For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history

So to be clear, you reject clinical test results from the NIH (National Institute of Health) affiliated with the US government and parent company, if you will, over Fauci’s department NIIDS.

I’ve posted evidence from top medical sources and you know it. But by all means, continue to stay buried in your rabbit hole fixated on not learning factual findings. You are indeed a most peculiar poster, and because I feel the need to spell it out, not in a good way.
The vaccine is doing what it should do, which is to say that 99% of people who are killed by this virus are unvaccinated and 97% of people who are hospitalized for the virus are unvaccinated. That’s a vaccine that’s working very well,” Offit said.

And yet you follow morons like these

I do not follow entertainers for my medical advice. I follow the science. The vast majority of Doctors and scientists support the importance of getting over 80% of the population vaccinated.
There are a few nut case scientists that are still arguing the world is flat. I am guessing those are the scientists you follow.
Vaccinations of enough people will beat the virus. There still may be small breakouts but they can be controlled.
Liars like you, who argue the science, are a big part of the problem.
When your so called freedom tramples others right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, something has to be done.
You may have been vaccinated but your lying words are causing damage. POS

While I am at this time fully vaccinated against COVID-19 I made the decision to do so realizing there may be some risk. Time will tell.

In the past there have been questions about vaccines.



The vaccine is doing what it should do, which is to say that 99% of people who are killed by this virus are unvaccinated and 97% of people who are hospitalized for the virus are unvaccinated. That’s a vaccine that’s working very well,” Offit said.

Let’s examine the origin of the statement, that was quickly repeated without any confirmation, that 99% dying are unvaccinated.

“The Surgeon General’s statement that 99.5 percent of coronavirus deaths are in the unvaccinated materialized out of thin air and dodgy data. It turns out it’s based on math by a couple of Associated Press reporters that involved some crude calculations – the kind done on a bar napkin – looking at reported deaths from COVID in the month of May and some number, perhaps from a CDC report on the number of COVID deaths in the fully vaccinated, which was “about” 150. Since the AP report didn’t source their data, it’s a guessing game to figure out how they came to this factoid that has since been repeated by every leftist media chain and Biden administrator. The reporters did update their story to correct the number of hospital admissions for coronavirus from 853,000 to 107,000, and the percentage of hospitalized people who had been vaccinated to 1.1%, not 0.1%. Since coronavirus cases in the vaccinated are seriously underreported and so are vaccine side-effects and deaths, the 99% number is simply not real.”

Because of the fact that many people still consider public statements made by the Surgeon General (personally skeptical remembering how long it took SG to get a public warning label on cigarettes, years after they became aware of the connection to specific cancers) many health spokespeople immediately repeated it, without sourcing the data independently as they should do no matter what the information.

“New research found that natural immunity offers exponentially more protection than COVID-19 vaccines.”
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While I am at this time fully vaccinated against COVID-19 I made the decision to do so realizing there may be some risk. Time will tell.

In the past there have been questions about vaccines.



I do not disagree there may be some risk but I think it is essential for us all to take the risk for the common good.
I do not disagree there may be some risk but I think it is essential for us all to take the risk for the common good.
A doctor once told my wife that he suspected some of her heart irregularly problems could have been caused by the 1976 Swine Flu shot.

I did my own risk analysis and for me at my age and health condition (I am well past my use by date) it was wisest for me to get the vaccine. So I did.

I am not sure what I would have done if I was in my 20s or 30s. The newer variations of the coronavirus seem to target younger people as well as older people so I would likely be getting the vaccine now if I hadn’t before.
Let’s examine the origin of the statement, that was quickly repeated without any confirmation this statement had data supporting it that 99% dying are unvaccinated.

“The Surgeon General’s statement that 99.5 percent of coronavirus deaths are in the unvaccinated materialized out of thin air and dodgy data. It turns out it’s based on math by a couple of Associated Press reporters that involved some crude calculations – the kind done on a bar napkin – looking at reported deaths from COVID in the month of May and some number, perhaps from a CDC report on the number of COVID deaths in the fully vaccinated, which was “about” 150. Since the AP report didn’t source their data, it’s a guessing game to figure out how they came to this factoid that has since been repeated by every leftist media chain and Biden administrator. The reporters did update their story to correct the number of hospital admissions for coronavirus from 853,000 to 107,000, and the percentage of hospitalized people who had been vaccinated to 1.1%, not 0.1%. Since coronavirus cases in the vaccinated are seriously underreported and so are vaccine side-effects and deaths, the 99% number is simply not real.”

Because of the fact that many people still consider public statements made by the Surgeon General (personally skeptical remembering how long it took SG to get a public warning label on cigarettes, years after they became aware of the connection to specific cancers) many health spokespeople immediately repeated it, without sourcing the data independently as they should do no matter what the information.

“New research found that natural immunity offers exponentially more protection than COVID-19 vaccines.”
You are providing empty words with documentation from Life Site News. Any individual, with common sense, should be able to see the emptiness of your arguments and very lame attempt to provide documentation. I do not understand people like you. You must know the information you are spreading is false. You must know if people believe your words they can be harmed.
Fact-checking website Snopes described LifeSiteNews in 2016 as "a known purveyor of misleading information".[
You are providing empty words with documentation from Life Site News. Any individual, with common sense, should be able to see the emptiness of your arguments and very lame attempt to provide documentation. I do not understand people like you. You must know the information you are spreading is false. You must know if people believe your words they can be harmed.
Fact-checking website Snopes described LifeSiteNews in 2016 as "a known purveyor of misleading information".[
Snopes? Hasn’t that been outed as a left leaning “fact checker” wife and husband team I believe? Lol Come on now Elmer, you’re going to criticize my source (when I also included CDC information) yet your own “unbiased”source is Snopes? Lol

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I do not follow entertainers for my medical advice. I follow the science. The vast majority of Doctors and scientists support the importance of getting over 80% of the population vaccinated.
There are a few nut case scientists that are still arguing the world is flat. I am guessing those are the scientists you follow.

