For those who do not believe in science, do they believe in history

Not true. There are hundreds of millions that have been injected that are now becoming sick. Quit lying. Over 30,000 dead from the injection and thats just from VAERS which historically only reports 1 percent. Use your brain and think.
YOU CANNOT DOCUMENT THE LIE. You are making stuff up because you are driven by fear. Your fear has made you a crazy nut case.
A disgusting coward who lives in a make believe world to justify fear.
Are you assuming that most government employees are spending their time at work or at home researching medical information? I would need proof to believe it but would imagine a subset not a majority.

Think about any type of work experience you might’ve had. Think about typical behaviors of your coworkers, subordinates, and superiors. Do you really think a majority of governmental employees have spent sufficient amount of time researching medical journal data? After they’re off work or during work when they’re using the time required for such an intensive study?

Your statement that “99.2% deaths over the last two weeks are among the un-vaxed” is a false statement by any measure, a made up measure perhaps.
I am talking about the top government officials Presidents including Trump. All current govenors and the VAST majority of congress.

"Your statement that “99.2% deaths over the last two weeks are among the un-vaxed” is a false statement by any measure, a made up measure perhaps"

You are a liar and a coward.

I am talking about the top government officials Presidents including Trump. All current govenors and the VAST majority of congress.

"Your statement that “99.2% deaths over the last two weeks are among the un-vaxed” is a false statement by any measure, a made up measure perhaps"

You are a liar and a coward.

I am neither. I speak my truth on here the same as you. I read factual data from scientific journals and all most current sources. The deaths WITH COVID-19 and FROM COVID-19 have never been fully evaluated to determine accurate distinction.

Calling names on here seems really weak. I'd advise lifting weights.
I am neither. I speak my truth on here the same as you. I read factual data from scientific journals and all most current sources. The deaths WITH COVID-19 and FROM COVID-19 have never been fully evaluated to determine accurate distinction.

Calling names on here seems really weak. I'd advise lifting weights.
I provided documentation that one of your truths is NOT TRUE.
Please document your claims.

I have lost my patience for people passing on "their truth" that is not the truth in the real world.
The lies and mis-information are threatening our country.
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I provided documentation that one of your truths is NOT TRUE.
Please document your claims.

I have lost my patience for people passing on "their truth" that is not the truth in the real world.
The lies and mis-information are threatening our country.
Let’s take a paragraph from your source: “Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.”

The words in bold is a false qualifier. It reads that every single person should be vaccinated, which is a provable falsehood. It misleads the reader that a “one size fits all” approach is the optimal response for COVID-19 vaccine candidates.

BTW- You do know that multiple drug companies, those that have actually produced vaccines successfully in the past (unlike those select companies that rushed their products after getting the green light from governmental leaders) are currently competing to come up with better alternatives, yes? There are plant options that will soon be out for the public if they’re not already out in Canada but I’ll need to check that. These companies are still going to replicate messenger RNA molecules, but with a derivative from the tobacco plant, not a chicken egg which significantly reduces risk for contamination.

There are multiple options to effectively treat symptoms for mild to moderate coronavirus as you know for all outside of top risk groups.

Targeting high-risk groups is the sensible route, unfortunately the senseless have been at the helm with this mess. These are the people who, as data as shown, are dying:

1. Obesity is a top comorbidity, if not number one:
“Obesity plays a profound role in risk for death from COVID-19, particularly in male patients and younger populations.”

2. Type 2 diabetes has been reported to be in around 40% of all Covid-19 deaths.

Another massive study: “The researchers estimated that more than 900,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations occurred through November 2020. Based on their model, 30% of these hospitalizations were attributable to obesity, 26% to hypertension, 21% to diabetes, and 12% to heart failure. These people would still have been infected with COVID-19, but likely would not have been sick enough to need hospitalization.”

So, 89% of 900,000 COVID-19 patients had at least 1 of 4 preexisting conditions. These are high risk groups who are dying and should consider the vaccine which reportedly reduces the severity and likelihood of death.

If you’re looking for a lie, a “one size fits all” approach is the lie.
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Outspoken vaccine skeptic Phil Valentine died Saturday, a month after his COVID-19 diagnosis captured national attention.
It is sad that many anti-vaxers learn the truth the hard way. What is sadder is that their stupidity will result in other's dying.

