government is going to have to come clean. If they continue to cling onto their sinking ship, hoping to continue to muzzle the stats, they will sink lower than they already are, below sea level. Too many doctors and research scientists are getting the truth out. All western governments should have adhered to effective pandemic response measures prior to using rushed vaccines Tier 3 skipping Tier 2 altogether due to their economic goals for drug profits and the full approval of political associates.

It is "flattening the curve" that killed 10 times as many people.
And if we do it with the next epidemic in 5 years or so, we will murder another half million.
Epidemics normally only last a month or 2 and kill fewer than 60,000.
When we "flatten the curve", we prevent herd immunity, and then kill 600,000.
It is "flattening the curve" that killed 10 times as many people.
And if we do it with the next epidemic in 5 years or so, we will murder another half million.
Epidemics normally only last a month or 2 and kill fewer than 60,000.
When we "flatten the curve", we prevent herd immunity, and then kill 600,000.
The US government first tried to sell their premise about the need to flatten the curve, to intentionally prolong the duration/end game (now much more difficult to even see the end game) to help hospitals because they weren’t stocked with ventilators and PPE gear. This made me think that I just dreamed about the 9/11 catastrophe, I must have dreamed about all previous viral warnings (that were like red flashing lights for the hospitals) about the dire need to be prepared for a pandemic. Was this a fact or hyped? Were hospitals helped or hindered by intentional efforts to slow down the virus? Did it first seem like a good idea but then they realized it was long-term a major whoops? That’s what I’m going with at this point.

I’d like to know if the hospitals are going to be soon reporting they’re not fully stocked now due to the Delta. Department heads need to roll if that’s the case.
Had it not been incorrectly determined, and set in steel much longer than evidence supported, that all people were having the same immune reaction regardless of comorbitities, less people would have died.

I question the national data sharing between health care agencies and hospitals. Who (likely too numerous to list) dropped the ball getting the data out to the public? The national media is my first thought, no help there with sticking to Fauci’s script without much investigative reporting. Several others: Fauci, Psaki, and other governmental spokespeople too lazy to search for the data.

This reminds me of when a major communication problem (lack of) was exposed publicly years ago between FBI and CIA. What a lack of leadership that revealed, and similar in this case.

The main reason people go to a doctor is to get individualized care. Anyone following the “one size fits all” BS for this coronavirus (particularly with the vaxed more likely than unvaxed to contract Delta variant) must be under the false impression that our fine government is always honest and only promotes factual evidence based on statistical analyses. I wish that were the case, yet likely has never been the case.

The good news! The US government is going to have to come clean. If they continue to cling onto their sinking ship, hoping to continue to muzzle the stats, they will sink lower than they already are, below sea level. Too many doctors and research scientists are getting the truth out. All western governments should have adhered to effective pandemic response measures prior to using rushed vaccines Tier 3 skipping Tier 2 altogether due to their economic goals for drug profits and the full approval of political associates.

I do not really know, but when there seems to be lack of communications between government agencies, it may be intentional?
When agencies want to deliberately do what they know is wrong, if they claim it was just a mix up in communications, it gives them plausible deniability.

For example, the FBI and CIA each blaming the other for allowing the al Qaeda operatives to take flying lessons, the military and CIA blaming each other for the false Iraqi WMD claims, etc.

With Fauci, the mistake was "flattening the curve", which can never work or do any good.
I suspect he was trying to buy time for the vaccines, but that killed half a million people, only to increase big pharma profits from the vaccine sales.

With over use of ventilators in the US, I suspect hospitals charge vastly higher amounts when people are on ventilators, rather than just keep reminding the patients to just turn over more often.
I do not really know, but when there seems to be lack of communications between government agencies, it may be intentional?
When agencies want to deliberately do what they know is wrong, if they claim it was just a mix up in communications, it gives them plausible deniability.

For example, the FBI and CIA each blaming the other for allowing the al Qaeda operatives to take flying lessons, the military and CIA blaming each other for the false Iraqi WMD claims, etc.

With Fauci, the mistake was "flattening the curve", which can never work or do any good.
I suspect he was trying to buy time for the vaccines, but that killed half a million people, only to increase big pharma profits from the vaccine sales.