The "vast" majority of doctors and scientists you cite are the ones who have not been silenced and banned. Politicized science is anything but science.

In RealityLand, the "vaccines" are rapidly losing effectiveness. You've been conned, but instead of facing that, you want everyone else to be conned.

No thanks. I'll pass.
For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history. What do the uneducated need to hear before they do what is required to defeat a virus that is ravaging our country?
It is one thing when stupid people do stupid things that hurt them but now stupid peoples refusal to get vaccinated is resulting in hurting all including very innocent children. Too bad we do not have a vaccine that cures stupidity.

View attachment 532316

Vaccine Myth Exposed: Vaccines Did NOT Eradicate Polio!​

What Really Eradicated Polio​

  • Changes in the diagnostic methods
  • Improved sanitation
  • Discontinued use of toxins that damage the central nervous system (such as DDT)

The CDC Changed How Polio Was Diagnosed​

By simply changing how polio was diagnosed, they changed the rate at which it was diagnosed. The CDC made 2 radical changes in the diagnostic parameters and to the labeling of the disease based on symptoms.

Pre-vaccine, you only had to have paralysis for one day in order to be diagnosed with polio. But they changed that diagnostic parameter to 2 months after the vaccine was introduced! That means that all of the non-paralytic cases of polio were instaneously reclassified as something else. And most paralytic cases of polio went away within a few days so those didn’t count either. Those 2 categories of polio cases (non-paralytic & paralysis of short duration) amounted to about 85% of all polio cases. The CDC eliminating those categories of polio cases from the official numbers, and that’s how polio was “eradicated,” not by vaccines.

The CDC also made changes involving analysis of cerebrospinal fluid and stool and additional testing, which inevitably made it less likely that any cases of paralytic polio would be diagnosed.

Polio-like Symptoms Were Reclassified As Other Diseases​

Since most cases of polio weren’t being diagnosed as polio anymore, they had to start labeling those cases with other diseases. People with the same symptoms that would have gotten a diagnosis of polio before were now being diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), viral or “aseptic” meningitis, acute flaccid paralysis, among other things.

One of the many great points I make in my post about flu shots is that even the CDC admits that the flu vaccine may cause GBS in some cases. Most people have no idea that people today still get symptoms that would have been diagnosed as polio during the days of the polio scare.

Anything sound familiar?
Snopes? Hasn’t that been outed as a left leaning “fact checker” wife and husband team I believe? Lol Come on now Elmer, you’re going to criticize my source (when I also included CDC information) yet your own “unbiased”source is Snopes? Lol

You are a purveyor of lies like your sources. You and your sources are not being tolerated in our country. Life Site has been banned from Facebook. The january 6th seditioniss are going to jail. Those who are not getting vaccinated are losing jobs, not getting hired for their beliefs, being banned from public places and the consequences fror your crazy, deathly views are going to increase.
Disgusting, crazy, cowards are getting what they deserve.

You are a purveyor of lies like your sources. You and your sources are not being tolerated in our country. Life Site has been banned from Facebook. The january 6th seditioniss are going to jail. Those who are not getting vaccinated are losing jobs, not getting hired for their beliefs, being banned from public places and the consequences fror your crazy, deathly views are going to increase.
Disgusting, crazy, cowards are getting what they deserve.

If a site is banned from Facebook it must be legit because Facebook is not.
If a site is banned from Facebook it must be legit because Facebook is not.
Only to the craziest among us.
Those who are not getting vaccinated are losing jobs, not getting hired for their beliefs, being banned from public places and the consequences for your crazy, deathly views are going to increase.
Disgusting, crazy, cowards are getting what they deserve.
Only to the craziest among us.
Those who are not getting vaccinated are losing jobs, not getting hired for their beliefs, being banned from public places and the consequences for your crazy, deathly views are going to increase.
Disgusting, crazy, cowards are getting what they deserve.
If you get your medical advice from Facebook (which apparently you do) then you are the crazy one.
Only to the craziest among us.
Those who are not getting vaccinated are losing jobs, not getting hired for their beliefs, being banned from public places and the consequences for your crazy, deathly views are going to increase.
Disgusting, crazy, cowards are getting what they deserve.

Do you realize how crazy is was to "flatten the curve" and make the epidemic last a year and a half, just so that we try out these insane synthetic vaccines?
We deliberately kept the epidemic going for a year and a half, killing over a half million people who did not need to die, if only we had let the epidemic peak and end normally.

And we have no idea how long these insane vaccine could keep harming us. Since they only contain spike proteins, they could possibly start all sorts of autoimmune diseases. For example, since our own natural exosomes have the same protein spike, our immune system could start attacking them.
Do you realize how crazy is was to "flatten the curve" and make the epidemic last a year and a half, just so that we try out these insane synthetic vaccines?
We deliberately kept the epidemic going for a year and a half, killing over a half million people who did not need to die, if only we had let the epidemic peak and end normally.

And we have no idea how long these insane vaccine could keep harming us. Since they only contain spike proteins, they could possibly start all sorts of autoimmune diseases. For example, since our own natural exosomes have the same protein spike, our immune system could start attacking them.
Not flattening the curve results in more sick people than our hospitals can handle. That results in more deaths from many diseases other than COVID because our hospitals cannot service all people who need their services.
Flattening the curve ALONG WITH VACCINES has the same results as not flattening curve without having as many sick people and hospital overcrowding.

You are a purveyor of lies. You take some fact and then mix it with your lies. You are a con man who can kill many and harm our country.

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