I'm an anti-vaxxer and I have had the virus---I didn't die. I acquired a better immunity than those who got vaccinated....
I'm an anti-vaxxer and I have had the virus---I didn't die. I acquired a better immunity than those who got vaccinated....
That will continue to play out more and more whereas more time elapses we’ll be able to measure how long natural immunity can go and two years at a minimum for most from looking at other virus patterns is likely, (“most” only having to be 50.000001 % or so is a safe bet!) but admittedly just based on looking at other viruses. The data keeps changing as more time passes.
Plus, as you already know Turtlesoup, “Immunity is also determined by other factors besides antibodies, such as T and B cell memory, which some studies estimate could last for years.”

Good to know you have a boosted antibody count from natural route!
YOU CANNOT DOCUMENT THE LIE. You are making stuff up because you are driven by fear. Your fear has made you a crazy nut case.
A disgusting coward who lives in a make believe world to justify fear.

That is silly.
If a person was fear driven, the thing being most hyped as threatening is the virus, so then it is those pushing these rushed vaccines who are fear driven.
It is those who know science who know the virus is no big deal and the vaccines are badly designed and implemented.
Let’s take a paragraph from your source: “Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.”

The words in bold is a false qualifier. It reads that every single person should be vaccinated, which is a provable falsehood. It misleads the reader that a “one size fits all” approach is the optimal response for COVID-19 vaccine candidates.

BTW- You do know that multiple drug companies, those that have actually produced vaccines successfully in the past (unlike those select companies that rushed their products after getting the green light from governmental leaders) are currently competing to come up with better alternatives, yes? There are plant options that will soon be out for the public if they’re not already out in Canada but I’ll need to check that. These companies are still going to replicate messenger RNA molecules, but with a derivative from the tobacco plant, not a chicken egg which significantly reduces risk for contamination.

There are multiple options to effectively treat symptoms for mild to moderate coronavirus as you know for all outside of top risk groups.

Targeting high-risk groups is the sensible route, unfortunately the senseless have been at the helm with this mess. These are the people who, as data as shown, are dying:

1. Obesity is a top comorbidity, if not number one:
“Obesity plays a profound role in risk for death from COVID-19, particularly in male patients and younger populations.”

2. Type 2 diabetes has been reported to be in around 40% of all Covid-19 deaths.

Another massive study: “The researchers estimated that more than 900,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations occurred through November 2020. Based on their model, 30% of these hospitalizations were attributable to obesity, 26% to hypertension, 21% to diabetes, and 12% to heart failure. These people would still have been infected with COVID-19, but likely would not have been sick enough to need hospitalization.”

So, 89% of 900,000 COVID-19 patients had at least 1 of 4 preexisting conditions. These are high risk groups who are dying and should consider the vaccine which reportedly reduces the severity and likelihood of death.

If you’re looking for a lie, a “one size fits all” approach is the lie.
Nothing you have said and documented changes the need for all, without extenuating situation, get vaccinated for their own health and more importantly for the common good.
Your thinking is adding 2 + 2 and getting 3. Your thinking and words will cost human lives. If you only harmed yourself, so be it, but you are hurting others because of flawed thinking. Be a good citizen and look beyond yourself.
That is silly.
If a person was fear driven, the thing being most hyped as threatening is the virus, so then it is those pushing these rushed vaccines who are fear driven.
It is those who know science who know the virus is no big deal and the vaccines are badly designed and implemented.
Those who know real science know this virus is a big deal. Anytime novel virus as contagious as COVID 19 hits a virgin population, it is a big deal.
The populations who are resisting vaccines the most are those that do not trust science.
You blatantly make stuff up and deliver it as fact.

Again, I have had the virus--DEC/Jan timeframe...I have better immunity than the vaccinated. Sorry that you don't like the truth.
I need to listen to Mark Twain

Polio and Small Pox aren't the only diseases we eradicated.

Vaccines have saved countless lives.

View attachment 532361

That is true. But SARS - Corona viruses are impossible to eradicate. Zero Covid is yet another fake Utopian agenda as Covid is already endemic. It is better for us to learn to live with it and to focus on treatment instead of these futile, and ultimately counterproductive mRNA "vaccines".
Nothing you have said and documented changes the need for all, without extenuating situation, get vaccinated for their own health and more importantly for the common good.
Your thinking is adding 2 + 2 and getting 3. Your thinking and words will cost human lives. If you only harmed yourself, so be it, but you are hurting others because of flawed thinking. Be a good citizen and look beyond yourself.
So to be clear, you reject clinical test results from the NIH (National Institute of Health) affiliated with the US government and parent company, if you will, over Fauci’s department NIIDS.

I’ve posted evidence from top medical sources and you know it. But by all means, continue to stay buried in your rabbit hole fixated on not learning factual findings. You are indeed a most peculiar poster, and because I feel the need to spell it out, not in a good way.

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