With over use of ventilators in the US, I suspect hospitals charge vastly higher amounts when people are on ventilators, rather than just keep reminding the patients to just turn over more often.
Oh my gosh, you are right- lightbulb moment. I can absolutely believe that Fauci did so to buy time for the rushed vaccines! How could I have not seen the timing! Wow. Incredible to see the measures greedy, self-centered people with knowledge will go to to gain fame and wealth.
For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history. What do the uneducated need to hear before they do what is required to defeat a virus that is ravaging our country?
It is one thing when stupid people do stupid things that hurt them but now stupid peoples refusal to get vaccinated is resulting in hurting all including very innocent children. Too bad we do not have a vaccine that cures stupidity.

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Oh, please.

Smallpox was the second deadliest disease known to mankind. Covid is nowhere near that...
Oh my gosh, you are right- lightbulb moment. I can absolutely believe that Fauci did so to buy time for the rushed vaccines! How could I have not seen the timing! Wow. Incredible to see the measures greedy, self-centered people with knowledge will go to to gain fame and wealth.
I do not really know, but when there seems to be lack of communications between government agencies, it may be intentional?
When agencies want to deliberately do what they know is wrong, if they claim it was just a mix up in communications, it gives them plausible deniability.

For example, the FBI and CIA each blaming the other for allowing the al Qaeda operatives to take flying lessons, the military and CIA blaming each other for the false Iraqi WMD claims, etc.

With Fauci, the mistake was "flattening the curve", which can never work or do any good.
I suspect he was trying to buy time for the vaccines, but that killed half a million people, only to increase big pharma profits from the vaccine sales.

With over use of ventilators in the US, I suspect hospitals charge vastly higher amounts when people are on ventilators, rather than just keep reminding the patients to just turn over more often.
Why are the vast majority of government people getting vaccinated if they are in on the COVID lies.
Why are the vast majority of doctors getting vaccinated if they are in on the COVID lies.
Why are 99.2% of those dying from COVID the last few weeks are unvaccinated.

You are a con man whose con will end up with people dying. You should go to jail.

Why are the vast majority of government people getting vaccinated if they are in on the COVID lies.
Why are the vast majority of doctors getting vaccinated if they are in on the COVID lies.
Why are 99.2% of those dying from COVID the last few weeks are unvaccinated.

You are a con man whose con will end up with people dying. You should go to jail.

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Are you assuming that most government employees are spending their time at work or at home researching medical information? I would need proof to believe it but would imagine a subset not a majority.

Think about any type of work experience you might’ve had. Think about typical behaviors of your coworkers, subordinates, and superiors. Do you really think a majority of governmental employees have spent sufficient amount of time researching medical journal data? After they’re off work or during work when they’re using the time required for such an intensive study?

Your statement that “99.2% deaths over the last two weeks are among the un-vaxed” is a false statement by any measure, a made up measure perhaps.
Why are the vast majority of government people getting vaccinated if they are in on the COVID lies.
Why are the vast majority of doctors getting vaccinated if they are in on the COVID lies.
Why are 99.2% of those dying from COVID the last few weeks are unvaccinated.

You are a con man whose con will end up with people dying. You should go to jail.

View attachment 535419

Not true. There are hundreds of millions that have been injected that are now becoming sick. Quit lying. Over 30,000 dead from the injection and thats just from VAERS which historically only reports 1 percent. Use your brain and think.
Your statement that “99.2% deaths over the last two weeks are among the un-vaxed” is a false statement by any measure, a made up measure perhaps
This from AP. Still the individual's business, nobody else's.

This from AP. Still the individual's business, nobody else's.

I agree that it’s an individual choice for adults. I’m more concerned about schools requiring or seeking mandates for children vaccinations with this particular spike protein training method. Long-term unknown.

At risk categories are continuing to become more defined, but it appears there was a stall on releasing trackable comorbitities and reporting them to the nation in a timely manner. I will need quite a bit of time to even try to gauge the timing of those two factors: knowing that specific high risk groups were/are an overwhelmingly, large majority of patients and releasing that information to the public. Yes, I understand that the timeline with these occurrences happened in real time, not instantaneously for reporting factual information. I still wonder if there was a delay in reporting as the data supported.
This from AP. Still the individual's business, nobody else's.

The longer the unvaccinated provide the ability for the virus to stick around the greater the chance of of a variant forming that the vaccine will not work against.
Then we are back to square one with many more people dying.
Get the vaccine for the greater good. If you do not care about your fellow Americans go to Afghanistan.
It is like an able body person not willing to fight for their country.

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